2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
21#include <gui/IGraphicBufferProducer.h>
22#include <gui/BufferQueue.h>
23#include <utils/RefBase.h>
25#include <OMX_Core.h>
26#include "../include/OMXNodeInstance.h"
27#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABase.h>
28#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHandlerReflector.h>
29#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
31namespace android {
33struct FrameDropper;
36 * This class is used to feed OMX codecs from a Surface via BufferQueue.
37 *
38 * Instances of the class don't run on a dedicated thread.  Instead,
39 * various events trigger data movement:
40 *
41 *  - Availability of a new frame of data from the BufferQueue (notified
42 *    via the onFrameAvailable callback).
43 *  - The return of a codec buffer (via OnEmptyBufferDone).
44 *  - Application signaling end-of-stream.
45 *  - Transition to or from "executing" state.
46 *
47 * Frames of data (and, perhaps, the end-of-stream indication) can arrive
48 * before the codec is in the "executing" state, so we need to queue
49 * things up until we're ready to go.
50 */
51class GraphicBufferSource : public BufferQueue::ConsumerListener {
53    GraphicBufferSource(
54            OMXNodeInstance* nodeInstance,
55            uint32_t bufferWidth,
56            uint32_t bufferHeight,
57            uint32_t bufferCount,
58            uint32_t consumerUsage,
59            const sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> &consumer = NULL
60    );
62    virtual ~GraphicBufferSource();
64    // We can't throw an exception if the constructor fails, so we just set
65    // this and require that the caller test the value.
66    status_t initCheck() const {
67        return mInitCheck;
68    }
70    // Returns the handle to the producer side of the BufferQueue.  Buffers
71    // queued on this will be received by GraphicBufferSource.
72    sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> getIGraphicBufferProducer() const {
73        return mProducer;
74    }
76    // This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateExecuting, which means
77    // we can start handing it buffers.  If we already have buffers of data
78    // sitting in the BufferQueue, this will send them to the codec.
79    void omxExecuting();
81    // This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateIdle, indicating that
82    // the codec is meant to return all buffers back to the client for them
83    // to be freed. Do NOT submit any more buffers to the component.
84    void omxIdle();
86    // This is called when OMX transitions to OMX_StateLoaded, indicating that
87    // we are shutting down.
88    void omxLoaded();
90    // A "codec buffer", i.e. a buffer that can be used to pass data into
91    // the encoder, has been allocated.  (This call does not call back into
92    // OMXNodeInstance.)
93    void addCodecBuffer(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header);
95    // Called from OnEmptyBufferDone.  If we have a BQ buffer available,
96    // fill it with a new frame of data; otherwise, just mark it as available.
97    void codecBufferEmptied(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header, int fenceFd);
99    // Called when omx_message::FILL_BUFFER_DONE is received. (Currently the
100    // buffer source will fix timestamp in the header if needed.)
101    void codecBufferFilled(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header);
103    // This is called after the last input frame has been submitted.  We
104    // need to submit an empty buffer with the EOS flag set.  If we don't
105    // have a codec buffer ready, we just set the mEndOfStream flag.
106    status_t signalEndOfInputStream();
108    // If suspend is true, all incoming buffers (including those currently
109    // in the BufferQueue) will be discarded until the suspension is lifted.
110    void suspend(bool suspend);
112    // Specifies the interval after which we requeue the buffer previously
113    // queued to the encoder. This is useful in the case of surface flinger
114    // providing the input surface if the resulting encoded stream is to
115    // be displayed "live". If we were not to push through the extra frame
116    // the decoder on the remote end would be unable to decode the latest frame.
117    // This API must be called before transitioning the encoder to "executing"
118    // state and once this behaviour is specified it cannot be reset.
119    status_t setRepeatPreviousFrameDelayUs(int64_t repeatAfterUs);
121    // When set, the timestamp fed to the encoder will be modified such that
122    // the gap between two adjacent frames is capped at maxGapUs. Timestamp
123    // will be restored to the original when the encoded frame is returned to
124    // the client.
