/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2002-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.charset; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.CoderResult; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import java.util.Iterator; import com.ibm.icu.charset.CharsetCallback; import com.ibm.icu.charset.CharsetDecoderICU; import com.ibm.icu.charset.CharsetEncoderICU; import com.ibm.icu.charset.CharsetICU; import com.ibm.icu.charset.CharsetProviderICU; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.ModuleTest; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestDataModule.DataMap; import com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUResourceBundle; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; /** * This maps to convtest.c which tests the test file for data-driven conversion tests. * */ public class TestConversion extends ModuleTest { /** * This maps to the C struct of conversion case in convtest.h that stores the * data for a conversion test * */ private class ConversionCase { int caseNr; // testcase index String option = null; // callback options CodingErrorAction cbErrorAction = null; // callback action type CharBuffer toUnicodeResult = null; ByteBuffer fromUnicodeResult = null; // data retrieved from a test case conversion.txt String charset; // charset String unicode; // unicode string ByteBuffer bytes; // byte int[] offsets; // offsets boolean finalFlush; // flush boolean fallbacks; // fallback String outErrorCode; // errorCode String cbopt; // callback // TestGetUnicodeSet variables String map; String mapnot; int which; // CharsetCallback encoder and decoder CharsetCallback.Decoder cbDecoder = null; CharsetCallback.Encoder cbEncoder = null; String caseNrAsString() { return "[" + caseNr + "]"; } } /* In the data-driven conversion test, converters that are not available in * ICU4J are marked with the following leading symbol. */ private static final char UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET_SYMBOL = '+'; // public methods -------------------------------------------------------- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new TestConversion().run(args); } public TestConversion() { super("com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata/", "conversion"); } /* * This method maps to the convtest.cpp runIndexedTest() method to run each * type of conversion. */ public void processModules() { try { int testFromUnicode = 0; int testToUnicode = 0; String testName = t.getName().toString(); // Iterate through and get each of the test case to process for (Iterator iter = t.getDataIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { DataMap testcase = (DataMap) iter.next(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase("toUnicode")) { TestToUnicode(testcase, testToUnicode); testToUnicode++; } else if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase("fromUnicode")) { TestFromUnicode(testcase, testFromUnicode); testFromUnicode++; } else if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase("getUnicodeSet")) { TestGetUnicodeSet(testcase); } else { warnln("Could not load the test cases for conversion"); continue; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // private methods ------------------------------------------------------- // fromUnicode test worker functions --------------------------------------- private void TestFromUnicode(DataMap testcase, int caseNr) { ConversionCase cc = new ConversionCase(); try { // retrieve test case data cc.caseNr = caseNr; cc.charset = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("charset")).getString(); cc.unicode = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("unicode")).getString(); cc.bytes = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("bytes")).getBinary(); cc.offsets = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("offsets")).getIntVector(); cc.finalFlush = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("flush")).getUInt() != 0; cc.fallbacks = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("fallbacks")).getUInt() != 0; cc.outErrorCode = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("errorCode")).getString(); cc.cbopt = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("callback")).getString(); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Skipping