revision 5a8f14de0bb4304f9a3aebdcb35ee0dd607f27f7
2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20import android.os.Build;
21import android.os.Parcel;
22import android.os.Parcelable;
26import android.text.TextUtils;
27import android.util.Log;
28import android.util.SparseArray;
29import android.view.View;
30import android.view.ViewGroup;
31import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
35import java.util.ArrayList;
36import java.util.Collection;
38final class BackStackState implements Parcelable {
39    final int[] mOps;
40    final int mTransition;
41    final int mTransitionStyle;
42    final String mName;
43    final int mIndex;
44    final int mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
45    final CharSequence mBreadCrumbTitleText;
46    final int mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
47    final CharSequence mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
48    final ArrayList<String> mSharedElementSourceNames;
49    final ArrayList<String> mSharedElementTargetNames;
51    public BackStackState(FragmentManagerImpl fm, BackStackRecord bse) {
52        int numRemoved = 0;
53        BackStackRecord.Op op = bse.mHead;
54        while (op != null) {
55            if (op.removed != null) numRemoved += op.removed.size();
56            op =;
57        }
58        mOps = new int[bse.mNumOp*7 + numRemoved];
60        if (!bse.mAddToBackStack) {
61            throw new IllegalStateException("Not on back stack");
62        }
64        op = bse.mHead;
65        int pos = 0;
66        while (op != null) {
67            mOps[pos++] = op.cmd;
68            mOps[pos++] = op.fragment != null ? op.fragment.mIndex : -1;
69            mOps[pos++] = op.enterAnim;
70            mOps[pos++] = op.exitAnim;
71            mOps[pos++] = op.popEnterAnim;
72            mOps[pos++] = op.popExitAnim;
73            if (op.removed != null) {
74                final int N = op.removed.size();
75                mOps[pos++] = N;
76                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
77                    mOps[pos++] = op.removed.get(i).mIndex;
78                }
79            } else {
80                mOps[pos++] = 0;
81            }
82            op =;
83        }
84        mTransition = bse.mTransition;
85        mTransitionStyle = bse.mTransitionStyle;
86        mName = bse.mName;
87        mIndex = bse.mIndex;
88        mBreadCrumbTitleRes = bse.mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
89        mBreadCrumbTitleText = bse.mBreadCrumbTitleText;
90        mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
91        mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
92        mSharedElementSourceNames = bse.mSharedElementSourceNames;
93        mSharedElementTargetNames = bse.mSharedElementTargetNames;
94    }
96    public BackStackState(Parcel in) {
97        mOps = in.createIntArray();
98        mTransition = in.readInt();
99        mTransitionStyle = in.readInt();
100        mName = in.readString();
101        mIndex = in.readInt();
102        mBreadCrumbTitleRes = in.readInt();
103        mBreadCrumbTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
104        mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = in.readInt();
105        mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
106        mSharedElementSourceNames = in.createStringArrayList();
107        mSharedElementTargetNames = in.createStringArrayList();
108    }
110    public BackStackRecord instantiate(FragmentManagerImpl fm) {
111        BackStackRecord bse = new BackStackRecord(fm);
112        int pos = 0;
113        int num = 0;
114        while (pos < mOps.length) {
115            BackStackRecord.Op op = new BackStackRecord.Op();
116            op.cmd = mOps[pos++];
117            if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(FragmentManagerImpl.TAG,
118                    "Instantiate " + bse + " op #" + num + " base fragment #" + mOps[pos]);
119            int findex = mOps[pos++];
120            if (findex >= 0) {
121                Fragment f = fm.mActive.get(findex);
122                op.fragment = f;
123            } else {
124                op.fragment = null;
125            }
126            op.enterAnim = mOps[pos++];
127            op.exitAnim = mOps[pos++];
128            op.popEnterAnim = mOps[pos++];
129            op.popExitAnim = mOps[pos++];
130            final int N = mOps[pos++];
131            if (N > 0) {
132                op.removed = new ArrayList<Fragment>(N);
133                for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
134                    if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(FragmentManagerImpl.TAG,
135                            "Instantiate " + bse + " set remove fragment #" + mOps[pos]);
136                    Fragment r = fm.mActive.get(mOps[pos++]);
137                    op.removed.add(r);
138                }
139            }
140            bse.addOp(op);
141            num++;
142        }
143        bse.mTransition = mTransition;
144        bse.mTransitionStyle = mTransitionStyle;
145        bse.mName = mName;
146        bse.mIndex = mIndex;
147        bse.mAddToBackStack = true;
148        bse.mBreadCrumbTitleRes = mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
149        bse.mBreadCrumbTitleText = mBreadCrumbTitleText;
150        bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
151        bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
152        bse.mSharedElementSourceNames = mSharedElementSourceNames;
153        bse.mSharedElementTargetNames = mSharedElementTargetNames;
154        bse.bumpBackStackNesting(1);
155        return bse;
156    }
158    public int describeContents() {
159        return 0;
160    }
162    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
163        dest.writeIntArray(mOps);
164        dest.writeInt(mTransition);
165        dest.writeInt(mTransitionStyle);
166        dest.writeString(mName);
167        dest.writeInt(mIndex);
168        dest.writeInt(mBreadCrumbTitleRes);
169        TextUtils.writeToParcel(mBreadCrumbTitleText, dest, 0);
170        dest.writeInt(mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes);
171        TextUtils.writeToParcel(mBreadCrumbShortTitleText, dest, 0);
172        dest.writeStringList(mSharedElementSourceNames);
173        dest.writeStringList(mSharedElementTargetNames);
174    }
176    public static final Parcelable.Creator<BackStackState> CREATOR
177            = new Parcelable.Creator<BackStackState>() {
178        public BackStackState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
179            return new BackStackState(in);
180        }
182        public BackStackState[] newArray(int size) {
183            return new BackStackState[size];
184        }
185    };
189 * @hide Entry of an operation on the fragment back stack.
