/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.Call; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallManager; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallerInfo; import com.android.internal.telephony.CallerInfoAsyncQuery; import com.android.internal.telephony.Connection; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneBase; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyCapabilities; import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.CdmaInformationRecords.CdmaDisplayInfoRec; import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.CdmaInformationRecords.CdmaSignalInfoRec; import com.android.internal.telephony.cdma.SignalToneUtil; import android.app.ActivityManagerNative; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile; import android.content.Context; import android.media.AudioAttributes; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.ToneGenerator; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.SystemVibrator; import android.os.Vibrator; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telecom.TelecomManager; import android.telephony.DisconnectCause; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.telephony.PhoneStateListener; import android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager.OnSubscriptionsChangedListener; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Phone app module that listens for phone state changes and various other * events from the telephony layer, and triggers any resulting UI behavior * (like starting the Incoming Call UI, playing in-call tones, * updating notifications, writing call log entries, etc.) */ public class CallNotifier extends Handler { private static final String LOG_TAG = "CallNotifier"; private static final boolean DBG = (PhoneGlobals.DBG_LEVEL >= 1) && (SystemProperties.getInt("ro.debuggable", 0) == 1); private static final boolean VDBG = (PhoneGlobals.DBG_LEVEL >= 2); // Time to display the message from the underlying phone layers. private static final int SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_TIME = 3000; // msec private static final AudioAttributes VIBRATION_ATTRIBUTES = new AudioAttributes.Builder() .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SPEECH) .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_VOICE_COMMUNICATION) .build(); /** The singleton instance. */ private static CallNotifier sInstance; // values used to track the query state private static final int CALLERINFO_QUERY_READY = 0; private static final int CALLERINFO_QUERYING = -1; // the state of the CallerInfo Query. private int mCallerInfoQueryState; // object used to synchronize access to mCallerInfoQueryState private Object mCallerInfoQueryStateGuard = new Object(); private Map mPhoneStateListeners = new ArrayMap(); private PhoneGlobals mApplication; private CallManager mCM; private BluetoothHeadset mBluetoothHeadset; private CallLogger mCallLogger; // ToneGenerator instance for playing SignalInfo tones private ToneGenerator mSignalInfoToneGenerator; // The tone volume relative to other sounds in the stream SignalInfo private static final int TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_SIGNALINFO = 80; private Call.State mPreviousCdmaCallState; private boolean mVoicePrivacyState = false; private boolean mIsCdmaRedialCall = false; // Cached AudioManager private AudioManager mAudioManager; private final BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager; private SubscriptionManager mSubscriptionManager; private TelephonyManager mTelephonyManager; /** * Initialize the singleton CallNotifier instance. * This is only done once, at startup, from PhoneApp.onCreate(). */ /* package */ static CallNotifier init( PhoneGlobals app, CallLogger callLogger, CallStateMonitor callStateMonitor, BluetoothManager bluetoothManager) { synchronized (CallNotifier.class) { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new CallNotifier(app, callLogger, callStateMonitor, bluetoothManager); } else { Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, "init() called multiple times! sInstance = " + sInstance); } return sInstance; } } /** Private constructor; @see init() */ private CallNotifier( PhoneGlobals app, CallLogger callLogger, CallStateMonitor callStateMonitor, BluetoothManager bluetoothManager) { mApplication = app; mCM = app.mCM; mCallLogger = callLogger; mBluetoothManager = bluetoothManager; mAudioManager = (AudioManager) mApplication.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mApplication.