/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.databinding.tool; import android.databinding.tool.store.ResourceBundle; import android.databinding.tool.util.L; import android.databinding.tool.writer.BRWriter; import android.databinding.tool.writer.DataBinderWriter; import android.databinding.tool.writer.JavaFileWriter; import java.util.Set; /** * Chef class for compiler. * * Different build systems can initiate a version of this to handle their work */ public class CompilerChef { private JavaFileWriter mFileWriter; private ResourceBundle mResourceBundle; private DataBinder mDataBinder; private CompilerChef() { } public static CompilerChef createChef(ResourceBundle bundle, JavaFileWriter fileWriter) { CompilerChef chef = new CompilerChef(); chef.mResourceBundle = bundle; chef.mFileWriter = fileWriter; chef.mResourceBundle.validateMultiResLayouts(); return chef; } public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() { return mResourceBundle; } public void ensureDataBinder() { if (mDataBinder == null) { mDataBinder = new DataBinder(mResourceBundle); mDataBinder.setFileWriter(mFileWriter); } } public boolean hasAnythingToGenerate() { L.d("checking if we have anything to generate. bundle size: %s", mResourceBundle == null ? -1 : mResourceBundle.getLayoutBundles().size()); return mResourceBundle != null && mResourceBundle.getLayoutBundles().size() > 0; } public void writeDataBinderMapper(int minSdk, BRWriter brWriter) { ensureDataBinder(); final String pkg = "android.databinding"; DataBinderWriter dbr = new DataBinderWriter(pkg, mResourceBundle.getAppPackage(), "DataBinderMapper", mDataBinder.getLayoutBinders(), minSdk); mFileWriter.writeToFile(pkg + "." + dbr.getClassName(), dbr.write(brWriter)); } /** * Adds variables to list of Bindables. */ public void addBRVariables(BindableHolder bindables) { ensureDataBinder(); for (LayoutBinder layoutBinder : mDataBinder.mLayoutBinders) { for (String variableName : layoutBinder.getUserDefinedVariables().keySet()) { bindables.addVariable(variableName, layoutBinder.getClassName()); } } } public void sealModels() { ensureDataBinder(); mDataBinder.sealModels(); } public void writeViewBinderInterfaces(boolean isLibrary) { ensureDataBinder(); mDataBinder.writerBaseClasses(isLibrary); } public void writeViewBinders(int minSdk) { ensureDataBinder(); mDataBinder.writeBinders(minSdk); } public void writeComponent() { ensureDataBinder(); mDataBinder.writeComponent(); } public Set getWrittenClassNames() { ensureDataBinder(); return mDataBinder.getWrittenClassNames(); } public interface BindableHolder { void addVariable(String variableName, String containingClassName); } }