AbsListView.java revision c39a6e0c51e182338deb8b63d07933b585134929
2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.widget;
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.content.res.TypedArray;
21import android.graphics.Canvas;
22import android.graphics.Rect;
23import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
24import android.graphics.drawable.TransitionDrawable;
25import android.os.Debug;
26import android.os.Handler;
27import android.os.Parcel;
28import android.os.Parcelable;
29import android.text.Editable;
30import android.text.TextUtils;
31import android.text.TextWatcher;
32import android.util.AttributeSet;
33import android.view.Gravity;
34import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
35import android.view.KeyEvent;
36import android.view.LayoutInflater;
37import android.view.MotionEvent;
38import android.view.VelocityTracker;
39import android.view.View;
40import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
41import android.view.ViewDebug;
42import android.view.ViewGroup;
43import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
44import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
45import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
46import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
47import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo;
49import com.android.internal.R;
51import java.util.ArrayList;
52import java.util.List;
55 * Common code shared between ListView and GridView
56 *
57 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_listSelector
58 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_drawSelectorOnTop
59 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_stackFromBottom
60 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_scrollingCache
61 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_textFilterEnabled
62 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_transcriptMode
63 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_cacheColorHint
64 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_fastScrollEnabled
65 * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_smoothScrollbar
66 */
67public abstract class AbsListView extends AdapterView<ListAdapter> implements TextWatcher,
68        ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener, Filter.FilterListener,
69        ViewTreeObserver.OnTouchModeChangeListener {
71    /**
72     * Disables the transcript mode.
73     *
74     * @see #setTranscriptMode(int)
75     */
76    public static final int TRANSCRIPT_MODE_DISABLED = 0;
77    /**
78     * The list will automatically scroll to the bottom when a data set change
79     * notification is received and only if the last item is already visible
80     * on screen.
81     *
82     * @see #setTranscriptMode(int)
83     */
84    public static final int TRANSCRIPT_MODE_NORMAL = 1;
85    /**
86     * The list will automatically scroll to the bottom, no matter what items
87     * are currently visible.
88     *
89     * @see #setTranscriptMode(int)
90     */
91    public static final int TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL = 2;
93    /**
94     * Indicates that we are not in the middle of a touch gesture
95     */
96    static final int TOUCH_MODE_REST = -1;
98    /**
99     * Indicates we just received the touch event and we are waiting to see if the it is a tap or a
100     * scroll gesture.
101     */
102    static final int TOUCH_MODE_DOWN = 0;
104    /**
105     * Indicates the touch has been recognized as a tap and we are now waiting to see if the touch
106     * is a longpress
107     */
108    static final int TOUCH_MODE_TAP = 1;
110    /**
111     * Indicates we have waited for everything we can wait for, but the user's finger is still down
112     */
113    static final int TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING = 2;
115    /**
116     * Indicates the touch gesture is a scroll
117     */
118    static final int TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL = 3;
120    /**
121     * Indicates the view is in the process of being flung
122     */
123    static final int TOUCH_MODE_FLING = 4;
125    /**
126     * Indicates that the user is currently dragging the fast scroll thumb
127     */
128    static final int TOUCH_MODE_FAST_SCROLL = 5;
130    /**
131     * Regular layout - usually an unsolicited layout from the view system
132     */
133    static final int LAYOUT_NORMAL = 0;
135    /**
136     * Show the first item
137     */
138    static final int LAYOUT_FORCE_TOP = 1;
140    /**
141     * Force the selected item to be on somewhere on the screen
142     */
143    static final int LAYOUT_SET_SELECTION = 2;
145    /**
146     * Show the last item
147     */
148    static final int LAYOUT_FORCE_BOTTOM = 3;
150    /**
151     * Make a mSelectedItem appear in a specific location and build the rest of
152     * the views from there. The top is specified by mSpecificTop.
153     */
154    static final int LAYOUT_SPECIFIC = 4;
156    /**
157     * Layout to sync as a result of a data change. Restore mSyncPosition to have its top
158     * at mSpecificTop
159     */
160    static final int LAYOUT_SYNC = 5;
162    /**
163     * Layout as a result of using the navigation keys
164     */
165    static final int LAYOUT_MOVE_SELECTION = 6;
167    /**
168     * Controls how the next layout will happen
169     */
170    int mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL;
172    /**
173     * Should be used by subclasses to listen to changes in the dataset
174     */
175    AdapterDataSetObserver mDataSetObserver;
177    /**
178     * The adapter containing the data to be displayed by this view
179     */
180    ListAdapter mAdapter;
182    /**
183     * Indicates whether the list selector should be drawn on top of the children or behind
184     */
185    boolean mDrawSelectorOnTop = false;
187    /**
188     * The drawable used to draw the selector
189     */
190    Drawable mSelector;
192    /**
193     * Defines the selector's location and dimension at drawing time
194     */
195    Rect mSelectorRect = new Rect();
197    /**
198     * The data set used to store unused views that should be reused during the next layout
199     * to avoid creating new ones
200     */
201    final RecycleBin mRecycler = new RecycleBin();
203    /**
204     * The selection's left padding
205     */
206    int mSelectionLeftPadding = 0;
208    /**
209     * The selection's top padding
210     */
211    int mSelectionTopPadding = 0;
213    /**
214     * The selection's right padding
215     */
216    int mSelectionRightPadding = 0;
218    /**
219     * The selection's bottom padding
220     */
221    int mSelectionBottomPadding = 0;
223    /**
224     * This view's padding
225     */
226    Rect mListPadding = new Rect();
228    /**
229     * Subclasses must retain their measure spec from onMeasure() into this member
230     */
231    int mWidthMeasureSpec = 0;
233    /**
234     * The top scroll indicator
235     */
236    View mScrollUp;
238    /**
239     * The down scroll indicator
240     */
241    View mScrollDown;
243    /**
244     * When the view is scrolling, this flag is set to true to indicate subclasses that
245     * the drawing cache was enabled on the children
246     */
247    boolean mCachingStarted;
249    /**
250     * The position of the view that received the down motion event
251     */
252    int mMotionPosition;
254    /**
255     * The offset to the top of the mMotionPosition view when the down motion event was received
256     */
257    int mMotionViewOriginalTop;
259    /**
260     * The desired offset to the top of the mMotionPosition view after a scroll
261     */
262    int mMotionViewNewTop;
264    /**
265     * The X value associated with the the down motion event
266     */
267    int mMotionX;
269    /**
270     * The Y value associated with the the down motion event
271     */
272    int mMotionY;
274    /**
277     */
278    int mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
280    /**
281     * Y value from on the previous motion event (if any)
282     */
283    int mLastY;
285    /**
286     * How far the finger moved before we started scrolling
287     */
288    int mMotionCorrection;
290    /**
291     * Determines speed during touch scrolling
292     */
293    private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker;
295    /**
296     * Handles one frame of a fling
297     */
298    private FlingRunnable mFlingRunnable;
300    /**
301     * The offset in pixels form the top of the AdapterView to the top
302     * of the currently selected view. Used to save and restore state.
303     */
304    int mSelectedTop = 0;
306    /**
307     * Indicates whether the list is stacked from the bottom edge or
308     * the top edge.
309     */
310    boolean mStackFromBottom;
312    /**
313     * When set to true, the list automatically discards the children's
314     * bitmap cache after scrolling.
315     */
316    boolean mScrollingCacheEnabled;
318    /**
319     * Whether or not to enable the fast scroll feature on this list
320     */
321    boolean mFastScrollEnabled;
323    /**
324     * Optional callback to notify client when scroll position has changed
325     */
326    private OnScrollListener mOnScrollListener;
328    /**
329     * Keeps track of our accessory window
330     */
331    PopupWindow mPopup;
333    /**
334     * Used with type filter window
335     */
336    EditText mTextFilter;
338    /**
339     * Indicates whether to use pixels-based or position-based scrollbar
340     * properties.
341     */
342    private boolean mSmoothScrollbarEnabled = true;
344    /**
345     * Indicates that this view supports filtering
346     */
347    private boolean mTextFilterEnabled;
349    /**
350     * Indicates that this view is currently displaying a filtered view of the data
351     */
352    private boolean mFiltered;
354    /**
355     * Rectangle used for hit testing children
356     */
357    private Rect mTouchFrame;
359    /**
360     * The position to resurrect the selected position to.
361     */
362    int mResurrectToPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
364    private ContextMenuInfo mContextMenuInfo = null;
366    /**
367     * Used to request a layout when we changed touch mode
368     */
369    private static final int TOUCH_MODE_UNKNOWN = -1;
370    private static final int TOUCH_MODE_ON = 0;
371    private static final int TOUCH_MODE_OFF = 1;
373    private int mLastTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_UNKNOWN;
375    private static final boolean PROFILE_SCROLLING = false;
376    private boolean mScrollProfilingStarted = false;
378    private static final boolean PROFILE_FLINGING = false;
379    private boolean mFlingProfilingStarted = false;
381    /**
382     * The last CheckForLongPress runnable we posted, if any
383     */
384    private CheckForLongPress mPendingCheckForLongPress;
386    /**
387     * The last CheckForTap runnable we posted, if any
388     */
389    private Runnable mPendingCheckForTap;
391    /**
392     * The last CheckForKeyLongPress runnable we posted, if any
393     */
394    private CheckForKeyLongPress mPendingCheckForKeyLongPress;
396    /**
397     * Acts upon click
398     */
399    private AbsListView.PerformClick mPerformClick;
401    /**
402     * This view is in transcript mode -- it shows the bottom of the list when the data
403     * changes
404     */
405    private int mTranscriptMode;
407    /**
408     * Indicates that this list is always drawn on top of a solid, single-color, opaque
409     * background
410     */
411    private int mCacheColorHint;
413    /**
414     * The select child's view (from the adapter's getView) is enabled.
415     */
416    private boolean mIsChildViewEnabled;
418    /**
419     * The last scroll state reported to clients through {@link OnScrollListener}.
420     */
421    private int mLastScrollState = OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE;
423    /**
424     * Helper object that renders and controls the fast scroll thumb.
425     */
426    private FastScroller mFastScroller;
428    private int mTouchSlop;
430    private float mDensityScale;
432    /**
433     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the list or grid
434     * has been scrolled.
435     */
436    public interface OnScrollListener {
438        /**
439         * The view is not scrolling. Note navigating the list using the trackball counts as
440         * being in the idle state since these transitions are not animated.
441         */
442        public static int SCROLL_STATE_IDLE = 0;
444        /**
445         * The user is scrolling using touch, and their finger is still on the screen
446         */
447        public static int SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL = 1;
449        /**
450         * The user had previously been scrolling using touch and had performed a fling. The
451         * animation is now coasting to a stop
452         */
453        public static int SCROLL_STATE_FLING = 2;
455        /**
456         * Callback method to be invoked while the list view or grid view is being scrolled. If the
457         * view is being scrolled, this method will be called before the next frame of the scroll is
458         * rendered. In particular, it will be called before any calls to
459         * {@link Adapter#getView(int, View, ViewGroup)}.
460         *
461         * @param view The view whose scroll state is being reported
462         *
463         * @param scrollState The current scroll state. One of {@link #SCROLL_STATE_IDLE},
464         * {@link #SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL} or {@link #SCROLL_STATE_IDLE}.
465         */
466        public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState);
468        /**
469         * Callback method to be invoked when the list or grid has been scrolled. This will be
470         * called after the scroll has completed
471         * @param view The view whose scroll state is being reported
472         * @param firstVisibleItem the index of the first visible cell (ignore if
473         *        visibleItemCount == 0)
474         * @param visibleItemCount the number of visible cells
475         * @param totalItemCount the number of items in the list adaptor
476         */
477        public void onScroll(AbsListView view, int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount,
478                int totalItemCount);
479    }
481    public AbsListView(Context context) {
482        super(context);
483        initAbsListView();
485        setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(true);
486        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(R.styleable.View);
487        initializeScrollbars(a);
488        a.recycle();
489    }
491    public AbsListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
492        this(context, attrs, com.android.internal.R.attr.absListViewStyle);
493    }
495    public AbsListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
496        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
497        initAbsListView();
499        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
500                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AbsListView, defStyle, 0);
502        Drawable d = a.getDrawable(com.android.internal.R.styleable.AbsListView_listSelector);
503        if (d != null) {
504            setSelector(d);
505        }
507        mDrawSelectorOnTop = a.getBoolean(
508                com.android.internal.R.styleable.AbsListView_drawSelectorOnTop, false);
510        boolean stackFromBottom = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.AbsListView_stackFromBottom, false);
511        setStackFromBottom(stackFromBottom);
513        boolean scrollingCacheEnabled = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.AbsListView_scrollingCache, true);
514        setScrollingCacheEnabled(scrollingCacheEnabled);
516        boolean useTextFilter = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.AbsListView_textFilterEnabled, false);
517        setTextFilterEnabled(useTextFilter);
519        int transcriptMode = a.getInt(R.styleable.AbsListView_transcriptMode,
520                TRANSCRIPT_MODE_DISABLED);
521        setTranscriptMode(transcriptMode);
523        int color = a.getColor(R.styleable.AbsListView_cacheColorHint, 0);
524        setCacheColorHint(color);
526        boolean enableFastScroll = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.AbsListView_fastScrollEnabled, false);
527        setFastScrollEnabled(enableFastScroll);
529        boolean smoothScrollbar = a.getBoolean(R.styleable.AbsListView_smoothScrollbar, true);
530        setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(smoothScrollbar);
532        a.recycle();
533    }
535    /**
536     * Enables fast scrolling by letting the user quickly scroll through lists by
537     * dragging the fast scroll thumb. The adapter attached to the list may want
538     * to implement {@link SectionIndexer} if it wishes to display alphabet preview and
539     * jump between sections of the list.