125    // This is to solve a problem in certain real-time streaming case, where
126    // encoder's rate control logic produces huge frames after a long period
127    // of suspension on input.
128    status_t setMaxTimestampGapUs(int64_t maxGapUs);
130    // When set, the max frame rate fed to the encoder will be capped at maxFps.
131    status_t setMaxFps(float maxFps);
133    // Sets the time lapse (or slow motion) parameters.
134    // data[0] is the time (us) between two frames for playback
135    // data[1] is the time (us) between two frames for capture
136    // When set, the sample's timestamp will be modified to playback framerate,
137    // and capture timestamp will be modified to capture rate.
138    status_t setTimeLapseUs(int64_t* data);
140    // Sets the start time us (in system time), samples before which should
141    // be dropped and not submitted to encoder
142    void setSkipFramesBeforeUs(int64_t startTimeUs);
145    // BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when a new frame of
146    // data is available.  If we're executing and a codec buffer is
147    // available, we acquire the buffer, copy the GraphicBuffer reference
148    // into the codec buffer, and call Empty[This]Buffer.  If we're not yet
149    // executing or there's no codec buffer available, we just increment
150    // mNumFramesAvailable and return.
151    virtual void onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& item);
153    // BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when the client has
154    // released one or more GraphicBuffers.  We clear out the appropriate
155    // set of mBufferSlot entries.
156    virtual void onBuffersReleased();
158    // BufferQueue::ConsumerListener interface, called when the client has
159    // changed the sideband stream. GraphicBufferSource doesn't handle sideband
160    // streams so this is a no-op (and should never be called).
161    virtual void onSidebandStreamChanged();
164    // PersistentProxyListener is similar to BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener
165    // except that it returns (acquire/detach/re-attache/release) buffers
166    // in onFrameAvailable() if the actual consumer object is no longer valid.
167    //
168    // This class is used in persistent input surface case to prevent buffer
169    // loss when onFrameAvailable() is received while we don't have a valid
170    // consumer around.
171    class PersistentProxyListener : public BnConsumerListener {
172        public:
173            PersistentProxyListener(
174                    const wp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> &consumer,
175                    const wp<ConsumerListener>& consumerListener);
176            virtual ~PersistentProxyListener();
177            virtual void onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& item) override;
178            virtual void onFrameReplaced(const BufferItem& item) override;
179            virtual void onBuffersReleased() override;
180            virtual void onSidebandStreamChanged() override;
181         private:
182            // mConsumerListener is a weak reference to the IConsumerListener.
183            wp<ConsumerListener> mConsumerListener;
184            // mConsumer is a weak reference to the IGraphicBufferConsumer, use
185            // a weak ref to avoid circular ref between mConsumer and this class
186            wp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> mConsumer;
187    };
189    // Keep track of codec input buffers.  They may either be available
190    // (mGraphicBuffer == NULL) or in use by the codec.
191    struct CodecBuffer {
192        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* mHeader;
194        // buffer producer's frame-number for buffer
195        uint64_t mFrameNumber;
197        // buffer producer's buffer slot for buffer
198        int mBuf;
200        sp<GraphicBuffer> mGraphicBuffer;
201    };
203    // Returns the index of an available codec buffer.  If none are
204    // available, returns -1.  Mutex must be held by caller.
205    int findAvailableCodecBuffer_l();
207    // Returns true if a codec buffer is available.
208    bool isCodecBufferAvailable_l() {
209        return findAvailableCodecBuffer_l() >= 0;
210    }
212    // Finds the mCodecBuffers entry that matches.  Returns -1 if not found.
213    int findMatchingCodecBuffer_l(const OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* header);
215    // Fills a codec buffer with a frame from the BufferQueue.  This must
216    // only be called when we know that a frame of data is ready (i.e. we're
217    // in the onFrameAvailable callback, or if we're in codecBufferEmptied
218    // and mNumFramesAvailable is nonzero).  Returns without doing anything if
219    // we don't have a codec buffer available.
