revision 370674422a47f20979b1fd30aaaed4f2423b28a3
2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14 * the License.
15 */
25import java.util.Arrays;
26import java.util.Collections;
27import java.util.HashMap;
28import java.util.List;
29import java.util.Map;
30import java.util.Set;
32public class ProximityInfo {
33    public static final int MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE = 16;
34    /** Number of key widths from current touch point to search for nearest keys. */
35    private static float SEARCH_DISTANCE = 1.2f;
36    private static final Key[] EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY = new Key[0];
38    private final int mKeyHeight;
39    private final int mGridWidth;
40    private final int mGridHeight;
41    private final int mGridSize;
42    private final int mCellWidth;
43    private final int mCellHeight;
44    // TODO: Find a proper name for mKeyboardMinWidth
45    private final int mKeyboardMinWidth;
46    private final int mKeyboardHeight;
47    private final Key[][] mGridNeighbors;
49    ProximityInfo(int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int minWidth, int height, int keyWidth,
50            int keyHeight, Set<Key> keys, TouchPositionCorrection touchPositionCorrection,
51            Map<Integer, List<Integer>> additionalProximityChars) {
52        mGridWidth = gridWidth;
53        mGridHeight = gridHeight;
54        mGridSize = mGridWidth * mGridHeight;
55        mCellWidth = (minWidth + mGridWidth - 1) / mGridWidth;
56        mCellHeight = (height + mGridHeight - 1) / mGridHeight;
57        mKeyboardMinWidth = minWidth;
58        mKeyboardHeight = height;
59        mKeyHeight = keyHeight;
60        mGridNeighbors = new Key[mGridSize][];
61        if (minWidth == 0 || height == 0) {
62            // No proximity required. Keyboard might be more keys keyboard.
63            return;
64        }
65        computeNearestNeighbors(keyWidth, keys, touchPositionCorrection, additionalProximityChars);
66    }
68    public static ProximityInfo createDummyProximityInfo() {
69        return new ProximityInfo(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, Collections.<Key> emptySet(),
70                null, Collections.<Integer, List<Integer>> emptyMap());
71    }
73    public static ProximityInfo createSpellCheckerProximityInfo(final int[] proximity) {
74        final ProximityInfo spellCheckerProximityInfo = createDummyProximityInfo();
75        spellCheckerProximityInfo.mNativeProximityInfo =
76                spellCheckerProximityInfo.setProximityInfoNative(
77                        SpellCheckerProximityInfo.ROW_SIZE, 480, 300, 11, 3, proximity, 0,
78                        null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
79        return spellCheckerProximityInfo;
80    }
82    private long mNativeProximityInfo;
83    static {
84        Utils.loadNativeLibrary();
85    }
87    private native long setProximityInfoNative(int maxProximityCharsSize, int displayWidth,
88            int displayHeight, int gridWidth, int gridHeight, int[] proximityCharsArray,
89            int keyCount, int[] keyXCoordinates, int[] keyYCoordinates,
90            int[] keyWidths, int[] keyHeights, int[] keyCharCodes,
91            float[] sweetSpotCenterX, float[] sweetSpotCenterY, float[] sweetSpotRadii);
93    private native void releaseProximityInfoNative(long nativeProximityInfo);
95    private final void setProximityInfo(Key[][] gridNeighborKeys, int keyboardWidth,
96            int keyboardHeight, Set<Key> keys,
97            TouchPositionCorrection touchPositionCorrection) {
98        final int[] proximityCharsArray = new int[mGridSize * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE];
99        Arrays.fill(proximityCharsArray, KeyDetector.NOT_A_CODE);
100        for (int i = 0; i < mGridSize; ++i) {
101            final int proximityCharsLength = gridNeighborKeys[i].length;
102            for (int j = 0; j < proximityCharsLength; ++j) {
103                proximityCharsArray[i * MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE + j] =
104                        gridNeighborKeys[i][j].mCode;
105            }
106        }
107        final int keyCount = keys.size();
108        final int[] keyXCoordinates = new int[keyCount];
109        final int[] keyYCoordinates = new int[keyCount];
110        final int[] keyWidths = new int[keyCount];
111        final int[] keyHeights = new int[keyCount];
112        final int[] keyCharCodes = new int[keyCount];
113        final float[] sweetSpotCenterXs;
114        final float[] sweetSpotCenterYs;
115        final float[] sweetSpotRadii;
116        final boolean calculateSweetSpotParams;
117        if (touchPositionCorrection != null && touchPositionCorrection.isValid()) {
118            sweetSpotCenterXs = new float[keyCount];
119            sweetSpotCenterYs = new float[keyCount];
120            sweetSpotRadii = new float[keyCount];
121            calculateSweetSpotParams = true;
122            int i = 0;
123            for (final Key key : keys) {
124                keyXCoordinates[i] = key.mX;
125                keyYCoordinates[i] = key.mY;
126                keyWidths[i] = key.mWidth;
127                keyHeights[i] = key.mHeight;
128                keyCharCodes[i] = key.mCode;
129                if (calculateSweetSpotParams) {
130                    final Rect hitBox = key.mHitBox;
131                    final int row = / mKeyHeight;
132                    if (row < touchPositionCorrection.mRadii.length) {
133                        final float hitBoxCenterX = (hitBox.left + hitBox.right) * 0.5f;
134                        final float hitBoxCenterY = ( + hitBox.bottom) * 0.5f;
135                        final float hitBoxWidth = hitBox.right - hitBox.left;
136                        final float hitBoxHeight = hitBox.bottom -;
137                        final float x = touchPositionCorrection.mXs[row];
138                        final float y = touchPositionCorrection.mYs[row];
139                        final float radius = touchPositionCorrection.mRadii[row];
140                        sweetSpotCenterXs[i] = hitBoxCenterX + x * hitBoxWidth;
141                        sweetSpotCenterYs[i] = hitBoxCenterY + y * hitBoxHeight;
142                        sweetSpotRadii[i] = radius * (float) Math.sqrt(
143                                hitBoxWidth * hitBoxWidth + hitBoxHeight * hitBoxHeight);
144                    }
145                }
146                i++;
147            }
148        } else {
149            sweetSpotCenterXs = sweetSpotCenterYs = sweetSpotRadii = null;
150            calculateSweetSpotParams = false;
151        }
153        mNativeProximityInfo = setProximityInfoNative(MAX_PROXIMITY_CHARS_SIZE,
154                keyboardWidth, keyboardHeight, mGridWidth, mGridHeight, proximityCharsArray,
155                keyCount, keyXCoordinates, keyYCoordinates, keyWidths, keyHeights, keyCharCodes,
156                sweetSpotCenterXs, sweetSpotCenterYs, sweetSpotRadii);
157    }
159    public long getNativeProximityInfo() {
160        return mNativeProximityInfo;
161    }
163    @Override
164    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
165        try {
166            if (mNativeProximityInfo != 0) {
167                releaseProximityInfoNative(mNativeProximityInfo);
168                mNativeProximityInfo = 0;
169            }
170        } finally {
171            super.finalize();
172        }
173    }
175    private void computeNearestNeighbors(int defaultWidth, Set<Key> keys,
176            TouchPositionCorrection touchPositionCorrection,
177            Map<Integer, List<Integer>> additionalProximityChars) {
178        final Map<Integer, Key> keyCodeMap = new HashMap<Integer, Key>();
179        for (final Key key : keys) {
180            keyCodeMap.put(key.mCode, key);
181        }
182        final int thresholdBase = (int) (defaultWidth * SEARCH_DISTANCE);
183        final int threshold = thresholdBase * thresholdBase;
184        // Round-up so we don't have any pixels outside the grid
185        final Key[] neighborKeys = new Key[keys.size()];
186        final int gridWidth = mGridWidth * mCellWidth;
187        final int gridHeight = mGridHeight * mCellHeight;
188        for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x += mCellWidth) {
189            for (int y = 0; y < gridHeight; y += mCellHeight) {
190                final int centerX = x + mCellWidth / 2;
191                final int centerY = y + mCellHeight / 2;
192                int count = 0;
193                for (final Key key : keys) {
194                    if (key.isSpacer()) continue;
195                    if (key.squaredDistanceToEdge(centerX, centerY) < threshold) {
196                        neighborKeys[count++] = key;
197                    }
198                }
199                int currentCodesSize = count;
200                for (int i = 0; i < currentCodesSize; ++i) {
201                    final int c = neighborKeys[i].mCode;
202                    final List<Integer> additionalChars = additionalProximityChars.get(c);
203                    if (additionalChars == null || additionalChars.size() == 0) {
204                        continue;
205                    }
206                    for (int j = 0; j < additionalChars.size(); ++j) {
207                        final int additionalChar = additionalChars.get(j);
208                        boolean contains = false;
209                        for (int k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
210                            if(additionalChar == neighborKeys[k].mCode) {
211                                contains = true;
212                                break;
213                            }
214                        }
215                        if (!contains) {
216                            neighborKeys[count++] = keyCodeMap.get(additionalChar);
217                        }
218                    }
219                }
220                mGridNeighbors[(y / mCellHeight) * mGridWidth + (x / mCellWidth)] =
221                        Arrays.copyOfRange(neighborKeys, 0, count);
222            }
223        }
224        setProximityInfo(mGridNeighbors, mKeyboardMinWidth, mKeyboardHeight, keys,
225                touchPositionCorrection);
226    }
228    public Key[] getNearestKeys(int x, int y) {
229        if (mGridNeighbors == null) {
230            return EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY;
231        }
232        if (x >= 0 && x < mKeyboardMinWidth && y >= 0 && y < mKeyboardHeight) {
233            int index = (y / mCellHeight) * mGridWidth + (x / mCellWidth);
234            if (index < mGridSize) {
235                return mGridNeighbors[index];
236            }
237        }
238        return EMPTY_KEY_ARRAY;
239    }