540     * @see SectionIndexer
541     * @see #isFastScrollEnabled()
542     * @param enabled whether or not to enable fast scrolling
543     */
544    public void setFastScrollEnabled(boolean enabled) {
545        mFastScrollEnabled = enabled;
546        if (enabled) {
547            if (mFastScroller == null) {
548                mFastScroller = new FastScroller(getContext(), this);
549            }
550        } else {
551            if (mFastScroller != null) {
552                mFastScroller.stop();
553                mFastScroller = null;
554            }
555        }
556    }
558    /**
559     * Returns the current state of the fast scroll feature.
560     * @see #setFastScrollEnabled(boolean)
561     * @return true if fast scroll is enabled, false otherwise
562     */
563    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
564    public boolean isFastScrollEnabled() {
565        return mFastScrollEnabled;
566    }
568    /**
569     * If fast scroll is visible, then don't draw the vertical scrollbar.
570     * @hide
571     */
572    @Override
573    protected boolean isVerticalScrollBarHidden() {
574        return mFastScroller != null && mFastScroller.isVisible();
575    }
577    /**
578     * When smooth scrollbar is enabled, the position and size of the scrollbar thumb
579     * is computed based on the number of visible pixels in the visible items. This
580     * however assumes that all list items have the same height. If you use a list in
581     * which items have different heights, the scrollbar will change appearance as the
582     * user scrolls through the list. To avoid this issue, you need to disable this
583     * property.
584     *
585     * When smooth scrollbar is disabled, the position and size of the scrollbar thumb
586     * is based solely on the number of items in the adapter and the position of the
587     * visible items inside the adapter. This provides a stable scrollbar as the user
588     * navigates through a list of items with varying heights.
589     *
590     * @param enabled Whether or not to enable smooth scrollbar.
591     *
592     * @see #setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(boolean)
593     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_smoothScrollbar
594     */
595    public void setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(boolean enabled) {
596        mSmoothScrollbarEnabled = enabled;
597    }
599    /**
600     * Returns the current state of the fast scroll feature.
601     *
602     * @return True if smooth scrollbar is enabled is enabled, false otherwise.
603     *
604     * @see #setSmoothScrollbarEnabled(boolean)
605     */
606    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
607    public boolean isSmoothScrollbarEnabled() {
608        return mSmoothScrollbarEnabled;
609    }
611    /**
612     * Set the listener that will receive notifications every time the list scrolls.
613     *
614     * @param l the scroll listener
615     */
616    public void setOnScrollListener(OnScrollListener l) {
617        mOnScrollListener = l;
618        invokeOnItemScrollListener();
619    }
621    /**
622     * Notify our scroll listener (if there is one) of a change in scroll state
623     */
624    void invokeOnItemScrollListener() {
625        if (mFastScroller != null) {
626            mFastScroller.onScroll(this, mFirstPosition, getChildCount(), mItemCount);
627        }
628        if (mOnScrollListener != null) {
629            mOnScrollListener.onScroll(this, mFirstPosition, getChildCount(), mItemCount);
630        }
631    }
633    /**
634     * Indicates whether the children's drawing cache is used during a scroll.
635     * By default, the drawing cache is enabled but this will consume more memory.
636     *
637     * @return true if the scrolling cache is enabled, false otherwise
638     *
639     * @see #setScrollingCacheEnabled(boolean)
640     * @see View#setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean)
641     */
642    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
643    public boolean isScrollingCacheEnabled() {
644        return mScrollingCacheEnabled;
645    }
647    /**
648     * Enables or disables the children's drawing cache during a scroll.
649     * By default, the drawing cache is enabled but this will use more memory.
650     *
651     * When the scrolling cache is enabled, the caches are kept after the
652     * first scrolling. You can manually clear the cache by calling
653     * {@link android.view.ViewGroup#setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean)}.
654     *
655     * @param enabled true to enable the scroll cache, false otherwise
656     *
657     * @see #isScrollingCacheEnabled()
658     * @see View#setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean)
659     */
660    public void setScrollingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) {
661        if (mScrollingCacheEnabled && !enabled) {
662            clearScrollingCache();
663        }
664        mScrollingCacheEnabled = enabled;
665    }
667    /**
668     * Enables or disables the type filter window. If enabled, typing when
669     * this view has focus will filter the children to match the users input.
670     * Note that the {@link Adapter} used by this view must implement the
671     * {@link Filterable} interface.
672     *
673     * @param textFilterEnabled true to enable type filtering, false otherwise
674     *
675     * @see Filterable
676     */
677    public void setTextFilterEnabled(boolean textFilterEnabled) {
678        mTextFilterEnabled = textFilterEnabled;
679    }
681    /**
682     * Indicates whether type filtering is enabled for this view
683     *
684     * @return true if type filtering is enabled, false otherwise
685     *
686     * @see #setTextFilterEnabled(boolean)
687     * @see Filterable
688     */
689    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
690    public boolean isTextFilterEnabled() {
691        return mTextFilterEnabled;
692    }
694    @Override
695    public void getFocusedRect(Rect r) {
696        View view = getSelectedView();
697        if (view != null) {
698            // the focused rectangle of the selected view offset into the
699            // coordinate space of this view.
700            view.getFocusedRect(r);
701            offsetDescendantRectToMyCoords(view, r);
702        } else {
703            // otherwise, just the norm
704            super.getFocusedRect(r);
705        }
706    }
708    private void initAbsListView() {
709        // Setting focusable in touch mode will set the focusable property to true
710        setFocusableInTouchMode(true);
711        setWillNotDraw(false);
712        setAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled(false);
713        setScrollingCacheEnabled(true);
715        mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledTouchSlop();
716        mDensityScale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
717    }
719    private void useDefaultSelector() {
720        setSelector(getResources().getDrawable(
721                com.android.internal.R.drawable.list_selector_background));
722    }
724    /**
725     * Indicates whether the content of this view is pinned to, or stacked from,
726     * the bottom edge.
727     *
728     * @return true if the content is stacked from the bottom edge, false otherwise
729     */
730    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
731    public boolean isStackFromBottom() {
732        return mStackFromBottom;
733    }
735    /**
736     * When stack from bottom is set to true, the list fills its content starting from
737     * the bottom of the view.
738     *
739     * @param stackFromBottom true to pin the view's content to the bottom edge,
740     *        false to pin the view's content to the top edge
741     */
742    public void setStackFromBottom(boolean stackFromBottom) {
743        if (mStackFromBottom != stackFromBottom) {
744            mStackFromBottom = stackFromBottom;
745            requestLayoutIfNecessary();
746        }
747    }
749    void requestLayoutIfNecessary() {
750        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
751            resetList();
752            requestLayout();
753            invalidate();
754        }
755    }
757    static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState {
758        long selectedId;
759        long firstId;
760        int viewTop;
761        int position;
762        int height;
763        String filter;
765        /**
766         * Constructor called from {@link AbsListView#onSaveInstanceState()}
767         */
768        SavedState(Parcelable superState) {
769            super(superState);
770        }
772        /**
773         * Constructor called from {@link #CREATOR}
774         */
775        private SavedState(Parcel in) {
776            super(in);
777            selectedId = in.readLong();
778            firstId = in.readLong();
779            viewTop = in.readInt();
780            position = in.readInt();
781            height = in.readInt();
782            filter = in.readString();
783        }
785        @Override
786        public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
787            super.writeToParcel(out, flags);
788            out.writeLong(selectedId);
789            out.writeLong(firstId);
790            out.writeInt(viewTop);
791            out.writeInt(position);
792            out.writeInt(height);
793            out.writeString(filter);
794        }
796        @Override
797        public String toString() {
798            return "AbsListView.SavedState{"
799                    + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
800                    + " selectedId=" + selectedId
801                    + " firstId=" + firstId
802                    + " viewTop=" + viewTop
803                    + " position=" + position
804                    + " height=" + height
805                    + " filter=" + filter + "}";
806        }
808        public static final Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> CREATOR
809                = new Parcelable.Creator<SavedState>() {
810            public SavedState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
811                return new SavedState(in);
812            }
814            public SavedState[] newArray(int size) {
815                return new SavedState[size];
816            }
817        };
818    }
820    @Override
821    public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
822        /*
823         * This doesn't really make sense as the place to dismiss the
824         * popup, but there don't seem to be any other useful hooks
825         * that happen early enough to keep from getting complaints
826         * about having leaked the window.
827         */
828        dismissPopup();
830        Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState();
832        SavedState ss = new SavedState(superState);
834        boolean haveChildren = getChildCount() > 0;
835        long selectedId = getSelectedItemId();
836        ss.selectedId = selectedId;
837        ss.height = getHeight();
839        if (selectedId >= 0) {
840            // Remember the selection
841            ss.viewTop = mSelectedTop;
842            ss.position = getSelectedItemPosition();
843            ss.firstId = INVALID_POSITION;
844        } else {
845            if (haveChildren) {
846                // Remember the position of the first child
847                View v = getChildAt(0);
848                ss.viewTop = v.getTop();
849                ss.position = mFirstPosition;
850                ss.firstId = mAdapter.getItemId(mFirstPosition);
851            } else {
852                ss.viewTop = 0;
853                ss.firstId = INVALID_POSITION;
854                ss.position = 0;
855            }
856        }
858        ss.filter = null;
859        if (mFiltered) {
860            final EditText textFilter = mTextFilter;
861            if (textFilter != null) {
862                Editable filterText = textFilter.getText();
863                if (filterText != null) {
864                    ss.filter = filterText.toString();
865                }
866            }
867        }
869        return ss;
870    }
872    @Override
873    public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
874        SavedState ss = (SavedState) state;
876        super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState());
877        mDataChanged = true;
879        mSyncHeight = ss.height;
881        if (ss.selectedId >= 0) {
882            mNeedSync = true;
883            mSyncRowId = ss.selectedId;
884            mSyncPosition = ss.position;
885            mSpecificTop = ss.viewTop;
886            mSyncMode = SYNC_SELECTED_POSITION;
887        } else if (ss.firstId >= 0) {
888            setSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
889            // Do this before setting mNeedSync since setNextSelectedPosition looks at mNeedSync
890            setNextSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
891            mNeedSync = true;
892            mSyncRowId = ss.firstId;
893            mSyncPosition = ss.position;
894            mSpecificTop = ss.viewTop;
895            mSyncMode = SYNC_FIRST_POSITION;
896        }
898        setFilterText(ss.filter);
900        requestLayout();
901    }
903    private boolean acceptFilter() {
904        if (!mTextFilterEnabled || !(getAdapter() instanceof Filterable) ||
905                ((Filterable) getAdapter()).getFilter() == null) {
906            return false;
907        }
908        final Context context = mContext;
909        final InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager)
910                context.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
911        return !inputManager.isFullscreenMode();
912    }
914    /**
915     * Sets the initial value for the text filter.
916     * @param filterText The text to use for the filter.
917     *
918     * @see #setTextFilterEnabled
919     */
920    public void setFilterText(String filterText) {
921        // TODO: Should we check for acceptFilter()?
922        if (mTextFilterEnabled && !TextUtils.isEmpty(filterText)) {
923            createTextFilter(false);
924            // This is going to call our listener onTextChanged, but we might not
925            // be ready to bring up a window yet
926            mTextFilter.setText(filterText);
927            mTextFilter.setSelection(filterText.length());
928            if (mAdapter instanceof Filterable) {
929                // if mPopup is non-null, then onTextChanged will do the filtering
930                if (mPopup == null) {
931                    Filter f = ((Filterable) mAdapter).getFilter();
932                    f.filter(filterText);
933                }
934                // Set filtered to true so we will display the filter window when our main
935                // window is ready
936                mFiltered = true;
937                mDataSetObserver.clearSavedState();
938            }
939        }
940    }
942    /**
943     * Returns the list's text filter, if available.
944     * @return the list's text filter or null if filtering isn't enabled
945     * @hide pending API Council approval
946     */
947    public CharSequence getTextFilter() {
948        if (mTextFilterEnabled && mTextFilter != null) {
949            return mTextFilter.getText();
950        }
951        return null;
952    }
954    @Override
955    protected void onFocusChanged(boolean gainFocus, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
956        super.onFocusChanged(gainFocus, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
957        if (gainFocus && mSelectedPosition < 0 && !isInTouchMode()) {
958            resurrectSelection();
959        }
960    }
962    @Override
963    public void requestLayout() {
964        if (!mBlockLayoutRequests && !mInLayout) {
965            super.requestLayout();
966        }
967    }
969    /**
970     * The list is empty. Clear everything out.