190 */
191final class BackStackRecord extends FragmentTransaction implements
192        FragmentManager.BackStackEntry, Runnable {
193    static final String TAG = FragmentManagerImpl.TAG;
195    final FragmentManagerImpl mManager;
197    static final int OP_NULL = 0;
198    static final int OP_ADD = 1;
199    static final int OP_REPLACE = 2;
200    static final int OP_REMOVE = 3;
201    static final int OP_HIDE = 4;
202    static final int OP_SHOW = 5;
203    static final int OP_DETACH = 6;
204    static final int OP_ATTACH = 7;
206    static final class Op {
207        Op next;
208        Op prev;
209        int cmd;
210        Fragment fragment;
211        int enterAnim;
212        int exitAnim;
213        int popEnterAnim;
214        int popExitAnim;
215        ArrayList<Fragment> removed;
216    }
218    Op mHead;
219    Op mTail;
220    int mNumOp;
221    int mEnterAnim;
222    int mExitAnim;
223    int mPopEnterAnim;
224    int mPopExitAnim;
225    int mTransition;
226    int mTransitionStyle;
227    boolean mAddToBackStack;
228    boolean mAllowAddToBackStack = true;
229    String mName;
230    boolean mCommitted;
231    int mIndex = -1;
233    int mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
234    CharSequence mBreadCrumbTitleText;
235    int mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
236    CharSequence mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
238    ArrayList<String> mSharedElementSourceNames;
239    ArrayList<String> mSharedElementTargetNames;
241    @Override
242    public String toString() {
243        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
244        sb.append("BackStackEntry{");
245        sb.append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)));
246        if (mIndex >= 0) {
247            sb.append(" #");
248            sb.append(mIndex);
249        }
250        if (mName != null) {
251            sb.append(" ");
252            sb.append(mName);
253        }
254        sb.append("}");
255        return sb.toString();
256    }
258    public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) {
259        dump(prefix, writer, true);
260    }
262    public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter writer, boolean full) {
263        if (full) {
264            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mName="); writer.print(mName);
265                    writer.print(" mIndex="); writer.print(mIndex);
266                    writer.print(" mCommitted="); writer.println(mCommitted);
267            if (mTransition != FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE) {
268                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mTransition=#");
269                        writer.print(Integer.toHexString(mTransition));
270                        writer.print(" mTransitionStyle=#");
271                        writer.println(Integer.toHexString(mTransitionStyle));
272            }
273            if (mEnterAnim != 0 || mExitAnim !=0) {
274                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mEnterAnim=#");
275                        writer.print(Integer.toHexString(mEnterAnim));
276                        writer.print(" mExitAnim=#");
277                        writer.println(Integer.toHexString(mExitAnim));
278            }
279            if (mPopEnterAnim != 0 || mPopExitAnim !=0) {
280                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mPopEnterAnim=#");
281                        writer.print(Integer.toHexString(mPopEnterAnim));
282                        writer.print(" mPopExitAnim=#");
283                        writer.println(Integer.toHexString(mPopExitAnim));
284            }
285            if (mBreadCrumbTitleRes != 0 || mBreadCrumbTitleText != null) {
286                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mBreadCrumbTitleRes=#");
287                        writer.print(Integer.toHexString(mBreadCrumbTitleRes));
288                        writer.print(" mBreadCrumbTitleText=");
289                        writer.println(mBreadCrumbTitleText);
290            }
291            if (mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes != 0 || mBreadCrumbShortTitleText != null) {
292                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes=#");
293                        writer.print(Integer.toHexString(mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes));
294                        writer.print(" mBreadCrumbShortTitleText=");
295                        writer.println(mBreadCrumbShortTitleText);
296            }
297        }
299        if (mHead != null) {
300            writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Operations:");
301            String innerPrefix = prefix + "    ";
302            Op op = mHead;
303            int num = 0;
304            while (op != null) {
305                String cmdStr;
306                switch (op.cmd) {
307                    case OP_NULL: cmdStr="NULL"; break;
308                    case OP_ADD: cmdStr="ADD"; break;
309                    case OP_REPLACE: cmdStr="REPLACE"; break;
310                    case OP_REMOVE: cmdStr="REMOVE"; break;
311                    case OP_HIDE: cmdStr="HIDE"; break;
312                    case OP_SHOW: cmdStr="SHOW"; break;
313                    case OP_DETACH: cmdStr="DETACH"; break;
314                    case OP_ATTACH: cmdStr="ATTACH"; break;
315                    default: cmdStr="cmd=" + op.cmd; break;
316                }
317                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("  Op #"); writer.print(num);
318                        writer.print(": "); writer.print(cmdStr);
319                        writer.print(" "); writer.println(op.fragment);
320                if (full) {
321                    if (op.enterAnim != 0 || op.exitAnim != 0) {
322                        writer.print(prefix); writer.print("enterAnim=#");
323                                writer.print(Integer.toHexString(op.enterAnim));
324                                writer.print(" exitAnim=#");
325                                writer.println(Integer.toHexString(op.exitAnim));
326                    }
327                    if (op.popEnterAnim != 0 || op.popExitAnim != 0) {
328                        writer.print(prefix); writer.print("popEnterAnim=#");
329                                writer.print(Integer.toHexString(op.popEnterAnim));
330                                writer.print(" popExitAnim=#");
331                                writer.println(Integer.toHexString(op.popExitAnim));
332                    }
333                }
334                if (op.removed != null && op.removed.size() > 0) {
335                    for (int i=0; i<op.removed.size(); i++) {
336                        writer.print(innerPrefix);
337                        if (op.removed.size() == 1) {
338                            writer.print("Removed: ");
339                        } else {
340                            if (i == 0) {
341                                writer.println("Removed:");
342                            }
343                            writer.print(innerPrefix); writer.print("  #"); writer.print(i);
344                                    writer.print(": ");
345                        }
346                        writer.println(op.removed.get(i));
347                    }
348                }
349                op =;
350                num++;
351            }
352        }
353    }
355    public BackStackRecord(FragmentManagerImpl manager) {
356        mManager = manager;
357    }
359    public int getId() {
360        return mIndex;
361    }
363    public int getBreadCrumbTitleRes() {