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); mSubscriptionManager = (SubscriptionManager) mApplication.getSystemService( Context.TELEPHONY_SUBSCRIPTION_SERVICE); callStateMonitor.addListener(this); BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (adapter != null) { adapter.getProfileProxy(mApplication.getApplicationContext(), mBluetoothProfileServiceListener, BluetoothProfile.HEADSET); } mSubscriptionManager.addOnSubscriptionsChangedListener( new OnSubscriptionsChangedListener() { @Override public void onSubscriptionsChanged() { updatePhoneStateListeners(); } }); } private void createSignalInfoToneGenerator() { // Instantiate the ToneGenerator for SignalInfo and CallWaiting // TODO: We probably don't need the mSignalInfoToneGenerator instance // around forever. Need to change it so as to create a ToneGenerator instance only // when a tone is being played and releases it after its done playing. if (mSignalInfoToneGenerator == null) { try { mSignalInfoToneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL, TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_SIGNALINFO); Log.d(LOG_TAG, "CallNotifier: mSignalInfoToneGenerator created when toneplay"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "CallNotifier: Exception caught while creating " + "mSignalInfoToneGenerator: " + e); mSignalInfoToneGenerator = null; } } else { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "mSignalInfoToneGenerator created already, hence skipping"); } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_NEW_RINGING_CONNECTION: log("RINGING... (new)"); onNewRingingConnection((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_STATE_CHANGED: onPhoneStateChanged((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_DISCONNECT: if (DBG) log("DISCONNECT"); onDisconnect((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_UNKNOWN_CONNECTION_APPEARED: onUnknownConnectionAppeared((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_STATE_DISPLAYINFO: if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_STATE_DISPLAYINFO event"); onDisplayInfo((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_STATE_SIGNALINFO: if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_STATE_SIGNALINFO event"); onSignalInfo((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.INTERNAL_SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_DONE: if (DBG) log("Received Display Info notification done event ..."); PhoneDisplayMessage.dismissMessage(); break; case CallStateMonitor.EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE: if (DBG) log("EVENT_OTA_PROVISION_CHANGE..."); mApplication.handleOtaspEvent(msg); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_ON: if (DBG) log("PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_ON..."); if (!mVoicePrivacyState) { int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY; new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start(); mVoicePrivacyState = true; } break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_OFF: if (DBG) log("PHONE_ENHANCED_VP_OFF..."); if (mVoicePrivacyState) { int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY; new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start(); mVoicePrivacyState = false; } break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED: if (DBG) log("PHONE_SUPP_SERVICE_FAILED..."); onSuppServiceFailed((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; case CallStateMonitor.PHONE_TTY_MODE_RECEIVED: if (DBG) log("Received PHONE_TTY_MODE_RECEIVED event"); onTtyModeReceived((AsyncResult) msg.obj); break; default: // super.handleMessage(msg); } } /** * Handles a "new ringing connection" event from the telephony layer. */ private void onNewRingingConnection(AsyncResult r) { Connection c = (Connection) r.result; log("onNewRingingConnection(): state = " + mCM.getState() + ", conn = { " + c + " }"); Call ringing = c.getCall(); Phone phone = ringing.getPhone(); // Check for a few cases where we totally ignore incoming calls. if (ignoreAllIncomingCalls(phone)) { // Immediately reject the call, without even indicating to the user // that an incoming call occurred. (This will generally send the // caller straight to voicemail, just as if we *had* shown the // incoming-call UI and the user had declined the call.) PhoneUtils.hangupRingingCall(ringing); return; } if (!c.isRinging()) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "CallNotifier.onNewRingingConnection(): connection not ringing!"); // This is a very strange case: an incoming call that stopped // ringing almost instantly after the onNewRingingConnection() // event. There's nothing we can do here, so just bail out // without doing anything. (But presumably we'll log it in // the call log when the disconnect event comes in...) return; } // Stop any signalInfo tone being played on receiving a Call stopSignalInfoTone(); Call.State state = c.getState(); // State will be either INCOMING or WAITING. if (VDBG) log("- connection is ringing! state = " + state); // if (DBG) PhoneUtils.dumpCallState(mPhone); // No need to do any service state checks here (like for // "emergency mode"), since in those states the SIM won't let // us get incoming connections in the first place. // TODO: Consider sending out a serialized broadcast Intent here // (maybe "ACTION_NEW_INCOMING_CALL"), *before* starting the // ringer and going to the in-call UI. The intent should contain // the caller-id info for the current connection, and say whether // it would be a "call waiting" call or a regular ringing call. // If anybody consumed the