971     */
972    void resetList() {
973        removeAllViewsInLayout();
974        mFirstPosition = 0;
975        mDataChanged = false;
976        mNeedSync = false;
977        mOldSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
978        mOldSelectedRowId = INVALID_ROW_ID;
979        setSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
980        setNextSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
981        mSelectedTop = 0;
982        mSelectorRect.setEmpty();
983        invalidate();
984    }
986    @Override
987    protected int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
988        final int count = getChildCount();
989        if (count > 0) {
990            if (mSmoothScrollbarEnabled) {
991                int extent = count * 100;
993                View view = getChildAt(0);
994                final int top = view.getTop();
995                int height = view.getHeight();
996                if (height > 0) {
997                    extent += (top * 100) / height;
998                }
1000                view = getChildAt(count - 1);
1001                final int bottom = view.getBottom();
1002                height = view.getHeight();
1003                if (height > 0) {
1004                    extent -= ((bottom - getHeight()) * 100) / height;
1005                }
1007                return extent;
1008            } else {
1009                return 1;
1010            }
1011        }
1012        return 0;
1013    }
1015    @Override
1016    protected int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
1017        final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition;
1018        final int childCount = getChildCount();
1019        if (firstPosition >= 0 && childCount > 0) {
1020            if (mSmoothScrollbarEnabled) {
1021                final View view = getChildAt(0);
1022                final int top = view.getTop();
1023                int height = view.getHeight();
1024                if (height > 0) {
1025                    return Math.max(firstPosition * 100 - (top * 100) / height, 0);
1026                }
1027            } else {
1028                int index;
1029                final int count = mItemCount;
1030                if (firstPosition == 0) {
1031                    index = 0;
1032                } else if (firstPosition + childCount == count) {
1033                    index = count;
1034                } else {
1035                    index = firstPosition + childCount / 2;
1036                }
1037                return (int) (firstPosition + childCount * (index / (float) count));
1038            }
1039        }
1040        return 0;
1041    }
1043    @Override
1044    protected int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
1045        return mSmoothScrollbarEnabled ? Math.max(mItemCount * 100, 0) : mItemCount;
1046    }
1048    @Override
1049    protected float getTopFadingEdgeStrength() {
1050        final int count = getChildCount();
1051        final float fadeEdge = super.getTopFadingEdgeStrength();
1052        if (count == 0) {
1053            return fadeEdge;
1054        } else {
1055            if (mFirstPosition > 0) {
1056                return 1.0f;
1057            }
1059            final int top = getChildAt(0).getTop();
1060            final float fadeLength = (float) getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
1061            return top < mPaddingTop ? (float) -(top - mPaddingTop) / fadeLength : fadeEdge;
1062        }
1063    }
1065    @Override
1066    protected float getBottomFadingEdgeStrength() {
1067        final int count = getChildCount();
1068        final float fadeEdge = super.getBottomFadingEdgeStrength();
1069        if (count == 0) {
1070            return fadeEdge;
1071        } else {
1072            if (mFirstPosition + count - 1 < mItemCount - 1) {
1073                return 1.0f;
1074            }
1076            final int bottom = getChildAt(count - 1).getBottom();
1077            final int height = getHeight();
1078            final float fadeLength = (float) getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
1079            return bottom > height - mPaddingBottom ?
1080                    (float) (bottom - height + mPaddingBottom) / fadeLength : fadeEdge;
1081        }
1082    }
1084    @Override
1085    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
1086        if (mSelector == null) {
1087            useDefaultSelector();
1088        }
1089        final Rect listPadding = mListPadding;
1090        listPadding.left = mSelectionLeftPadding + mPaddingLeft;
1091        listPadding.top = mSelectionTopPadding + mPaddingTop;
1092        listPadding.right = mSelectionRightPadding + mPaddingRight;
1093        listPadding.bottom = mSelectionBottomPadding + mPaddingBottom;
1094    }
1096    @Override
1097    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
1098        super.onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
1099        mInLayout = true;
1100        layoutChildren();
1101        mInLayout = false;
1102    }
1104    /**
1105     * @hide
1106     */
1107    @Override
1108    protected boolean setFrame(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
1109        final boolean changed = super.setFrame(left, top, right, bottom);
1111        // Reposition the popup when the frame has changed. This includes
1112        // translating the widget, not just changing its dimension. The
1113        // filter popup needs to follow the widget.
1114        if (mFiltered && changed && getWindowVisibility() == View.VISIBLE && mPopup != null &&
1115                mPopup.isShowing()) {
1116            positionPopup();
1117        }
1119        return changed;
1120    }
1122    protected void layoutChildren() {
1123    }
1125    void updateScrollIndicators() {
1126        if (mScrollUp != null) {
1127            boolean canScrollUp;
1128            // 0th element is not visible
1129            canScrollUp = mFirstPosition > 0;
1131            // ... Or top of 0th element is not visible
1132            if (!canScrollUp) {
1133                if (getChildCount() > 0) {
1134                    View child = getChildAt(0);
1135                    canScrollUp = child.getTop() < mListPadding.top;
1136                }
1137            }
1139            mScrollUp.setVisibility(canScrollUp ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
1140        }
1142        if (mScrollDown != null) {
1143            boolean canScrollDown;
1144            int count = getChildCount();
1146            // Last item is not visible
1147            canScrollDown = (mFirstPosition + count) < mItemCount;
1149            // ... Or bottom of the last element is not visible
1150            if (!canScrollDown && count > 0) {
1151                View child = getChildAt(count - 1);
1152                canScrollDown = child.getBottom() > mBottom - mListPadding.bottom;
1153            }
1155            mScrollDown.setVisibility(canScrollDown ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
1156        }
1157    }
1159    @Override
1160    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1161    public View getSelectedView() {
1162        if (mItemCount > 0 && mSelectedPosition >= 0) {
1163            return getChildAt(mSelectedPosition - mFirstPosition);
1164        } else {
1165            return null;
1166        }
1167    }
1169    /**
1170     * List padding is the maximum of the normal view's padding and the padding of the selector.
1171     *
1172     * @see android.view.View#getPaddingTop()
1173     * @see #getSelector()
1174     *
1175     * @return The top list padding.
1176     */
1177    public int getListPaddingTop() {
1178        return mListPadding.top;
1179    }
1181    /**
1182     * List padding is the maximum of the normal view's padding and the padding of the selector.
1183     *
1184     * @see android.view.View#getPaddingBottom()
1185     * @see #getSelector()
1186     *
1187     * @return The bottom list padding.
1188     */
1189    public int getListPaddingBottom() {
1190        return mListPadding.bottom;
1191    }
1193    /**
1194     * List padding is the maximum of the normal view's padding and the padding of the selector.
1195     *
1196     * @see android.view.View#getPaddingLeft()
1197     * @see #getSelector()
1198     *
1199     * @return The left list padding.
1200     */
1201    public int getListPaddingLeft() {
1202        return mListPadding.left;
1203    }
1205    /**
1206     * List padding is the maximum of the normal view's padding and the padding of the selector.
1207     *
1208     * @see android.view.View#getPaddingRight()
1209     * @see #getSelector()
1210     *
1211     * @return The right list padding.
1212     */
1213    public int getListPaddingRight() {
1214        return mListPadding.right;
1215    }
1217    /**
1218     * Get a view and have it show the data associated with the specified
1219     * position. This is called when we have already discovered that the view is
1220     * not available for reuse in the recycle bin. The only choices left are
1221     * converting an old view or making a new one.
1222     *
1223     * @param position The position to display
1224     * @return A view displaying the data associated with the specified position
1225     */
1226    View obtainView(int position) {
1227        View scrapView;
1229        scrapView = mRecycler.getScrapView(position);
1231        View child;
1232        if (scrapView != null) {
1233            if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
1234                ViewDebug.trace(scrapView, ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.RECYCLE_FROM_SCRAP_HEAP,
1235                        position, -1);
1236            }
1238            child = mAdapter.getView(position, scrapView, this);
1240            if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
1241                ViewDebug.trace(child, ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.BIND_VIEW,
1242                        position, getChildCount());
1243            }
1245            if (child != scrapView) {
1246                mRecycler.addScrapView(scrapView);
1247                if (mCacheColorHint != 0) {
1248                    child.setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(mCacheColorHint);
1249                }
1250                if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
1251                    ViewDebug.trace(scrapView, ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.MOVE_TO_SCRAP_HEAP,
1252                            position, -1);
1253                }
1254            }
1255        } else {
1256            child = mAdapter.getView(position, null, this);
1257            if (mCacheColorHint != 0) {
1258                child.setDrawingCacheBackgroundColor(mCacheColorHint);
1259            }
1260            if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
1261                ViewDebug.trace(child, ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.NEW_VIEW,
1262                        position, getChildCount());
1263            }
1264        }
1266        return child;
1267    }
1269    void positionSelector(View sel) {
1270        final Rect selectorRect = mSelectorRect;
1271        selectorRect.set(sel.getLeft(), sel.getTop(), sel.getRight(), sel.getBottom());
1272        positionSelector(selectorRect.left, selectorRect.top, selectorRect.right,
1273                selectorRect.bottom);
1275        final boolean isChildViewEnabled = mIsChildViewEnabled;
1276        if (sel.isEnabled() != isChildViewEnabled) {
1277            mIsChildViewEnabled = !isChildViewEnabled;
1278            refreshDrawableState();
1279        }
1280    }
1282    private void positionSelector(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
1283        mSelectorRect.set(l - mSelectionLeftPadding, t - mSelectionTopPadding, r
1284                + mSelectionRightPadding, b + mSelectionBottomPadding);
1285    }
1287    @Override
1288    protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
1289        int saveCount = 0;
1290        final boolean clipToPadding = (mGroupFlags & CLIP_TO_PADDING_MASK) == CLIP_TO_PADDING_MASK;
1291        if (clipToPadding) {
1292            saveCount = canvas.save();
1293            final int scrollX = mScrollX;
1294            final int scrollY = mScrollY;
1295            canvas.clipRect(scrollX + mPaddingLeft, scrollY + mPaddingTop,
1296                    scrollX + mRight - mLeft - mPaddingRight,
1297                    scrollY + mBottom - mTop - mPaddingBottom);
1298            mGroupFlags &= ~CLIP_TO_PADDING_MASK;
1299        }
1301        final boolean drawSelectorOnTop = mDrawSelectorOnTop;
1302        if (!drawSelectorOnTop) {
1303            drawSelector(canvas);
1304        }
1306        super.dispatchDraw(canvas);
1308        if (drawSelectorOnTop) {
1309            drawSelector(canvas);
1310        }
1312        if (clipToPadding) {
1313            canvas.restoreToCount(saveCount);
1314            mGroupFlags |= CLIP_TO_PADDING_MASK;
1315        }
1316    }
1318    @Override
1319    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
1320        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
1321            mDataChanged = true;
1322            rememberSyncState();
1323        }
1324        if (mFastScroller != null) {
1325            mFastScroller.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
1326        }
1327    }
1329    /**
1330     * @return True if the current touch mode requires that we draw the selector in the pressed
1331     *         state.
1332     */
1333    boolean touchModeDrawsInPressedState() {
1334        // FIXME use isPressed for this
1335        switch (mTouchMode) {
1336        case TOUCH_MODE_TAP:
1337        case TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING:
1338            return true;
1339        default:
1340            return false;
1341        }
1342    }
1344    /**
1345     * Indicates whether this view is in a state where the selector should be drawn. This will
1346     * happen if we have focus but are not in touch mode, or we are in the middle of displaying
1347     * the pressed state for an item.
1348     *
1349     * @return True if the selector should be shown
1350     */
1351    boolean shouldShowSelector() {
1352        return (hasFocus() && !isInTouchMode()) || touchModeDrawsInPressedState();
1353    }
1355    private void drawSelector(Canvas canvas) {
1356        if (shouldShowSelector() && mSelectorRect != null && !mSelectorRect.isEmpty()) {
1357            final Drawable selector = mSelector;
1358            selector.setBounds(mSelectorRect);
1359            selector.draw(canvas);
1360        }
1361    }
1363    /**
1364     * Controls whether the selection highlight drawable should be drawn on top of the item or
1365     * behind it.
1366     *
1367     * @param onTop If true, the selector will be drawn on the item it is highlighting. The default
1368     *        is false.
1369     *
1370     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_drawSelectorOnTop
1371     */
1372    public void setDrawSelectorOnTop(boolean onTop) {
1373        mDrawSelectorOnTop = onTop;
1374    }
1376    /**
1377     * Set a Drawable that should be used to highlight the currently selected item.
1378     *
1379     * @param resID A Drawable resource to use as the selection highlight.
1380     *
1381     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#AbsListView_listSelector
1382     */
1383    public void setSelector(int resID) {
1384        setSelector(getResources().getDrawable(resID));
1385    }
1387    public void setSelector(Drawable sel) {
1388        if (mSelector != null) {
1389            mSelector.setCallback(null);
1390            unscheduleDrawable(mSelector);
1391        }
1392        mSelector = sel;
1393        Rect padding = new Rect();
1394        sel.getPadding(padding);
1395        mSelectionLeftPadding = padding.left;
1396        mSelectionTopPadding = padding.top;
1397        mSelectionRightPadding = padding.right;
1398        mSelectionBottomPadding = padding.bottom;
1399        sel.setCallback(this);
1400        sel.setState(getDrawableState());
1401    }
1403    /**
1404     * Returns the selector {@link android.graphics.drawable.Drawable} that is used to draw the
1405     * selection in the list.