220    //
221    // Returns true if we successfully filled a codec buffer with a BQ buffer.
222    bool fillCodecBuffer_l();
224    // Marks the mCodecBuffers entry as in-use, copies the GraphicBuffer
225    // reference into the codec buffer, and submits the data to the codec.
226    status_t submitBuffer_l(const BufferItem &item, int cbi);
228    // Submits an empty buffer, with the EOS flag set.   Returns without
229    // doing anything if we don't have a codec buffer available.
230    void submitEndOfInputStream_l();
232    // Release buffer to the consumer
233    void releaseBuffer(
234            int &id, uint64_t frameNum,
235            const sp<GraphicBuffer> buffer, const sp<Fence> &fence);
237    void setLatestBuffer_l(const BufferItem &item, bool dropped);
238    bool repeatLatestBuffer_l();
239    int64_t getTimestamp(const BufferItem &item);
241    // Lock, covers all member variables.
242    mutable Mutex mMutex;
244    // Used to report constructor failure.
245    status_t mInitCheck;
247    // Pointer back to the object that contains us.  We send buffers here.
248    OMXNodeInstance* mNodeInstance;
250    // Set by omxExecuting() / omxIdling().
251    bool mExecuting;
253    bool mSuspended;
255    // Our BufferQueue interfaces. mProducer is passed to the producer through
256    // getIGraphicBufferProducer, and mConsumer is used internally to retrieve
257    // the buffers queued by the producer.
258    bool mIsPersistent;
259    sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> mProducer;
260    sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> mConsumer;
262    // Number of frames pending in BufferQueue that haven't yet been
263    // forwarded to the codec.
264    size_t mNumFramesAvailable;
266    // Number of frames acquired from consumer (debug only)
267    int32_t mNumBufferAcquired;
269    // Set to true if we want to send end-of-stream after we run out of
270    // frames in BufferQueue.
271    bool mEndOfStream;
272    bool mEndOfStreamSent;
274    // Cache of GraphicBuffers from the buffer queue.  When the codec
275    // is done processing a GraphicBuffer, we can use this to map back
276    // to a slot number.
277    sp<GraphicBuffer> mBufferSlot[BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS];
279    // Tracks codec buffers.
280    Vector<CodecBuffer> mCodecBuffers;
282    ////
283    friend struct AHandlerReflector<GraphicBufferSource>;
285    enum {
286        kWhatRepeatLastFrame,
287    };
288    enum {
289        kRepeatLastFrameCount = 10,
290    };
292    KeyedVector<int64_t, int64_t> mOriginalTimeUs;
293    int64_t mMaxTimestampGapUs;
294    int64_t mPrevOriginalTimeUs;
295    int64_t mPrevModifiedTimeUs;
296    int64_t mSkipFramesBeforeNs;
298    sp<FrameDropper> mFrameDropper;
300    sp<ALooper> mLooper;
301    sp<AHandlerReflector<GraphicBufferSource> > mReflector;
303    int64_t mRepeatAfterUs;
304    int32_t mRepeatLastFrameGeneration;
305    int64_t mRepeatLastFrameTimestamp;
306    int32_t mRepeatLastFrameCount;
308    int mLatestBufferId;
309    uint64_t mLatestBufferFrameNum;
310    int32_t mLatestBufferUseCount;
311    sp<Fence> mLatestBufferFence;
313    // The previous buffer should've been repeated but
314    // no codec buffer was available at the time.
315    bool mRepeatBufferDeferred;
317    // Time lapse / slow motion configuration
318    int64_t mTimePerCaptureUs;
319    int64_t mTimePerFrameUs;
320    int64_t mPrevCaptureUs;
321    int64_t mPrevFrameUs;
323    MetadataBufferType mMetadataBufferType;
325    void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg);
327    DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(GraphicBufferSource);
330}  // namespace android