revision 9524c7bdd383d6c51e0c061e0158b3d2f95ff8ea
1""" -- tools for working with bezier path segments."""
4__all__ = ["calcQuadraticBounds", "calcCubicBounds", "splitLine", "splitQuadratic",
5	"splitCubic", "solveQuadratic", "solveCubic"]
8from fontTools.misc.arrayTools import calcBounds
9import Numeric
12def calcQuadraticBounds(pt1, pt2, pt3):
13	"""Return the bounding rectangle for a qudratic bezier segment.
14	pt1 and pt3 are the "anchor" points, pt2 is the "handle"."""
15	# convert points to Numeric arrays
16	pt1, pt2, pt3 = Numeric.array((pt1, pt2, pt3))
18	# calc quadratic parameters
19	c = pt1
20	b = (pt2 - c) * 2.0
21	a = pt3 - c - b
23	# calc first derivative
24	ax, ay = a * 2
25	bx, by = b
26	roots = []
27	if ax != 0:
28		roots.append(-bx/ax)
29	if ay != 0:
30		roots.append(-by/ay)
31	points = [a*t*t + b*t + c for t in roots if 0 <= t < 1] + [pt1, pt3]
32	return calcBounds(points)
35def calcCubicBounds(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4):
36	"""Return the bounding rectangle for a cubic bezier segment.
37	pt1 and pt4 are the "anchor" points, pt2 and pt3 are the "handles"."""
38	# convert points to Numeric arrays
39	pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = Numeric.array((pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4))
41	# calc cubic parameters
42	d = pt1
43	c = (pt2 - d) * 3.0
44	b = (pt3 - pt2) * 3.0 - c
45	a = pt4 - d - c - b
47	# calc first derivative
48	ax, ay = a * 3.0
49	bx, by = b * 2.0
50	cx, cy = c
51	xRoots = [t for t in solveQuadratic(ax, bx, cx) if 0 <= t < 1]
52	yRoots = [t for t in solveQuadratic(ay, by, cy) if 0 <= t < 1]
53	roots = xRoots + yRoots
55	points = [(a*t*t*t + b*t*t + c * t + d) for t in roots] + [pt1, pt4]
56	return calcBounds(points)
59def splitLine(pt1, pt2, where, isHorizontal):
60	"""Split the line between pt1 and pt2 at position 'where', which
61	is an x coordinate if isHorizontal is False, a y coordinate if
62	isHorizontal is True. Return a list of two line segments if the
63	line was successfully split, or a list containing the original
64	line."""
65	pt1, pt2 = Numeric.array((pt1, pt2))
66	a = (pt2 - pt1)
67	b = pt1
68	ax = a[isHorizontal]
69	if ax == 0:
70		return [(pt1, pt2)]
71	t = float(where - b[isHorizontal]) / ax
72	if 0 <= t < 1:
73		midPt = a * t + b
74		return [(pt1, midPt), (midPt, pt2)]
75	else:
76		return [(pt1, pt2)]
79def splitQuadratic(pt1, pt2, pt3, where, isHorizontal):
80	"""Split the quadratic curve between pt1, pt2 and pt3 at position 'where',
81	which is an x coordinate if isHorizontal is False, a y coordinate if
82	isHorizontal is True. Return a list of curve segments."""
83	pt1, pt2, pt3 = Numeric.array((pt1, pt2, pt3))
84	c = pt1
85	b = (pt2 - c) * 2.0
86	a = pt3 - c - b
87	solutions = solveQuadratic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal],
88		c[isHorizontal] - where)
89	solutions = [t for t in solutions if 0 <= t < 1]
90	solutions.sort()
91	if not solutions:
92		return [(pt1, pt2, pt3)]
94	segments = []
95	solutions.insert(0, 0.0)
96	solutions.append(1.0)
97	for i in range(len(solutions) - 1):
98		t1 = solutions[i]
99		t2 = solutions[i+1]
100		delta = (t2 - t1)
101		# calc new a, b and c
102		a1 = a * delta**2
103		b1 = (2*a*t1 + b) * delta
104		c1 = a*t1**2 + b*t1 + c
105		# calc new points
106		pt1 = c1
107		pt2 = (b1 * 0.5) + c1
108		pt3 = a1 + b1 + c1
109		segments.append((pt1, pt2, pt3))
110	return segments
113def splitCubic(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, where, isHorizontal):
114	"""Split the cubic curve between pt1, pt2, pt3 and pt4 at position 'where',
115	which is an x coordinate if isHorizontal is False, a y coordinate if
116	isHorizontal is True. Return a list of curve segments."""