test:"); errln("error parsing conversion/toUnicode test case " + cc.caseNr); return; } /* * Skip the following data driven converter tests. * These tests were added to the data driven conversion test in ICU * to test direct-from-UTF-8 m:n Unicode:charset conversion. * This feature is not in ICU4J. * See #9601 */ // Android patch: Skip tests that fail with customized data. String [] testsToSkip = { "*test2", "EUC-TW", "gb18030", "HZ", "ibm-1386", "ibm-1390", "ibm-1390,swaplfnl", "ibm-1399", "ibm-16684", "ibm-25546", "ibm-930", "ibm-943", "ibm-970", "ibm-971", "IBM-eucJP", "iso-2022-cn", "ISO-2022-CN", "iso-2022-jp", "ISO-2022-JP", "ISO-2022-JP-2", "iso-2022-kr", "ISO-2022-KR", "JIS", "JIS7", "JIS8", "lmbcs", "windows-936", "x11-compound-text" }; // Android patch end. for (int i = 0; i < testsToSkip.length; i++) { if (cc.charset.equals(testsToSkip[i])) { logln(""); logln("Skipping: " + cc.charset); logln("..............................................."); return; } } // ----for debugging only logln(""); logln("TestFromUnicode[" + caseNr + "] " + cc.charset + " "); logln("Unicode: " + cc.unicode); logln("Bytes: " + printbytes(cc.bytes, cc.bytes.limit())); ByteBuffer c = ByteBuffer.wrap(cc.cbopt.getBytes()); logln("Callback: " + printbytes(c, c.limit()) + " (" + cc.cbopt + ")"); logln("..............................................."); // process the retrieved test data case if (cc.offsets.length == 0) { cc.offsets = null; } else if (cc.offsets.length != cc.bytes.limit()) { errln("fromUnicode[" + cc.caseNr + "] bytes[" + cc.bytes + "] and offsets[" + cc.offsets.length + "] must have the same length"); return; } // check the callback replacement value if (cc.cbopt.length() > 0) { switch ((cc.cbopt).charAt(0)) { case '?': cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPLACE; break; case '0': cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.IGNORE; break; case '.': cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPORT; break; case '&': cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPLACE; cc.cbEncoder = CharsetCallback.FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE; break; default: cc.cbErrorAction = null; break; } // check for any options for the callback value -- cc.option = cc.cbErrorAction == null ? cc.cbopt : cc.cbopt .substring(1); if (cc.option == null) { cc.option = null; } } FromUnicodeCase(cc); } private void FromUnicodeCase(ConversionCase cc) { // create charset encoder for conversion test CharsetProviderICU provider = new CharsetProviderICU(); CharsetEncoder encoder = null; Charset charset = null; try { // if cc.charset starts with '*', obtain it from com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata charset = (cc.charset != null && cc.charset.length() > 0 && cc.charset.charAt(0) == '*') ? (Charset) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset.substring(1), "com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", this.getClass().getClassLoader()) : (Charset) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset); if (charset != null) { encoder = (CharsetEncoder) charset.newEncoder(); encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); if (encoder instanceof CharsetEncoderICU) { ((CharsetEncoderICU)encoder).setFallbackUsed(cc.fallbacks); if (((CharsetEncoderICU)encoder).isFallbackUsed() != cc.fallbacks) { errln("Fallback could not be set for " + cc.charset); } } } } catch (Exception e) { encoder = null; } if (encoder == null) { if (cc.charset.charAt(0) == UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET_SYMBOL) { logln("Skipping test:(" + cc.charset.substring(1) + ") due to ICU Charset not supported at this time"); } else { errln(cc.charset + " was not found"); } return; } // set the callback for the encoder if (cc.cbErrorAction != null) { if (cc.cbEncoder != null) { ((CharsetEncoderICU)encoder).setFromUCallback(CoderResult.malformedForLength(1), cc.cbEncoder, cc.option); ((CharsetEncoderICU)encoder).setFromUCallback(CoderResult.unmappableForLength(1), cc.cbEncoder, cc.option); } else { encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(cc.cbErrorAction); encoder.onMalformedInput(cc.cbErrorAction); } // if action has an option, put in the option for the case if (cc.option.equals("i")) { encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); } // if callback action is replace, // and there is a subchar // replace the decoder's default replacement value // if substring, skip test due to current api not supporting // substring if (cc.cbErrorAction.equals(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)) { if (cc.cbopt.length() > 1) { if (cc.cbopt.length() > 1 && cc.cbopt.charAt(1) == '=') { logln("Skipping test due to limitation in Java API - substitution string not supported"); return; } else { // // read NUL-separated subchar first, if any // copy the subchar from Latin-1 characters // start after the NUL if (cc.cbopt.charAt(1) == 0x00) { cc.cbopt = cc.cbopt.substring(2); try { encoder.replaceWith(toByteArray(cc.cbopt)); } catch (Exception e) { logln("Skipping test due to limitation in Java API - substitution character sequence size error"); return; } } } } } } // do charset encoding from unicode // testing by steps using charset.encoder(in,out,flush) int resultLength; boolean ok; String steps[][] = { { "0", "bulk" }, // must be first for offsets to be checked { "1", "step=1" }, { "3", "step=3" }, { "7", "step=7" } }; int i, step; ok = true; for (i = 0; i < steps.length && ok; ++i) { step = Integer.parseInt(steps[i][0]); logln("Testing step:[" + step + "]"); try { resultLength = stepFromUnicode(cc, encoder, step); ok = checkFromUnicode(cc, resultLength); } catch (Exception ex) { errln("Test failed: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " thrown: " + cc.charset+ " [" + cc.caseNr + "]"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } } // testing by whole buffer using out = charset.encoder(in) while (ok && cc.finalFlush) { logln("Testing java API charset.encoder(in):"); cc.fromUnicodeResult = null; ByteBuffer out = null; try { out = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(cc.unicode.toCharArray())); out.position(out.limit()); if (out.limit() != out.capacity() || cc.finalFlush) { int pos = out.position(); byte[] temp = out.array(); out = ByteBuffer.allocate(temp.length * 4); out.put(temp); out.position(pos); CoderResult cr = encoder.flush(out); if (cr.isOverflow()) { logln("Overflow error with flushing encoder"); } } cc.fromUnicodeResult = out; ok = checkFromUnicode(cc, out.limit()); if (!ok) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { //check the error code to see if it matches cc.errorCode logln("Encoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + e.toString()); } break; } } private int stepFromUnicode(ConversionCase cc, CharsetEncoder encoder, int step) { if (step < 0) { errln("Negative step size, test internal error."); return 0; } int sourceLen = cc.unicode.length(); int targetLen = cc.bytes.capacity() + 20; // for BOM, and to let failures produce excess output CharBuffer source = CharBuffer.wrap(cc.unicode.toCharArray()); ByteBuffer target = ByteBuffer.allocate(targetLen); cc.fromUnicodeResult = null; encoder.reset(); int currentSourceLimit; int currentTargetLimit; if (step > 0) { currentSourceLimit = Math.min(step, sourceLen); currentTargetLimit = Math.min(step, targetLen); } else { currentSourceLimit = sourceLen; currentTargetLimit = targetLen; } CoderResult cr = null; for (;;) { source.limit(currentSourceLimit); target.limit(currentTargetLimit); cr = encoder.encode(source, target, currentSourceLimit == sourceLen); if (cr.isUnderflow()) { if (currentSourceLimit == sourceLen) { if (target.position() == cc.bytes.limit()) { // target contains the correct number of bytes break; } // Do a final flush for cleanup, then break out // Encode loop, exits with cr==underflow in normal operation. //target.limit(targetLen); target.limit(targetLen); cr = encoder.flush(target); if (cr.isUnderflow()) { // good } else if (cr.isOverflow()) { errln(cc.caseNrAsString() + " Flush is producing excessive output"); } else { errln(cc.caseNrAsString() + " Flush operation failed. CoderResult = \"" + cr.toString() + "\""); } break; } currentSourceLimit = Math.min(currentSourceLimit + step, sourceLen); } else if (cr.isOverflow()) { if (currentTargetLimit == targetLen) { errln(cc.caseNrAsString() + " encode() is producing excessive output"); break; } currentTargetLimit = Math.min(currentTargetLimit + step, targetLen); } else { // check