1406     *
1407     * @return the drawable used to display the selector
1408     */
1409    public Drawable getSelector() {
1410        return mSelector;
1411    }
1413    /**
1414     * Sets the selector state to "pressed" and posts a CheckForKeyLongPress to see if
1415     * this is a long press.
1416     */
1417    void keyPressed() {
1418        Drawable selector = mSelector;
1419        Rect selectorRect = mSelectorRect;
1420        if (selector != null && (isFocused() || touchModeDrawsInPressedState())
1421                && selectorRect != null && !selectorRect.isEmpty()) {
1423            final View v = getChildAt(mSelectedPosition - mFirstPosition);
1425            if (v != null) v.setPressed(true);
1426            setPressed(true);
1428            final boolean longClickable = isLongClickable();
1429            Drawable d = selector.getCurrent();
1430            if (d != null && d instanceof TransitionDrawable) {
1431                if (longClickable) {
1432                    ((TransitionDrawable) d).startTransition(ViewConfiguration
1433                            .getLongPressTimeout());
1434                } else {
1435                    ((TransitionDrawable) d).resetTransition();
1436                }
1437            }
1438            if (longClickable && !mDataChanged) {
1439                if (mPendingCheckForKeyLongPress == null) {
1440                    mPendingCheckForKeyLongPress = new CheckForKeyLongPress();
1441                }
1442                mPendingCheckForKeyLongPress.rememberWindowAttachCount();
1443                postDelayed(mPendingCheckForKeyLongPress, ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout());
1444            }
1445        }
1446    }
1448    public void setScrollIndicators(View up, View down) {
1449        mScrollUp = up;
1450        mScrollDown = down;
1451    }
1453    @Override
1454    protected void drawableStateChanged() {
1455        super.drawableStateChanged();
1456        if (mSelector != null) {
1457            mSelector.setState(getDrawableState());
1458        }
1459    }
1461    @Override
1462    protected int[] onCreateDrawableState(int extraSpace) {
1463        // If the child view is enabled then do the default behavior.
1464        if (mIsChildViewEnabled) {
1465            // Common case
1466            return super.onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace);
1467        }
1469        // The selector uses this View's drawable state. The selected child view
1470        // is disabled, so we need to remove the enabled state from the drawable
1471        // states.
1472        final int enabledState = ENABLED_STATE_SET[0];
1474        // If we don't have any extra space, it will return one of the static state arrays,
1475        // and clearing the enabled state on those arrays is a bad thing!  If we specify
1476        // we need extra space, it will create+copy into a new array that safely mutable.
1477        int[] state = super.onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace + 1);
1478        int enabledPos = -1;
1479        for (int i = state.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1480            if (state[i] == enabledState) {
1481                enabledPos = i;
1482                break;
1483            }
1484        }
1486        // Remove the enabled state
1487        if (enabledPos >= 0) {
1488            System.arraycopy(state, enabledPos + 1, state, enabledPos,
1489                    state.length - enabledPos - 1);
1490        }
1492        return state;
1493    }
1495    @Override
1496    public boolean verifyDrawable(Drawable dr) {
1497        return mSelector == dr || super.verifyDrawable(dr);
1498    }
1500    @Override
1501    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
1502        super.onAttachedToWindow();
1504        final ViewTreeObserver treeObserver = getViewTreeObserver();
1505        if (treeObserver != null) {
1506            treeObserver.addOnTouchModeChangeListener(this);
1507        }
1508    }
1510    @Override
1511    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
1512        super.onDetachedFromWindow();
1514        final ViewTreeObserver treeObserver = getViewTreeObserver();
1515        if (treeObserver != null) {
1516            treeObserver.removeOnTouchModeChangeListener(this);
1517        }
1518    }
1520    @Override
1521    public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
1522        super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasWindowFocus);
1524        final int touchMode = isInTouchMode() ? TOUCH_MODE_ON : TOUCH_MODE_OFF;
1526        if (!hasWindowFocus) {
1527            setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(false);
1528            removeCallbacks(mFlingRunnable);
1529            // Always hide the type filter
1530            dismissPopup();
1532            if (touchMode == TOUCH_MODE_OFF) {
1533                // Remember the last selected element
1534                mResurrectToPosition = mSelectedPosition;
1535            }
1536        } else {
1537            if (mFiltered) {
1538                // Show the type filter only if a filter is in effect
1539                showPopup();
1540            }
1542            // If we changed touch mode since the last time we had focus
1543            if (touchMode != mLastTouchMode && mLastTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_UNKNOWN) {
1544                // If we come back in trackball mode, we bring the selection back
1545                if (touchMode == TOUCH_MODE_OFF) {
1546                    // This will trigger a layout
1547                    resurrectSelection();
1549                // If we come back in touch mode, then we want to hide the selector
1550                } else {
1551                    hideSelector();
1552                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL;
1553                    layoutChildren();
1554                }
1555            }
1556        }
1558        mLastTouchMode = touchMode;
1559    }
1561    /**
1562     * Creates the ContextMenuInfo returned from {@link #getContextMenuInfo()}. This
1563     * methods knows the view, position and ID of the item that received the
1564     * long press.
1565     *
1566     * @param view The view that received the long press.
1567     * @param position The position of the item that received the long press.
1568     * @param id The ID of the item that received the long press.
1569     * @return The extra information that should be returned by
1570     *         {@link #getContextMenuInfo()}.
1571     */
1572    ContextMenuInfo createContextMenuInfo(View view, int position, long id) {
1573        return new AdapterContextMenuInfo(view, position, id);
1574    }
1576    /**
1577     * A base class for Runnables that will check that their view is still attached to
1578     * the original window as when the Runnable was created.
1579     *
1580     */
1581    private class WindowRunnnable {
1582        private int mOriginalAttachCount;
1584        public void rememberWindowAttachCount() {
1585            mOriginalAttachCount = getWindowAttachCount();
1586        }
1588        public boolean sameWindow() {
1589            return hasWindowFocus() && getWindowAttachCount() == mOriginalAttachCount;
1590        }
1591    }
1593    private class PerformClick extends WindowRunnnable implements Runnable {
1594        View mChild;
1595        int mClickMotionPosition;
1597        public void run() {
1598            // The data has changed since we posted this action in the event queue,
1599            // bail out before bad things happen
1600            if (mDataChanged) return;
1602            if (mAdapter != null && mItemCount > 0 &&
1603                    mClickMotionPosition < mAdapter.getCount() && sameWindow()) {
1604                performItemClick(mChild, mClickMotionPosition, getAdapter().getItemId(
1605                        mClickMotionPosition));
1606            }
1607        }
1608    }
1610    private class CheckForLongPress extends WindowRunnnable implements Runnable {
1611        public void run() {
1612            final int motionPosition = mMotionPosition;
1613            final View child = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1614            if (child != null) {
1615                final int longPressPosition = mMotionPosition;
1616                final long longPressId = mAdapter.getItemId(mMotionPosition);
1618                boolean handled = false;
1619                if (sameWindow() && !mDataChanged) {
1620                    handled = performLongPress(child, longPressPosition, longPressId);
1621                }
1622                if (handled) {
1623                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
1624                    setPressed(false);
1625                    child.setPressed(false);
1626                } else {
1627                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING;
1628                }
1630            }
1631        }
1632    }
1634    private class CheckForKeyLongPress extends WindowRunnnable implements Runnable {
1635        public void run() {
1636            if (isPressed() && mSelectedPosition >= 0) {
1637                int index = mSelectedPosition - mFirstPosition;
1638                View v = getChildAt(index);
1640                if (!mDataChanged) {
1641                    boolean handled = false;
1642                    if (sameWindow()) {
1643                        handled = performLongPress(v, mSelectedPosition, mSelectedRowId);
1644                    }
1645                    if (handled) {
1646                        setPressed(false);
1647                        v.setPressed(false);
1648                    }
1649                } else {
1650                    setPressed(false);
1651                    if (v != null) v.setPressed(false);
1652                }
1653            }
1654        }
1655    }
1657    private boolean performLongPress(final View child,
1658            final int longPressPosition, final long longPressId) {
1659        boolean handled = false;
1661        if (mOnItemLongClickListener != null) {
1662            handled = mOnItemLongClickListener.onItemLongClick(AbsListView.this, child,
1663                    longPressPosition, longPressId);
1664        }
1665        if (!handled) {
1666            mContextMenuInfo = createContextMenuInfo(child, longPressPosition, longPressId);
1667            handled = super.showContextMenuForChild(AbsListView.this);
1668        }
1669        if (handled) {
1670            performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS);
1671        }
1672        return handled;
1673    }
1675    @Override
1676    protected ContextMenuInfo getContextMenuInfo() {
1677        return mContextMenuInfo;
1678    }
1680    @Override
1681    public boolean showContextMenuForChild(View originalView) {
1682        final int longPressPosition = getPositionForView(originalView);
1683        if (longPressPosition >= 0) {
1684            final long longPressId = mAdapter.getItemId(longPressPosition);
1685            boolean handled = false;
1687            if (mOnItemLongClickListener != null) {
1688                handled = mOnItemLongClickListener.onItemLongClick(AbsListView.this, originalView,
1689                        longPressPosition, longPressId);
1690            }
1691            if (!handled) {
1692                mContextMenuInfo = createContextMenuInfo(
1693                        getChildAt(longPressPosition - mFirstPosition),
1694                        longPressPosition, longPressId);
1695                handled = super.showContextMenuForChild(originalView);
1696            }
1698            return handled;
1699        }
1700        return false;
1701    }
1703    @Override
1704    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
1705        switch (keyCode) {
1706        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
1707        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
1708            if (isPressed() && mSelectedPosition >= 0 && mAdapter != null &&
1709                    mSelectedPosition < mAdapter.getCount()) {
1710                final View view = getChildAt(mSelectedPosition - mFirstPosition);
1711                performItemClick(view, mSelectedPosition, mSelectedRowId);
1712                setPressed(false);
1713                if (view != null) view.setPressed(false);
1714                return true;
1715            }
1716        }
1717        return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
1718    }
1720    @Override
1721    protected void dispatchSetPressed(boolean pressed) {
1722        // Don't dispatch setPressed to our children. We call setPressed on ourselves to
1723        // get the selector in the right state, but we don't want to press each child.
1724    }
1726    /**
1727     * Maps a point to a position in the list.
1728     *
1729     * @param x X in local coordinate
1730     * @param y Y in local coordinate
1731     * @return The position of the item which contains the specified point, or
1732     *         {@link #INVALID_POSITION} if the point does not intersect an item.
1733     */
1734    public int pointToPosition(int x, int y) {
1735        Rect frame = mTouchFrame;
1736        if (frame == null) {
1737            mTouchFrame = new Rect();
1738            frame = mTouchFrame;
1739        }
1741        final int count = getChildCount();
1742        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1743            final View child = getChildAt(i);
1744            if (child.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
1745                child.getHitRect(frame);
1746                if (frame.contains(x, y)) {
1747                    return mFirstPosition + i;
1748                }
1749            }
1750        }
1751        return INVALID_POSITION;
1752    }
1755    /**
1756     * Maps a point to a the rowId of the item which intersects that point.
1757     *
1758     * @param x X in local coordinate
1759     * @param y Y in local coordinate
1760     * @return The rowId of the item which contains the specified point, or {@link #INVALID_ROW_ID}
1761     *         if the point does not intersect an item.
1762     */
1763    public long pointToRowId(int x, int y) {
1764        int position = pointToPosition(x, y);
1765        if (position >= 0) {
1766            return mAdapter.getItemId(position);
1767        }
1768        return INVALID_ROW_ID;
1769    }
1771    final class CheckForTap implements Runnable {
1772        public void run() {
1773            if (mTouchMode == TOUCH_MODE_DOWN) {
1774                mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_TAP;
1775                final View child = getChildAt(mMotionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1776                if (child != null && !child.hasFocusable()) {
1777                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL;
1779                    if (!mDataChanged) {
1780                        layoutChildren();
1781                        child.setPressed(true);
1782                        positionSelector(child);
1783                        setPressed(true);
1785                        final int longPressTimeout = ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout();
1786                        final boolean longClickable = isLongClickable();
1788                        if (mSelector != null) {
1789                            Drawable d = mSelector.getCurrent();
1790                            if (d != null && d instanceof TransitionDrawable) {
1791                                if (longClickable) {
1792                                    ((TransitionDrawable) d).startTransition(longPressTimeout);
1793                                } else {
1794                                    ((TransitionDrawable) d).resetTransition();
1795                                }
1796                            }
1797                        }
1799                        if (longClickable) {
1800                            if (mPendingCheckForLongPress == null) {
1801                                mPendingCheckForLongPress = new CheckForLongPress();
1802                            }
1803                            mPendingCheckForLongPress.rememberWindowAttachCount();
1804                            postDelayed(mPendingCheckForLongPress, longPressTimeout);
1805                        } else {
1806                            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING;
1807                        }
1808                    } else {
1809                        mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING;
1810                    }
1811                }
1812            }
1813        }
1814    }
1816    private boolean startScrollIfNeeded(int deltaY) {
1817        // Check if we have moved far enough that it looks more like a
1818        // scroll than a tap
1819        final int distance = Math.abs(deltaY);
1820        if (distance > mTouchSlop) {
1821            createScrollingCache();
1822            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL;
1823            mMotionCorrection = deltaY;
1824            final Handler handler = getHandler();
1825            // Handler should not be null unless the AbsListView is not attached to a
1826            // window, which would make it very hard to scroll it... but the monkeys
1827            // say it's possible.