364        return mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
365    }
367    public int getBreadCrumbShortTitleRes() {
368        return mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
369    }
371    public CharSequence getBreadCrumbTitle() {
372        if (mBreadCrumbTitleRes != 0) {
373            return mManager.mActivity.getText(mBreadCrumbTitleRes);
374        }
375        return mBreadCrumbTitleText;
376    }
378    public CharSequence getBreadCrumbShortTitle() {
379        if (mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes != 0) {
380            return mManager.mActivity.getText(mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes);
381        }
382        return mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
383    }
385    void addOp(Op op) {
386        if (mHead == null) {
387            mHead = mTail = op;
388        } else {
389            op.prev = mTail;
390   = op;
391            mTail = op;
392        }
393        op.enterAnim = mEnterAnim;
394        op.exitAnim = mExitAnim;
395        op.popEnterAnim = mPopEnterAnim;
396        op.popExitAnim = mPopExitAnim;
397        mNumOp++;
398    }
400    public FragmentTransaction add(Fragment fragment, String tag) {
401        doAddOp(0, fragment, tag, OP_ADD);
402        return this;
403    }
405    public FragmentTransaction add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment) {
406        doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, null, OP_ADD);
407        return this;
408    }
410    public FragmentTransaction add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
411        doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, tag, OP_ADD);
412        return this;
413    }
415    private void doAddOp(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag, int opcmd) {
416        fragment.mFragmentManager = mManager;
418        if (tag != null) {
419            if (fragment.mTag != null && !tag.equals(fragment.mTag)) {
420                throw new IllegalStateException("Can't change tag of fragment "
421                        + fragment + ": was " + fragment.mTag
422                        + " now " + tag);
423            }
424            fragment.mTag = tag;
425        }
427        if (containerViewId != 0) {
428            if (fragment.mFragmentId != 0 && fragment.mFragmentId != containerViewId) {
429                throw new IllegalStateException("Can't change container ID of fragment "
430                        + fragment + ": was " + fragment.mFragmentId
431                        + " now " + containerViewId);
432            }
433            fragment.mContainerId = fragment.mFragmentId = containerViewId;
434        }
436        Op op = new Op();
437        op.cmd = opcmd;
438        op.fragment = fragment;
439        addOp(op);
440    }
442    public FragmentTransaction replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment) {
443        return replace(containerViewId, fragment, null);
444    }
446    public FragmentTransaction replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
447        if (containerViewId == 0) {
448            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use non-zero containerViewId");
449        }
451        doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, tag, OP_REPLACE);
452        return this;
453    }
455    public FragmentTransaction remove(Fragment fragment) {
456        Op op = new Op();
457        op.cmd = OP_REMOVE;
458        op.fragment = fragment;
459        addOp(op);
461        return this;
462    }
464    public FragmentTransaction hide(Fragment fragment) {
465        Op op = new Op();
466        op.cmd = OP_HIDE;
467        op.fragment = fragment;
468        addOp(op);
470        return this;
471    }
473    public FragmentTransaction show(Fragment fragment) {
474        Op op = new Op();
475        op.cmd = OP_SHOW;
476        op.fragment = fragment;
477        addOp(op);
479        return this;
480    }
482    public FragmentTransaction detach(Fragment fragment) {
483        Op op = new Op();
484        op.cmd = OP_DETACH;
485        op.fragment = fragment;
486        addOp(op);
488        return this;
489    }
491    public FragmentTransaction attach(Fragment fragment) {
492        Op op = new Op();
493        op.cmd = OP_ATTACH;
494        op.fragment = fragment;
495        addOp(op);
497        return this;
498    }
500    public FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit) {
501        return setCustomAnimations(enter, exit, 0, 0);
502    }
504    public FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit,
505            int popEnter, int popExit) {
506        mEnterAnim = enter;
507        mExitAnim = exit;
508        mPopEnterAnim = popEnter;
509        mPopExitAnim = popExit;
510        return this;
511    }
513    public FragmentTransaction setTransition(int transition) {
514        mTransition = transition;
515        return this;
516    }
518    @Override
519    public FragmentTransaction addSharedElement(View sharedElement, String name) {
520        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
521            String transitionName = FragmentTransitionCompat21.getTransitionName(sharedElement);
522            if (transitionName == null) {
523                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unique transitionNames are required for all" +
524                        " sharedElements");
525            }
526            if (mSharedElementSourceNames == null) {
527                mSharedElementSourceNames = new ArrayList<String>();
528                mSharedElementTargetNames = new ArrayList<String>();
529            }
531            mSharedElementSourceNames.add(transitionName);
532            mSharedElementTargetNames.add(name);
533        }
534        return this;
535    }
537    public FragmentTransaction setTransitionStyle(int styleRes) {
538        mTransitionStyle = styleRes;
539        return this;
540    }
542    public FragmentTransaction addToBackStack(String name) {
543        if (!mAllowAddToBackStack) {
544            throw new IllegalStateException(
545                    "This FragmentTransaction is not allowed to be added to the back stack.");
546        }
547        mAddToBackStack = true;
548        mName = name;
549        return this;
550    }
552    public boolean isAddToBackStackAllowed() {
553        return mAllowAddToBackStack;
554    }
556    public FragmentTransaction disallowAddToBackStack() {
557        if (mAddToBackStack) {
558            throw new IllegalStateException(
559                    "This transaction is already being added to the back stack");
560        }
561        mAllowAddToBackStack = false;
562        return this;
563    }
565    public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(int res) {
566        mBreadCrumbTitleRes = res;
567        mBreadCrumbTitleText = null;
568        return this;
569    }
571    public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(CharSequence text) {
572        mBreadCrumbTitleRes = 0;
573        mBreadCrumbTitleText = text;
574        return this;
575    }
577    public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int res) {
578        mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = res;
579        mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = null;
580        return this;
581    }
583    public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(CharSequence text) {
584        mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = 0;
585        mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = text;
586        return this;
587    }
589    void bumpBackStackNesting(int amt) {
590        if (!mAddToBackStack) {
591            return;
