/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung System LSI * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.bluetooth.map; import android.database.Cursor; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import com.android.bluetooth.mapapi.BluetoothMapContract; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Various utility methods and generic defines that can be used throughout MAPS */ public class BluetoothMapUtils { private static final String TAG = "BluetoothMapUtils"; private static final boolean D = BluetoothMapService.DEBUG; private static final boolean V = BluetoothMapService.VERBOSE; /* We use the upper 4 bits for the type mask. * TODO: When more types are needed, consider just using a number * in stead of a bit to indicate the message type. Then 4 * bit can be use for 16 different message types. */ private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_MASK = (((long)0xff)<<56); private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_MMS_MASK = (((long)0x01)<<56); private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_EMAIL_MASK = (((long)0x02)<<56); private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_GSM_MASK = (((long)0x04)<<56); private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_CDMA_MASK = (((long)0x08)<<56); private static final long HANDLE_TYPE_IM_MASK = (((long)0x10)<<56); public static final long CONVO_ID_TYPE_SMS_MMS = 1; public static final long CONVO_ID_TYPE_EMAIL_IM= 2; // MAP supported feature bit - included from MAP Spec 1.2 static final int MAP_FEATURE_DEFAULT_BITMASK = 0x0000001F; static final int MAP_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION_REGISTRATION_BIT = 1 << 0; static final int MAP_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION_BIT = 1 << 1; static final int MAP_FEATURE_BROWSING_BIT = 1 << 2; static final int MAP_FEATURE_UPLOADING_BIT = 1 << 3; static final int MAP_FEATURE_DELETE_BIT = 1 << 4; static final int MAP_FEATURE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION_BIT = 1 << 5; static final int MAP_FEATURE_EXTENDED_EVENT_REPORT_11_BIT = 1 << 6; static final int MAP_FEATURE_EVENT_REPORT_V12_BIT = 1 << 7; static final int MAP_FEATURE_MESSAGE_FORMAT_V11_BIT = 1 << 8; static final int MAP_FEATURE_MESSAGE_LISTING_FORMAT_V11_BIT = 1 << 9; static final int MAP_FEATURE_PERSISTENT_MESSAGE_HANDLE_BIT = 1 << 10; static final int MAP_FEATURE_DATABASE_INDENTIFIER_BIT = 1 << 11; static final int MAP_FEATURE_FOLDER_VERSION_COUNTER_BIT = 1 << 12; static final int MAP_FEATURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION_COUNTER_BIT = 1 << 13; static final int MAP_FEATURE_PARTICIPANT_PRESENCE_CHANGE_BIT = 1 << 14; static final int MAP_FEATURE_PARTICIPANT_CHAT_STATE_CHANGE_BIT = 1 << 15; static final int MAP_FEATURE_PBAP_CONTACT_CROSS_REFERENCE_BIT = 1 << 16; static final int MAP_FEATURE_NOTIFICATION_FILTERING_BIT = 1 << 17; static final int MAP_FEATURE_DEFINED_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_BIT = 1 << 18; static final String MAP_V10_STR = "1.0"; static final String MAP_V11_STR = "1.1"; static final String MAP_V12_STR = "1.2"; // Event Report versions static final int MAP_EVENT_REPORT_V10 = 10; // MAP spec 1.1 static final int MAP_EVENT_REPORT_V11 = 11; // MAP spec 1.2 static final int MAP_EVENT_REPORT_V12 = 12; // MAP spec 1.3 'to be' incl. IM // Message Format versions static final int MAP_MESSAGE_FORMAT_V10 = 10; // MAP spec below 1.3 static final int MAP_MESSAGE_FORMAT_V11 = 11; // MAP spec 1.3 // Message Listing Format versions static final int MAP_MESSAGE_LISTING_FORMAT_V10 = 10; // MAP spec below 1.3 static final int MAP_MESSAGE_LISTING_FORMAT_V11 = 11; // MAP spec 1.3 /** * This enum is used to convert from the bMessage type property to a type safe * type. Hence do not change the names of the enum values. */ public enum TYPE{ NONE, EMAIL, SMS_GSM, SMS_CDMA, MMS, IM; private static TYPE[] allValues = values(); public static TYPE fromOrdinal(int n) { if(n < allValues.length) return allValues[n]; return NONE; } } static public String getDateTimeString(long timestamp) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"); Date date = new Date(timestamp); return format.format(date); // Format to YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS local time } public static void printCursor(Cursor c) { if (D) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\nprintCursor:\n"); for(int i = 0; i < c.getColumnCount(); i++) { if(c.getColumnName(i).equals(BluetoothMapContract.MessageColumns.DATE) || c.getColumnName(i).equals( BluetoothMapContract.ConversationColumns.LAST_THREAD_ACTIVITY) || c.getColumnName(i).equals(BluetoothMapContract.ChatStatusColumns.LAST_ACTIVE) || c.getColumnName(i).equals(BluetoothMapContract.PresenceColumns.LAST_ONLINE) ){ sb.append(" ").append(c.getColumnName(i)).append(" : ").append( getDateTimeString(c.getLong(i))).append("\n"); } else { sb.append(" ").append(c.getColumnName(i)).append(" : ").append( c.getString(i)).append("\n"); } } Log.d(TAG, sb.toString()); } } public static String getLongAsString(long v) { char[] result = new char[16]; int v1 = (int) (v & 0xffffffff); int v2 = (int) ((v>>32) & 0xffffffff); int c; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { c = v2 & 0x0f; c += (c < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); result[7 - i] = (char) c; v2 >>= 4; c = v1 & 0x0f; c += (c < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); result[15 - i] = (char)c; v1 >>= 4; } return new String(result); } /** * Converts a hex-string to a long - please mind that Java has no unsigned data types, hence * any value passed to this function, which has the upper bit set, will return a negative value. * The bitwise content of the variable will however be the same. * Will ignore any white-space characters as well as '-' seperators * @param valueStr a hexstring - NOTE: shall not contain any "0x" prefix. * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if "US-ASCII" charset is not supported, * NullPointerException if a null pointer is passed to the function, * NumberFormatException if the string contains invalid characters. * */ public static long getLongFromString(String valueStr) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if(valueStr == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if(V) Log.i(TAG, "getLongFromString(): converting: " + valueStr); byte[] nibbles; nibbles = valueStr.getBytes("US-ASCII"); if(V) Log.i(TAG, " byte values: " + Arrays.toString(nibbles)); byte c; int count = 0; int length = nibbles.length; long value = 0; for(int i = 0; i != length; i++) { c = nibbles[i]; if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { c -= '0'; } else if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { c -= ('A'-10); } else if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { c -= ('a'-10); } else if(c <= ' ' || c == '-') { if(V)Log.v(TAG, "Skipping c = '" + new String(new byte[]{ (byte)c }, "US-ASCII") + "'"); continue; // Skip any whitespace and '-' (which is used for UUIDs) } else { throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid character:" + c); } value = value << 4; // The last nibble shall not be shifted value += c; count++; if(count > 16) throw new NullPointerException("String to large - count: " + count); } if(V) Log.i(TAG, " length: " + count); return value; } private static final int LONG_LONG_LENGTH = 32; public static String getLongLongAsString(long vLow, long vHigh) { char[] result = new char[LONG_LONG_LENGTH]; int v1 = (int) (vLow & 0xffffffff); int v2 = (int) ((vLow>>32) & 0xffffffff); int v3 = (int) (vHigh & 0xffffffff); int v4 = (int) ((vHigh>>32) & 0xffffffff); int c,d,i; // Handle the lower bytes for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { c = v2 & 0x0f; c += (c < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); d = v4 & 0x0f; d += (d < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); result[23 - i] = (char) c; result[7 - i] = (char) d; v2 >>= 4; v4 >>= 4; c = v1 & 0x0f; c += (c < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); d = v3 & 0x0f; d += (d < 10) ? '0' : ('A'-10); result[31 - i] = (char)c; result[15 - i] = (char)d; v1 >>= 4; v3 >>= 4; } // Remove any leading 0's for(i = 0; i < LONG_LONG_LENGTH; i++) { if(result[i] != '0') { break; } } return new String(result, i, LONG_LONG_LENGTH-i); } /** * Convert a Content Provider handle and a Messagetype into a unique handle * @param cpHandle content provider handle * @param messageType message type (TYPE_MMS/TYPE_SMS_GSM/TYPE_SMS_CDMA/TYPE_EMAIL) * @return String Formatted Map Handle */ public static String getMapHandle(long cpHandle, TYPE messageType){ String mapHandle = "-1"; /* Avoid NPE for possible "null" value of messageType */ if(messageType != null) { switch(messageType) { case MMS: mapHandle = getLongAsString(cpHandle | HANDLE_TYPE_MMS_MASK); break; case SMS_GSM: mapHandle = getLongAsString(cpHandle | HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_GSM_MASK); break; case SMS_CDMA: mapHandle = getLongAsString(cpHandle | HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_CDMA_MASK); break; case EMAIL: mapHandle = getLongAsString(cpHandle | HANDLE_TYPE_EMAIL_MASK); break; case IM: mapHandle = getLongAsString(cpHandle | HANDLE_TYPE_IM_MASK); break; case NONE: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message type not supported"); } } else { if(D)Log.e(TAG," Invalid messageType input"); } return mapHandle; } /** * Convert a Content Provider handle and a Messagetype into a unique handle * @param cpHandle content provider handle * @param messageType message type (TYPE_MMS/TYPE_SMS_GSM/TYPE_SMS_CDMA/TYPE_EMAIL) * @return String Formatted Map Handle */ public static String getMapConvoHandle(long cpHandle, TYPE messageType){ String mapHandle = "-1"; switch(messageType) { case MMS: case SMS_GSM: case SMS_CDMA: mapHandle = getLongLongAsString(cpHandle, CONVO_ID_TYPE_SMS_MMS); break; case EMAIL: case IM: mapHandle = getLongLongAsString(cpHandle, CONVO_ID_TYPE_EMAIL_IM); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message type not supported"); } return mapHandle; } /** * Convert a handle string the the raw long representation, including the type bit. * @param mapHandle the handle string * @return the handle value */ static public long getMsgHandleAsLong(String mapHandle){ return Long.parseLong(mapHandle, 16); } /** * Convert a Map Handle into a content provider Handle * @param mapHandle handle to convert from * @return content provider handle without message type mask */ static public long getCpHandle(String mapHandle) { long cpHandle = getMsgHandleAsLong(mapHandle); if(D)Log.d(TAG,"-> MAP handle:"+mapHandle); /* remove masks as the call should already know what type of message this handle is for */ cpHandle &= ~HANDLE_TYPE_MASK; if(D)Log.d(TAG,"->CP handle:"+cpHandle); return cpHandle; } /** * Extract the message type from the handle. * @param mapHandle * @return */ static public TYPE getMsgTypeFromHandle(String mapHandle) { long cpHandle = getMsgHandleAsLong(mapHandle); if((cpHandle & HANDLE_TYPE_MMS_MASK) != 0) return TYPE.MMS; if((cpHandle & HANDLE_TYPE_EMAIL_MASK) != 0) return TYPE.EMAIL; if((cpHandle & HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_GSM_MASK) != 0) return TYPE.SMS_GSM; if((cpHandle & HANDLE_TYPE_SMS_CDMA_MASK) != 0) return TYPE.SMS_CDMA; if((cpHandle & HANDLE_TYPE_IM_MASK) != 0) return TYPE.IM; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message type not found in handle string."); } /** * TODO: Is this still needed after changing to another XML encoder? It should escape illegal * characters. * Strip away any illegal XML characters, that would otherwise cause the * xml serializer to throw an exception. * Examples of such characters