revision 60e7718462a8c7b025ac8375b585c1da3db1e1fe
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14 * the License.
15 */
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.content.Intent;
21import android.content.SharedPreferences;
22import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
23import android.test.ServiceTestCase;
24import android.text.InputType;
25import android.util.Log;
26import android.view.LayoutInflater;
27import android.view.ViewGroup;
28import android.view.View;
29import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection;
30import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
31import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
32import android.widget.FrameLayout;
33import android.widget.TextView;
37import; // for proximity info
40import java.util.Arrays;
41import java.util.HashMap;
43public class InputLogicTests extends ServiceTestCase<LatinIME> {
45    private static final String PREF_DEBUG_MODE = "debug_mode";
47    private LatinIME mLatinIME;
48    private TextView mTextView;
49    private InputConnection mInputConnection;
50    private HashMap<Integer, int[]> mProximity;
52    public InputLogicTests() {
53        super(LatinIME.class);
54        mProximity = createProximity();
55    }
57    private static HashMap<Integer, int[]> createProximity() {
58        final HashMap<Integer, int[]> proximity = new HashMap<Integer, int[]>();
59        final int[] testProximity = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.getProximityForScript(
60                AndroidSpellCheckerService.SCRIPT_LATIN);
61        final int ROW_SIZE = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.ROW_SIZE;
62        final int NUL = SpellCheckerProximityInfo.NUL;
63        for (int row = 0; row * ROW_SIZE < testProximity.length; ++row) {
64            final int rowBase = row * ROW_SIZE;
65            int column;
66            for (column = 1; NUL != testProximity[rowBase + column]; ++column) {
67                // Do nothing, just search for a NUL element
68            }
69            proximity.put(testProximity[row * ROW_SIZE],
70                    Arrays.copyOfRange(testProximity, rowBase, rowBase + column));
71        }
72        return proximity;
73    }
75    // returns the previous setting value
76    private boolean setDebugMode(final boolean mode) {
77        final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mLatinIME);
78        final boolean previousDebugSetting = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_DEBUG_MODE, false);
79        final SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
80        editor.putBoolean(PREF_DEBUG_MODE, true);
81        editor.commit();
82        return previousDebugSetting;
83    }
85    @Override
86    protected void setUp() {
87        try {
88            super.setUp();
89        } catch (Exception e) {
90            e.printStackTrace();
91        }
92        mTextView = new TextView(getContext());
93        mTextView.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT);
94        mTextView.setEnabled(true);
95        setupService();
96        mLatinIME = getService();
97        final boolean previousDebugSetting = setDebugMode(true);
98        mLatinIME.onCreate();
99        setDebugMode(previousDebugSetting);
100        final EditorInfo ei = new EditorInfo();
101        ei.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT;
102        final InputConnection ic = mTextView.onCreateInputConnection(ei);
103        ei.inputType = InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT;
104        final LayoutInflater inflater =
105                (LayoutInflater)getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
106        final ViewGroup vg = new FrameLayout(getContext());
107        final View inputView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.input_view, vg);
108        mLatinIME.setInputView(inputView);
109        mLatinIME.onBindInput();
110        mLatinIME.onCreateInputView();
111        mLatinIME.onStartInputView(ei, false);
112        mLatinIME.onCreateInputMethodInterface().startInput(ic, ei);
113        mInputConnection = ic;
114    }
116    // type(int) and type(String): helper methods to send a code point resp. a string to LatinIME.
117    private void type(final int codePoint) {
118        // onPressKey and onReleaseKey are explicitly deactivated here, but they do happen in the
119        // code (although multitouch/slide input and other factors make the sequencing complicated).
120        // They are supposed to be entirely deconnected from the input logic from LatinIME point of
121        // view and only delegates to the parts of the code that care. So we don't include them here
122        // to keep these tests as pinpoint as possible and avoid bringing it too many dependencies,
123        // but keep them in mind if something breaks. Commenting them out as is should work.
124        //mLatinIME.onPressKey(codePoint);
125        int[] proximityKeys = mProximity.get(codePoint);
126        if (null == proximityKeys) {
127            proximityKeys = new int[] { codePoint };
128        }
129        mLatinIME.onCodeInput(codePoint, proximityKeys,
130                KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE,
131                KeyboardActionListener.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE);
132        //mLatinIME.onReleaseKey(codePoint, false);
133    }
135    private void type(final String stringToType) {
136        for (int i = 0; i < stringToType.length(); ++i) {
137            type(stringToType.codePointAt(i));
138        }
139    }
141    public void testTypeWord() {
142        final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "abcd";
143        type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
144        assertEquals("type word", WORD_TO_TYPE, mTextView.getText().toString());
145    }
147    public void testPickSuggestionThenBackspace() {
148        final String WORD_TO_TYPE = "tgis";
149        type(WORD_TO_TYPE);
150        mLatinIME.pickSuggestionManually(0, WORD_TO_TYPE);
151        type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE);
152        assertEquals("press suggestion then backspace", WORD_TO_TYPE,
153                mTextView.getText().toString());
154    }
156    public void testDeleteSelection() {
157        final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "some text delete me some text";
158        final int SELECTION_START = 10;
159        final int SELECTION_END = 19;
160        final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "some text  some text";
161        type(STRING_TO_TYPE);
162        // There is no IMF to call onUpdateSelection for us so we must do it by hand.
163        // Send once to simulate the cursor actually responding to the move caused by typing.
164        // This is necessary because LatinIME is bookkeeping to avoid confusing a real cursor
165        // move with a move triggered by LatinIME inputting stuff.
166        mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), STRING_TO_TYPE.length(), -1, -1);
167        mInputConnection.setSelection(SELECTION_START, SELECTION_END);
168        // And now we simulate the user actually selecting some text.
169        mLatinIME.onUpdateSelection(0, 0, SELECTION_START, SELECTION_END, -1, -1);
170        type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE);
171        assertEquals("delete selection", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString());
172    }
174    public void testAutoCorrect() {
175        final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "tgis ";
176        final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this ";
177        type(STRING_TO_TYPE);
178        assertEquals("simple auto-correct", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString());
179    }
181    public void testDoubleSpace() {
182        final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "this  ";
183        final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this. ";
184        type(STRING_TO_TYPE);
185        assertEquals("double space make a period", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString());
186    }
188    public void testCancelDoubleSpace() {
189        final String STRING_TO_TYPE = "tgis  ";
190        final String EXPECTED_RESULT = "this  ";
191        type(STRING_TO_TYPE);
192        type(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE);
193        assertEquals("double space make a period", EXPECTED_RESULT, mTextView.getText().toString());
194    }