/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calendar.alerts; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.app.Service; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Process; import android.provider.CalendarContract; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Attendees; import android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.util.Log; import com.android.calendar.GeneralPreferences; import com.android.calendar.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * This service is used to handle calendar event reminders. */ public class AlertService extends Service { static final boolean DEBUG = true; private static final String TAG = "AlertService"; private volatile Looper mServiceLooper; private volatile ServiceHandler mServiceHandler; static final String[] ALERT_PROJECTION = new String[] { CalendarAlerts._ID, // 0 CalendarAlerts.EVENT_ID, // 1 CalendarAlerts.STATE, // 2 CalendarAlerts.TITLE, // 3 CalendarAlerts.EVENT_LOCATION, // 4 CalendarAlerts.SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS, // 5 CalendarAlerts.ALL_DAY, // 6 CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME, // 7 CalendarAlerts.MINUTES, // 8 CalendarAlerts.BEGIN, // 9 CalendarAlerts.END, // 10 CalendarAlerts.DESCRIPTION, // 11 }; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_ID = 0; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_EVENT_ID = 1; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_STATE = 2; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_TITLE = 3; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_EVENT_LOCATION = 4; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS = 5; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_ALL_DAY = 6; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_ALARM_TIME = 7; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_MINUTES = 8; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_BEGIN = 9; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_END = 10; private static final int ALERT_INDEX_DESCRIPTION = 11; private static final String ACTIVE_ALERTS_SELECTION = "(" + CalendarAlerts.STATE + "=? OR " + CalendarAlerts.STATE + "=?) AND " + CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME + "<="; private static final String[] ACTIVE_ALERTS_SELECTION_ARGS = new String[] { Integer.toString(CalendarAlerts.STATE_FIRED), Integer.toString(CalendarAlerts.STATE_SCHEDULED) }; private static final String ACTIVE_ALERTS_SORT = "begin DESC, end DESC"; private static final String DISMISS_OLD_SELECTION = CalendarAlerts.END + " mNw; public NotificationWrapper(Notification n, int notificationId, long eventId, long startMillis, long endMillis, boolean doPopup) { mNotification = n; mEventId = eventId; mBegin = startMillis; mEnd = endMillis; // popup? // notification id? } public NotificationWrapper(Notification n) { mNotification = n; } public void add(NotificationWrapper nw) { if (mNw == null) { mNw = new ArrayList(); } mNw.add(nw); } } // Added wrapper for testing public static class NotificationMgrWrapper extends NotificationMgr { NotificationManager mNm; public NotificationMgrWrapper(NotificationManager nm) { mNm = nm; } @Override public void cancel(int id) { mNm.cancel(id); } @Override public void notify(int id, NotificationWrapper nw) { mNm.notify(id, nw.mNotification); } } void processMessage(Message msg) { Bundle bundle = (Bundle) msg.obj; // On reboot, update the notification bar with the contents of the // CalendarAlerts table. String action = bundle.getString("action"); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, bundle.getLong(android.provider.CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME) + " Action = " + action); } // Some OEMs had changed the provider's EVENT_REMINDER broadcast to their own event, // which broke our unbundled app's reminders. So we added backup alarm scheduling to the // app, but we know we can turn it off if we ever receive the EVENT_REMINDER broadcast. boolean providerReminder = action.equals( android.provider.CalendarContract.ACTION_EVENT_REMINDER); if (providerReminder) { if (sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast == null) { sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast = Utils.getSharedPreference(this, PROVIDER_REMINDER_PREF_KEY, false); } if (!sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast) { sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast = true; Log.d(TAG, "Setting key " + PROVIDER_REMINDER_PREF_KEY + " to: true"); Utils.setSharedPreference(this, PROVIDER_REMINDER_PREF_KEY, true); } } if (providerReminder || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_PROVIDER_CHANGED) || action.equals(android.provider.CalendarContract.ACTION_EVENT_REMINDER) || action.equals(AlertReceiver.EVENT_REMINDER_APP_ACTION) || action.equals(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED)) { // b/7652098: Add a delay after the provider-changed event before refreshing // notifications to help issue with the unbundled app installed on HTC having // stale notifications. if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_PROVIDER_CHANGED)) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore. } } updateAlertNotification(this); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED)) { // The provider usually initiates this setting up of alarms on startup, // but there was a bug (b/7221716) where a race condition caused this step to be // skipped, resulting in missed alarms. This is a stopgap to minimize this bug // for devices that don't have the provider fix, by initiating this a 2nd time here. // However, it would still theoretically be possible to hit the race condition // the 2nd time and still miss alarms. // // TODO: Remove this when the provider fix is rolled out everywhere. Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(this, InitAlarmsService.class); startService(intent); } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_TIME_CHANGED)) { doTimeChanged(); } else if (action.equals(AlertReceiver.ACTION_DISMISS_OLD_REMINDERS)) { dismissOldAlerts(this); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Invalid action: " + action); } // Schedule the alarm for the next upcoming reminder, if not done by the provider. if (sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast == null || !sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast) { Log.d(TAG, "Scheduling next alarm with AlarmScheduler. " + "sEventReminderReceived: " + sReceivedProviderReminderBroadcast); AlarmScheduler.scheduleNextAlarm(this); } } static void dismissOldAlerts(Context context) { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ContentValues vals = new ContentValues(); vals.put(CalendarAlerts.STATE, CalendarAlerts.STATE_DISMISSED); cr.update(CalendarAlerts.CONTENT_URI, vals, DISMISS_OLD_SELECTION, new String[] { Long.toString(currentTime), Integer.toString(CalendarAlerts.STATE_SCHEDULED) }); } static boolean updateAlertNotification(Context context) { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); NotificationMgr nm = new NotificationMgrWrapper( (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE)); final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); SharedPreferences prefs = GeneralPreferences.getSharedPreferences(context); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Beginning updateAlertNotification"); } if (!prefs.getBoolean(GeneralPreferences.KEY_ALERTS, true)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "alert preference is OFF"); } // If we shouldn't be showing notifications cancel any existing ones // and return. nm.cancelAll(); return true; } Cursor alertCursor = cr.query(CalendarAlerts.CONTENT_URI, ALERT_PROJECTION, (ACTIVE_ALERTS_SELECTION + currentTime), ACTIVE_ALERTS_SELECTION_ARGS, ACTIVE_ALERTS_SORT); if (alertCursor == null || alertCursor.getCount() == 0) { if (alertCursor != null) { alertCursor.close(); } if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "No fired or scheduled alerts"); nm.cancelAll(); return false; } return generateAlerts(context, nm, AlertUtils.createAlarmManager(context), prefs, alertCursor, currentTime, MAX_NOTIFICATIONS); } public static boolean generateAlerts(Context context, NotificationMgr nm, AlarmManagerInterface alarmMgr, SharedPreferences prefs, Cursor alertCursor, final long currentTime, final int maxNotifications) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "alertCursor count:" + alertCursor.getCount()); } // Process the query results and bucketize events. ArrayList highPriorityEvents = new ArrayList(); ArrayList mediumPriorityEvents = new ArrayList(); ArrayList lowPriorityEvents = new ArrayList(); int numFired = processQuery(alertCursor, context, currentTime, highPriorityEvents, mediumPriorityEvents, lowPriorityEvents); if (highPriorityEvents.size() + mediumPriorityEvents.size() + lowPriorityEvents.size() == 0) { nm.cancelAll(); return true; } long nextRefreshTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; int currentNotificationId = 1; NotificationPrefs notificationPrefs = new NotificationPrefs(context, prefs, (numFired == 0)); // If there are more high/medium priority events than we can show, bump some to // the low priority digest. redistributeBuckets(highPriorityEvents, mediumPriorityEvents, lowPriorityEvents, maxNotifications); // Post the individual higher priority events (future and recently started // concurrent events). Order these so that earlier start times appear higher in // the