broadcast, we'd bail out without // ringing or bringing up the in-call UI. // // This would give 3rd party apps a chance to listen for (and // intercept) new ringing connections. An app could reject the // incoming call by consuming the broadcast and doing nothing, or // it could "pick up" the call (without any action by the user!) // via some future TelephonyManager API. // // See bug 1312336 for more details. // We'd need to protect this with a new "intercept incoming calls" // system permission. // Obtain a partial wake lock to make sure the CPU doesn't go to // sleep before we finish bringing up the InCallScreen. // (This will be upgraded soon to a full wake lock; see // showIncomingCall().) if (VDBG) log("Holding wake lock on new incoming connection."); mApplication.requestWakeState(PhoneGlobals.WakeState.PARTIAL); // Note we *don't* post a status bar notification here, since // we're not necessarily ready to actually show the incoming call // to the user. (For calls in the INCOMING state, at least, we // still need to run a caller-id query, and we may not even ring // at all if the "send directly to voicemail" flag is set.) // // Instead, we update the notification (and potentially launch the // InCallScreen) from the showIncomingCall() method, which runs // when the caller-id query completes or times out. if (VDBG) log("- onNewRingingConnection() done."); } /** * Determines whether or not we're allowed to present incoming calls to the * user, based on the capabilities and/or current state of the device. * * If this method returns true, that means we should immediately reject the * current incoming call, without even indicating to the user that an * incoming call occurred. * * (We only reject incoming calls in a few cases, like during an OTASP call * when we can't interrupt the user, or if the device hasn't completed the * SetupWizard yet. We also don't allow incoming calls on non-voice-capable * devices. But note that we *always* allow incoming calls while in ECM.) * * @return true if we're *not* allowed to present an incoming call to * the user. */ private boolean ignoreAllIncomingCalls(Phone phone) { // Incoming calls are totally ignored on non-voice-capable devices. if (!PhoneGlobals.sVoiceCapable) { // ...but still log a warning, since we shouldn't have gotten this // event in the first place! (Incoming calls *should* be blocked at // the telephony layer on non-voice-capable capable devices.) Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got onNewRingingConnection() on non-voice-capable device! Ignoring..."); return true; } // In ECM (emergency callback mode), we ALWAYS allow incoming calls // to get through to the user. (Note that ECM is applicable only to // voice-capable CDMA devices). if (PhoneUtils.isPhoneInEcm(phone)) { if (DBG) log("Incoming call while in ECM: always allow..."); return false; } // Incoming calls are totally ignored if the device isn't provisioned yet. boolean provisioned = Settings.Global.getInt(mApplication.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 0) != 0; if (!provisioned) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Ignoring incoming call: not provisioned"); return true; } // Incoming calls are totally ignored if an OTASP call is active. if (TelephonyCapabilities.supportsOtasp(phone)) { boolean activateState = (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState == OtaUtils.CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_ACTIVATION); boolean dialogState = (mApplication.cdmaOtaScreenState.otaScreenState == OtaUtils.CdmaOtaScreenState.OtaScreenState.OTA_STATUS_SUCCESS_FAILURE_DLG); boolean spcState = mApplication.cdmaOtaProvisionData.inOtaSpcState; if (spcState) { Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Ignoring incoming call: OTA call is active"); return true; } else if (activateState || dialogState) { // We *are* allowed to receive incoming calls at this point. // But clear out any residual OTASP UI first. // TODO: It's an MVC violation to twiddle the OTA UI state here; // we should instead provide a higher-level API via OtaUtils. if (dialogState) mApplication.dismissOtaDialogs(); mApplication.clearOtaState(); return false; } } // Normal case: allow this call to be presented to the user. return false; } private void onUnknownConnectionAppeared(AsyncResult r) { PhoneConstants.State state = mCM.getState(); if (state == PhoneConstants.State.OFFHOOK) { if (DBG) log("unknown connection appeared..."); onPhoneStateChanged(r); } } /** * Updates the phone UI in response to phone state changes. * * Watch out: certain state changes are actually handled by their own * specific methods: * - see onNewRingingConnection() for new incoming calls * - see onDisconnect() for calls being hung up or disconnected */ private void onPhoneStateChanged(AsyncResult r) { PhoneConstants.State state = mCM.getState(); if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: state = " + state); // Turn status bar notifications on or off depending upon the state // of the phone. Notification Alerts (audible