revision 54d2fafcbb85025ea737c56af6df2afbf4bfda96
2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import android.annotation.TargetApi;
21import android.content.Context;
22import android.content.SharedPreferences;
23import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
24import android.content.res.Resources;
25import android.content.res.TypedArray;
26import android.hardware.Camera.CameraInfo;
27import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
28import android.hardware.Camera.Size;
30import android.util.FloatMath;
31import android.util.Log;
35import java.util.ArrayList;
36import java.util.List;
37import java.util.Locale;
40 *  Provides utilities and keys for Camera settings.
41 */
42public class CameraSettings {
43    private static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
45    public static final String KEY_VERSION = "pref_version_key";
46    public static final String KEY_LOCAL_VERSION = "pref_local_version_key";
47    public static final String KEY_RECORD_LOCATION = "pref_camera_recordlocation_key";
48    public static final String KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY = "pref_video_quality_key";
49    public static final String KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL = "pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_key";
50    public static final String KEY_PICTURE_SIZE = "pref_camera_picturesize_key";
51    public static final String KEY_JPEG_QUALITY = "pref_camera_jpegquality_key";
52    public static final String KEY_FOCUS_MODE = "pref_camera_focusmode_key";
53    public static final String KEY_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera_flashmode_key";
54    public static final String KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE = "pref_camera_video_flashmode_key";
55    public static final String KEY_WHITE_BALANCE = "pref_camera_whitebalance_key";
56    public static final String KEY_SCENE_MODE = "pref_camera_scenemode_key";
57    public static final String KEY_EXPOSURE = "pref_camera_exposure_key";
58    public static final String KEY_TIMER = "pref_camera_timer_key";
59    public static final String KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT = "pref_video_effect_key";
60    public static final String KEY_CAMERA_ID = "pref_camera_id_key";
61    public static final String KEY_CAMERA_HDR = "pref_camera_hdr_key";
62    public static final String KEY_CAMERA_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN = "pref_camera_first_use_hint_shown_key";
63    public static final String KEY_VIDEO_FIRST_USE_HINT_SHOWN = "pref_video_first_use_hint_shown_key";
65    public static final String EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE = "0";
67    public static final int CURRENT_VERSION = 5;
68    public static final int CURRENT_LOCAL_VERSION = 2;
70    private static final String TAG = "CameraSettings";
72    private final Context mContext;
73    private final Parameters mParameters;
74    private final CameraInfo[] mCameraInfo;
75    private final int mCameraId;
77    public CameraSettings(Activity activity, Parameters parameters,
78                          int cameraId, CameraInfo[] cameraInfo) {
79        mContext = activity;
80        mParameters = parameters;
81        mCameraId = cameraId;
82        mCameraInfo = cameraInfo;
83    }
85    public PreferenceGroup getPreferenceGroup(int preferenceRes) {
86        PreferenceInflater inflater = new PreferenceInflater(mContext);
87        PreferenceGroup group =
88                (PreferenceGroup) inflater.inflate(preferenceRes);
89        if (mParameters != null) initPreference(group);
90        return group;
91    }
93    @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)
94    public static String getDefaultVideoQuality(int cameraId,
95            String defaultQuality) {
97            if (CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(
98                    cameraId, Integer.valueOf(defaultQuality))) {
99                return defaultQuality;
100            }
101        }
102        return Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH);
103    }
105    public static void initialCameraPictureSize(
106            Context context, Parameters parameters) {
107        // When launching the camera app first time, we will set the picture
108        // size to the first one in the list defined in "arrays.xml" and is also
109        // supported by the driver.