notification list. for (int i = 0; i < highPriorityEvents.size(); i++) { NotificationInfo info = highPriorityEvents.get(i); String summaryText = AlertUtils.formatTimeLocation(context, info.startMillis, info.allDay, info.location); postNotification(info, summaryText, context, true, notificationPrefs, nm, currentNotificationId++); // Keep concurrent events high priority (to appear higher in the notification list) // until 15 minutes into the event. nextRefreshTime = Math.min(nextRefreshTime, getNextRefreshTime(info, currentTime)); } // Post the medium priority events (concurrent events that started a while ago). // Order these so more recent start times appear higher in the notification list. // // TODO: Post these with the same notification priority level as the higher priority // events, so that all notifications will be co-located together. for (int i = mediumPriorityEvents.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { NotificationInfo info = mediumPriorityEvents.get(i); // TODO: Change to a relative time description like: "Started 40 minutes ago". // This requires constant refreshing to the message as time goes. String summaryText = AlertUtils.formatTimeLocation(context, info.startMillis, info.allDay, info.location); postNotification(info, summaryText, context, false, notificationPrefs, nm, currentNotificationId++); // Refresh when concurrent event ends so it will drop into the expired digest. nextRefreshTime = Math.min(nextRefreshTime, getNextRefreshTime(info, currentTime)); } // Post the low priority events as 1 combined notification. int numLowPriority = lowPriorityEvents.size(); if (numLowPriority > 0) { String expiredDigestTitle = getDigestTitle(lowPriorityEvents); NotificationWrapper notification; if (numLowPriority == 1) { // If only 1 expired event, display an "old-style" basic alert. NotificationInfo info = lowPriorityEvents.get(0); String summaryText = AlertUtils.formatTimeLocation(context, info.startMillis, info.allDay, info.location); notification = AlertReceiver.makeBasicNotification(context, info.eventName, summaryText, info.startMillis, info.endMillis, info.eventId, AlertUtils.EXPIRED_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ID, false, Notification.PRIORITY_MIN); } else { // Multiple expired events are listed in a digest. notification = AlertReceiver.makeDigestNotification(context, lowPriorityEvents, expiredDigestTitle, false); } // Add options for a quiet update. addNotificationOptions(notification, true, expiredDigestTitle, notificationPrefs.getDefaultVibrate(), notificationPrefs.getRingtoneAndSilence(), false); /* Do not show the LED for the expired events. */ if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Quietly posting digest alarm notification, numEvents:" + numLowPriority + ", notificationId:" + AlertUtils.EXPIRED_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ID); } // Post the new notification for the group. nm.notify(AlertUtils.EXPIRED_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification); } else { nm.cancel(AlertUtils.EXPIRED_GROUP_NOTIFICATION_ID); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "No low priority events, canceling the digest notification."); } } // Remove the notifications that are hanging around from the previous refresh. if (currentNotificationId <= maxNotifications) { nm.cancelAllBetween(currentNotificationId, maxNotifications); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Canceling leftover notification IDs " + currentNotificationId + "-" + maxNotifications); } } // Schedule the next silent refresh time so notifications will change // buckets (eg. drop into expired digest, etc). if (nextRefreshTime < Long.MAX_VALUE && nextRefreshTime > currentTime) { AlertUtils.scheduleNextNotificationRefresh(context, alarmMgr, nextRefreshTime); if (DEBUG) { long minutesBeforeRefresh = (nextRefreshTime - currentTime) / MINUTE_MS; Time time = new Time(); time.set(nextRefreshTime); String msg = String.format("Scheduling next notification refresh in %d min at: " + "%d:%02d", minutesBeforeRefresh, time.hour, time.minute); Log.d(TAG, msg); } } else if (nextRefreshTime < currentTime) { Log.e(TAG, "Illegal state: next notification refresh time found to be in the past."); } // Flushes old fired alerts from internal storage, if needed. AlertUtils.flushOldAlertsFromInternalStorage(context); return true; } /** * Redistributes events in the priority lists based on the max # of notifications we * can show. */ static void redistributeBuckets(ArrayList highPriorityEvents, ArrayList mediumPriorityEvents, ArrayList lowPriorityEvents, int maxNotifications) { // If too many high priority alerts, shift the remaining high priority and all the // medium priority ones to the low priority