1828            if (handler != null) {
1829                handler.removeCallbacks(mPendingCheckForLongPress);
1830            }
1831            setPressed(false);
1832            View motionView = getChildAt(mMotionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1833            if (motionView != null) {
1834                motionView.setPressed(false);
1835            }
1836            reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL);
1837            // Time to start stealing events! Once we've stolen them, don't let anyone
1838            // steal from us
1839            requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);
1840            return true;
1841        }
1843        return false;
1844    }
1846    public void onTouchModeChanged(boolean isInTouchMode) {
1847        if (isInTouchMode) {
1848            // Get rid of the selection when we enter touch mode
1849            hideSelector();
1850            // Layout, but only if we already have done so previously.
1851            // (Otherwise may clobber a LAYOUT_SYNC layout that was requested to restore
1852            // state.)
1853            if (getHeight() > 0 && getChildCount() > 0) {
1854                // We do not lose focus initiating a touch (since AbsListView is focusable in
1855                // touch mode). Force an initial layout to get rid of the selection.
1856                mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL;
1857                layoutChildren();
1858            }
1859        }
1860    }
1862    @Override
1863    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
1865        if (mFastScroller != null) {
1866            boolean intercepted = mFastScroller.onTouchEvent(ev);
1867            if (intercepted) {
1868                return true;
1869            }
1870        }
1871        final int action = ev.getAction();
1872        final int x = (int) ev.getX();
1873        final int y = (int) ev.getY();
1875        View v;
1876        int deltaY;
1878        if (mVelocityTracker == null) {
1879            mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain();
1880        }
1881        mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev);
1883        switch (action) {
1884        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
1885            int motionPosition = pointToPosition(x, y);
1886            if (!mDataChanged) {
1887                if ((mTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_FLING) && (motionPosition >= 0)
1888                        && (getAdapter().isEnabled(motionPosition))) {
1889                    // User clicked on an actual view (and was not stopping a fling). It might be a
1890                    // click or a scroll. Assume it is a click until proven otherwise
1891                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DOWN;
1892                    // FIXME Debounce
1893                    if (mPendingCheckForTap == null) {
1894                        mPendingCheckForTap = new CheckForTap();
1895                    }
1896                    postDelayed(mPendingCheckForTap, ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout());
1897                } else {
1898                    if (ev.getEdgeFlags() != 0 && motionPosition < 0) {
1899                        // If we couldn't find a view to click on, but the down event was touching
1900                        // the edge, we will bail out and try again. This allows the edge correcting
1901                        // code in ViewRoot to try to find a nearby view to select
1902                        return false;
1903                    }
1904                    // User clicked on whitespace, or stopped a fling. It is a scroll.
1905                    createScrollingCache();
1906                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL;
1907                    motionPosition = findMotionRow(y);
1908                    reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL);
1909                }
1910            }
1912            if (motionPosition >= 0) {
1913                // Remember where the motion event started
1914                v = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1915                mMotionViewOriginalTop = v.getTop();
1916                mMotionX = x;
1917                mMotionY = y;
1918                mMotionPosition = motionPosition;
1919            }
1920            mLastY = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
1921            break;
1922        }
1924        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
1925            deltaY = y - mMotionY;
1926            switch (mTouchMode) {
1927            case TOUCH_MODE_DOWN:
1928            case TOUCH_MODE_TAP:
1929            case TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING:
1930                // Check if we have moved far enough that it looks more like a
1931                // scroll than a tap
1932                startScrollIfNeeded(deltaY);
1933                break;
1934            case TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL:
1935                if (PROFILE_SCROLLING) {
1936                    if (!mScrollProfilingStarted) {
1937                        Debug.startMethodTracing("AbsListViewScroll");
1938                        mScrollProfilingStarted = true;
1939                    }
1940                }
1942                if (y != mLastY) {
1943                    deltaY -= mMotionCorrection;
1944                    int incrementalDeltaY = mLastY != Integer.MIN_VALUE ? y - mLastY : deltaY;
1945                    trackMotionScroll(deltaY, incrementalDeltaY);
1947                    // Check to see if we have bumped into the scroll limit
1948                    View motionView = this.getChildAt(mMotionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1949                    if (motionView != null) {
1950                        // Check if the top of the motion view is where it is
1951                        // supposed to be
1952                        if (motionView.getTop() != mMotionViewNewTop) {
1953                            // We did not scroll the full amount. Treat this essentially like the
1954                            // start of a new touch scroll
1955                            final int motionPosition = findMotionRow(y);
1957                            mMotionCorrection = 0;
1958                            motionView = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1959                            mMotionViewOriginalTop = motionView.getTop();
1960                            mMotionY = y;
1961                            mMotionPosition = motionPosition;
1962                        }
1963                    }
1964                    mLastY = y;
1965                }
1966                break;
1967            }
1969            break;
1970        }
1972        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
1973            switch (mTouchMode) {
1974            case TOUCH_MODE_DOWN:
1975            case TOUCH_MODE_TAP:
1976            case TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING:
1977                final int motionPosition = mMotionPosition;
1978                final View child = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);
1979                if (child != null && !child.hasFocusable()) {
1980                    if (mTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_DOWN) {
1981                        child.setPressed(false);
1982                    }
1984                    if (mPerformClick == null) {
1985                        mPerformClick = new PerformClick();
1986                    }
1988                    final AbsListView.PerformClick performClick = mPerformClick;
1989                    performClick.mChild = child;
1990                    performClick.mClickMotionPosition = motionPosition;
1991                    performClick.rememberWindowAttachCount();
1993                    mResurrectToPosition = motionPosition;
1995                    if (mTouchMode == TOUCH_MODE_DOWN || mTouchMode == TOUCH_MODE_TAP) {
1996                        final Handler handler = getHandler();
1997                        if (handler != null) {
1998                            handler.removeCallbacks(mTouchMode == TOUCH_MODE_DOWN ?
1999                                    mPendingCheckForTap : mPendingCheckForLongPress);
2000                        }
2001                        mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_NORMAL;
2002                        mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_TAP;
2003                        if (!mDataChanged) {
2004                            setSelectedPositionInt(mMotionPosition);
2005                            layoutChildren();
2006                            child.setPressed(true);
2007                            positionSelector(child);
2008                            setPressed(true);
2009                            if (mSelector != null) {
2010                                Drawable d = mSelector.getCurrent();
2011                                if (d != null && d instanceof TransitionDrawable) {
2012                                    ((TransitionDrawable)d).resetTransition();
2013                                }
2014                            }
2015                            postDelayed(new Runnable() {
2016                                public void run() {
2017                                    child.setPressed(false);
2018                                    setPressed(false);
2019                                    if (!mDataChanged) {
2020                                        post(performClick);
2021                                    }
2022                                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2023                                }
2024                            }, ViewConfiguration.getPressedStateDuration());
2025                        }
2026                        return true;
2027                    } else {
2028                        if (!mDataChanged) {
2029                            post(performClick);
2030                        }
2031                    }
2032                }
2033                mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2034                break;
2035            case TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL:
2036                final VelocityTracker velocityTracker = mVelocityTracker;
2037                velocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000);
2038                int initialVelocity = (int)velocityTracker.getYVelocity();
2040                if ((Math.abs(initialVelocity) >
2041                        ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity()) &&
2042                        (getChildCount() > 0)) {
2043                    if (mFlingRunnable == null) {
2044                        mFlingRunnable = new FlingRunnable();
2045                    }
2046                    reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_FLING);
2047                    mFlingRunnable.start(-initialVelocity);
2048                } else {
2049                    mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2050                    reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
2051                }
2052            }
2054            setPressed(false);
2056            // Need to redraw since we probably aren't drawing the selector anymore
2057            invalidate();
2059            final Handler handler = getHandler();
2060            if (handler != null) {
2061                handler.removeCallbacks(mPendingCheckForLongPress);
2062            }
2064            if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
2065                mVelocityTracker.recycle();
2066                mVelocityTracker = null;
2067            }
2069            if (PROFILE_SCROLLING) {
2070                if (mScrollProfilingStarted) {
2071                    Debug.stopMethodTracing();
2072                    mScrollProfilingStarted = false;
2073                }
2074            }
2075            break;
2076        }
2078        case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: {
2079            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2080            setPressed(false);
2081            View motionView = this.getChildAt(mMotionPosition - mFirstPosition);
2082            if (motionView != null) {
2083                motionView.setPressed(false);
2084            }
2085            clearScrollingCache();
2087            final Handler handler = getHandler();
2088            if (handler != null) {
2089                handler.removeCallbacks(mPendingCheckForLongPress);
2090            }
2092            if (mVelocityTracker != null) {
2093                mVelocityTracker.recycle();
2094                mVelocityTracker = null;
2095            }
2096        }
2098        }
2100        return true;
2101    }
2103    @Override
2104    public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
2105        super.draw(canvas);
2106        if (mFastScroller != null) {
2107            mFastScroller.draw(canvas);
2108        }
2109    }
2111    @Override
2112    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
2113        int action = ev.getAction();
2114        int x = (int) ev.getX();
2115        int y = (int) ev.getY();
2116        View v;
2118        if (mFastScroller != null) {
2119            boolean intercepted = mFastScroller.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
2120            if (intercepted) {
2121                return true;
2122            }
2123        }
2125        switch (action) {
2126        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
2127            int motionPosition = findMotionRow(y);
2128            if (mTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_FLING && motionPosition >= 0) {
2129                // User clicked on an actual view (and was not stopping a fling).
2130                // Remember where the motion event started
2131                v = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);
2132                mMotionViewOriginalTop = v.getTop();
2133                mMotionX = x;
2134                mMotionY = y;
2135                mMotionPosition = motionPosition;
2136                mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DOWN;
2137                clearScrollingCache();
2138            }
2139            mLastY = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
2140            break;
2141        }
2143        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
2144            switch (mTouchMode) {
2145            case TOUCH_MODE_DOWN:
2146                if (startScrollIfNeeded(y - mMotionY)) {
2147                    return true;
2148                }
2149                break;
2150            }
2151            break;
2152        }
2154        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
2155            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2156            reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
2157            break;
2158        }
2159        }
2161        return false;
2162    }
2164    /**
2165     * {@inheritDoc}
2166     */
2167    @Override
2168    public void addTouchables(ArrayList<View> views) {
2169        final int count = getChildCount();
2170        final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition;
2171        final ListAdapter adapter = mAdapter;
2173        if (adapter == null) {
2174            return;
2175        }
2177        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
2178            final View child = getChildAt(i);
2179            if (adapter.isEnabled(firstPosition + i)) {
2180                views.add(child);
2181            }
2182            child.addTouchables(views);
2183        }
2184    }
2186    /**
2187     * Fires an "on scroll state changed" event to the registered
2188     * {@link android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener}, if any. The state change
2189     * is fired only if the specified state is different from the previously known state.
2190     *
2191     * @param newState The new scroll state.
2192     */
2193    void reportScrollStateChange(int newState) {
2194        if (newState != mLastScrollState) {
2195            if (mOnScrollListener != null) {
2196                mOnScrollListener.onScrollStateChanged(this, newState);
2197                mLastScrollState = newState;
2198            }
2199        }
2200    }
2202    /**
2203     * Responsible for fling behavior. Use {@link #start(int)} to
2204     * initiate a fling. Each frame of the fling is handled in {@link #run()}.
2205     * A FlingRunnable will keep re-posting itself until the fling is done.
2206     *
2207     */
2208    private class FlingRunnable implements Runnable {
2209        /**
2210         * Tracks the decay of a fling scroll
2211         */
2212        private Scroller mScroller;
2214        /**
2215         * Y value reported by mScroller on the previous fling
2216         */
2217        private int mLastFlingY;
2219        public FlingRunnable() {
2220            mScroller = new Scroller(getContext());
2221        }
2223        public void start(int initialVelocity) {
2224            int initialY = initialVelocity < 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0;
2225            mLastFlingY = initialY;
2226            mScroller.fling(0, initialY, 0, initialVelocity,
2227                    0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
2228            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_FLING;
2229            post(this);
2231            if (PROFILE_FLINGING) {
2232                if (!mFlingProfilingStarted) {
2233                    Debug.startMethodTracing("AbsListViewFling");
2234                    mFlingProfilingStarted = true;
2235                }
2236            }
2237        }
2239        private void endFling() {
2240            mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2241            reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
2242            clearScrollingCache();
2243        }
2245        public void run() {
2246            if (mTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_FLING) {
2247                return;
2248            }
2250            if (mItemCount == 0 || getChildCount() == 0) {
2251                endFling();
2252                return;
2253            }
2255            final Scroller scroller = mScroller;
2256            boolean more = scroller.computeScrollOffset();
2257            final int y = scroller.getCurrY();
2259            // Flip sign to convert finger direction to list items direction
2260            // (e.g. finger moving down means list is moving towards the top)
2261            int delta = mLastFlingY - y;
2263            // Pretend that each frame of a fling scroll is a touch scroll
2264            if (delta > 0) {
2265                // List is moving towards the top. Use first view as mMotionPosition
2266                mMotionPosition = mFirstPosition;
2267                final View firstView = getChildAt(0);
2268                mMotionViewOriginalTop = firstView.getTop();
2270                // Don't fling more than 1 screen
2271                delta = Math.min(getHeight() - mPaddingBottom - mPaddingTop - 1, delta);
2272            } else {
2273                // List is moving towards the bottom. Use last view as mMotionPosition
2274                int offsetToLast = getChildCount() - 1;
2275                mMotionPosition = mFirstPosition + offsetToLast;
2277                final View lastView = getChildAt(offsetToLast);
2278                mMotionViewOriginalTop = lastView.getTop();
2280                // Don't fling more than 1 screen
2281                delta = Math.max(-(getHeight() - mPaddingBottom - mPaddingTop - 1), delta);
2282            }
2284            trackMotionScroll(delta, delta);
2286            // Check to see if we have bumped into the scroll limit
2287            View motionView = getChildAt(mMotionPosition - mFirstPosition);
2288            if (motionView != null) {
2289                // Check if the top of the motion view is where it is
2290                // supposed to be
2291                if (motionView.getTop() != mMotionViewNewTop) {
2292                   more = false;
2293                }
2294            }
2296            if (more) {
2297                mLastFlingY = y;
2298                post(this);
2299            } else {
2300                endFling();
2301                if (PROFILE_FLINGING) {
2302                    if (mFlingProfilingStarted) {
2303                        Debug.stopMethodTracing();
2304                        mFlingProfilingStarted = false;
2305                    }
2306                }
2307            }
2308        }
2309    }
2311    private void createScrollingCache() {
2312        if (mScrollingCacheEnabled && !mCachingStarted) {
2313            setChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled(true);
2314            setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(true);
2315            mCachingStarted = true;
2316        }
2317    }
2319    private void clearScrollingCache() {
2320        if (mCachingStarted) {
2321            setChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled(false);
2322            if ((mPersistentDrawingCache & PERSISTENT_SCROLLING_CACHE) == 0) {
2323                setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(false);
2324            }
2325            if (!isAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled()) {
2326                invalidate();
2327            }
2328            mCachingStarted = false;
2329        }
2330    }
2332    /**
2333     * Track a motion scroll
2334     *
2335     * @param deltaY Amount to offset mMotionView. This is the accumulated delta since the motion
2336     *        began. Positive numbers mean the user's finger is moving down the screen.
2337     * @param incrementalDeltaY Change in deltaY from the previous event.
2338     */
2339    void trackMotionScroll(int deltaY, int incrementalDeltaY) {
2340        final int childCount = getChildCount();
2341        if (childCount == 0) {
2342            return;
2343        }
2345        final int firstTop = getChildAt(0).getTop();
2346        final int lastBottom = getChildAt(childCount - 1).getBottom();
2348        final Rect listPadding = mListPadding;
2350         // FIXME account for grid vertical spacing too?
2351        final int spaceAbove = listPadding.top - firstTop;
2352        final int end = getHeight() - listPadding.bottom;
2353        final int spaceBelow = lastBottom - end;
2355        final int height = getHeight() - mPaddingBottom - mPaddingTop;
2356        if (deltaY < 0) {
2357            deltaY = Math.max(-(height - 1), deltaY);
2358        } else {
2359            deltaY = Math.min(height - 1, deltaY);
2360        }
2362        if (incrementalDeltaY < 0) {
2363            incrementalDeltaY = Math.max(-(height - 1), incrementalDeltaY);
2364        } else {
2365            incrementalDeltaY = Math.min(height - 1, incrementalDeltaY);
2366        }
2368        final int absIncrementalDeltaY = Math.abs(incrementalDeltaY);
2370        if (spaceAbove >= absIncrementalDeltaY && spaceBelow >= absIncrementalDeltaY) {
2371            hideSelector();
2372            offsetChildrenTopAndBottom(incrementalDeltaY);
2373            invalidate();
2374            mMotionViewNewTop = mMotionViewOriginalTop + deltaY;
2375        } else {
2376            final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition;
2378            if (firstPosition == 0 && firstTop >= listPadding.top && deltaY > 0) {
2379                // Don't need to move views down if the top of the first position is already visible
2380                return;
2381            }
2383            if (firstPosition + childCount == mItemCount && lastBottom <= end && deltaY < 0) {
2384                // Don't need to move views up if the bottom of the last position is already visible
2385                return;
2386            }
2388            final boolean down = incrementalDeltaY < 0;
2390            hideSelector();
2392            final int headerViewsCount = getHeaderViewsCount();
2393            final int footerViewsStart = mItemCount - getFooterViewsCount();
2395            int start = 0;
2396            int count = 0;
2398            if (down) {
2399                final int top = listPadding.top - incrementalDeltaY;
2400                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
2401                    final View child = getChildAt(i);
2402                    if (child.getBottom() >= top) {
2403                        break;
2404                    } else {
2405                        count++;
2406                        int position = firstPosition + i;
2407                        if (position >= headerViewsCount && position < footerViewsStart) {
2408                            mRecycler.addScrapView(child);
2410                            if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
2411                                ViewDebug.trace(child,
2412                                        ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.MOVE_TO_SCRAP_HEAP,
2413                                        firstPosition + i, -1);
2414                            }
2415                        }
2416                    }
2417                }
2418            } else {
2419                final int bottom = getHeight() - listPadding.bottom - incrementalDeltaY;
2420                for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2421                    final View child = getChildAt(i);
2422                    if (child.getTop() <= bottom) {
2423                        break;
2424                    } else {
2425                        start = i;
2426                        count++;
2427                        int position = firstPosition + i;
2428                        if (position >= headerViewsCount && position < footerViewsStart) {
2429                            mRecycler.addScrapView(child);
2431                            if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
2432                                ViewDebug.trace(child,
2433                                        ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.MOVE_TO_SCRAP_HEAP,
2434                                        firstPosition + i, -1);
2435                            }
2436                        }
2437                    }
2438                }
2439            }
2441            mMotionViewNewTop = mMotionViewOriginalTop + deltaY;
2443            mBlockLayoutRequests = true;
2444            detachViewsFromParent(start, count);
2445            offsetChildrenTopAndBottom(incrementalDeltaY);
2447            if (down) {
2448                mFirstPosition += count;
2449            }
2451            invalidate();
2452            fillGap(down);
2453            mBlockLayoutRequests = false;
2455            invokeOnItemScrollListener();
2456        }
2457    }
2459    /**
2460     * Returns the number of header views in the list. Header views are special views
2461     * at the top of the list that should not be recycled during a layout.
2462     *
2463     * @return The number of header views, 0 in the default implementation.
2464     */
2465    int getHeaderViewsCount() {
2466        return 0;
2467    }
2469    /**
2470     * Returns the number of footer views in the list. Footer views are special views
2471     * at the bottom of the list that should not be recycled during a layout.
2472     *
2473     * @return The number of footer views, 0 in the default implementation.
2474     */
2475    int getFooterViewsCount() {
2476        return 0;
2477    }
2479    /**
2480     * Fills the gap left open by a touch-scroll. During a touch scroll, children that
2481     * remain on screen are shifted and the other ones are discarded. The role of this
2482     * method is to fill the gap thus created by performing a partial layout in the
2483     * empty space.
2484     *
2485     * @param down true if the scroll is going down, false if it is going up
2486     */
2487    abstract void fillGap(boolean down);
2489    void hideSelector() {
2490        if (mSelectedPosition != INVALID_POSITION) {
2491            mResurrectToPosition = mSelectedPosition;
2492            if (mNextSelectedPosition >= 0 && mNextSelectedPosition != mSelectedPosition) {
2493                mResurrectToPosition = mNextSelectedPosition;
2494            }
2495            setSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
2496            setNextSelectedPositionInt(INVALID_POSITION);
2497            mSelectedTop = 0;
2498            mSelectorRect.setEmpty();
2499        }
2500    }
2502    /**
2503     * @return A position to select. First we try mSelectedPosition. If that has been clobbered by
2504     * entering touch mode, we then try mResurrectToPosition. Values are pinned to the range
2505     * of items available in the adapter
2506     */
2507    int reconcileSelectedPosition() {
2508        int position = mSelectedPosition;
2509        if (position < 0) {
2510            position = mResurrectToPosition;
2511        }
2512        position = Math.max(0, position);
2513        position = Math.min(position, mItemCount - 1);
2514        return position;
2515    }
2517    /**
2518     * Find the row closest to y. This row will be used as the motion row when scrolling
2519     *
2520     * @param y Where the user touched
2521     * @return The position of the first (or only) item in the row closest to y
2522     */
2523    abstract int findMotionRow(int y);
2525    /**
2526     * Causes all the views to be rebuilt and redrawn.
2527     */
2528    public void invalidateViews() {
2529        mDataChanged = true;
2530        rememberSyncState();
2531        requestLayout();
2532        invalidate();
2533    }
2535    /**
2536     * Makes the item at the supplied position selected.
2537     *
2538     * @param position the position of the new selection
2539     */
2540    abstract void setSelectionInt(int position);
2542    /**
2543     * Attempt to bring the selection back if the user is switching from touch
2544     * to trackball mode
2545     * @return Whether selection was set to something.
2546     */
2547    boolean resurrectSelection() {
2548        final int childCount = getChildCount();
2550        if (childCount <= 0) {
2551            return false;
2552        }
2554        int selectedTop = 0;
2555        int selectedPos;
2556        int childrenTop = mListPadding.top;
2557        int childrenBottom = mBottom - mTop - mListPadding.bottom;
2558        final int firstPosition = mFirstPosition;
2559        final int toPosition = mResurrectToPosition;
2560        boolean down = true;
2562        if (toPosition >= firstPosition && toPosition < firstPosition + childCount) {
2563            selectedPos = toPosition;
2565            final View selected = getChildAt(selectedPos - mFirstPosition);
2566            selectedTop = selected.getTop();
2567            int selectedBottom = selected.getBottom();
2569            // We are scrolled, don't get in the fade
2570            if (selectedTop < childrenTop) {
2571                selectedTop = childrenTop + getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
2572            } else if (selectedBottom > childrenBottom) {
2573                selectedTop = childrenBottom - selected.getMeasuredHeight()
2574                        - getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
2575            }
2576        } else {
2577            if (toPosition < firstPosition) {
2578                // Default to selecting whatever is first
2579                selectedPos = firstPosition;
2580                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
2581                    final View v = getChildAt(i);
2582                    final int top = v.getTop();
2584                    if (i == 0) {
2585                        // Remember the position of the first item
2586                        selectedTop = top;
2587                        // See if we are scrolled at all
2588                        if (firstPosition > 0 || top < childrenTop) {
2589                            // If we are scrolled, don't select anything that is
2590                            // in the fade region
2591                            childrenTop += getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
2592                        }
2593                    }
2594                    if (top >= childrenTop) {
2595                        // Found a view whose top is fully visisble
2596                        selectedPos = firstPosition + i;
2597                        selectedTop = top;
2598                        break;
2599                    }
2600                }
2601            } else {
2602                final int itemCount = mItemCount;
2603                down = false;
2604                selectedPos = firstPosition + childCount - 1;
2606                for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2607                    final View v = getChildAt(i);
2608                    final int top = v.getTop();
2609                    final int bottom = v.getBottom();
2611                    if (i == childCount - 1) {
2612                        selectedTop = top;
2613                        if (firstPosition + childCount < itemCount || bottom > childrenBottom) {
2614                            childrenBottom -= getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
2615                        }
2616                    }
2618                    if (bottom <= childrenBottom) {
2619                        selectedPos = firstPosition + i;
2620                        selectedTop = top;
2621                        break;
2622                    }
2623                }
2624            }
2625        }
2627        mResurrectToPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
2628        removeCallbacks(mFlingRunnable);
2629        mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_REST;
2630        clearScrollingCache();
2631        mSpecificTop = selectedTop;
2632        selectedPos = lookForSelectablePosition(selectedPos, down);
2633        if (selectedPos >= firstPosition && selectedPos <= getLastVisiblePosition()) {
2634            mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SPECIFIC;
2635            setSelectionInt(selectedPos);
2636            invokeOnItemScrollListener();
2637        } else {
2638            selectedPos = INVALID_POSITION;
2639        }
2640        reportScrollStateChange(OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE);
2642        return selectedPos >= 0;
2643    }
2645    @Override
2646    protected void handleDataChanged() {
2647        int count = mItemCount;
2648        if (count > 0) {
2650            int newPos;
2652            int selectablePos;
2654            // Find the row we are supposed to sync to
2655            if (mNeedSync) {
2656                // Update this first, since setNextSelectedPositionInt inspects it
2657                mNeedSync = false;
2659                if (mTranscriptMode == TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL ||
2660                        (mTranscriptMode == TRANSCRIPT_MODE_NORMAL &&
2661                                mFirstPosition + getChildCount() >= mOldItemCount)) {
2662                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_FORCE_BOTTOM;
2663                    return;
2664                }
2666                switch (mSyncMode) {
2667                case SYNC_SELECTED_POSITION:
2668                    if (isInTouchMode()) {
2669                        // We saved our state when not in touch mode. (We know this because
2670                        // mSyncMode is SYNC_SELECTED_POSITION.) Now we are trying to
2671                        // restore in touch mode. Just leave mSyncPosition as it is (possibly
2672                        // adjusting if the available range changed) and return.
