Lines Matching refs:movl

33     movl SYMBOL(_ZN3art7Runtime9instance_E)@GOT(REG_VAR(got_reg, 0)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
34 movl (REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
59 movl SYMBOL(_ZN3art7Runtime9instance_E)@GOT(REG_VAR(got_reg, 0)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
60 movl (REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
104 movl SYMBOL(_ZN3art7Runtime9instance_E)@GOT(REG_VAR(got_reg, 0)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
105 movl (REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)), REG_VAR(temp_reg, 1)
297 movl %esp, %edx // remember SP
310 movl %edx, %edi // save code pointer in EDI
445 movl LITERAL(0), (%esp) // store null for method*
448 movl 28(%ebp), %ecx // ECX = size of args
449 movl 24(%ebp), %esi // ESI = argument array
465 movl (%edi), %edx
472 movl (%edi), %ebx
475 movl (%edi), %edx
476 movl 4(%edi), %ebx
542 movl LITERAL(0), (%esp) // store null for method*
545 movl 28(%ebp), %ecx // ECX = size of args
546 movl 24(%ebp), %esi // ESI = argument array
560 movl (%edi), %ecx
568 movl (%edi), %edx
575 movl (%edi), %ebx
579 movl (%edi), %edx
580 movl 4(%edi), %ebx
584 movl (%edi), %ecx
585 movl 4(%edi), %edx
592 movl (%edi), %ebx
986 movl MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx // ecx := lock word
989 movl %ecx, %edx // save lock word (edx) to keep read barrier bits.
994 movl %eax, %ecx // remember object in case of retry
995 movl %edx, %eax // eax: lock word zero except for read barrier bits.
996 movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx // load thread id.
1002 movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %ecx // ecx := thread id
1005 movl %edx, %ecx // copy the lock word to check count overflow.
1010 movl %eax, %ecx // save obj to use eax for cmpxchg.
1011 movl %edx, %eax // copy the lock word as the old val for cmpxchg.
1018 movl %ecx, %eax // restore eax
1039 movl MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%eax), %ecx // ecx := lock word
1040 movl %fs:THREAD_ID_OFFSET, %edx // edx := thread id
1045 movl %ecx, %edx // copy the lock word to detect new count of 0.
1050 movl %eax, %edx // edx: obj
1051 movl %ecx, %eax // eax: old lock word.
1054 movl %ecx, MIRROR_OBJECT_LOCK_WORD_OFFSET(%edx)
1062 movl %eax, %edx // edx: obj
1063 movl %ecx, %eax // eax: old lock word.
1073 movl %edx, %eax // restore eax
1140 movl MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET(%eax), %ebx
1151 movl MIRROR_OBJECT_CLASS_OFFSET(%eax), %ebx
1157 movl %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4)
1158 movl %fs:THREAD_CARD_TABLE_OFFSET, %edx
1163 movl %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4)
1182 movl %edx, MIRROR_OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4) // do the aput
1183 movl %fs:THREAD_CARD_TABLE_OFFSET, %edx
1402 movl 8(%esp), %eax // load caller Method*
1403 movl ART_METHOD_DEX_CACHE_METHODS_OFFSET(%eax), %eax // load dex_cache_resolved_methods
1405 movl MIRROR_OBJECT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET(%eax, %ecx, 4), %eax // load the target method
1412 movl %esp, %edi
1419 movl %eax, %edi // remember code pointer in EDI
1432 movl %esp, %ebp // save SP at callee-save frame
1455 movl %edx, %esp
1480 movl %ebp, %esp
1553 movl 60(%esp), %edi // Restore edi.
1554 movl %eax, 60(%esp) // Place code* over edi, just under return pc.
1555 movl SYMBOL(art_quick_instrumentation_exit)@GOT(%ebx), %ebx
1557 movl %ebx, 64(%esp)
1558 movl 0(%esp), %eax // Restore eax.
1566 movl 40(%esp), %ecx // Restore ecx.
1567 movl 44(%esp), %edx // Restore edx.
1568 movl 48(%esp), %ebx // Restore ebx.
1569 movl 52(%esp), %ebp // Restore ebp.
1570 movl 56(%esp), %esi // Restore esi.
1598 movl %edx, %ebx // Move returned link register for deopt
1678 movl LITERAL(1), %ecx