592        }
593        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting in " + this
594                + " by " + amt);
595        Op op = mHead;
596        while (op != null) {
597            if (op.fragment != null) {
598                op.fragment.mBackStackNesting += amt;
599                if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
600                        + op.fragment + " to " + op.fragment.mBackStackNesting);
601            }
602            if (op.removed != null) {
603                for (int i=op.removed.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
604                    Fragment r = op.removed.get(i);
605                    r.mBackStackNesting += amt;
606                    if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
607                            + r + " to " + r.mBackStackNesting);
608                }
609            }
610            op =;
611        }
612    }
614    public int commit() {
615        return commitInternal(false);
616    }
618    public int commitAllowingStateLoss() {
619        return commitInternal(true);
620    }
622    int commitInternal(boolean allowStateLoss) {
623        if (mCommitted) throw new IllegalStateException("commit already called");
624        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) {
625            Log.v(TAG, "Commit: " + this);
626            LogWriter logw = new LogWriter(TAG);
627            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(logw);
628            dump("  ", null, pw, null);
629        }
630        mCommitted = true;
631        if (mAddToBackStack) {
632            mIndex = mManager.allocBackStackIndex(this);
633        } else {
634            mIndex = -1;
635        }
636        mManager.enqueueAction(this, allowStateLoss);
637        return mIndex;
638    }
640    public void run() {
641        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Run: " + this);
643        if (mAddToBackStack) {
644            if (mIndex < 0) {
645                throw new IllegalStateException("addToBackStack() called after commit()");
646            }
647        }
649        bumpBackStackNesting(1);
651        TransitionState state = null;
652        SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments = null;
653        SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments = null;
654        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
655            firstOutFragments = new SparseArray<Fragment>();
656            lastInFragments = new SparseArray<Fragment>();
658            calculateFragments(firstOutFragments, lastInFragments);
660            state = beginTransition(firstOutFragments, lastInFragments, false);
661        }
663        int transitionStyle = state != null ? 0 : mTransitionStyle;
664        int transition = state != null ? 0 : mTransition;
665        Op op = mHead;
666        while (op != null) {
667            int enterAnim = state != null ? 0 : op.enterAnim;
668            int exitAnim = state != null ? 0 : op.exitAnim;
669            switch (op.cmd) {
670                case OP_ADD: {
671                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
672                    f.mNextAnim = enterAnim;
673                    mManager.addFragment(f, false);
674                } break;
675                case OP_REPLACE: {
676                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
677                    if (mManager.mAdded != null) {
678                        for (int i=0; i<mManager.mAdded.size(); i++) {
679                            Fragment old = mManager.mAdded.get(i);
680                            if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG,
681                                    "OP_REPLACE: adding=" + f + " old=" + old);
682                            if (f == null || old.mContainerId == f.mContainerId) {
683                                if (old == f) {
684                                    op.fragment = f = null;
685                                } else {
686                                    if (op.removed == null) {
687                                        op.removed = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
688                                    }
689                                    op.removed.add(old);
690                                    old.mNextAnim = exitAnim;
691                                    if (mAddToBackStack) {
692                                        old.mBackStackNesting += 1;
693                                        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
694                                                + old + " to " + old.mBackStackNesting);
695                                    }
696                                    mManager.removeFragment(old, transition, transitionStyle);
697                                }
698                            }
699                        }
700                    }
701                    if (f != null) {
702                        f.mNextAnim = enterAnim;
703                        mManager.addFragment(f, false);
704                    }
705                } break;
706                case OP_REMOVE: {
707                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
708                    f.mNextAnim = exitAnim;
709                    mManager.removeFragment(f, transition, transitionStyle);
710                } break;
711                case OP_HIDE: {
712                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
713                    f.mNextAnim = exitAnim;
714                    mManager.hideFragment(f, transition, transitionStyle);
715                } break;
716                case OP_SHOW: {
717                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
718                    f.mNextAnim = enterAnim;
719                    mManager.showFragment(f, transition, transitionStyle);
720                } break;
721                case OP_DETACH: {
722                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
723                    f.mNextAnim = exitAnim;
724                    mManager.detachFragment(f, transition, transitionStyle);
725                } break;
726                case OP_ATTACH: {
727                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
728                    f.mNextAnim = enterAnim;
729                    mManager.attachFragment(f, transition, transitionStyle);
730                } break;
731                default: {
732                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cmd: " + op.cmd);
733                }
734            }
736            op =;
737        }
739        mManager.moveToState(mManager.mCurState, transition, transitionStyle, true);
741        if (mAddToBackStack) {
742            mManager.addBackStackState(this);
743        }
744    }
746    private static void setFirstOut(SparseArray<Fragment> fragments, Fragment fragment) {
747        if (fragment != null) {
748            int containerId = fragment.mContainerId;
749            if (containerId != 0 && !fragment.isHidden() && fragment.isAdded() &&
750                    fragment.getView() != null && fragments.get(containerId) == null) {
751                fragments.put(containerId, fragment);
752            }
753        }
754    }
756    private void setLastIn(SparseArray<Fragment> fragments, Fragment fragment) {
757        if (fragment != null) {
758            int containerId = fragment.mContainerId;
759            if (containerId != 0) {
760                fragments.put(containerId, fragment);
761            }
762        }
763    }
765    /**
766     * Finds the first removed fragment and last added fragments when going forward.