2673                        mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SYNC;
2674                        mSyncPosition = Math.min(Math.max(0, mSyncPosition), count - 1);
2676                        return;
2677                    } else {
2678                        // See if we can find a position in the new data with the same
2679                        // id as the old selection. This will change mSyncPosition.
2680                        newPos = findSyncPosition();
2681                        if (newPos >= 0) {
2682                            // Found it. Now verify that new selection is still selectable
2683                            selectablePos = lookForSelectablePosition(newPos, true);
2684                            if (selectablePos == newPos) {
2685                                // Same row id is selected
2686                                mSyncPosition = newPos;
2688                                if (mSyncHeight == getHeight()) {
2689                                    // If we are at the same height as when we saved state, try
2690                                    // to restore the scroll position too.
2691                                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SYNC;
2692                                } else {
2693                                    // We are not the same height as when the selection was saved, so
2694                                    // don't try to restore the exact position
2695                                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SET_SELECTION;
2696                                }
2698                                // Restore selection
2699                                setNextSelectedPositionInt(newPos);
2700                                return;
2701                            }
2702                        }
2703                    }
2704                    break;
2705                case SYNC_FIRST_POSITION:
2706                    // Leave mSyncPosition as it is -- just pin to available range
2707                    mLayoutMode = LAYOUT_SYNC;
2708                    mSyncPosition = Math.min(Math.max(0, mSyncPosition), count - 1);
2710                    return;
2711                }
2712            }
2714            if (!isInTouchMode()) {
2715                // We couldn't find matching data -- try to use the same position
2716                newPos = getSelectedItemPosition();
2718                // Pin position to the available range
2719                if (newPos >= count) {
2720                    newPos = count - 1;
2721                }
2722                if (newPos < 0) {
2723                    newPos = 0;
2724                }
2726                // Make sure we select something selectable -- first look down
2727                selectablePos = lookForSelectablePosition(newPos, true);
2729                if (selectablePos >= 0) {
2730                    setNextSelectedPositionInt(selectablePos);
2731                    return;
2732                } else {
2733                    // Looking down didn't work -- try looking up
2734                    selectablePos = lookForSelectablePosition(newPos, false);
2735                    if (selectablePos >= 0) {
2736                        setNextSelectedPositionInt(selectablePos);
2737                        return;
2738                    }
2739                }
2740            } else {
2742                // We already know where we want to resurrect the selection
2743                if (mResurrectToPosition >= 0) {
2744                    return;
2745                }
2746            }
2748        }
2750        // Nothing is selected. Give up and reset everything.
2751        mLayoutMode = mStackFromBottom ? LAYOUT_FORCE_BOTTOM : LAYOUT_FORCE_TOP;
2752        mSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
2753        mSelectedRowId = INVALID_ROW_ID;
2754        mNextSelectedPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
2755        mNextSelectedRowId = INVALID_ROW_ID;
2756        mNeedSync = false;
2757        checkSelectionChanged();
2758    }
2760    /**
2761     * Removes the filter window
2762     */
2763    void dismissPopup() {
2764        if (mPopup != null) {
2765            mPopup.dismiss();
2766        }
2767    }
2769    /**
2770     * Shows the filter window
2771     */
2772    private void showPopup() {
2773        // Make sure we have a window before showing the popup
2774        if (getWindowVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) {
2775            createTextFilter(true);
2776            positionPopup();
2777            // Make sure we get focus if we are showing the popup
2778            checkFocus();
2779        }
2780    }
2782    private void positionPopup() {
2783        int screenHeight = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;
2784        final int[] xy = new int[2];
2785        getLocationOnScreen(xy);
2786        // TODO: The 20 below should come from the theme and be expressed in dip
2787        // TODO: And the gravity should be defined in the theme as well
2788        final int bottomGap = screenHeight - xy[1] - getHeight() + (int) (mDensityScale * 20);
2789        if (!mPopup.isShowing()) {
2790            mPopup.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL,
2791                    xy[0], bottomGap);
2792        } else {
2793            mPopup.update(xy[0], bottomGap, -1, -1);
2794        }
2795    }
2797    /**
2798     * What is the distance between the source and destination rectangles given the direction of
2799     * focus navigation between them? The direction basically helps figure out more quickly what is
2800     * self evident by the relationship between the rects...
2801     *
2802     * @param source the source rectangle
2803     * @param dest the destination rectangle
2804     * @param direction the direction
2805     * @return the distance between the rectangles
2806     */
2807    static int getDistance(Rect source, Rect dest, int direction) {
2808        int sX, sY; // source x, y
2809        int dX, dY; // dest x, y
2810        switch (direction) {
2811        case View.FOCUS_RIGHT:
2812            sX = source.right;
2813            sY = source.top + source.height() / 2;
2814            dX = dest.left;
2815            dY = dest.top + dest.height() / 2;
2816            break;
2817        case View.FOCUS_DOWN:
2818            sX = source.left + source.width() / 2;
2819            sY = source.bottom;
2820            dX = dest.left + dest.width() / 2;
2821            dY = dest.top;
2822            break;
2823        case View.FOCUS_LEFT:
2824            sX = source.left;
2825            sY = source.top + source.height() / 2;
2826            dX = dest.right;
2827            dY = dest.top + dest.height() / 2;
2828            break;
2829        case View.FOCUS_UP:
2830            sX = source.left + source.width() / 2;
2831            sY = source.top;
2832            dX = dest.left + dest.width() / 2;
2833            dY = dest.bottom;
2834            break;
2835        default:
2836            throw new IllegalArgumentException("direction must be one of "
2837                    + "{FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, FOCUS_RIGHT}.");
2838        }
2839        int deltaX = dX - sX;
2840        int deltaY = dY - sY;
2841        return deltaY * deltaY + deltaX * deltaX;
2842    }
2844    @Override
2845    protected boolean isInFilterMode() {
2846        return mFiltered;
2847    }
2849    /**
2850     * Sends a key to the text filter window
2851     *
2852     * @param keyCode The keycode for the event
2853     * @param event The actual key event
2854     *
2855     * @return True if the text filter handled the event, false otherwise.
2856     */
2857    boolean sendToTextFilter(int keyCode, int count, KeyEvent event) {
2858        if (!acceptFilter()) {
2859            return false;
2860        }
2862        boolean handled = false;
2863        boolean okToSend = true;
2864        switch (keyCode) {
2865        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
2866        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN:
2867        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
2868        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
2869        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER:
2870        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
2871            okToSend = false;
2872            break;
2873        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
2874            if (mFiltered && mPopup != null && mPopup.isShowing() &&
2875                    event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
2876                handled = true;
2877                mTextFilter.setText("");
2878            }
2879            okToSend = false;
2880            break;
2881        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE:
2882            // Only send spaces once we are filtered
2883            okToSend = mFiltered = true;
2884            break;
2885        }
2887        if (okToSend) {
2888            createTextFilter(true);
2890            KeyEvent forwardEvent = event;
2891            if (forwardEvent.getRepeatCount() > 0) {
2892                forwardEvent = new KeyEvent(event, event.getEventTime(), 0);
2893            }
2895            int action = event.getAction();
2896            switch (action) {
2897                case KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
2898                    handled = mTextFilter.onKeyDown(keyCode, forwardEvent);
2899                    break;
2901                case KeyEvent.ACTION_UP:
2902                    handled = mTextFilter.onKeyUp(keyCode, forwardEvent);
2903                    break;
2905                case KeyEvent.ACTION_MULTIPLE:
2906                    handled = mTextFilter.onKeyMultiple(keyCode, count, event);
2907                    break;
2908            }
2909        }
2910        return handled;
2911    }
2913    /**
2914     * Return an InputConnection for editing of the filter text.
2915     */
2916    @Override
2917    public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
2918        if (isTextFilterEnabled()) {
2919            // XXX we need to have the text filter created, so we can get an
2920            // InputConnection to proxy to.  Unfortunately this means we pretty
2921            // much need to make it as soon as a list view gets focus.
2922            createTextFilter(false);
2923            return mTextFilter.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
2924        }
2925        return null;
2926    }
2928    /**
2929     * For filtering we proxy an input connection to an internal text editor,
2930     * and this allows the proxying to happen.
2931     */
2932    @Override
2933    public boolean checkInputConnectionProxy(View view) {
2934        return view == mTextFilter;
2935    }
2937    /**
2938     * Creates the window for the text filter and populates it with an EditText field;
2939     *
2940     * @param animateEntrance true if the window should appear with an animation
2941     */
2942    private void createTextFilter(boolean animateEntrance) {
2943        if (mPopup == null) {
2944            Context c = getContext();
2945            PopupWindow p = new PopupWindow(c);
2946            LayoutInflater layoutInflater = (LayoutInflater)
2947                    c.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
2948            mTextFilter = (EditText) layoutInflater.inflate(
2949                    com.android.internal.R.layout.typing_filter, null);
2950            // For some reason setting this as the "real" input type changes
2951            // the text view in some way that it doesn't work, and I don't
2952            // want to figure out why this is.
2953            mTextFilter.setRawInputType(EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT
2954                    | EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER);
2955            mTextFilter.addTextChangedListener(this);
2956            p.setFocusable(false);
2957            p.setTouchable(false);
2958            p.setInputMethodMode(PopupWindow.INPUT_METHOD_NOT_NEEDED);
2959            p.setContentView(mTextFilter);
2960            p.setWidth(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
2961            p.setHeight(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
2962            p.setBackgroundDrawable(null);
2963            mPopup = p;
2964            getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(this);
2965        }
2966        if (animateEntrance) {
2967            mPopup.setAnimationStyle(com.android.internal.R.style.Animation_TypingFilter);
2968        } else {
2969            mPopup.setAnimationStyle(com.android.internal.R.style.Animation_TypingFilterRestore);
2970        }
2971    }
2973    /**
2974     * Clear the text filter.
2975     */
2976    public void clearTextFilter() {
2977        if (mFiltered) {
2978            mTextFilter.setText("");
2979            mFiltered = false;
2980            if (mPopup != null && mPopup.isShowing()) {
2981                dismissPopup();
2982            }
2983        }
2984    }
2986    /**
2987     * Returns if the ListView currently has a text filter.
2988     */
2989    public boolean hasTextFilter() {
2990        return mFiltered;
2991    }
2993    public void onGlobalLayout() {
2994        if (isShown()) {
2995            // Show the popup if we are filtered
2996            if (mFiltered && mPopup != null && !mPopup.isShowing()) {
2997                showPopup();
2998            }
2999        } else {
3000            // Hide the popup when we are no longer visible
3001            if (mPopup.isShowing()) {
3002                dismissPopup();
3003            }
3004        }
3006    }
3008    /**
3009     * For our text watcher that associated with the text filter
3010     */
3011    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
3012    }
3014    /**
3015     * For our text watcher that associated with the text filter. Performs the actual
3016     * filtering as the text changes.
3017     */
3018    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
3019        if (mPopup != null && isTextFilterEnabled()) {
3020            int length = s.length();
3021            boolean showing = mPopup.isShowing();
3022            if (!showing && length > 0) {
3023                // Show the filter popup if necessary
3024                showPopup();
3025                mFiltered = true;
3026            } else if (showing && length == 0) {
3027                // Remove the filter popup if the user has cleared all text
3028                mPopup.dismiss();
3029                mFiltered = false;
3030            }
3031            if (mAdapter instanceof Filterable) {
3032                Filter f = ((Filterable) mAdapter).getFilter();
3033                // Filter should not be null when we reach this part
3034                if (f != null) {
3035                    f.filter(s, this);
3036                } else {
3037                    throw new IllegalStateException("You cannot call onTextChanged with a non "
3038                            + "filterable adapter");
3039                }
3040            }
3041        }
3042    }
3044    /**
3045     * For our text watcher that associated with the text filter
3046     */
3047    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
3048    }
3050    public void onFilterComplete(int count) {
3051        if (mSelectedPosition < 0 && count > 0) {
3052            mResurrectToPosition = INVALID_POSITION;
3053            resurrectSelection();
3054        }
3055    }
3057    @Override
3058    protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
3059        return new LayoutParams(p);
3060    }
3062    @Override
3063    public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) {
3064        return new AbsListView.LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);
3065    }
3067    @Override
3068    protected boolean checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
3069        return p instanceof AbsListView.LayoutParams;
3070    }
3072    /**
3073     * Puts the list or grid into transcript mode. In this mode the list or grid will always scroll
3074     * to the bottom to show new items.
3075     *
3076     * @param mode the transcript mode to set
3077     *
3081     */
3082    public void setTranscriptMode(int mode) {
3083        mTranscriptMode = mode;
3084    }
3086    /**
3087     * Returns the current transcript mode.