are the emojis used on Android. * @param text The string to validate * @return the same string if valid, otherwise a new String stripped for * any illegal characters. If a null pointer is passed an empty string will be returned. */ static public String stripInvalidChars(String text) { if(text == null) { return ""; } char out[] = new char[text.length()]; int i, o, l; for(i=0, o=0, l=text.length(); i= 0x20 && c <= 0xd7ff) || (c >= 0xe000 && c <= 0xfffd)) { out[o++] = c; } // Else we skip the character } if(i==o) { return text; } else { // We removed some characters, create the new string return new String(out,0,o); } } /** * Truncate UTF-8 string encoded byte array to desired length * @param utf8String String to convert to bytes array h * @param length Max length of byte array returned including null termination * @return byte array containing valid utf8 characters with max length * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ static public byte[] truncateUtf8StringToBytearray(String utf8String, int maxLength) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { byte[] utf8Bytes = null; try { utf8Bytes = utf8String.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e(TAG,"truncateUtf8StringToBytearray: getBytes exception ", e); throw e; } if (utf8Bytes.length > (maxLength - 1)) { /* if 'continuation' byte is in place 200, * then strip previous bytes until utf-8 start byte is found */ if ( (utf8Bytes[maxLength - 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 ) { for (int i = maxLength - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if ((utf8Bytes[i] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { /* first byte in utf-8 character found, * now copy i - 1 bytes to outBytes and add null termination */ utf8Bytes = Arrays.copyOf(utf8Bytes, i+1); utf8Bytes[i] = 0; break; } } } else { /* copy bytes to outBytes and null terminate */ utf8Bytes = Arrays.copyOf(utf8Bytes, maxLength); utf8Bytes[maxLength - 1] = 0; } } return utf8Bytes; } private static Pattern p = Pattern.compile("=\\?(.+?)\\?(.)\\?(.+?(?=\\?=))\\?="); /** * Method for converting quoted printable og base64 encoded string from headers. * @param in the string with encoding * @return decoded string if success - else the same string as was as input. */ static public String stripEncoding(String in){ String str = null; if(in.contains("=?") && in.contains("?=")){ String encoding; String charset; String encodedText; String match; Matcher m = p.matcher(in); while(m.find()){ match = m.group(0); charset = m.group(1); encoding = m.group(2); encodedText = m.group(3); Log.v(TAG, "Matching:" + match +"\nCharset: "+charset +"\nEncoding : " +encoding + "\nText: " + encodedText); if(encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")){ //quoted printable Log.d(TAG,"StripEncoding: Quoted Printable string : " + encodedText); str = new String(quotedPrintableToUtf8(encodedText,charset)); in = in.replace(match, str); }else if(encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("B")){ // base64 try{ Log.d(TAG,"StripEncoding: base64 string : " + encodedText); str = new String(Base64.decode(encodedText.getBytes(charset), Base64.DEFAULT), charset); Log.d(TAG,"StripEncoding: decoded string : " + str); in = in.replace(match, str); }catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){ Log.e(TAG, "stripEncoding: Unsupported charset: " + charset); }catch (IllegalArgumentException e){ Log.e(TAG,"stripEncoding: string not encoded as base64: " +encodedText); } }else{ Log.e(TAG, "stripEncoding: Hit unknown encoding: "+encoding); } } } return in; } /** * Convert a quoted-printable encoded string to a UTF-8 string: * - Remove any soft line breaks: "=" * - Convert all "=xx" to the corresponding byte * @param text quoted-printable encoded UTF-8 text * @return decoded UTF-8 string */ public static byte[] quotedPrintableToUtf8(String text, String charset) { byte[] output = new byte[text.length()]; // We allocate for the worst case memory need byte[] input = null; try { input = text.getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* This cannot happen as "US-ASCII" is supported for all Java implementations */ } if(input == null){ return "".getBytes(); } int in, out, stopCnt = input.length-2; // Leave room for peaking the next two bytes /* Algorithm: * - Search for token, copying all non token chars * */ for(in=0, out=0; in < stopCnt; in++){ byte b0 = input[in]; if(b0 == '=') { byte b1 = input[++in]; byte b2 = input[++in]; if(b1 == '\r' && b2 == '\n') { continue; // soft line break, remove all tree; } if(((b1 >= '0' && b1 <= '9') || (b1 >= 'A' && b1 <= 'F') || (b1 >= 'a' && b1 <= 'f')) && ((b2 >= '0' && b2 <= '9') || (b2 >= 'A' && b2 <= 'F') || (b2 >= 'a' && b2 <= 'f'))) { if(V)Log.v(TAG, "Found hex number: " + String.format("%c%c", b1, b2)); if(b1 <= '9') b1 = (byte) (b1 - '0'); else if (b1 <= 'F') b1 = (byte) (b1 - 'A' + 10); else if (b1 <= 'f') b1 = (byte) (b1 - 'a' + 10); if(b2 <= '9') b2 = (byte) (b2 - '0'); else if (b2 <= 'F') b2 = (byte) (b2 - 'A' + 10); else if (b2 <= 'f') b2 = (byte) (b2 - 'a' + 10); if(V)Log.v(TAG, "Resulting nibble values: " + String.format("b1=%x b2=%x", b1, b2)); output[out++] = (byte)(b1<<4 | b2); // valid hex char, append if(V)Log.v(TAG, "Resulting value: " + String.format("0x%2x", output[out-1])); continue; } Log.w(TAG, "Received wrongly quoted printable encoded text. " + "Continuing at best effort..."); /* If we get a '=' without either a hex value or CRLF following, just add it and * rewind the in counter. */ output[out++] = b0; in -= 2; continue; } else { output[out++] = b0; continue; } } // Just add any remaining characters. If they contain any encoding, it is invalid, // and best effort would be just to display the characters. while (in < input.length) { output[out++] = input[in++]; } String result = null; // Figure out if we support the charset, else fall back to UTF-8, as this is what // the MAP specification suggest to use, and is compatible with US-ASCII. if(charset == null){ charset = "UTF-8"; } else { charset = charset.toUpperCase(); try { if(Charset.isSupported(charset) == false) { charset = "UTF-8"; } } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Received unknown charset: " + charset + " - using UTF-8."); charset = "UTF-8"; } } try{ result = new String(output, 0, out, charset); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { /* This cannot happen unless Charset.isSupported() is out of sync with String */ try{ result = new String(output, 0, out, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e2) {/* This cannot happen */} } return result.getBytes(); /* return the result as "UTF-8" bytes */ } /** * Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. * Unsafe characters are escaped. * Simplified version of encoder from QuetedPrintableCodec.java (Apache external) * * @param bytes * array of bytes to be encoded * @return UTF-8 string containing quoted-printable characters */ private static byte ESCAPE_CHAR = '='; private static byte TAB = 9; private static byte SPACE = 32; public static final String encodeQuotedPrintable(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) { return null; } BitSet printable = new BitSet(256); // alpha characters for (int i = 33; i <= 60; i++) { printable.set(i); } for (int i = 62; i <= 126; i++) { printable.set(i); } printable.set(TAB); printable.set(SPACE); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { int b = bytes[i]; if (b < 0) { b = 256 + b; } if (printable.get(b)) { buffer.write(b); } else { buffer.write(ESCAPE_CHAR); char hex1 = Character.toUpperCase(Character.forDigit((b >> 4) & 0xF, 16)); char hex2 = Character.toUpperCase(Character.forDigit(b & 0xF, 16)); buffer.write(hex1); buffer.write(hex2); } } try { return buffer.toString("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { //cannot happen return ""; } } }