the error code to see if it matches cc.errorCode logln("Encoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + cr.toString()); break; } } cc.fromUnicodeResult = target; return target.position(); } private boolean checkFromUnicode(ConversionCase cc, int resultLength) { return checkResultsFromUnicode(cc, cc.bytes, cc.fromUnicodeResult); } // toUnicode test worker functions ----------------------------------------- *** private void TestToUnicode(DataMap testcase, int caseNr) { // create Conversion case to store the test case data ConversionCase cc = new ConversionCase(); try { // retrieve test case data cc.caseNr = caseNr; cc.charset = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("charset")).getString(); cc.bytes = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("bytes")).getBinary(); cc.unicode = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("unicode")).getString(); cc.offsets = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("offsets")).getIntVector(); cc.finalFlush = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("flush")).getUInt() != 0; cc.fallbacks = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("fallbacks")).getUInt() != 0; cc.outErrorCode = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("errorCode")).getString(); cc.cbopt = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("callback")).getString(); } catch (Exception e) { errln("Skipping test: error parsing conversion/toUnicode test case " + cc.caseNr); return; } // Android patch: Skip tests that fail with customized data. String [] testsToSkip = { "HZ", "ibm-1390", "ibm-1390,swaplfnl", "ibm-16684", "ibm-25546", "ibm-971", "ISO-2022-CN", "ISO-2022-JP", "ISO-2022-JP-2", "ISO-2022-KR", "JIS7" }; for (int i = 0; i < testsToSkip.length; i++) { if (cc.charset.equals(testsToSkip[i])) { logln(""); logln("Skipping: " + cc.charset); logln("..............................................."); return; } } // Android patch end. // ----for debugging only logln(""); logln("TestToUnicode[" + caseNr + "] " + cc.charset + " "); logln("Unicode: " + hex(cc.unicode)); logln("Bytes: " + printbytes(cc.bytes, cc.bytes.limit())); ByteBuffer c = ByteBuffer.wrap(cc.cbopt.getBytes()); logln("Callback: " + printbytes(c, c.limit()) + " (" + cc.cbopt + ")"); logln("..............................................."); // process the retrieved test data case if (cc.offsets.length == 0) { cc.offsets = null; } else if (cc.offsets.length != cc.unicode.length()) { errln("Skipping test: toUnicode[" + cc.caseNr + "] unicode[" + cc.unicode.length() + "] and offsets[" + cc.offsets.length + "] must have the same length"); return; } // check for the callback replacement value for unmappable // characters or malformed errors if (cc.cbopt.length() > 0) { switch ((cc.cbopt).charAt(0)) { case '?': // CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPLACE; break; case '0': // CALLBACK_SKIP cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.IGNORE; break; case '.': // CALLBACK_STOP cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPORT; break; case '&': // CALLBACK_ESCAPE cc.cbErrorAction = CodingErrorAction.REPORT; cc.cbDecoder = CharsetCallback.TO_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE; break; default: cc.cbErrorAction = null; break; } } // check for any options for the callback value cc.option = cc.cbErrorAction == null ? null : cc.cbopt.substring(1); if (cc.option == null) { cc.option = null; } ToUnicodeCase(cc); } private void ToUnicodeCase(ConversionCase cc) { // create converter for charset and decoder for each test case CharsetProviderICU provider = new CharsetProviderICU(); CharsetDecoder decoder = null; Charset charset = null; try { // if cc.charset starts with '*', obtain it from com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata charset = (cc.charset != null && cc.charset.length() > 0 && cc.charset.charAt(0) == '*') ? (Charset) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset.substring(1), "com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", this.getClass().getClassLoader()) : (Charset) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset); if (charset != null) { decoder = (CharsetDecoder) charset.newDecoder(); decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO implement loading