3088     *
3089     * @return {@link #TRANSCRIPT_MODE_DISABLED}, {@link #TRANSCRIPT_MODE_NORMAL} or
3090     *         {@link #TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL}
3091     */
3092    public int getTranscriptMode() {
3093        return mTranscriptMode;
3094    }
3096    @Override
3097    public int getSolidColor() {
3098        return mCacheColorHint;
3099    }
3101    /**
3102     * When set to a non-zero value, the cache color hint indicates that this list is always drawn
3103     * on top of a solid, single-color, opaque background
3104     *
3105     * @param color The background color
3106     */
3107    public void setCacheColorHint(int color) {
3108        mCacheColorHint = color;
3109    }
3111    /**
3112     * When set to a non-zero value, the cache color hint indicates that this list is always drawn
3113     * on top of a solid, single-color, opaque background
3114     *
3115     * @return The cache color hint
3116     */
3117    public int getCacheColorHint() {
3118        return mCacheColorHint;
3119    }
3121    /**
3122     * Move all views (excluding headers and footers) held by this AbsListView into the supplied
3123     * List. This includes views displayed on the screen as well as views stored in AbsListView's
3124     * internal view recycler.
3125     *
3126     * @param views A list into which to put the reclaimed views
3127     */
3128    public void reclaimViews(List<View> views) {
3129        int childCount = getChildCount();
3130        RecyclerListener listener = mRecycler.mRecyclerListener;
3132        // Reclaim views on screen
3133        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
3134            View child = getChildAt(i);
3135            AbsListView.LayoutParams lp = (AbsListView.LayoutParams)child.getLayoutParams();
3136            // Don't reclaim header or footer views, or views that should be ignored
3137            if (lp != null && mRecycler.shouldRecycleViewType(lp.viewType)) {
3138                views.add(child);
3139                if (listener != null) {
3140                    // Pretend they went through the scrap heap
3141                    listener.onMovedToScrapHeap(child);
3142                }
3143            }
3144        }
3145        mRecycler.reclaimScrapViews(views);
3146        removeAllViewsInLayout();
3147    }
3149    /**
3150     * Sets the recycler listener to be notified whenever a View is set aside in
3151     * the recycler for later reuse. This listener can be used to free resources
3152     * associated to the View.
3153     *
3154     * @param listener The recycler listener to be notified of views set aside
3155     *        in the recycler.
3156     *
3157     * @see android.widget.AbsListView.RecycleBin
3158     * @see android.widget.AbsListView.RecyclerListener
3159     */
3160    public void setRecyclerListener(RecyclerListener listener) {
3161        mRecycler.mRecyclerListener = listener;
3162    }
3164    /**
3165     * AbsListView extends LayoutParams to provide a place to hold the view type.
3166     */
3167    public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams {
3168        /**
3169         * View type for this view, as returned by
3170         * {@link android.widget.Adapter#getItemViewType(int) }
3171         */
3172        int viewType;
3174        /**
3175         * When this boolean is set, the view has been added to the AbsListView
3176         * at least once. It is used to know whether headers/footers have already
3177         * been added to the list view and whether they should be treated as
3178         * recycled views or not.
3179         */
3180        boolean recycledHeaderFooter;
3182        public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
3183            super(c, attrs);
3184        }
3186        public LayoutParams(int w, int h) {
3187            super(w, h);
3188        }
3190        public LayoutParams(int w, int h, int viewType) {
3191            super(w, h);
3192            this.viewType = viewType;
3193        }
3195        public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams source) {
3196            super(source);
3197        }
3198    }
3200    /**
3201     * A RecyclerListener is used to receive a notification whenever a View is placed
3202     * inside the RecycleBin's scrap heap. This listener is used to free resources
3203     * associated to Views placed in the RecycleBin.
3204     *
3205     * @see android.widget.AbsListView.RecycleBin
3206     * @see android.widget.AbsListView#setRecyclerListener(android.widget.AbsListView.RecyclerListener)
3207     */
3208    public static interface RecyclerListener {
3209        /**
3210         * Indicates that the specified View was moved into the recycler's scrap heap.
3211         * The view is not displayed on screen any more and any expensive resource
3212         * associated with the view should be discarded.
3213         *
3214         * @param view
3215         */
3216        void onMovedToScrapHeap(View view);
3217    }
3219    /**
3220     * The RecycleBin facilitates reuse of views across layouts. The RecycleBin has two levels of
3221     * storage: ActiveViews and ScrapViews. ActiveViews are those views which were onscreen at the
3222     * start of a layout. By construction, they are displaying current information. At the end of
3223     * layout, all views in ActiveViews are demoted to ScrapViews. ScrapViews are old views that
3224     * could potentially be used by the adapter to avoid allocating views unnecessarily.
3225     *
3226     * @see android.widget.AbsListView#setRecyclerListener(android.widget.AbsListView.RecyclerListener)
3227     * @see android.widget.AbsListView.RecyclerListener
3228     */
3229    class RecycleBin {
3230        private RecyclerListener mRecyclerListener;
3232        /**
3233         * The position of the first view stored in mActiveViews.
3234         */
3235        private int mFirstActivePosition;
3237        /**
3238         * Views that were on screen at the start of layout. This array is populated at the start of
3239         * layout, and at the end of layout all view in mActiveViews are moved to mScrapViews.
3240         * Views in mActiveViews represent a contiguous range of Views, with position of the first
3241         * view store in mFirstActivePosition.
3242         */
3243        private View[] mActiveViews = new View[0];
3245        /**
3246         * Unsorted views that can be used by the adapter as a convert view.
3247         */
3248        private ArrayList<View>[] mScrapViews;
3250        private int mViewTypeCount;
3252        private ArrayList<View> mCurrentScrap;
3254        public void setViewTypeCount(int viewTypeCount) {
3255            if (viewTypeCount < 1) {
3256                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have a viewTypeCount < 1");
3257            }
3258            //noinspection unchecked
3259            ArrayList<View>[] scrapViews = new ArrayList[viewTypeCount];
3260            for (int i = 0; i < viewTypeCount; i++) {
3261                scrapViews[i] = new ArrayList<View>();
3262            }
3263            mViewTypeCount = viewTypeCount;
3264            mCurrentScrap = scrapViews[0];
3265            mScrapViews = scrapViews;
3266        }
3268        public boolean shouldRecycleViewType(int viewType) {
3269            return viewType >= 0;
3270        }
3272        /**
3273         * Clears the scrap heap.
3274         */
3275        void clear() {
3276            if (mViewTypeCount == 1) {
3277                final ArrayList<View> scrap = mCurrentScrap;
3278                final int scrapCount = scrap.size();
3279                for (int i = 0; i < scrapCount; i++) {
3280                    removeDetachedView(scrap.remove(scrapCount - 1 - i), false);
3281                }
3282            } else {
3283                final int typeCount = mViewTypeCount;
3284                for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; i++) {
3285                    final ArrayList<View> scrap = mScrapViews[i];
3286                    final int scrapCount = scrap.size();
3287                    for (int j = 0; j < scrapCount; j++) {
3288                        removeDetachedView(scrap.remove(scrapCount - 1 - j), false);
3289                    }
3290                }
3291            }
3292        }
3294        /**
3295         * Fill ActiveViews with all of the children of the AbsListView.
3296         *
3297         * @param childCount The minimum number of views mActiveViews should hold
3298         * @param firstActivePosition The position of the first view that will be stored in
3299         *        mActiveViews
3300         */
3301        void fillActiveViews(int childCount, int firstActivePosition) {
3302            if (mActiveViews.length < childCount) {
3303                mActiveViews = new View[childCount];
3304            }
3305            mFirstActivePosition = firstActivePosition;
3307            final View[] activeViews = mActiveViews;
3308            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
3309                View child = getChildAt(i);
3310                AbsListView.LayoutParams lp = (AbsListView.LayoutParams)child.getLayoutParams();
3311                // Don't put header or footer views into the scrap heap
3312                if (lp != null && lp.viewType != AdapterView.ITEM_VIEW_TYPE_HEADER_OR_FOOTER) {
3313                    // Note:  We do place AdapterView.ITEM_VIEW_TYPE_IGNORE in active views.
3314                    //        However, we will NOT place them into scrap views.
3315                    activeViews[i] = child;
3316                }
3317            }
3318        }
3320        /**
3321         * Get the view corresponding to the specified position. The view will be removed from
3322         * mActiveViews if it is found.
3323         *
3324         * @param position The position to look up in mActiveViews
3325         * @return The view if it is found, null otherwise
3326         */
3327        View getActiveView(int position) {
3328            int index = position - mFirstActivePosition;
3329            final View[] activeViews = mActiveViews;
3330            if (index >=0 && index < activeViews.length) {
3331                final View match = activeViews[index];
3332                activeViews[index] = null;
3333                return match;
3334            }
3335            return null;
3336        }
3338        /**
3339         * @return A view from the ScrapViews collection. These are unordered.
3340         */
3341        View getScrapView(int position) {
3342            ArrayList<View> scrapViews;
3343            if (mViewTypeCount == 1) {
3344                scrapViews = mCurrentScrap;
3345                int size = scrapViews.size();
3346                if (size > 0) {
3347                    return scrapViews.remove(size - 1);
3348                } else {
3349                    return null;
3350                }
3351            } else {
3352                int whichScrap = mAdapter.getItemViewType(position);
3353                if (whichScrap >= 0 && whichScrap < mScrapViews.length) {
3354                    scrapViews = mScrapViews[whichScrap];
3355                    int size = scrapViews.size();
3356                    if (size > 0) {
3357                        return scrapViews.remove(size - 1);
3358                    }
3359                }
3360            }
3361            return null;
3362        }
3364        /**
3365         * Put a view into the ScapViews list. These views are unordered.
3366         *
3367         * @param scrap The view to add
3368         */
3369        void addScrapView(View scrap) {
3370            AbsListView.LayoutParams lp = (AbsListView.LayoutParams) scrap.getLayoutParams();
3371            if (lp == null) {
3372                return;
3373            }
3375            // Don't put header or footer views or views that should be ignored
3376            // into the scrap heap
3377            int viewType = lp.viewType;
3378            if (!shouldRecycleViewType(viewType)) {
3379                return;
3380            }
3382            if (mViewTypeCount == 1) {
3383                mCurrentScrap.add(scrap);
3384            } else {
3385                mScrapViews[viewType].add(scrap);
3386            }
3388            if (mRecyclerListener != null) {
3389                mRecyclerListener.onMovedToScrapHeap(scrap);
3390            }
3391        }
3393        /**
3394         * Move all views remaining in mActiveViews to mScrapViews.
3395         */
3396        void scrapActiveViews() {
3397            final View[] activeViews = mActiveViews;
3398            final boolean hasListener = mRecyclerListener != null;
3399            final boolean multipleScraps = mViewTypeCount > 1;
3401            ArrayList<View> scrapViews = mCurrentScrap;
3402            final int count = activeViews.length;
3403            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
3404                final View victim = activeViews[i];
3405                if (victim != null) {
3406                    int whichScrap = ((AbsListView.LayoutParams)
3407                            victim.getLayoutParams()).viewType;
3409                    activeViews[i] = null;
3411                    if (whichScrap == AdapterView.ITEM_VIEW_TYPE_IGNORE) {
3412                        // Do not move views that should be ignored
3413                        continue;
3414                    }
3416                    if (multipleScraps) {
3417                        scrapViews = mScrapViews[whichScrap];
3418                    }
3419                    scrapViews.add(victim);
3421                    if (hasListener) {
3422                        mRecyclerListener.onMovedToScrapHeap(victim);
3423                    }
3425                    if (ViewDebug.TRACE_RECYCLER) {
3426                        ViewDebug.trace(victim,
3427                                ViewDebug.RecyclerTraceType.MOVE_FROM_ACTIVE_TO_SCRAP_HEAP,
3428                                mFirstActivePosition + i, -1);
3429                    }
3430                }
3431            }
3433            pruneScrapViews();
3434        }
3436        /**
3437         * Makes sure that the size of mScrapViews does not exceed the size of mActiveViews.
3438         * (This can happen if an adapter does not recycle its views).
3439         */
3440        private void pruneScrapViews() {
3441            final int maxViews = mActiveViews.length;
3442            final int viewTypeCount = mViewTypeCount;
3443            final ArrayList<View>[] scrapViews = mScrapViews;
3444            for (int i = 0; i < viewTypeCount; ++i) {
3445                final ArrayList<View> scrapPile = scrapViews[i];
3446                int size = scrapPile.size();
3447                final int extras = size - maxViews;
3448                size--;
3449                for (int j = 0; j < extras; j++) {
3450                    removeDetachedView(scrapPile.remove(size--), false);
3451                }
3452            }
3453        }
3455        /**
3456         * Puts all views in the scrap heap into the supplied list.
3457         */
3458        void reclaimScrapViews(List<View> views) {
3459            if (mViewTypeCount == 1) {
3460                views.addAll(mCurrentScrap);
3461            } else {
3462                final int viewTypeCount = mViewTypeCount;
3463                final ArrayList<View>[] scrapViews = mScrapViews;
3464                for (int i = 0; i < viewTypeCount; ++i) {
3465                    final ArrayList<View> scrapPile = scrapViews[i];
3466                    views.addAll(scrapPile);
3467                }
3468            }
3469        }
3470    }