1// Generated from XMLParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.4
2package android.databinding.parser;
3import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
4import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
5import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;
8 * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
9 * by {@link XMLParser}.
10 *
11 * @param  The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
12 * operations with no return type.
13 */
14public interface XMLParserVisitor<Result> extends ParseTreeVisitor<Result> {
15	/**
16	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#content}.
17	 * @param ctx the parse tree
18	 * @return the visitor result
19	 */
20	Result visitContent(@NotNull XMLParser.ContentContext ctx);
22	/**
23	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#element}.
24	 * @param ctx the parse tree
25	 * @return the visitor result
26	 */
27	Result visitElement(@NotNull XMLParser.ElementContext ctx);
29	/**
30	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#prolog}.
31	 * @param ctx the parse tree
32	 * @return the visitor result
33	 */
34	Result visitProlog(@NotNull XMLParser.PrologContext ctx);
36	/**
37	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#document}.
38	 * @param ctx the parse tree
39	 * @return the visitor result
40	 */
41	Result visitDocument(@NotNull XMLParser.DocumentContext ctx);
43	/**
44	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#attribute}.
45	 * @param ctx the parse tree
46	 * @return the visitor result
47	 */
48	Result visitAttribute(@NotNull XMLParser.AttributeContext ctx);
50	/**
51	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#chardata}.
52	 * @param ctx the parse tree
53	 * @return the visitor result
54	 */
55	Result visitChardata(@NotNull XMLParser.ChardataContext ctx);
57	/**
58	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#reference}.
59	 * @param ctx the parse tree
60	 * @return the visitor result
61	 */
62	Result visitReference(@NotNull XMLParser.ReferenceContext ctx);
64	/**
65	 * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link XMLParser#misc}.
66	 * @param ctx the parse tree
67	 * @return the visitor result
68	 */
69	Result visitMisc(@NotNull XMLParser.MiscContext ctx);