767     * If none of the fragments have transitions, then both lists will be empty.
768     *
769     * @param firstOutFragments The list of first fragments to be removed, keyed on the
770     *                          container ID. This list will be modified by the method.
771     * @param lastInFragments The list of last fragments to be added, keyed on the
772     *                        container ID. This list will be modified by the method.
773     */
774    private void calculateFragments(SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments,
775            SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments) {
776        Op op = mHead;
777        while (op != null) {
778            switch (op.cmd) {
779                case OP_ADD:
780                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
781                    break;
782                case OP_REPLACE: {
783                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
784                    if (mManager.mAdded != null) {
785                        for (int i = 0; i < mManager.mAdded.size(); i++) {
786                            Fragment old = mManager.mAdded.get(i);
787                            if (f == null || old.mContainerId == f.mContainerId) {
788                                if (old == f) {
789                                    f = null;
790                                } else {
791                                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, old);
792                                }
793                            }
794                        }
795                    }
796                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, f);
797                    break;
798                }
799                case OP_REMOVE:
800                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
801                    break;
802                case OP_HIDE:
803                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
804                    break;
805                case OP_SHOW:
806                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
807                    break;
808                case OP_DETACH:
809                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
810                    break;
811                case OP_ATTACH:
812                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
813                    break;
814            }
816            op =;
817        }
818    }
820    /**
821     * Finds the first removed fragment and last added fragments when popping the back stack.
822     * If none of the fragments have transitions, then both lists will be empty.
823     *
824     * @param firstOutFragments The list of first fragments to be removed, keyed on the
825     *                          container ID. This list will be modified by the method.
826     * @param lastInFragments The list of last fragments to be added, keyed on the
827     *                        container ID. This list will be modified by the method.
828     */
829    public void calculateBackFragments(SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments,
830            SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments) {
831        Op op = mHead;
832        while (op != null) {
833            switch (op.cmd) {
834                case OP_ADD:
835                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
836                    break;
837                case OP_REPLACE:
838                    if (op.removed != null) {
839                        for (int i = op.removed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
840                            setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.removed.get(i));
841                        }
842                    }
843                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
844                    break;
845                case OP_REMOVE:
846                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
847                    break;
848                case OP_HIDE:
849                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
850                    break;
851                case OP_SHOW:
852                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
853                    break;
854                case OP_DETACH:
855                    setLastIn(lastInFragments, op.fragment);
856                    break;
857                case OP_ATTACH:
858                    setFirstOut(firstOutFragments, op.fragment);
859                    break;
860            }
862            op =;
863        }
864    }
866    public TransitionState popFromBackStack(boolean doStateMove, TransitionState state,
867            SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments, SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments) {
868        if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) {
869            Log.v(TAG, "popFromBackStack: " + this);
870            LogWriter logw = new LogWriter(TAG);
871            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(logw);
872            dump("  ", null, pw, null);
873        }
875        if (state == null) {
876            if (firstOutFragments.size() != 0 || lastInFragments.size() != 0) {
877                state = beginTransition(firstOutFragments, lastInFragments, true);
878            }
879        } else if (!doStateMove) {
880            setNameOverrides(state, mSharedElementTargetNames, mSharedElementSourceNames);
881        }
883        bumpBackStackNesting(-1);
885        int transitionStyle = state != null ? 0 : mTransitionStyle;
886        int transition = state != null ? 0 : mTransition;
887        Op op = mTail;
888        while (op != null) {
889            int popEnterAnim = state != null ? 0 : op.popEnterAnim;
890            int popExitAnim= state != null ? 0 : op.popExitAnim;
891            switch (op.cmd) {
892                case OP_ADD: {
893                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
894                    f.mNextAnim = popExitAnim;
895                    mManager.removeFragment(f,
896                            FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
897                } break;
898                case OP_REPLACE: {
899                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
900                    if (f != null) {
901                        f.mNextAnim = popExitAnim;
902                        mManager.removeFragment(f,
903                                FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
904                    }
905                    if (op.removed != null) {
906                        for (int i=0; i<op.removed.size(); i++) {
907                            Fragment old = op.removed.get(i);
908                            old.mNextAnim = popEnterAnim;
909                            mManager.addFragment(old, false);
910                        }
911                    }
912                } break;
913                case OP_REMOVE: {
914                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
915                    f.mNextAnim = popEnterAnim;
916                    mManager.addFragment(f, false);
917                } break;
918                case OP_HIDE: {
919                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
920                    f.mNextAnim = popEnterAnim;
921                    mManager.showFragment(f,
922                            FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
923                } break;
924                case OP_SHOW: {
925                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
926                    f.mNextAnim = popExitAnim;
927                    mManager.hideFragment(f,
928                            FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
929                } break;
930                case OP_DETACH: {
931                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
932                    f.mNextAnim = popEnterAnim;
933                    mManager.attachFragment(f,
934                            FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
935                } break;
936                case OP_ATTACH: {
937                    Fragment f = op.fragment;
938                    f.mNextAnim = popEnterAnim;
939                    mManager.detachFragment(f,
940                            FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle);
941                } break;
942                default: {
943                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cmd: " + op.cmd);
944                }
945            }
947            op = op.prev;
948        }
950        if (doStateMove) {
951            mManager.moveToState(mManager.mCurState,
952                    FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(transition), transitionStyle, true);
953            state = null;
954        }
956        if (mIndex >= 0) {
957            mManager.freeBackStackIndex(mIndex);
958            mIndex = -1;
959        }
960        return state;
961    }
963    public String getName() {
964        return mName;
965    }
967    public int getTransition() {
968        return mTransition;
969    }
971    public int getTransitionStyle() {
972        return mTransitionStyle;
973    }
975    public boolean isEmpty() {
976        return mNumOp == 0;
977    }
979    /**
980     * When custom fragment transitions are used, this sets up the state for each transition
981     * and begins the transition. A different transition is started for each fragment container
982     * and consists of up to 3 different transitions: the exit transition, a shared element
983     * transition and an enter transition.
984     *
985     * <p>The exit transition operates against the leaf nodes of the first fragment
986     * with a view that was removed. If no such fragment was removed, then no exit
987     * transition is executed. The exit transition comes from the outgoing fragment.</p>
988     *
989     * <p>The enter transition operates against the last fragment that was added. If
990     * that fragment does not have a view or no fragment was added, then no enter
991     * transition is executed. The enter transition comes from the incoming fragment.</p>
992     *
993     * <p>The shared element transition operates against all views and comes either
994     * from the outgoing fragment or the incoming fragment, depending on whether this
995     * is going forward or popping the back stack. When going forward, the incoming
996     * fragment's enter shared element transition is used, but when going back, the
997     * outgoing fragment's return shared element transition is used. Shared element
998     * transitions only operate if there is both an incoming and outgoing fragment.</p>
999     *
1000     * @param firstOutFragments The list of first fragments to be removed, keyed on the
1001     *                          container ID.
1002     * @param lastInFragments The list of last fragments to be added, keyed on the
1003     *                        container ID.
1004     * @param isBack true if this is popping the back stack or false if this is a
1005     *               forward operation.
1006     * @return The TransitionState used to complete the operation of the transition
1007     * in {@link #setNameOverrides(BackStackRecord.TransitionState, java.util.ArrayList,
1008     * java.util.ArrayList)}.
1009     */
1010    private TransitionState beginTransition(SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments,
1011            SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments, boolean isBack) {
1012        TransitionState state = new TransitionState();
1014        // Adding a non-existent target view makes sure that the transitions don't target
1015        // any views by default. They'll only target the views we tell add. If we don't
1016        // add any, then no views will be targeted.
1017        state.nonExistentView = new View(mManager.mActivity);
1019        // Go over all leaving fragments.
1020        for (int i = 0; i < firstOutFragments.size(); i++) {
1021            int containerId = firstOutFragments.keyAt(i);
1022            configureTransitions(containerId, state, isBack, firstOutFragments,
1023                    lastInFragments);
1024        }
1026        // Now go over all entering fragments that didn't have a leaving fragment.
1027        for (int i = 0; i < lastInFragments.size(); i++) {
1028            int containerId = lastInFragments.keyAt(i);
1029            if (firstOutFragments.get(containerId) == null) {
1030                configureTransitions(containerId, state, isBack, firstOutFragments,
1031                        lastInFragments);
1032            }
1033        }
1035        return state;
1036    }
1038    private static Object getEnterTransition(Fragment inFragment, boolean isBack) {
1039        if (inFragment == null) {
1040            return null;
1041        }
1042        return FragmentTransitionCompat21.cloneTransition(isBack ?
1043                inFragment.getReenterTransition() : inFragment.getEnterTransition());
1044    }
1046    private static Object getExitTransition(Fragment outFragment, boolean isBack) {
1047        if (outFragment == null) {
1048            return null;
1049        }
1050        return FragmentTransitionCompat21.cloneTransition(isBack ?
1051                outFragment.getReturnTransition() : outFragment.getExitTransition());
1052    }
1054    private static Object getSharedElementTransition(Fragment inFragment, Fragment outFragment,
1055            boolean isBack) {
1056        if (inFragment == null || outFragment == null) {
1057            return null;
1058        }
1059        return FragmentTransitionCompat21.cloneTransition(isBack ?
1060                outFragment.getSharedElementReturnTransition() :
1061                inFragment.getSharedElementEnterTransition());
1062    }
1064    private static Object captureExitingViews(Object exitTransition, Fragment outFragment,
1065            ArrayList<View> exitingViews, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews) {
1066        if (exitTransition != null) {
1067            exitTransition = FragmentTransitionCompat21.captureExitingViews(exitTransition,
1068                    outFragment.getView(), exitingViews, namedViews);
1069        }
1070        return exitTransition;
1071    }
1073    private ArrayMap<String, View> remapSharedElements(TransitionState state, Fragment outFragment,
1074            boolean isBack) {
1075        ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = new ArrayMap<String, View>();
1076        if (mSharedElementSourceNames != null) {
1077            FragmentTransitionCompat21.findNamedViews(namedViews, outFragment.getView());
1078            if (isBack) {
1079                namedViews.retainAll(mSharedElementTargetNames);
1080            } else {
1081                namedViews = remapNames(mSharedElementSourceNames, mSharedElementTargetNames,
1082                        namedViews);
1083            }
1084        }
1086        if (isBack) {
1087            if (outFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback != null) {
1088                outFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback.onMapSharedElements(
1089                        mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews);
1090            }
1091            setBackNameOverrides(state, namedViews, false);
1092        } else {
1093            if (outFragment.mExitTransitionCallback != null) {
1094                outFragment.mExitTransitionCallback.onMapSharedElements(
1095                        mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews);
1096            }
1097            setNameOverrides(state, namedViews, false);
1098        }
1100        return namedViews;
1101    }
1103    /**
1104     * Configures custom transitions for a specific fragment container.
1105     *
1106     * @param containerId The container ID of the fragments to configure the transition for.
1107     * @param state The Transition State keeping track of the executing transitions.
1108     * @param firstOutFragments The list of first fragments to be removed, keyed on the
1109     *                          container ID.
1110     * @param lastInFragments The list of last fragments to be added, keyed on the
1111     *                        container ID.
1112     * @param isBack true if this is popping the back stack or false if this is a
1113     *               forward operation.
1114     */
1115    private void configureTransitions(int containerId, TransitionState state, boolean isBack,
1116            SparseArray<Fragment> firstOutFragments, SparseArray<Fragment> lastInFragments) {
1117        ViewGroup sceneRoot = (ViewGroup) mManager.mContainer.findViewById(containerId);
1118        if (sceneRoot != null) {
1119            final Fragment inFragment = lastInFragments.get(containerId);
1120            Fragment outFragment = firstOutFragments.get(containerId);
1122            Object enterTransition = getEnterTransition(inFragment, isBack);
1123            Object sharedElementTransition = getSharedElementTransition(inFragment, outFragment,
1124                    isBack);
1125            Object exitTransition = getExitTransition(outFragment, isBack);
1126            if (enterTransition == null && sharedElementTransition == null &&
1127                    exitTransition == null) {
1128                return; // no transitions!
1129            }
1130            ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = null;
1131            if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
1132                namedViews = remapSharedElements(state, outFragment, isBack);
1134                // Notify the start of the transition.
1135                SharedElementCallback callback = isBack ?
1136                        outFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback :
1137                        inFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback;
1138                if (callback != null) {
1139                    ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(namedViews.keySet());
1140                    ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(namedViews.values());
1141                    callback.onSharedElementStart(names, views, null);
1142                }
1143            }
1145            ArrayList<View> exitingViews = new ArrayList<View>();
1146            exitTransition = captureExitingViews(exitTransition, outFragment, exitingViews,
1147                    namedViews);
1149            // Set the epicenter of the exit transition
1150            if (mSharedElementTargetNames != null && namedViews != null) {
1151                View epicenterView = namedViews.get(mSharedElementTargetNames.get(0));
1152                if (epicenterView != null) {
1153                    if (exitTransition != null) {
1154                        FragmentTransitionCompat21.setEpicenter(exitTransition, epicenterView);
1155                    }
1156                    if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
1157                        FragmentTransitionCompat21.setEpicenter(sharedElementTransition,
1158                                epicenterView);
1159                    }
1160                }
1161            }
1163            FragmentTransitionCompat21.ViewRetriever viewRetriever =
1164                    new FragmentTransitionCompat21.ViewRetriever() {
1165                        @Override
1166                        public View getView() {
1167                            return inFragment.getView();
1168                        }
1169                    };
1171            if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
1172                prepareSharedElementTransition(state, sceneRoot, sharedElementTransition,
1173                        inFragment, outFragment, isBack);
1174            }
1176            ArrayList<View> enteringViews = new ArrayList<View>();
1177            ArrayMap<String, View> renamedViews = new ArrayMap<String, View>();
1179            boolean allowOverlap = isBack ? inFragment.getAllowReturnTransitionOverlap() :
1180                    inFragment.getAllowEnterTransitionOverlap();
1181            Object transition = FragmentTransitionCompat21.mergeTransitions(enterTransition,
1182                    exitTransition, sharedElementTransition, allowOverlap);
1184            if (transition != null) {
1185                FragmentTransitionCompat21.addTransitionTargets(enterTransition,
1186                        sharedElementTransition, sceneRoot, viewRetriever, state.nonExistentView,
1187                        state.enteringEpicenterView, state.nameOverrides, enteringViews,
1188                        renamedViews);
1189                excludeHiddenFragmentsAfterEnter(sceneRoot, state, containerId, transition);
1191                // We want to exclude hidden views later, so we need a non-null list in the
1192                // transition now.
1193                FragmentTransitionCompat21.excludeTarget(transition, state.nonExistentView, true);
1194                // Now exclude all currently hidden fragments.
1195                excludeHiddenFragments(state, containerId, transition);
1197                FragmentTransitionCompat21.beginDelayedTransition(sceneRoot, transition);
1199                FragmentTransitionCompat21.cleanupTransitions(sceneRoot, state.nonExistentView,
1200                        enterTransition, enteringViews, exitTransition, exitingViews,
1201                        transition, state.hiddenFragmentViews, renamedViews);
1202            }
1203        }
1204    }
1206    private void prepareSharedElementTransition(final TransitionState state, final View sceneRoot,
1207            final Object sharedElementTransition, final Fragment inFragment,
1208            final Fragment outFragment, final boolean isBack) {
1209        sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(
1210                new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
1211            @Override
1212            public boolean onPreDraw() {
1213                sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
1215                if (sharedElementTransition != null) {
1216                    ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = mapSharedElementsIn(
1217                            state, isBack, inFragment);
1219                    setEpicenterIn(namedViews, state);
1221                    callSharedElementEnd(state, inFragment, outFragment, isBack,
1222                            namedViews);
1223                }
1225                return true;
1226            }
1227        });
1228    }
1230    private void callSharedElementEnd(TransitionState state, Fragment inFragment,
1231            Fragment outFragment, boolean isBack, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews) {
1232        SharedElementCallback sharedElementCallback = isBack ?
1233                outFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback :
1234                inFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback;
1235        if (sharedElementCallback != null) {
1236            ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(namedViews.keySet());
1237            ArrayList<View> views = new ArrayList<View>(namedViews.values());
1238            sharedElementCallback.onSharedElementEnd(names, views, null);
1239        }
1240    }
1242    private void setEpicenterIn(ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews, TransitionState state) {
1243        if (mSharedElementTargetNames != null && !namedViews.isEmpty()) {
1244            // now we know the epicenter of the entering transition.
1245            View epicenter = namedViews
1246                    .get(mSharedElementTargetNames.get(0));
1247            if (epicenter != null) {
1248                state.enteringEpicenterView.epicenter = epicenter;
1249            }
1250        }
1251    }
1253    private ArrayMap<String, View> mapSharedElementsIn(TransitionState state,
1254            boolean isBack, Fragment inFragment) {
1255        // Now map the shared elements in the incoming fragment
1256        ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = mapEnteringSharedElements(state, inFragment, isBack);
1258        // remap shared elements and set the name mapping used
1259        // in the shared element transition.
1260        if (isBack) {
1261            if (inFragment.mExitTransitionCallback != null) {
1262                inFragment.mExitTransitionCallback.onMapSharedElements(
1263                        mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews);
1264            }
1265            setBackNameOverrides(state, namedViews, true);
1266        } else {
1267            if (inFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback != null) {
1268                inFragment.mEnterTransitionCallback.onMapSharedElements(
1269                        mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews);
1270            }
1271            setNameOverrides(state, namedViews, true);
1272        }
1273        return namedViews;
1274    }
1276    /**
1277     * Remaps a name-to-View map, substituting different names for keys.
1278     *
1279     * @param inMap A list of keys found in the map, in the order in toGoInMap
1280     * @param toGoInMap A list of keys to use for the new map, in the order of inMap
1281     * @param namedViews The current mapping
1282     * @return A copy of namedViews with the keys coming from toGoInMap.
1283     */
1284    private static ArrayMap<String, View> remapNames(ArrayList<String> inMap,
1285            ArrayList<String> toGoInMap, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews) {
1286        if (namedViews.isEmpty()) {
1287            return namedViews;
1288        }
1289        ArrayMap<String, View> remappedViews = new ArrayMap<String, View>();
1290        int numKeys = inMap.size();
1291        for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
1292            View view = namedViews.get(inMap.get(i));
1293            if (view != null) {
1294                remappedViews.put(toGoInMap.get(i), view);
1295            }
1296        }
1297        return remappedViews;
1298    }
1300    /**
1301     * Maps shared elements to views in the entering fragment.
1302     *
1303     * @param state The transition State as returned from {@link #beginTransition(
1304     * android.util.SparseArray, android.util.SparseArray, boolean)}.
1305     * @param inFragment The last fragment to be added.
1306     * @param isBack true if this is popping the back stack or false if this is a
1307     *               forward operation.
1308     */
1309    private ArrayMap<String, View> mapEnteringSharedElements(TransitionState state,
1310            Fragment inFragment, boolean isBack) {
1311        ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = new ArrayMap<String, View>();
1312        View root = inFragment.getView();
1313        if (root != null) {
1314            if (mSharedElementSourceNames != null) {
1315                FragmentTransitionCompat21.findNamedViews(namedViews, root);
1316                if (isBack) {
1317                    namedViews = remapNames(mSharedElementSourceNames,
1318                            mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews);
1319                } else {
1320                    namedViews.retainAll(mSharedElementTargetNames);
1321                }
1322            }
1323        }
1324        return namedViews;
1325    }
1327    private void excludeHiddenFragmentsAfterEnter(final View sceneRoot, final TransitionState state,
1328            final int containerId, final Object transition) {
1329        sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(
1330                new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
1331            public boolean onPreDraw() {
1332                sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this);
1333                excludeHiddenFragments(state, containerId, transition);
1334                return true;
1335            }
1336        });
1337    }
1339    private void excludeHiddenFragments(TransitionState state, int containerId, Object transition) {
1340        if (mManager.mAdded != null) {
1341            for (int i = 0; i < mManager.mAdded.size(); i++) {
1342                Fragment fragment = mManager.mAdded.get(i);
1343                if (fragment.mView != null && fragment.mContainer != null &&
1344                        fragment.mContainerId == containerId) {
1345                    if (fragment.mHidden) {
1346                        if (!state.hiddenFragmentViews.contains(fragment.mView)) {
1347                            FragmentTransitionCompat21.excludeTarget(transition, fragment.mView,
1348                                    true);
1349                            state.hiddenFragmentViews.add(fragment.mView);
1350                        }
1351                    } else {
1352                        FragmentTransitionCompat21.excludeTarget(transition, fragment.mView,
1353                                false);
1354                        state.hiddenFragmentViews.remove(fragment.mView);
1355                    }
1356                }
1357            }
1358        }
1359    }
1361    private static void setNameOverride(ArrayMap<String, String> overrides,
1362            String source, String target) {
1363        if (source != null && target != null && !source.equals(target)) {
1364            for (int index = 0; index < overrides.size(); index++) {
1365                if (source.equals(overrides.valueAt(index))) {
1366                    overrides.setValueAt(index, target);
1367                    return;
1368                }
1369            }
1370            overrides.put(source, target);
1371        }
1372    }
1374    private static void setNameOverrides(TransitionState state, ArrayList<String> sourceNames,
1375            ArrayList<String> targetNames) {
1376        if (sourceNames != null) {
1377            for (int i = 0; i < sourceNames.size(); i++) {
1378                String source = sourceNames.get(i);
1379                String target = targetNames.get(i);
1380                setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, source, target);
1381            }
1382        }
1383    }
1385    private void setBackNameOverrides(TransitionState state, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews,
1386            boolean isEnd) {
1387        int count = mSharedElementTargetNames == null ? 0 : mSharedElementTargetNames.size();
1388        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1389            String source = mSharedElementSourceNames.get(i);
1390            String originalTarget = mSharedElementTargetNames.get(i);
1391            View view = namedViews.get(originalTarget);
1392            if (view != null) {
1393                String target = FragmentTransitionCompat21.getTransitionName(view);
1394                if (isEnd) {
1395                    setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, source, target);
1396                } else {
1397                    setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, target, source);
1398                }
1399            }
1400        }
1401    }
1403    private void setNameOverrides(TransitionState state, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews,
1404            boolean isEnd) {
1405        int count = namedViews.size();
1406        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
1407            String source = namedViews.keyAt(i);
1408            String target = FragmentTransitionCompat21.getTransitionName(namedViews.valueAt(i));
1409            if (isEnd) {
1410                setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, source, target);
1411            } else {
1412                setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, target, source);
1413            }
1414        }
1415    }
1417    public class TransitionState {
1418        public ArrayMap<String, String> nameOverrides = new ArrayMap<String, String>();
1419        public ArrayList<View> hiddenFragmentViews = new ArrayList<View>();
1421        public FragmentTransitionCompat21.EpicenterView enteringEpicenterView =
1422                new FragmentTransitionCompat21.EpicenterView();
1423        public View nonExistentView;
1424    }