3import lldb
4import optparse
5import shlex
6import string
7import sys
9def create_dump_module_line_tables_options ():
10    usage = "usage: dump_module_line_tables [options] MODULE1 [MODULE2 ...]"
11    description='''Dumps all line tables from all compile units for any modules specified as arguments. Specifying the --verbose flag will output address ranges for each line entry.'''
12    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='start_gdb_log',usage=usage)
13    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Display verbose output.', default=False)
14    return parser
16def dump_module_line_tables(debugger, command, result, dict):
17    '''Dumps all line tables from all compile units for any modules specified as arguments.'''
18    command_args = shlex.split(command)
20    parser = create_dump_module_line_tables_options ()
21    try:
22        (options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
23    except:
24        return
25    if command_args:
26        target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
27        lldb.target = target
28        for module_name in command_args:
29            result.PutCString('Searching for module "%s"' % (module_name,))
30            module_fspec = lldb.SBFileSpec (module_name, False)
31            module = target.FindModule (module_fspec);
32            if module:
33                for cu_idx in range (module.GetNumCompileUnits()):
34                    cu = module.GetCompileUnitAtIndex(cu_idx)
35                    result.PutCString("\n%s:" % (cu.file))
36                    for line_idx in range(cu.GetNumLineEntries()):
37                        line_entry = cu.GetLineEntryAtIndex(line_idx)
38                        start_file_addr = line_entry.addr.file_addr
39                        end_file_addr = line_entry.end_addr.file_addr
40                        # If the two addresses are equal, this line table entry is a termination entry
41                        if options.verbose:
42                            if start_file_addr != end_file_addr:
43                                result.PutCString('[%#x - %#x): %s' % (start_file_addr, end_file_addr, line_entry))
44                        else:
45                            if start_file_addr == end_file_addr:
46                                result.PutCString('%#x: END' % (start_file_addr))
47                            else:
48                                result.PutCString('%#x: %s' % (start_file_addr, line_entry))
49                        if start_file_addr == end_file_addr:
50                            result.Printf("\n")
51            else:
52                result.PutCString ("no module for '%s'" % module)
53    else:
54        result.PutCString ("error: invalid target")
56parser = create_dump_module_line_tables_options ()
57dump_module_line_tables.__doc__ = parser.format_help()
58lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.dump_module_line_tables dump_module_line_tables' % __name__)
59print 'Installed "dump_module_line_tables" command'