or vibrating) should // be on if and only if the phone is IDLE. mApplication.notificationMgr.statusBarHelper .enableNotificationAlerts(state == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE); Phone fgPhone = mCM.getFgPhone(); if (fgPhone.getPhoneType() == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) { if ((fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getState() == Call.State.ACTIVE) && ((mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.DIALING) || (mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.ALERTING))) { if (mIsCdmaRedialCall) { int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_REDIAL; new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start(); } // Stop any signal info tone when call moves to ACTIVE state stopSignalInfoTone(); } mPreviousCdmaCallState = fgPhone.getForegroundCall().getState(); } // Have the PhoneApp recompute its mShowBluetoothIndication // flag based on the (new) telephony state. // There's no need to force a UI update since we update the // in-call notification ourselves (below), and the InCallScreen // listens for phone state changes itself. mBluetoothManager.updateBluetoothIndication(); // Update the phone state and other sensor/lock. mApplication.updatePhoneState(state); if (state == PhoneConstants.State.OFFHOOK) { if (VDBG) log("onPhoneStateChanged: OFF HOOK"); // make sure audio is in in-call mode now PhoneUtils.setAudioMode(mCM); } } void updateCallNotifierRegistrationsAfterRadioTechnologyChange() { if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "updateCallNotifierRegistrationsAfterRadioTechnologyChange..."); // Instantiate mSignalInfoToneGenerator createSignalInfoToneGenerator(); } private void onDisconnect(AsyncResult r) { if (VDBG) log("onDisconnect()... CallManager state: " + mCM.getState()); mVoicePrivacyState = false; Connection c = (Connection) r.result; if (c != null) { log("onDisconnect: cause = " + DisconnectCause.toString(c.getDisconnectCause()) + ", incoming = " + c.isIncoming() + ", date = " + c.getCreateTime()); } else { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "onDisconnect: null connection"); } int autoretrySetting = 0; if ((c != null) && (c.getCall().getPhone().getPhoneType() == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA)) { autoretrySetting = android.provider.Settings.Global.getInt(mApplication. getContentResolver(),android.provider.Settings.Global.CALL_AUTO_RETRY, 0); } // Stop any signalInfo tone being played when a call gets ended stopSignalInfoTone(); if ((c != null) && (c.getCall().getPhone().getPhoneType() == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA)) { // Resetting the CdmaPhoneCallState members mApplication.cdmaPhoneCallState.resetCdmaPhoneCallState(); } // If this is the end of an OTASP call, pass it on to the PhoneApp. if (c != null && TelephonyCapabilities.supportsOtasp(c.getCall().getPhone())) { final String number = c.getAddress(); if (c.getCall().getPhone().isOtaSpNumber(number)) { if (DBG) log("onDisconnect: this was an OTASP call!"); mApplication.handleOtaspDisconnect(); } } // Check for the various tones we might need to play (thru the // earpiece) after a call disconnects. int toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE; // If we don't need to play BUSY or CONGESTION, then play the // "call ended" tone if this was a "regular disconnect" (i.e. a // normal call where one end or the other hung up) *and* this // disconnect event caused the phone to become idle. (In other // words, we *don't* play the sound if one call hangs up but // there's still an active call on the other line.) // TODO: We may eventually want to disable this via a preference. if ((toneToPlay == InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE) && (mCM.getState() == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE) && (c != null)) { int cause = c.getDisconnectCause(); if ((cause == DisconnectCause.NORMAL) // remote hangup || (cause == DisconnectCause.LOCAL)) { // local hangup if (VDBG) log("- need to play CALL_ENDED tone!"); toneToPlay = InCallTonePlayer.TONE_CALL_ENDED; mIsCdmaRedialCall = false; } } // All phone calls are disconnected. if (mCM.getState() == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE) { // Don't reset the audio mode or bluetooth/speakerphone state // if we still need to let the user hear a tone through the earpiece. if (toneToPlay == InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE) { resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect(); } } if (c != null) { mCallLogger.logCall(c); final String number = c.getAddress(); final Phone phone = c.getCall().getPhone(); final boolean isEmergencyNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(mApplication, number); // Possibly play a "post-disconnect tone" thru the earpiece. // We do this here, rather than from the InCallScreen // activity, since we need to do this even if you're not in // the Phone UI at the moment the connection ends. if (toneToPlay != InCallTonePlayer.TONE_NONE) { if (VDBG) log("- starting post-disconnect tone (" + toneToPlay + ")..."); new InCallTonePlayer(toneToPlay).start(); // TODO: alternatively, we could start an InCallTonePlayer // here with an "unlimited" tone length, // and manually stop it later when this connection truly goes // away. (The real connection over the network was closed as soon // as we got the BUSY message. But our telephony layer keeps the // connection open for a few extra seconds so we can show the // "busy" indication to the user. We could stop the busy tone // when *that* connection's "disconnect" event comes in.) } final int cause = c.getDisconnectCause(); if (((mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.DIALING) || (mPreviousCdmaCallState == Call.State.ALERTING)) && (!isEmergencyNumber) && (cause != DisconnectCause.INCOMING_MISSED ) && (cause != DisconnectCause.NORMAL) && (cause != DisconnectCause.LOCAL) && (cause != DisconnectCause.INCOMING_REJECTED)) { if (!mIsCdmaRedialCall) { if (autoretrySetting == InCallScreen.AUTO_RETRY_ON) { // TODO: (Moto): The contact reference data may need to be stored and use // here when redialing a call. For now, pass in NULL as the URI parameter. final int status = PhoneUtils.placeCall(mApplication, phone, number, null, false); if (status != PhoneUtils.CALL_STATUS_FAILED) { mIsCdmaRedialCall = true; } } else { mIsCdmaRedialCall = false; } } else { mIsCdmaRedialCall = false; } } } } /** * Resets the audio mode and speaker state when a call ends. */ private void resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect() { if (VDBG) log("resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect()..."); if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) { mBluetoothHeadset.disconnectAudio(); } // call turnOnSpeaker() with state=false and store=true even if speaker // is already off to reset user requested speaker state. PhoneUtils.turnOnSpeaker(mApplication, false, true); PhoneUtils.setAudioMode(mCM); } /** * Helper class to play tones through the earpiece (or speaker / BT) * during a call, using the ToneGenerator. * * To use, just instantiate a new InCallTonePlayer * (passing in the TONE_* constant for the tone you want) * and start() it. * * When we're done playing the tone, if the phone is idle at that * point, we'll reset the audio routing and speaker state. * (That means that for tones that get played *after* a call * disconnects, like "busy" or "congestion" or "call ended", you * should NOT call resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect() yourself. * Instead, just start the InCallTonePlayer, which will automatically * defer the resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect() call until the tone * finishes playing.) */ private class InCallTonePlayer extends Thread { private int mToneId; private int mState; // The possible tones we can play. public static final int TONE_NONE = 0; public static final int TONE_CALL_WAITING = 1; public static final int TONE_BUSY = 2; public static final int TONE_CONGESTION = 3; public static final int TONE_CALL_ENDED = 4; public static final int TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY = 5; public static final int TONE_REORDER = 6; public static final int TONE_INTERCEPT = 7; public static final int TONE_CDMA_DROP = 8; public static final int TONE_OUT_OF_SERVICE = 9; public static final int TONE_REDIAL = 10; public static final int TONE_OTA_CALL_END = 11; public static final int TONE_UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER = 13; // The tone volume relative to other sounds in the stream static final int TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_EMERGENCY = 100; static final int TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI = 80; static final int TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_LOPRI = 50; // Buffer time (in msec) to add on to tone timeout value. // Needed mainly when the timeout value for a tone is the // exact duration of the tone itself. static final int TONE_TIMEOUT_BUFFER = 20; // The tone state static final int TONE_OFF = 0; static final int TONE_ON = 1; static final int TONE_STOPPED = 2; InCallTonePlayer(int toneId) { super(); mToneId = toneId; mState = TONE_OFF; } @Override public void run() { log("InCallTonePlayer.run(toneId = " + mToneId + ")..."); int toneType = 0; // passed to ToneGenerator.startTone() int toneVolume; // passed to the ToneGenerator constructor int toneLengthMillis; int phoneType = mCM.getFgPhone().getPhoneType(); switch (mToneId) { case TONE_CALL_WAITING: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_SUP_CALL_WAITING; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; // Call waiting tone is stopped by stopTone() method toneLengthMillis = Integer.MAX_VALUE - TONE_TIMEOUT_BUFFER; break; case TONE_BUSY: if (phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) { toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_BUSY_ONE_SHOT; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_LOPRI; toneLengthMillis = 1000; } else if (phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_GSM || phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_SIP || phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_IMS || phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_THIRD_PARTY) { toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_SUP_BUSY; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 4000; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected phone type: " + phoneType); } break; case TONE_CONGESTION: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_SUP_CONGESTION; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 4000; break; case TONE_CALL_ENDED: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_PROMPT; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 200; break; case TONE_OTA_CALL_END: if (mApplication.cdmaOtaConfigData.otaPlaySuccessFailureTone == OtaUtils.OTA_PLAY_SUCCESS_FAILURE_TONE_ON) { toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_CALL_GUARD; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 750; } else { toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_PROMPT; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 200; } break; case TONE_VOICE_PRIVACY: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_NETWORK_LITE; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 5000; break; case TONE_REORDER: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_REORDER; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 4000; break; case TONE_INTERCEPT: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ABBR_INTERCEPT; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_LOPRI; toneLengthMillis = 500; break; case TONE_CDMA_DROP: case TONE_OUT_OF_SERVICE: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_CALLDROP_LITE; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_LOPRI; toneLengthMillis = 375; break; case TONE_REDIAL: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_AUTOREDIAL_LITE; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_LOPRI; toneLengthMillis = 5000; break; case TONE_UNOBTAINABLE_NUMBER: toneType = ToneGenerator.TONE_SUP_ERROR; toneVolume = TONE_RELATIVE_VOLUME_HIPRI; toneLengthMillis = 4000; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad toneId: " + mToneId); } // If the mToneGenerator creation fails, just continue without it. It is // a local audio signal, and is not as important. ToneGenerator toneGenerator; try { int stream; if (mBluetoothHeadset != null) { stream = mBluetoothHeadset.isAudioOn() ? AudioManager.STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO: AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL; } else { stream = AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL; } toneGenerator = new ToneGenerator(stream, toneVolume); // if (DBG) log("- created toneGenerator: " + toneGenerator); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "InCallTonePlayer: Exception caught while creating ToneGenerator: " + e); toneGenerator = null; } // Using the ToneGenerator (with the CALL_WAITING / BUSY / // CONGESTION tones at least), the ToneGenerator itself knows // the right pattern of tones to play; we do NOT need to // manually start/stop each individual tone, or manually // insert the correct delay between tones. (We just start it // and let it run for however long we want the tone pattern to // continue.) // // TODO: When we stop the ToneGenerator in the middle of a // "tone pattern", it sounds bad if we cut if off while the // tone is actually playing. Consider adding API to the // ToneGenerator to say "stop at the next silent part of the // pattern", or simply "play the pattern N times and then // stop." boolean needToStopTone = true; boolean okToPlayTone = false; if (toneGenerator != null) { int ringerMode = mAudioManager.getRingerMode(); if (phoneType == PhoneConstants.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) { if (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_CALL_GUARD) { if ((ringerMode != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT) && (ringerMode != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE)) { if (DBG) log("- InCallTonePlayer: start playing call tone=" + toneType); okToPlayTone = true; needToStopTone = false; } } else if ((toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_NETWORK_BUSY_ONE_SHOT) || (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_REORDER) || (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ABBR_REORDER) || (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ABBR_INTERCEPT) || (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_CALLDROP_LITE)) { if (ringerMode != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT) { if (DBG) log("InCallTonePlayer:playing call fail tone:" + toneType); okToPlayTone = true; needToStopTone = false; } } else if ((toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_AUTOREDIAL_LITE) || (toneType == ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_ALERT_NETWORK_LITE)) { if ((ringerMode != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT) && (ringerMode != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_VIBRATE)) { if (DBG) log("InCallTonePlayer:playing tone for toneType=" + toneType); okToPlayTone = true; needToStopTone = false; } } else { // For the rest of the tones, always OK to play. okToPlayTone = true; } } else { // Not "CDMA" okToPlayTone = true; } synchronized (this) { if (okToPlayTone && mState != TONE_STOPPED) { mState = TONE_ON; toneGenerator.startTone(toneType); try { wait(toneLengthMillis + TONE_TIMEOUT_BUFFER); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "InCallTonePlayer stopped: " + e); } if (needToStopTone) { toneGenerator.stopTone(); } } // if (DBG) log("- InCallTonePlayer: done playing."); toneGenerator.release(); mState = TONE_OFF; } } // Finally, do the same cleanup we otherwise would have done // in onDisconnect(). // // (But watch out: do NOT do this if the phone is in use, // since some of our tones get played *during* a call (like // CALL_WAITING) and we definitely *don't* // want to reset the audio mode / speaker / bluetooth after // playing those! // This call is really here for use with tones that get played // *after* a call disconnects, like "busy" or "congestion" or // "call ended", where the phone has already become idle but // we need to defer the resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect() call // till the tone finishes playing.) if (mCM.getState() == PhoneConstants.State.IDLE) { resetAudioStateAfterDisconnect(); } } public void stopTone() { synchronized (this) { if (mState == TONE_ON) { notify(); } mState = TONE_STOPPED; } } } /** * Displays a notification when the phone receives a DisplayInfo record. */ private void onDisplayInfo(AsyncResult r) { // Extract the DisplayInfo String from the message CdmaDisplayInfoRec displayInfoRec = (CdmaDisplayInfoRec)(r.result); if (displayInfoRec != null) { String displayInfo = displayInfoRec.alpha; if (DBG) log("onDisplayInfo: displayInfo=" + displayInfo); PhoneDisplayMessage.displayNetworkMessage(mApplication, displayInfo); // start a timer that kills the dialog sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CallStateMonitor.INTERNAL_SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_DONE, SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_TIME); } } /** * Displays a notification when the phone receives a notice that a supplemental * service has failed. * TODO: This is a NOOP if it isn't for conferences or resuming call failures right now. */ private void onSuppServiceFailed(AsyncResult r) { if (r.result != Phone.SuppService.CONFERENCE && r.result != Phone.SuppService.RESUME) { if (DBG) log("onSuppServiceFailed: not a merge or resume failure event"); return; } String mergeFailedString = ""; if (r.result == Phone.SuppService.CONFERENCE) { if (DBG) log("onSuppServiceFailed: displaying merge failure message"); mergeFailedString = mApplication.getResources().getString( R.string.incall_error_supp_service_conference); } else if (r.result == Phone.SuppService.RESUME) { if (DBG) log("onSuppServiceFailed: displaying merge failure message"); mergeFailedString = mApplication.getResources().getString( R.string.incall_error_supp_service_switch); } PhoneDisplayMessage.displayErrorMessage(mApplication, mergeFailedString); // start a timer that kills the dialog sendEmptyMessageDelayed(CallStateMonitor.INTERNAL_SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_DONE, SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_TIME); } public void updatePhoneStateListeners() { List subInfos = mSubscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfoList(); // Unregister phone listeners for inactive subscriptions. Iterator itr = mPhoneStateListeners.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int subId = itr.next(); if (subInfos == null || !containsSubId(subInfos, subId)) { // Hide the outstanding notifications. mApplication.notificationMgr.updateMwi(subId, false); mApplication.notificationMgr.updateCfi(subId, false); // Listening to LISTEN_NONE removes the listener. mTelephonyManager.listen( mPhoneStateListeners.get(subId), PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_NONE); itr.remove(); } } if (subInfos == null) { return; } // Register new phone listeners for active subscriptions. for (int i = 0; i < subInfos.size(); i++) { int subId = subInfos.get(i).getSubscriptionId(); if (!mPhoneStateListeners.containsKey(subId)) { CallNotifierPhoneStateListener listener = new CallNotifierPhoneStateListener(subId); mTelephonyManager.listen(listener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_MESSAGE_WAITING_INDICATOR | PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_FORWARDING_INDICATOR); mPhoneStateListeners.put(subId, listener); } } } /** * @return {@code true} if the list contains SubscriptionInfo with the given subscription id. */ private boolean containsSubId(List subInfos, int subId) { if (subInfos == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < subInfos.size(); i++) { if (subInfos.get(i).getSubscriptionId() == subId) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Displays a notification when the phone receives a notice that TTY mode * has changed on remote end. */ private void onTtyModeReceived(AsyncResult r) { if (DBG) log("TtyModeReceived: displaying notification message"); int resId = 0; switch (((Integer)r.result).intValue()) { case TelecomManager.TTY_MODE_FULL: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.peerTtyModeFull; break; case TelecomManager.TTY_MODE_HCO: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.peerTtyModeHco; break; case TelecomManager.TTY_MODE_VCO: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.peerTtyModeVco; break; case TelecomManager.TTY_MODE_OFF: resId = com.android.internal.R.string.peerTtyModeOff; break; default: Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Unsupported TTY mode: " + r.result); break; } if (resId != 0) { PhoneDisplayMessage.displayNetworkMessage(mApplication, mApplication.getResources().getString(resId)); // start a timer that kills the dialog sendEmptyMessageDelayed( CallStateMonitor.INTERNAL_SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_DONE, SHOW_MESSAGE_NOTIFICATION_TIME); } } /** * Helper class to play SignalInfo tones using the ToneGenerator. * * To use, just instantiate a new SignalInfoTonePlayer * (passing in the ToneID constant for the tone you want) * and start() it. */ private class SignalInfoTonePlayer extends Thread { private int mToneId; SignalInfoTonePlayer(int toneId) { super(); mToneId = toneId; } @Override public void run() { log("SignalInfoTonePlayer.run(toneId = " + mToneId + ")..."); createSignalInfoToneGenerator(); if (mSignalInfoToneGenerator != null) { //First stop any ongoing SignalInfo tone mSignalInfoToneGenerator.stopTone(); //Start playing the new tone if its a valid tone mSignalInfoToneGenerator.startTone(mToneId); } } } /** * Plays a tone when the phone receives a SignalInfo record. */ private void onSignalInfo(AsyncResult r) { // Signal Info are totally ignored on non-voice-capable devices. if (!PhoneGlobals.sVoiceCapable) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Got onSignalInfo() on non-voice-capable device! Ignoring..."); return; } if (PhoneUtils.isRealIncomingCall(mCM.getFirstActiveRingingCall().getState())) { // Do not start any new SignalInfo tone when Call state is INCOMING // and stop any previous SignalInfo tone which is being played stopSignalInfoTone(); } else { // Extract the SignalInfo String from the message CdmaSignalInfoRec signalInfoRec = (CdmaSignalInfoRec)(r.result); // Only proceed if a Signal info is present. if (signalInfoRec != null) { boolean isPresent = signalInfoRec.isPresent; if (DBG) log("onSignalInfo: isPresent=" + isPresent); if (isPresent) {// if tone is valid int uSignalType = signalInfoRec.signalType; int uAlertPitch = signalInfoRec.alertPitch; int uSignal = signalInfoRec.signal; if (DBG) log("onSignalInfo: uSignalType=" + uSignalType + ", uAlertPitch=" + uAlertPitch + ", uSignal=" + uSignal); //Map the Signal to a ToneGenerator ToneID only if Signal info is present int toneID = SignalToneUtil.getAudioToneFromSignalInfo (uSignalType, uAlertPitch, uSignal); //Create the SignalInfo tone player and pass the ToneID new SignalInfoTonePlayer(toneID).start(); } } } } /** * Stops a SignalInfo tone in the following condition * 1 - On receiving a New Ringing Call * 2 - On disconnecting a call * 3 - On answering a Call Waiting Call */ /* package */ void stopSignalInfoTone() { if (DBG) log("stopSignalInfoTone: Stopping SignalInfo tone player"); new SignalInfoTonePlayer(ToneGenerator.TONE_CDMA_SIGNAL_OFF).start(); } /** * Return the private variable mPreviousCdmaCallState. */ /* package */ Call.State getPreviousCdmaCallState() { return mPreviousCdmaCallState; } /** * Return the private variable mVoicePrivacyState. */ /* package */ boolean getVoicePrivacyState() { return mVoicePrivacyState; } /** * Return the private variable mIsCdmaRedialCall. */ /* package */ boolean getIsCdmaRedialCall() { return mIsCdmaRedialCall; } private BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener mBluetoothProfileServiceListener = new BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener() { public void onServiceConnected(int profile, BluetoothProfile proxy) { mBluetoothHeadset = (BluetoothHeadset) proxy; if (VDBG) log("- Got BluetoothHeadset: " + mBluetoothHeadset); } public void onServiceDisconnected(int profile) { mBluetoothHeadset = null; } }; private class CallNotifierPhoneStateListener extends PhoneStateListener { public CallNotifierPhoneStateListener(int subId) { super(subId); } @Override public void onMessageWaitingIndicatorChanged(boolean visible) { if (VDBG) log("onMessageWaitingIndicatorChanged(): " + this.mSubId + " " + visible); mApplication.notificationMgr.updateMwi(this.mSubId, visible); } @Override public void onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged(boolean visible) { if (VDBG) log("onCallForwardingIndicatorChanged(): " + this.mSubId + " " + visible); mApplication.notificationMgr.updateCfi(this.mSubId, visible); } }; private void log(String msg) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg); } }