package org.ksoap2.serialization; import java.util.Vector; public class AttributeContainer { private Vector attributes = new Vector(); /** * Places AttributeInfo of desired attribute into a designated AttributeInfo object * * @param index index of desired attribute * @param attributeInfo designated retainer of desired attribute */ public void getAttributeInfo(int index, AttributeInfo attributeInfo) { AttributeInfo p = (AttributeInfo) attributes.elementAt(index); =; attributeInfo.namespace = p.namespace; attributeInfo.flags = p.flags; attributeInfo.type = p.type; attributeInfo.elementType = p.elementType; attributeInfo.value = p.getValue(); } /** * Get the attribute at the given index */ public Object getAttribute(int index) { return ((AttributeInfo) attributes.elementAt(index)).getValue(); } /** * Get the attribute's toString value. */ public String getAttributeAsString(int index) { AttributeInfo attributeInfo = (AttributeInfo) attributes.elementAt(index); return attributeInfo.getValue().toString(); } /** * Get the attribute with the given name * * @throws RuntimeException if the attribute does not exist */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { Integer i = attributeIndex(name); if (i != null) { return getAttribute(i.intValue()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("illegal property: " + name); } } /** * Get the toString value of the attribute with the given name. * * @throws RuntimeException if the attribute does not exist */ public String getAttributeAsString(String name) { Integer i = attributeIndex(name); if (i != null) { return getAttribute(i.intValue()).toString(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("illegal property: " + name); } } /** * Knows whether the given attribute exists */ public boolean hasAttribute(final String name) { if (attributeIndex(name) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get an attribute without chance of throwing an exception * * @param name the name of the attribute to retrieve * @return the value of the attribute if it exists; {@code null} if it does not exist */ public Object getAttributeSafely(String name) { Integer i = attributeIndex(name); if (i != null) { return getAttribute(i.intValue()); } else { return null; } } /** * Get an attributes' toString value without chance of throwing an * exception. * @param name * @return the value of the attribute,s toString method if it exists; "" * if it does not exist */ public Object getAttributeSafelyAsString(String name) { Integer i = attributeIndex(name); if (i != null) { return getAttribute(i.intValue()).toString(); } else { return ""; } } private Integer attributeIndex(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++) { if (name.equals(((AttributeInfo) attributes.elementAt(i)).getName())) { return new Integer(i); } } return null; } /** * Returns the number of attributes * * @return the number of attributes */ public int getAttributeCount() { return attributes.size(); } /** * Checks that the two objects have identical sets of attributes. * * @param other * @return {@code true} of the attrubte sets are equal, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean attributesAreEqual(AttributeContainer other) { int numAttributes = getAttributeCount(); if (numAttributes != other.getAttributeCount()) { return false; } for (int attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < numAttributes; attribIndex++) { AttributeInfo thisAttrib = (AttributeInfo) this.attributes.elementAt(attribIndex); Object thisAttribValue = thisAttrib.getValue(); if (!other.hasAttribute(thisAttrib.getName())) { return false; } Object otherAttribValue = other.getAttributeSafely(thisAttrib.getName()); if (!thisAttribValue.equals(otherAttribValue)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Adds a attribute (parameter) to the object. * * @param name The name of the attribute * @param value the value of the attribute * @return {@code this} object. */ public void addAttribute(String name, Object value) { AttributeInfo attributeInfo = new AttributeInfo(); = name; attributeInfo.type = value == null ? PropertyInfo.OBJECT_CLASS : value.getClass(); attributeInfo.value = value; addAttribute(attributeInfo); } /** * Add an attribute if the value is not null. * @param name * @param value */ public void addAttributeIfValue(String name, Object value) { if (value != null) { addAttribute(name, value); } } /** * Add a new attribute by providing an {@link AttributeInfo} object. {@code AttributeInfo} * contains all data about the attribute, including name and value.} * * @param attributeInfo the {@code AttributeInfo} object to add. * @return {@code this} object. */ public void addAttribute(AttributeInfo attributeInfo) { attributes.addElement(attributeInfo); } /** * Add an attributeInfo if its value is not null. * @param attributeInfo */ public void addAttributeIfValue(AttributeInfo attributeInfo) { if (attributeInfo.value != null) { attributes.addElement(attributeInfo); } } }