117	pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 = Numeric.array((pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4))
118	d = pt1
119	c = (pt2 - d) * 3.0
120	b = (pt3 - pt2) * 3.0 - c
121	a = pt4 - d - c - b
123	solutions = solveCubic(a[isHorizontal], b[isHorizontal], c[isHorizontal],
124		d[isHorizontal] - where)
125	solutions = [t for t in solutions if 0 <= t < 1]
126	solutions.sort()
127	if not solutions:
128		return [(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4)]
130	segments = []
131	solutions.insert(0, 0.0)
132	solutions.append(1.0)
133	for i in range(len(solutions) - 1):
134		t1 = solutions[i]
135		t2 = solutions[i+1]
136		delta = (t2 - t1)
137		# calc new a, b, c and d
138		a1 = a * delta**3
139		b1 = (3*a*t1 + b) * delta**2
140		c1 = (2*b*t1 + c + 3*a*t1**2) * delta
141		d1 = a*t1**3 + b*t1**2 + c*t1 + d
142		# calc new points
143		pt1 = d1
144		pt2 = (c1 / 3.0) + d1
145		pt3 = (b1 + c1) / 3.0 + pt2
146		pt4 = a1 + d1 + c1 + b1
147		segments.append((pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4))
148	return segments
152# Equation solvers.
155from math import sqrt, acos, cos, pi
158def solveQuadratic(a, b, c,
159		sqrt=sqrt):
160	"""Solve a quadratic equation where a, b and c are real.
161	    a*x*x + b*x + c = 0
162	This function returns a list of roots.
163	"""
164	if a == 0.0:
165		if b == 0.0:
166			# We have a non-equation; therefore, we have no valid solution
167			roots = []
168		else:
169			# We have a linear equation with 1 root.
170			roots = [-c/b]
171	else:
172		# We have a true quadratic equation.  Apply the quadratic formula to find two roots.
173		DD = b*b - 4.0*a*c
174		if DD >= 0.0:
175			roots = [(-b+sqrt(DD))/2.0/a, (-b-sqrt(DD))/2.0/a]
176		else:
177			# complex roots, ignore
178			roots = []
179	return roots
182def solveCubic(a, b, c, d,
183		abs=abs, pow=pow, sqrt=sqrt, cos=cos, acos=acos, pi=pi):
184	"""Solve a cubic equation where a, b, c and d are real.
185	    a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d = 0
186	This function returns a list of roots.
187	"""
188	#
189	# adapted from:
190	#   CUBIC.C - Solve a cubic polynomial
191	#   public domain by Ross Cottrell
192	# found at:
193	#
194	if abs(a) < 1e-6:
195		# don't just test for zero; for very small values of 'a' solveCubic()
196		# returns unreliable results, so we fall back to quad.
197		return solveQuadratic(b, c, d)
198	a1 = b/a
199	a2 = c/a
200	a3 = d/a
202	Q = (a1*a1 - 3.0*a2)/9.0
203	R = (2.0*a1*a1*a1 - 9.0*a1*a2 + 27.0*a3)/54.0
204	R2_Q3 = R*R - Q*Q*Q
206	if R2_Q3 <= 0:
207		theta = acos(R/sqrt(Q*Q*Q))
208		x0 = -2.0*sqrt(Q)*cos(theta/3.0) - a1/3.0
209		x1 = -2.0*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta+2.0*pi)/3.0) - a1/3.0
210		x2 = -2.0*sqrt(Q)*cos((theta+4.0*pi)/3.0) - a1/3.0
211		return [x0, x1, x2]
212	else:
213		x = pow(sqrt(R2_Q3)+abs(R), 1/3.0)
214		x = x + Q/x
215		if R >= 0.0:
216			x = -x
217		x = x - a1/3.0
218		return [x]