bucket. Note that order is important // here; these lists are sorted by descending start time. Maintain that ordering // so posted notifications are in the expected order. if (highPriorityEvents.size() > maxNotifications) { // Move mid-priority to the digest. lowPriorityEvents.addAll(0, mediumPriorityEvents); // Move the rest of the high priority ones (latest ones) to the digest. List itemsToMoveSublist = highPriorityEvents.subList( 0, highPriorityEvents.size() - maxNotifications); // TODO: What order for high priority in the digest? lowPriorityEvents.addAll(0, itemsToMoveSublist); if (DEBUG) { logEventIdsBumped(mediumPriorityEvents, itemsToMoveSublist); } mediumPriorityEvents.clear(); // Clearing the sublist view removes the items from the highPriorityEvents list. itemsToMoveSublist.clear(); } // Bump the medium priority events if necessary. if (mediumPriorityEvents.size() + highPriorityEvents.size() > maxNotifications) { int spaceRemaining = maxNotifications - highPriorityEvents.size(); // Reached our max, move the rest to the digest. Since these are concurrent // events, we move the ones with the earlier start time first since they are // further in the past and less important. List itemsToMoveSublist = mediumPriorityEvents.subList( spaceRemaining, mediumPriorityEvents.size()); lowPriorityEvents.addAll(0, itemsToMoveSublist); if (DEBUG) { logEventIdsBumped(itemsToMoveSublist, null); } // Clearing the sublist view removes the items from the mediumPriorityEvents list. itemsToMoveSublist.clear(); } } private static void logEventIdsBumped(List list1, List list2) { StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); if (list1 != null) { for (NotificationInfo info : list1) { ids.append(info.eventId); ids.append(","); } } if (list2 != null) { for (NotificationInfo info : list2) { ids.append(info.eventId); ids.append(","); } } if (ids.length() > 0 && ids.charAt(ids.length() - 1) == ',') { ids.setLength(ids.length() - 1); } if (ids.length() > 0) { Log.d(TAG, "Reached max postings, bumping event IDs {" + ids.toString() + "} to digest."); } } private static long getNextRefreshTime(NotificationInfo info, long currentTime) { long startAdjustedForAllDay = info.startMillis; long endAdjustedForAllDay = info.endMillis; if (info.allDay) { Time t = new Time(); startAdjustedForAllDay = Utils.convertAlldayUtcToLocal(t, info.startMillis, Time.getCurrentTimezone()); endAdjustedForAllDay = Utils.convertAlldayUtcToLocal(t, info.startMillis, Time.getCurrentTimezone()); } // We change an event's priority bucket at 15 minutes into the event or 1/4 event duration. long nextRefreshTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; long gracePeriodCutoff = startAdjustedForAllDay + getGracePeriodMs(startAdjustedForAllDay, endAdjustedForAllDay, info.allDay); if (gracePeriodCutoff > currentTime) { nextRefreshTime = Math.min(nextRefreshTime, gracePeriodCutoff); } // ... and at the end (so expiring ones drop into a digest). if (endAdjustedForAllDay > currentTime && endAdjustedForAllDay > gracePeriodCutoff) { nextRefreshTime = Math.min(nextRefreshTime, endAdjustedForAllDay); } return nextRefreshTime; } /** * Processes the query results and bucketizes the alerts. * * @param highPriorityEvents This will contain future events, and concurrent events * that started recently (less than the interval DEPRIORITIZE_GRACE_PERIOD_MS). * @param mediumPriorityEvents This will contain concurrent events that started * more than DEPRIORITIZE_GRACE_PERIOD_MS ago. * @param lowPriorityEvents Will contain events that have ended. * @return Returns the number of new alerts to fire. If this is 0, it implies * a quiet update. */ static int processQuery(final Cursor alertCursor, final Context context, final long currentTime, ArrayList highPriorityEvents, ArrayList mediumPriorityEvents, ArrayList lowPriorityEvents) { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); HashMap eventIds = new HashMap(); int numFired = 0; try { while (alertCursor.moveToNext()) { final long alertId = alertCursor.getLong(ALERT_INDEX_ID); final long eventId = alertCursor.getLong(ALERT_INDEX_EVENT_ID); final int minutes = alertCursor.getInt(ALERT_INDEX_MINUTES); final String eventName = alertCursor.getString(ALERT_INDEX_TITLE); final String description = alertCursor.getString(ALERT_INDEX_DESCRIPTION); final String location = alertCursor.getString(ALERT_INDEX_EVENT_LOCATION); final int status = alertCursor.getInt(ALERT_INDEX_SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS); final boolean declined = status == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED; final long beginTime = alertCursor.getLong(ALERT_INDEX_BEGIN); final long endTime = alertCursor.getLong(ALERT_INDEX_END); final Uri alertUri = ContentUris .withAppendedId(CalendarAlerts.CONTENT_URI, alertId); final long alarmTime = alertCursor.getLong(ALERT_INDEX_ALARM_TIME); int state = alertCursor.getInt(ALERT_INDEX_STATE); final boolean allDay = alertCursor.getInt(ALERT_INDEX_ALL_DAY) != 0; // Use app local storage to keep track of fired alerts to fix problem of multiple // installed calendar apps potentially causing missed alarms. boolean newAlertOverride = false; if (AlertUtils.BYPASS_DB && ((currentTime - alarmTime) / MINUTE_MS < 1)) { // To avoid re-firing alerts, only fire if alarmTime is very recent. Otherwise // we can get refires for non-dismissed alerts after app installation, or if the // SharedPrefs was cleared too early. This means alerts that were timed while // the phone was off may show up silently in the notification bar. boolean alreadyFired = AlertUtils.hasAlertFiredInSharedPrefs(context, eventId, beginTime, alarmTime); if (!alreadyFired) { newAlertOverride = true; } } if (DEBUG) { StringBuilder msgBuilder = new StringBuilder(); msgBuilder.append("alertCursor result: alarmTime:").append(alarmTime) .append(" alertId:").append(alertId) .append(" eventId:").append(eventId) .append(" state: ").append(state) .append(" minutes:").append(minutes) .append(" declined:").append(declined) .append(" beginTime:").append(beginTime) .append(" endTime:").append(endTime) .append(" allDay:").append(allDay); if (AlertUtils.BYPASS_DB) { msgBuilder.append(" newAlertOverride: " + newAlertOverride); } Log.d(TAG, msgBuilder.toString()); } ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); int newState = -1; boolean newAlert = false; // Uncomment for the behavior of clearing out alerts after the // events ended. b/1880369 // // if (endTime < currentTime) { // newState = CalendarAlerts.DISMISSED; // } else // Remove declined events if (!declined) { if (state == CalendarAlerts.STATE_SCHEDULED || newAlertOverride) { newState = CalendarAlerts.STATE_FIRED; numFired++; newAlert = true; // Record the received time in the CalendarAlerts table. // This is useful for finding bugs that cause alarms to be // missed or delayed. values.put(CalendarAlerts.RECEIVED_TIME, currentTime); } } else { newState = CalendarAlerts.STATE_DISMISSED; } // Update row if state changed if (newState != -1) { values.put(CalendarAlerts.STATE, newState); state = newState; if (AlertUtils.BYPASS_DB) { AlertUtils.setAlertFiredInSharedPrefs(context, eventId, beginTime, alarmTime); } } if (state == CalendarAlerts.STATE_FIRED) { // Record the time posting to notification manager. // This is used for debugging missed alarms. values.put(CalendarAlerts.NOTIFY_TIME, currentTime); } // Write row to if anything changed if (values.size() > 0) cr.update(alertUri, values, null, null); if (state != CalendarAlerts.STATE_FIRED) { continue; } // TODO: Prefer accepted events in case of ties. NotificationInfo newInfo = new NotificationInfo(eventName, location, description, beginTime, endTime, eventId, allDay, newAlert); // Adjust for all day events to ensure the right bucket. Don't use the 1/4 event // duration grace period for these. long beginTimeAdjustedForAllDay = beginTime; String tz = null; if (allDay) { tz = TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); beginTimeAdjustedForAllDay = Utils.convertAlldayUtcToLocal(null, beginTime, tz); } // Handle multiple alerts for the same event ID. if (eventIds.containsKey(eventId)) { NotificationInfo oldInfo = eventIds.get(eventId); long oldBeginTimeAdjustedForAllDay = oldInfo.startMillis; if (allDay) { oldBeginTimeAdjustedForAllDay = Utils.convertAlldayUtcToLocal(null, oldInfo.startMillis, tz); } // Determine whether to replace the previous reminder with this one. // Query results are sorted so this one will always have a lower start time. long oldStartInterval = oldBeginTimeAdjustedForAllDay - currentTime; long newStartInterval = beginTimeAdjustedForAllDay - currentTime; boolean dropOld; if (newStartInterval < 0 && oldStartInterval > 0) { // Use this reminder if this event started recently dropOld = Math.abs(newStartInterval) < MIN_DEPRIORITIZE_GRACE_PERIOD_MS; } else { // ... or if this one has a closer start time. dropOld = Math.abs(newStartInterval) < Math.abs(oldStartInterval); } if (dropOld) { // This is a recurring event that has a more relevant start time, // drop other reminder in favor of this one. // // It will only be present in 1 of these buckets; just remove from // multiple buckets since this occurrence is rare enough that the // inefficiency of multiple removals shouldn't be a big deal to // justify a more complicated data structure. Expired events don't // have individual notifications so we don't need to clean that