of test data. decoder = null; } if (decoder == null) { if (cc.charset.charAt(0) == UNSUPPORTED_CHARSET_SYMBOL) { logln("Skipping test:(" + cc.charset.substring(1) + ") due to ICU Charset not supported at this time"); } else { errln(cc.charset + " was not found"); } return; } // set the callback for the decoder if (cc.cbErrorAction != null) { if (cc.cbDecoder != null) { ((CharsetDecoderICU)decoder).setToUCallback(CoderResult.malformedForLength(1), cc.cbDecoder, cc.option); ((CharsetDecoderICU)decoder).setToUCallback(CoderResult.unmappableForLength(1), cc.cbDecoder, cc.option); } else { decoder.onMalformedInput(cc.cbErrorAction); decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(cc.cbErrorAction); } // set the options (if any: SKIP_STOP_ON_ILLEGAL) for callback if (cc.option.equals("i")) { decoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); } // if callback action is replace, and there is a subchar // replace the decoder's default replacement value // if substring, skip test due to current api not supporting // substring replacement if (cc.cbErrorAction.equals(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)) { if (cc.cbopt.length() > 1) { if (cc.cbopt.charAt(1) == '=') { logln("Skipping test due to limitation in Java API - substitution string not supported"); } else { // // read NUL-separated subchar first, if any // copy the subchar from Latin-1 characters // start after the NUL if (cc.cbopt.charAt(1) == 0x00) { cc.cbopt = cc.cbopt.substring(2); try { decoder.replaceWith(cc.cbopt); } catch (Exception e) { logln("Skipping test due to limitation in Java API - substitution character sequence size error"); } } } } } } // Check the step to unicode boolean ok; int resultLength; String steps[][] = { { "0", "bulk" }, // must be first for offsets to be checked { "1", "step=1" }, { "3", "step=3" }, { "7", "step=7" } }; /* TODO: currently not supported test steps, getNext API is not supported for now { "-1", "getNext" }, { "-2", "toU(bulk)+getNext" }, { "-3", "getNext+toU(bulk)" }, { "-4", "toU(1)+getNext" }, { "-5", "getNext+toU(1)" }, { "-12", "toU(5)+getNext" }, { "-13", "getNext+toU(5)" }};*/ ok = true; int step; // testing by steps using the CoderResult cr = charset.decoder(in,out,flush) api for (int i = 0; i < steps.length && ok; ++i) { step = Integer.parseInt(steps[i][0]); if (step < 0 && !cc.finalFlush) { continue; } logln("Testing step:[" + step + "]"); try { resultLength = stepToUnicode(cc, decoder, step); ok = checkToUnicode(cc, resultLength); } catch (Exception ex) { errln("Test failed: " + ex.getClass().getName() + " thrown: " + cc.charset+ " [" + cc.caseNr + "]"); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); return; } } //testing the java's out = charset.decoder(in) api while (ok && cc.finalFlush) { logln("Testing java charset.decoder(in):"); cc.toUnicodeResult = null; CharBuffer out = null; try { cc.bytes.rewind(); out = decoder.decode(cc.bytes); out.position(out.limit()); if (out.limit() < cc.unicode.length()) { int pos = out.position(); char[] temp = out.array(); out = CharBuffer.allocate(cc.bytes.limit()); out.put(temp); out.position(pos); CoderResult cr = decoder.flush(out); if (cr.isOverflow()) { logln("Overflow error with flushing decodering"); } } cc.toUnicodeResult = out; ok = checkToUnicode(cc, out.limit()); if (!ok) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { //check the error code to see if it matches cc.errorCode logln("Decoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + e.toString()); } break; } return; } private int stepToUnicode(ConversionCase cc, CharsetDecoder decoder, int step) { ByteBuffer source; CharBuffer target; boolean flush = false; int sourceLen; source = cc.bytes; sourceLen = cc.bytes.limit(); source.position(0); target = CharBuffer.allocate(cc.unicode.length() + 4); target.position(0); cc.toUnicodeResult = null; decoder.reset(); if (step >= 0) { int iStep = step; int oStep = step; for (;;) { if (step != 0) { source.limit((iStep <= sourceLen) ? iStep : sourceLen); target.limit((oStep <= target.capacity()) ? oStep : target .capacity()); flush = (cc.finalFlush && source.limit() == sourceLen); } else { //bulk mode source.limit(sourceLen); target.limit(target.capacity()); flush = cc.finalFlush; } // convert CoderResult cr = null; if (source.hasRemaining()) { cr = decoder.decode(source, target, flush); // check pointers and errors if (cr.isOverflow()) { // the partial target is filled, set a new limit, oStep = (target.position() + step); target.limit((oStep < target.capacity()) ? oStep : target.capacity()); if (target.limit() > target.capacity()) { //target has reached its limit, an error occurred or test case has an error code //check error code logln("UnExpected error: Target Buffer is larger than capacity"); break; } } else if (cr.isError()) { //check the error code to see if it matches cc.errorCode logln("Decoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + cr.toString()); break; } } else { if (source.limit() == sourceLen) { cr = decoder.decode(source, target, true); //due to limitation of the API we need to check for target limit for expected if (target.position() != cc.unicode.length()) { if (target.limit() != cc.unicode.length()) { target.limit(cc.unicode.length()); } cr = decoder.flush(target); if (cr.isError()) { errln("Flush operation failed"); } } break; } } iStep += step; } }// if(step ==0) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- else /* step<0 */{ /* * step==-1: call only ucnv_getNextUChar() * otherwise alternate between ucnv_toUnicode() and ucnv_getNextUChar() * if step==-2 or -3, then give ucnv_toUnicode() the whole remaining input, * else give it at most (-step-2)/2 bytes */ for (;;) { // convert if ((step & 1) != 0 /* odd: -1, -3, -5, ... */) { target.limit(target.position() < target.capacity() ? target .position() + 1 : target.capacity()); // decode behavior is return to output target 1 character CoderResult cr = null; //similar to getNextUChar() , input is the whole string, while outputs only 1 character source.limit(sourceLen); while (target.position() != target.limit() && source.hasRemaining()) { cr = decoder.decode(source, target, source.limit() == sourceLen); if (cr.isOverflow()) { if (target.limit() >= target.capacity()) { // target has reached its limit, an error occurred logln("UnExpected error: Target Buffer is larger than capacity"); break; } else { //1 character has been consumed target.limit(target.position() + 1); break; } } else if (cr.isError()) { logln("Decoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + cr.toString()); cc.toUnicodeResult = target; return target.position(); } else { // one character has been consumed if (target.limit() == target.position()) { target.limit(target.position() + 1); break; } } } if (source.position() == sourceLen) { // due to limitation of the API we need to check // for target limit for expected cr = decoder.decode(source, target, true); if (target.position() != cc.unicode.length()) { target.limit(cc.unicode.length()); cr = decoder.flush(target); if (cr.isError()) { errln("Flush operation failed"); } } break; } // alternate between -n-1 and -n but leave -1 alone if (step < -1) { ++step; } } else {/* step is even */ // allow only one UChar output target.limit(target.position() < target.capacity() ? target .position() + 1 : target.capacity()); if (step == -2) { source.limit(sourceLen); } else { source.limit(source.position() + (-step - 2) / 2); if (source.limit() > sourceLen) { source.limit(sourceLen); } } CoderResult cr = decoder.decode(source, target, source .limit() == sourceLen); // check pointers and errors if (cr.isOverflow()) { // one character has been consumed if (target.limit() >= target.capacity()) { // target has reached its limit, an error occurred logln("Unexpected error: Target Buffer is larger than capacity"); break; } } else if (cr.isError()) { logln("Decoder returned an error code"); logln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); logln("Error Result is: " + cr.toString()); break; } --step; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc.toUnicodeResult = target; return target.position(); } private boolean checkToUnicode(ConversionCase cc, int resultLength) { return checkResultsToUnicode(cc, cc.unicode, cc.toUnicodeResult); } private void TestGetUnicodeSet(DataMap testcase) { /* * charset - will be opened, and ucnv_getUnicodeSet() called on it // * map - set of code points and strings that must be in the returned set // * mapnot - set of code points and strings that must *not* be in the // * returned set // which - numeric UConverterUnicodeSet value Headers { * "charset", "map", "mapnot", "which" } */ // retrieve test case data ConversionCase cc = new ConversionCase(); CharsetProviderICU provider = new CharsetProviderICU(); CharsetICU charset ; UnicodeSet mapset = new UnicodeSet(); UnicodeSet mapnotset = new UnicodeSet(); UnicodeSet unicodeset = new UnicodeSet(); String ellipsis = "0x2e"; cc.charset = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("charset")) .getString(); cc.map = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("map")).getString(); cc.mapnot = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("mapnot")) .getString(); cc.which = ((ICUResourceBundle) testcase.getObject("which")).getInt(); // only checking for ROUNDTRIP_SET // Android patch: Skip tests that fail with customized data. String [] testsToSkip = { "HZ", "ibm-1390", "ibm-16684", "ibm-25546", "ibm-971", "ISO-2022-CN", "ISO-2022-JP", "ISO-2022-JP-2", "ISO-2022-KR", "JIS7", }; for (int i = 0; i < testsToSkip.length; i++) { if (cc.charset.equals(testsToSkip[i])) { logln(""); logln("Skipping: " + cc.charset); logln("..............................................."); return; } } // Android patch end. // ----for debugging only logln(""); logln("TestGetUnicodeSet[" + cc.charset + "] "); logln("..............................................."); try{ // if cc.charset starts with '*', obtain it from com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata charset = (cc.charset != null && cc.charset.length() > 0 && cc.charset.charAt(0) == '*') ? (CharsetICU) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset.substring(1), "com/ibm/icu/dev/data/testdata", this.getClass().getClassLoader()) : (CharsetICU) provider.charsetForName(cc.charset); //checking for converter that are not supported at this point try{ if(charset==null || charset.name()=="BOCU-1" ||charset.name()== "SCSU"|| charset.name()=="lmbcs1" || charset.name()== "lmbcs2" || charset.name()== "lmbcs3" || charset.name()== "lmbcs4" || charset.name()=="lmbcs5" || charset.name()=="lmbcs6" || charset.name()== "lmbcs8" || charset.name()=="lmbcs11" || charset.name()=="lmbcs16" || charset.name()=="lmbcs17" || charset.name()=="lmbcs18"|| charset.name()=="lmbcs19"){ logln("Converter not supported at this point :" + cc.charset); return; } if(cc.which==1){ logln("Fallback set not supported at this point for converter : "+charset.displayName()); return; } }catch(Exception e){ return; } mapset.clear(); mapnotset.clear(); mapset.applyPattern(cc.map,false); mapnotset.applyPattern(cc.mapnot,false); charset.getUnicodeSet(unicodeset, cc.which); UnicodeSet diffset = new UnicodeSet(); //are there items that must be in unicodeset but are not? (diffset = mapset).removeAll(unicodeset); if(!diffset.isEmpty()){ StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(diffset.toPattern(true)); if(s.length()>100){ s.replace(0, 0x7fffffff, ellipsis); } errln("error in missing items - conversion/getUnicodeSet test case "+cc.charset + "\n" + s.toString()); } //are the items that must not be in unicodeset but are? (diffset=mapnotset).retainAll(unicodeset); if(!diffset.isEmpty()){ StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(diffset.toPattern(true)); if(s.length()>100){ s.replace(0, 0x7fffffff, ellipsis); } errln("contains unexpected items - conversion/getUnicodeSet test case "+cc.charset + "\n" + s.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { errln("getUnicodeSet returned an error code"); errln("ErrorCode expected is: " + cc.outErrorCode); errln("Error Result is: " + e.toString()); return; } } /** * This follows ucnv.c method ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature() to detect the * start of the stream for example U+FEFF (the Unicode BOM/signature * character) that can be ignored. * * Detects Unicode signature byte sequences at the start of the byte stream * and returns number of bytes of the BOM of the indicated Unicode charset. * 0 is returned when no Unicode signature is recognized. * */ private String detectUnicodeSignature(ByteBuffer source) { int signatureLength = 0; // number of bytes of the signature final int SIG_MAX_LEN = 5; String sigUniCharset = null; // states what unicode charset is the BOM int i = 0; /* * initial 0xa5 bytes: make sure that if we read