110        List<Size> supported = parameters.getSupportedPictureSizes();
111        if (supported == null) return;
112        for (String candidate : context.getResources().getStringArray(
113                R.array.pref_camera_picturesize_entryvalues)) {
114            if (setCameraPictureSize(candidate, supported, parameters)) {
115                SharedPreferences.Editor editor = ComboPreferences
116                        .get(context).edit();
117                editor.putString(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE, candidate);
118                editor.apply();
119                return;
120            }
121        }
122        Log.e(TAG, "No supported picture size found");
123    }
125    public static void removePreferenceFromScreen(
126            PreferenceGroup group, String key) {
127        removePreference(group, key);
128    }
130    public static boolean setCameraPictureSize(
131            String candidate, List<Size> supported, Parameters parameters) {
132        int index = candidate.indexOf('x');
133        if (index == NOT_FOUND) return false;
134        int width = Integer.parseInt(candidate.substring(0, index));
135        int height = Integer.parseInt(candidate.substring(index + 1));
136        for (Size size : supported) {
137            if (size.width == width && size.height == height) {
138                parameters.setPictureSize(width, height);
139                return true;
140            }
141        }
142        return false;
143    }
145    public static int getMaxVideoDuration(Context context) {
146        int duration = 0;  // in milliseconds, 0 means unlimited.
147        try {
148            duration = context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.max_video_recording_length);
149        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException ex) {
150        }
151        return duration;
152    }
154    private void initPreference(PreferenceGroup group) {
155        ListPreference videoQuality = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_QUALITY);
156        ListPreference timeLapseInterval = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_TIME_LAPSE_FRAME_INTERVAL);
157        ListPreference pictureSize = group.findPreference(KEY_PICTURE_SIZE);
158        ListPreference whiteBalance =  group.findPreference(KEY_WHITE_BALANCE);
159        ListPreference sceneMode = group.findPreference(KEY_SCENE_MODE);
160        ListPreference flashMode = group.findPreference(KEY_FLASH_MODE);
161        ListPreference focusMode = group.findPreference(KEY_FOCUS_MODE);
162        IconListPreference exposure =
163                (IconListPreference) group.findPreference(KEY_EXPOSURE);
164        CountDownTimerPreference timer =
165                (CountDownTimerPreference) group.findPreference(KEY_TIMER);
166        IconListPreference cameraIdPref =
167                (IconListPreference) group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_ID);
168        ListPreference videoFlashMode =
169                group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEOCAMERA_FLASH_MODE);
170        ListPreference videoEffect = group.findPreference(KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT);
171        ListPreference cameraHdr = group.findPreference(KEY_CAMERA_HDR);
173        // Since the screen could be loaded from different resources, we need
174        // to check if the preference is available here
175        if (videoQuality != null) {
176            filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoQuality, getSupportedVideoQuality());
177        }
179        if (pictureSize != null) {
180            filterUnsupportedOptions(group, pictureSize, sizeListToStringList(
181                    mParameters.getSupportedPictureSizes()));
182            filterSimilarPictureSize(group, pictureSize);
183        }
184        if (whiteBalance != null) {
185            filterUnsupportedOptions(group,
186                    whiteBalance, mParameters.getSupportedWhiteBalance());
187        }
188        if (sceneMode != null) {
189            filterUnsupportedOptions(group,
190                    sceneMode, mParameters.getSupportedSceneModes());
191        }
192        if (flashMode != null) {
193            filterUnsupportedOptions(group,
194                    flashMode, mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes());
195        }
196        if (focusMode != null) {
197            if (!Util.isFocusAreaSupported(mParameters)) {
198                filterUnsupportedOptions(group,
199                        focusMode, mParameters.getSupportedFocusModes());
200            } else {
201                // Remove the focus mode if we can use tap-to-focus.
202                removePreference(group, focusMode.getKey());
203            }
204        }
205        if (videoFlashMode != null) {
206            filterUnsupportedOptions(group,
207                    videoFlashMode, mParameters.getSupportedFlashModes());
208        }
209        if (exposure != null) buildExposureCompensation(group, exposure);
210        if (cameraIdPref != null) buildCameraId(group, cameraIdPref);
212        if (timeLapseInterval != null) {
213            if (ApiHelper.HAS_TIME_LAPSE_RECORDING) {
214                resetIfInvalid(timeLapseInterval);
215            } else {
216                removePreference(group, timeLapseInterval.getKey());
217            }
218        }
219        if (videoEffect != null) {
220            if (ApiHelper.HAS_EFFECTS_RECORDING) {
221                initVideoEffect(group, videoEffect);
222                resetIfInvalid(videoEffect);
223            } else {
224                filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoEffect, null);
225            }
226        }
227        if (cameraHdr != null && (!ApiHelper.HAS_CAMERA_HDR
228                    || !Util.isCameraHdrSupported(mParameters))) {
229            removePreference(group, cameraHdr.getKey());
230        }
231    }
233    private void buildExposureCompensation(
234            PreferenceGroup group, IconListPreference exposure) {
235        int max = mParameters.getMaxExposureCompensation();
236        int min = mParameters.getMinExposureCompensation();
237        if (max == 0 && min == 0) {
238            removePreference(group, exposure.getKey());
239            return;
240        }
241        float step = mParameters.getExposureCompensationStep();
243        // show only integer values for exposure compensation
244        int maxValue = (int) FloatMath.floor(max * step);
245        int minValue = (int) FloatMath.ceil(min * step);
246        CharSequence entries[] = new CharSequence[maxValue - minValue + 1];
247        CharSequence entryValues[] = new CharSequence[maxValue - minValue + 1];
248        int[] icons = new int[maxValue - minValue + 1];
249        TypedArray iconIds = mContext.getResources().obtainTypedArray(
250                R.array.pref_camera_exposure_icons);
251        for (int i = minValue; i <= maxValue; ++i) {
252            entryValues[maxValue - i] = Integer.toString(Math.round(i / step));
253            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
254            if (i > 0) builder.append('+');
255            entries[maxValue - i] = builder.append(i).toString();
256            icons[maxValue - i] = iconIds.getResourceId(3 + i, 0);
257        }
258        exposure.setUseSingleIcon(true);
259        exposure.setEntries(entries);
260        exposure.setEntryValues(entryValues);
261        exposure.setLargeIconIds(icons);
262    }
264    private void buildCameraId(
265            PreferenceGroup group, IconListPreference preference) {
266        int numOfCameras = mCameraInfo.length;
267        if (numOfCameras < 2) {
268            removePreference(group, preference.getKey());
269            return;
270        }
272        CharSequence[] entryValues = new CharSequence[numOfCameras];
273        for (int i = 0; i < numOfCameras; ++i) {
274            entryValues[i] = "" + i;
275        }
276        preference.setEntryValues(entryValues);
277    }
279    private static boolean removePreference(PreferenceGroup group, String key) {
280        for (int i = 0, n = group.size(); i < n; i++) {
281            CameraPreference child = group.get(i);
282            if (child instanceof PreferenceGroup) {
283                if (removePreference((PreferenceGroup) child, key)) {
284                    return true;
285                }
286            }
287            if (child instanceof ListPreference &&
288                    ((ListPreference) child).getKey().equals(key)) {
289                group.removePreference(i);
290                return true;
291            }
292        }
293        return false;
294    }
296    private void filterUnsupportedOptions(PreferenceGroup group,
297            ListPreference pref, List<String> supported) {
299        // Remove the preference if the parameter is not supported or there is
300        // only one options for the settings.
301        if (supported == null || supported.size() <= 1) {
302            removePreference(group, pref.getKey());
303            return;
304        }
306        pref.filterUnsupported(supported);
307        if (pref.getEntries().length <= 1) {
308            removePreference(group, pref.getKey());
309            return;
310        }
312        resetIfInvalid(pref);
313    }
315    private void filterSimilarPictureSize(PreferenceGroup group,
316            ListPreference pref) {
317        pref.filterDuplicated();
318        if (pref.getEntries().length <= 1) {
319            removePreference(group, pref.getKey());
320            return;
321        }
322        resetIfInvalid(pref);
323    }
325    private void resetIfInvalid(ListPreference pref) {
326        // Set the value to the first entry if it is invalid.
327        String value = pref.getValue();
328        if (pref.findIndexOfValue(value) == NOT_FOUND) {
329            pref.setValueIndex(0);
330        }
331    }
333    private static List<String> sizeListToStringList(List<Size> sizes) {
334        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
335        for (Size size : sizes) {
336            list.add(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%dx%d", size.width, size.height));
337        }
338        return list;
339    }
341    public static void upgradeLocalPreferences(SharedPreferences pref) {
342        int version;
343        try {
344            version = pref.getInt(KEY_LOCAL_VERSION, 0);
345        } catch (Exception ex) {
346            version = 0;
347        }
348        if (version == CURRENT_LOCAL_VERSION) return;
350        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
351        if (version == 1) {
352            // We use numbers to represent the quality now. The quality definition is identical to
353            // that of
354            editor.remove("pref_video_quality_key");
355        }
357        editor.apply();
358    }
360    public static void upgradeGlobalPreferences(SharedPreferences pref) {
361        upgradeOldVersion(pref);
362        upgradeCameraId(pref);
363    }
365    private static void upgradeOldVersion(SharedPreferences pref) {
366        int version;
367        try {
368            version = pref.getInt(KEY_VERSION, 0);
369        } catch (Exception ex) {
370            version = 0;
371        }
372        if (version == CURRENT_VERSION) return;
374        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
375        if (version == 0) {
376            // We won't use the preference which change in version 1.
377            // So, just upgrade to version 1 directly
378            version = 1;
379        }
380        if (version == 1) {
381            // Change jpeg quality {65,75,85} to {normal,fine,superfine}
382            String quality = pref.getString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, "85");
383            if (quality.equals("65")) {
384                quality = "normal";
385            } else if (quality.equals("75")) {
386                quality = "fine";
387            } else {
388                quality = "superfine";
389            }
390            editor.putString(KEY_JPEG_QUALITY, quality);
391            version = 2;
392        }
393        if (version == 2) {
394            editor.putString(KEY_RECORD_LOCATION,
395                    pref.getBoolean(KEY_RECORD_LOCATION, false)
396                    ? RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_ON
397                    : RecordLocationPreference.VALUE_NONE);
398            version = 3;
399        }
400        if (version == 3) {
401            // Just use video quality to replace it and
402            // ignore the current settings.
403            editor.remove("pref_camera_videoquality_key");
404            editor.remove("pref_camera_video_duration_key");
405        }
407        editor.putInt(KEY_VERSION, CURRENT_VERSION);
408        editor.apply();
409    }
411    private static void upgradeCameraId(SharedPreferences pref) {
412        // The id stored in the preference may be out of range if we are running
413        // inside the emulator and a webcam is removed.
414        // Note: This method accesses the global preferences directly, not the
415        // combo preferences.
416        int cameraId = readPreferredCameraId(pref);
417        if (cameraId == 0) return;  // fast path
419        int n = CameraHolder.instance().getNumberOfCameras();
420        if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= n) {
421            writePreferredCameraId(pref, 0);
422        }
423    }
425    public static int readPreferredCameraId(SharedPreferences pref) {
426        return Integer.parseInt(pref.getString(KEY_CAMERA_ID, "0"));
427    }
429    public static void writePreferredCameraId(SharedPreferences pref,
430            int cameraId) {
431        Editor editor = pref.edit();
432        editor.putString(KEY_CAMERA_ID, Integer.toString(cameraId));
433        editor.apply();
434    }
436    public static int readExposure(ComboPreferences preferences) {
437        String exposure = preferences.getString(
438                CameraSettings.KEY_EXPOSURE,
439                EXPOSURE_DEFAULT_VALUE);
440        try {
441            return Integer.parseInt(exposure);
442        } catch (Exception ex) {
443            Log.e(TAG, "Invalid exposure: " + exposure);
444        }
445        return 0;
446    }
448    public static int readEffectType(SharedPreferences pref) {
449        String effectSelection = pref.getString(KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT, "none");
450        if (effectSelection.equals("none")) {
451            return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_NONE;
452        } else if (effectSelection.startsWith("goofy_face")) {
453            return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GOOFY_FACE;
454        } else if (effectSelection.startsWith("backdropper")) {
455            return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_BACKDROPPER;
456        }
457        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid effect selection: " + effectSelection);
458        return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_NONE;
459    }
461    public static Object readEffectParameter(SharedPreferences pref) {
462        String effectSelection = pref.getString(KEY_VIDEO_EFFECT, "none");
463        if (effectSelection.equals("none")) {
464            return null;
465        }
466        int separatorIndex = effectSelection.indexOf('/');
467        String effectParameter =
468                effectSelection.substring(separatorIndex + 1);
469        if (effectSelection.startsWith("goofy_face")) {
470            if (effectParameter.equals("squeeze")) {
471                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_SQUEEZE;
472            } else if (effectParameter.equals("big_eyes")) {
473                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_BIG_EYES;
474            } else if (effectParameter.equals("big_mouth")) {
475                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_BIG_MOUTH;
476            } else if (effectParameter.equals("small_mouth")) {
477                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_SMALL_MOUTH;
478            } else if (effectParameter.equals("big_nose")) {
479                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_BIG_NOSE;
480            } else if (effectParameter.equals("small_eyes")) {
481                return EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GF_SMALL_EYES;
482            }
483        } else if (effectSelection.startsWith("backdropper")) {
484            // Parameter is a string that either encodes the URI to use,
485            // or specifies 'gallery'.