up. highPriorityEvents.remove(oldInfo); mediumPriorityEvents.remove(oldInfo); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Dropping alert for recurring event ID:" + oldInfo.eventId + ", startTime:" + oldInfo.startMillis + " in favor of startTime:" + newInfo.startMillis); } } else { // Skip duplicate reminders for the same event instance. continue; } } // TODO: Prioritize by "primary" calendar eventIds.put(eventId, newInfo); long highPriorityCutoff = currentTime - getGracePeriodMs(beginTime, endTime, allDay); if (beginTimeAdjustedForAllDay > highPriorityCutoff) { // High priority = future events or events that just started highPriorityEvents.add(newInfo); } else if (allDay && tz != null && DateUtils.isToday(beginTimeAdjustedForAllDay)) { // Medium priority = in progress all day events mediumPriorityEvents.add(newInfo); } else { lowPriorityEvents.add(newInfo); } } } finally { if (alertCursor != null) { alertCursor.close(); } } return numFired; } /** * High priority cutoff should be 1/4 event duration or 15 min, whichever is longer. */ private static long getGracePeriodMs(long beginTime, long endTime, boolean allDay) { if (allDay) { // We don't want all day events to be high priority for hours, so automatically // demote these after 15 min. return MIN_DEPRIORITIZE_GRACE_PERIOD_MS; } else { return Math.max(MIN_DEPRIORITIZE_GRACE_PERIOD_MS, ((endTime - beginTime) / 4)); } } private static String getDigestTitle(ArrayList events) { StringBuilder digestTitle = new StringBuilder(); for (NotificationInfo eventInfo : events) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(eventInfo.eventName)) { if (digestTitle.length() > 0) { digestTitle.append(", "); } digestTitle.append(eventInfo.eventName); } } return digestTitle.toString(); } private static void postNotification(NotificationInfo info, String summaryText, Context context, boolean highPriority, NotificationPrefs prefs, NotificationMgr notificationMgr, int notificationId) { int priorityVal = Notification.PRIORITY_DEFAULT; if (highPriority) { priorityVal = Notification.PRIORITY_HIGH; } String tickerText = getTickerText(info.eventName, info.location); NotificationWrapper notification = AlertReceiver.makeExpandingNotification(context, info.eventName, summaryText, info.description, info.startMillis, info.endMillis, info.eventId, notificationId, prefs.getDoPopup(), priorityVal); boolean quietUpdate = true; String ringtone = NotificationPrefs.EMPTY_RINGTONE; if (info.newAlert) { quietUpdate = prefs.quietUpdate; // If we've already played a ringtone, don't play any more sounds so only // 1 sound per group of notifications. ringtone = prefs.getRingtoneAndSilence(); } addNotificationOptions(notification, quietUpdate, tickerText, prefs.getDefaultVibrate(), ringtone, true); /* Show the LED for these non-expired events */ // Post the notification. notificationMgr.notify(notificationId, notification); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Posting individual alarm notification, eventId:" + info.eventId + ", notificationId:" + notificationId + (TextUtils.isEmpty(ringtone) ? ", quiet" : ", LOUD") + (highPriority ? ", high-priority" : "")); } } private static String getTickerText(String eventName, String location) { String tickerText = eventName; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(location)) { tickerText = eventName + " - " + location; } return tickerText; } static class NotificationInfo { String eventName; String location; String description; long startMillis; long endMillis; long eventId; boolean allDay; boolean newAlert; NotificationInfo(String eventName, String location, String description, long startMillis, long endMillis, long eventId, boolean allDay, boolean newAlert) { this.eventName = eventName; this.location = location; this.description = description; this.startMillis = startMillis; this.endMillis = endMillis; this.eventId = eventId; this.newAlert = newAlert; this.allDay = allDay; } } private static void addNotificationOptions(NotificationWrapper nw, boolean quietUpdate, String tickerText, boolean defaultVibrate, String reminderRingtone, boolean showLights) { Notification notification = nw.mNotification; if (showLights) { notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS; notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS; } // Quietly update notification bar. Nothing new. Maybe something just got deleted. if (!quietUpdate) { // Flash ticker in status bar if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(tickerText)) { notification.tickerText = tickerText; } // Generate either a pop-up dialog, status bar notification, or // neither. Pop-up dialog and status bar notification may include a // sound, an alert, or both. A status bar notification also includes // a toast. if (defaultVibrate) { notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE; } // Possibly generate a sound. If 'Silent' is chosen, the ringtone // string will be empty. notification.sound = TextUtils.isEmpty(reminderRingtone) ? null : Uri .parse(reminderRingtone); } } /* package */ static class NotificationPrefs { boolean quietUpdate; private Context context; private SharedPreferences prefs; // These are lazily initialized, do not access any of the following directly; use getters. private int doPopup = -1; private int defaultVibrate = -1; private String ringtone = null; private static final String EMPTY_RINGTONE = ""; NotificationPrefs(Context context, SharedPreferences prefs, boolean quietUpdate) { this.context = context; this.prefs = prefs; this.quietUpdate = quietUpdate; } private boolean getDoPopup() { if (doPopup < 0) { if (prefs.getBoolean(GeneralPreferences.KEY_ALERTS_POPUP, false)) { doPopup = 1; } else { doPopup = 0; } } return doPopup == 1; } private boolean getDefaultVibrate() { if (defaultVibrate < 0) { defaultVibrate = Utils.getDefaultVibrate(context, prefs) ? 1 : 0; } return defaultVibrate == 1; } private String getRingtoneAndSilence() { if (ringtone == null) { if (quietUpdate) { ringtone = EMPTY_RINGTONE; } else { ringtone = prefs.getString(GeneralPreferences.KEY_ALERTS_RINGTONE, null); } } String retVal = ringtone; ringtone = EMPTY_RINGTONE; return retVal; } } private void doTimeChanged() { ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); // TODO Move this into Provider rescheduleMissedAlarms(cr, this, AlertUtils.createAlarmManager(this)); updateAlertNotification(this); } private static final String SORT_ORDER_ALARMTIME_ASC = CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME + " ASC"; private static final String WHERE_RESCHEDULE_MISSED_ALARMS = CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.STATE + "=" + CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.STATE_SCHEDULED + " AND " + CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME + "?" + " AND " + CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.END + ">=?"; /** * Searches the CalendarAlerts table for alarms that should have fired but * have not and then reschedules them. This method can be called at boot * time to restore alarms that may have been lost due to a phone reboot. * * @param cr the ContentResolver * @param context the Context * @param manager the AlarmManager */ private static final void rescheduleMissedAlarms(ContentResolver cr, Context context, AlarmManagerInterface manager) { // Get all the alerts that have been scheduled but have not fired // and should have fired by now and are not too old. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long ancient = now - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS; String[] projection = new String[] { CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts.ALARM_TIME, }; // TODO: construct an explicit SQL query so that we can add // "GROUPBY" instead of doing a sort and de-dup Cursor cursor = cr.query(CalendarAlerts.CONTENT_URI, projection, WHERE_RESCHEDULE_MISSED_ALARMS, (new String[] { Long.toString(now), Long.toString(ancient), Long.toString(now) }), SORT_ORDER_ALARMTIME_ASC); if (cursor == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "missed alarms found: " + cursor.getCount()); } try { long alarmTime = -1; while (cursor.moveToNext()) { long newAlarmTime = cursor.getLong(0); if (alarmTime != newAlarmTime) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "rescheduling missed alarm. alarmTime: " + newAlarmTime); } AlertUtils.scheduleAlarm(context, manager, newAlarmTime); alarmTime = newAlarmTime; } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { public ServiceHandler(Looper looper) { super(looper); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { processMessage(msg); // NOTE: We MUST not call stopSelf() directly, since we need to // make sure the wake lock acquired by AlertReceiver is released. AlertReceiver.finishStartingService(AlertService.this, msg.arg1); } } @Override public void onCreate() { HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("AlertService", Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); thread.start(); mServiceLooper = thread.getLooper(); mServiceHandler = new ServiceHandler(mServiceLooper); // Flushes old fired alerts from internal storage, if needed. AlertUtils.flushOldAlertsFromInternalStorage(getApplication()); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent != null) { Message msg = mServiceHandler.obtainMessage(); msg.arg1 = startId; msg.obj = intent.getExtras(); mServiceHandler.sendMessage(msg); } return START_REDELIVER_INTENT; } @Override public void onDestroy() { mServiceLooper.quit(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } }