/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.phone; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceActivity; import android.preference.PreferenceScreen; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties; /** * List of Phone-specific settings screens. */ public class CdmaOptions { private static final String LOG_TAG = "CdmaOptions"; private CdmaSystemSelectListPreference mButtonCdmaSystemSelect; private CdmaSubscriptionListPreference mButtonCdmaSubscription; private PreferenceScreen mButtonAPNExpand; private static final String BUTTON_CDMA_SYSTEM_SELECT_KEY = "cdma_system_select_key"; private static final String BUTTON_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = "cdma_subscription_key"; private static final String BUTTON_CDMA_ACTIVATE_DEVICE_KEY = "cdma_activate_device_key"; private static final String BUTTON_CARRIER_SETTINGS_KEY = "carrier_settings_key"; private static final String BUTTON_APN_EXPAND_KEY = "button_apn_key_cdma"; private PreferenceActivity mPrefActivity; private PreferenceScreen mPrefScreen; private Phone mPhone; public CdmaOptions(PreferenceActivity prefActivity, PreferenceScreen prefScreen, Phone phone) { mPrefActivity = prefActivity; mPrefScreen = prefScreen; mPhone = phone; create(); } protected void create() { mPrefActivity.addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.cdma_options); mButtonAPNExpand = (PreferenceScreen) mPrefScreen.findPreference(BUTTON_APN_EXPAND_KEY); boolean removedAPNExpand = false; PersistableBundle carrierConfig = PhoneGlobals.getInstance().getCarrierConfigForSubId(mPhone.getSubId()); // Some CDMA carriers want the APN settings. if (!carrierConfig.getBoolean(CarrierConfigManager.KEY_SHOW_APN_SETTING_CDMA_BOOL) && mButtonAPNExpand != null) { mPrefScreen.removePreference(mButtonAPNExpand); removedAPNExpand = true; } if (!removedAPNExpand) { mButtonAPNExpand.setOnPreferenceClickListener( new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { // We need to build the Intent by hand as the Preference Framework // does not allow to add an Intent with some extras into a Preference // XML file final Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APN_SETTINGS); // This will setup the Home and Search affordance intent.putExtra(":settings:show_fragment_as_subsetting", true); intent.putExtra("sub_id", mPhone.getSubId()); mPrefActivity.startActivity(intent); return true; } }); } mButtonCdmaSystemSelect = (CdmaSystemSelectListPreference)mPrefScreen .findPreference(BUTTON_CDMA_SYSTEM_SELECT_KEY); mButtonCdmaSubscription = (CdmaSubscriptionListPreference)mPrefScreen .findPreference(BUTTON_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY); mButtonCdmaSystemSelect.setEnabled(true); if(deviceSupportsNvAndRuim()) { log("Both NV and Ruim supported, ENABLE subscription type selection"); mButtonCdmaSubscription.setEnabled(true); } else { log("Both NV and Ruim NOT supported, REMOVE subscription type selection"); mPrefScreen.removePreference(mPrefScreen .findPreference(BUTTON_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY)); } final boolean voiceCapable = mPrefActivity.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_voice_capable); final boolean isLTE = mPhone.getLteOnCdmaMode() == PhoneConstants.LTE_ON_CDMA_TRUE; if (voiceCapable || isLTE) { // This option should not be available on voice-capable devices (i.e. regular phones) // and is replaced by the LTE data service item on LTE devices mPrefScreen.removePreference( mPrefScreen.findPreference(BUTTON_CDMA_ACTIVATE_DEVICE_KEY)); } // Read platform settings for carrier settings final boolean isCarrierSettingsEnabled = carrierConfig.getBoolean( CarrierConfigManager.KEY_CARRIER_SETTINGS_ENABLE_BOOL); if (!isCarrierSettingsEnabled) { Preference pref = mPrefScreen.findPreference(BUTTON_CARRIER_SETTINGS_KEY); if (pref != null) { mPrefScreen.removePreference(pref); } } } private boolean deviceSupportsNvAndRuim() { // retrieve the list of subscription types supported by device. String subscriptionsSupported = SystemProperties.get("ril.subscription.types"); boolean nvSupported = false; boolean ruimSupported = false; log("deviceSupportsnvAnRum: prop=" + subscriptionsSupported); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(subscriptionsSupported)) { // Searches through the comma-separated list for a match for "NV" // and "RUIM" to update nvSupported and ruimSupported. for (String subscriptionType : subscriptionsSupported.split(",")) { subscriptionType = subscriptionType.trim(); if (subscriptionType.equalsIgnoreCase("NV")) { nvSupported = true; } if (subscriptionType.equalsIgnoreCase("RUIM")) { ruimSupported = true; } } } log("deviceSupportsnvAnRum: nvSupported=" + nvSupported + " ruimSupported=" + ruimSupported); return (nvSupported && ruimSupported); } public boolean preferenceTreeClick(Preference preference) { if (preference.getKey().equals(BUTTON_CDMA_SYSTEM_SELECT_KEY)) { log("preferenceTreeClick: return BUTTON_CDMA_ROAMING_KEY true"); return true; } if (preference.getKey().equals(BUTTON_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY)) { log("preferenceTreeClick: return CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY true"); return true; } return false; } public void showDialog(Preference preference) { if (preference.getKey().equals(BUTTON_CDMA_SYSTEM_SELECT_KEY)) { mButtonCdmaSystemSelect.showDialog(null); } else if (preference.getKey().equals(BUTTON_CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY)) { mButtonCdmaSubscription.showDialog(null); } } protected void log(String s) { android.util.Log.d(LOG_TAG, s); } }