486            return effectParameter;
487        }
489        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid effect selection: " + effectSelection);
490        return null;
491    }
493    public static void restorePreferences(Context context,
494            ComboPreferences preferences, Parameters parameters) {
495        int currentCameraId = readPreferredCameraId(preferences);
497        // Clear the preferences of both cameras.
498        int backCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getBackCameraId();
499        if (backCameraId != -1) {
500            preferences.setLocalId(context, backCameraId);
501            Editor editor = preferences.edit();
502            editor.clear();
503            editor.apply();
504        }
505        int frontCameraId = CameraHolder.instance().getFrontCameraId();
506        if (frontCameraId != -1) {
507            preferences.setLocalId(context, frontCameraId);
508            Editor editor = preferences.edit();
509            editor.clear();
510            editor.apply();
511        }
513        // Switch back to the preferences of the current camera. Otherwise,
514        // we may write the preference to wrong camera later.
515        preferences.setLocalId(context, currentCameraId);
517        upgradeGlobalPreferences(preferences.getGlobal());
518        upgradeLocalPreferences(preferences.getLocal());
520        // Write back the current camera id because parameters are related to
521        // the camera. Otherwise, we may switch to the front camera but the
522        // initial picture size is that of the back camera.
523        initialCameraPictureSize(context, parameters);
524        writePreferredCameraId(preferences, currentCameraId);
525    }
527    private ArrayList<String> getSupportedVideoQuality() {
528        ArrayList<String> supported = new ArrayList<String>();
529        // Check for supported quality
531            getFineResolutionQuality(supported);
532        } else {
533            supported.add(Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH));
534            CamcorderProfile high = CamcorderProfile.get(
535                    mCameraId, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_HIGH);
536            CamcorderProfile low = CamcorderProfile.get(
537                    mCameraId, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW);
538            if (high.videoFrameHeight * high.videoFrameWidth >
539                    low.videoFrameHeight * low.videoFrameWidth) {
540                supported.add(Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_LOW));
541            }
542        }
544        return supported;
545    }
547    @TargetApi(ApiHelper.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)
548    private void getFineResolutionQuality(ArrayList<String> supported) {
549        if (CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(mCameraId, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_1080P)) {
550            supported.add(Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_1080P));
551        }
552        if (CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(mCameraId, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_720P)) {
553            supported.add(Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_720P));
554        }
555        if (CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(mCameraId, CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_480P)) {
556            supported.add(Integer.toString(CamcorderProfile.QUALITY_480P));
557        }
558    }
560    private void initVideoEffect(PreferenceGroup group, ListPreference videoEffect) {
561        CharSequence[] values = videoEffect.getEntryValues();
563        boolean goofyFaceSupported =
564                EffectsRecorder.isEffectSupported(EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_GOOFY_FACE);
565        boolean backdropperSupported =
566                EffectsRecorder.isEffectSupported(EffectsRecorder.EFFECT_BACKDROPPER) &&
567                Util.isAutoExposureLockSupported(mParameters) &&
568                Util.isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(mParameters);
570        ArrayList<String> supported = new ArrayList<String>();
571        for (CharSequence value : values) {
572            String effectSelection = value.toString();
573            if (!goofyFaceSupported && effectSelection.startsWith("goofy_face")) continue;
574            if (!backdropperSupported && effectSelection.startsWith("backdropper")) continue;
575            supported.add(effectSelection);
576        }
578        filterUnsupportedOptions(group, videoEffect, supported);
579    }