Lines Matching defs:Match

428 # Match start of assembly blocks
504 def Match(pattern, s):
506 # The regexp compilation caching is inlined in both Match and Search for
517 The compiled regex is kept in a cache shared by Match and Search.
618 not Match(r'^\s*$', clean_lines.elided[linenum - 1])):
833 if Match(r'T(EST|est)', self.current_function):
1081 leading_space = Match(r'^(\s*)\S', line)
1091 matched = Match(r'^(.*)\b(?:R|u8R|uR|UR|LR)"([^\s\\()]*)\((.*)$', line)
1698 initial_indent = Match(r'^( *)\S', clean_lines.raw_lines[linenum])
1727 indent = Match(r'^( *)\}', clean_lines.elided[linenum])
1761 and not Match(r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace\b', line)):
1778 if not Match((r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace\s+' + re.escape( +
1786 if not Match(r'};*\s*(//|/\*).*\bnamespace[\*/\.\\\s]*$', line):
1858 if Match(r'^\s*#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef)\b', line):
1862 elif Match(r'^\s*#\s*(else|elif)\b', line):
1877 elif Match(r'^\s*#\s*endif\b', line):
1934 # Match start of namespace. The "\b\s*" below catches namespace
1938 namespace_decl_match = Match(r'^\s*namespace\b\s*([:\w]+)?(.*)$', line)
1971 class_decl_match = Match(
1990 access_match = Match(
2001 Match(r'^\s*$', indent)):
2015 # Match first brace, semicolon, or closed parenthesis.
2016 matched = Match(r'^[^{;)}]*([{;)}])(.*)$', line)
2141 if Match(r'\s*#\s*endif\s*[^/\s]+', line):
2145 if Match(r'\s*class\s+(\w+\s*::\s*)+\w+\s*;', line):
2179 args = Match(r'\s+(?:inline\s+)?%s\s*\(([^,()]+)\)'
2184 not Match(r'(const\s+)?%s(\s+const)?\s*(?:<\w+>\s*)?&'
2304 match_result = Match(regexp, line)
2310 not Match(r'[A-Z_]+$', function_name)):
2324 if Match(r'TEST', function): # Handle TEST... macros
2336 elif Match(r'^\}\s*$', line): # function end
2339 elif not Match(r'^\s*$', line):
2388 matched = Match((r'\s*(DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN|'
2585 if Match(r' {6}\w', prev_line): # Initializer list?
2590 and Match(r' {6}\w', elided[search_position])):
2601 exception = (Match(r' {4}\w[^\(]*\)\s*(const\s*)?(\{\s*$|:)',
2603 or Match(r' {4}:', prev_line))
2620 and Match(r'\s*}', next_line)
2626 matched = Match(r'\s*(public|protected|private):', prev_line)
2639 if (not Match(r'^\s*{ //', line) and
2703 elif not Match(r'#.*include', line):
2805 match = Match(r'^(.*[^ ({]){', line)
2841 if not Match(r'^[\s}]*[{.;,)<\]]', trailing_text):
2907 matched = Match(r'\s*(public|protected|private):', clean_lines.lines[linenum])
2970 if Match(r'\s*{\s*$', line):
2980 not Match(r'\s*#', prevline)):
2985 if Match(r'\s*else\s*', line):
2987 if Match(r'\s*}\s*$', prevline):
2993 if Search(r'}\s*else[^{]*$', line) or Match(r'[^}]*else\s*{', line):
3013 if Match(r'\s*do [^\s{]', line):
3061 match = Match(r'^(.*\)\s*)\{', line)
3102 match = Match(r'^(.*(?:else|\)\s*const)\s*)\{', line)
3114 match = Match(r'^(\s*)\{', line)
3120 if endpos > -1 and Match(r'^\s*;', endline[endpos:]):
3149 matched = Match(r'\s*(for|while|if)\s*\(', line)
3158 if end_pos >= 0 and Match(r';', end_line[end_pos:]):
3190 matched = Match(r'^(.*\b' + check_macro + r'\s*)\(', lines[linenum])
3219 matched = Match(r'^\s*(<<|<<=|>>|>>=|->\*|->|&&|\|\||'
3253 matched = Match(r'^([^-=!<>()&|]+)(.*)$', expression)
3255 matched = Match(r'^(\s*\S)(.*)$', expression)
3279 if Match(match_constant, lhs) or Match(match_constant, rhs):
3306 if Match(r'^\s*#', line):
3397 not Match(r'\s*\w+\s*:\s*$', cleansed_line)):
3419 not Match(r'^\s*//.*http(s?)://\S*$', line) and
3420 not Match(r'^// \$Id:.*#[0-9]+ \$$', line)):
3634 if Match(r'(f|ind|io|i|o|parse|pf|stdio|str|)?stream$', include):
3753 if Match(r'^\s*#\s*(?:ifdef|elif|else|endif)\b', line):
3785 not (Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(CONST_)?METHOD\d+(_T)?\(', line) or
3789 Match(r'\((?:[^() ]+::\s*\*\s*)?[^() ]+\)\s*\(',
3801 not (Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(?:CONST_)?METHOD\d+(?:_T)?\((?:\S+,)?\s*$',
3803 Match(r'^\s*MOCK_(?:CONST_)?METHOD\d+(?:_T)?\(\s*$',
3849 match = Match(
3861 not Match(r'\s*(<.*>)?(::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?\s*\(([^"]|$)',
3933 match = Match(r'([\w.\->()]+)$', printf_args)
3943 if match and not Match(r"^''|-?[0-9]+|0x[0-9A-Fa-f]$",
3954 match = Match(r'\s*(.+::)?(\w+) [a-z]\w*\[(.+)];', line)
3974 if Match(r'\d+', tok): continue
3975 if Match(r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', tok): continue
3976 if Match(r'k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
3977 if Match(r'(.+::)?k[A-Z0-9]\w*', tok): continue
3978 if Match(r'(.+::)?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*', tok): continue
3995 match = Match(
4061 if Match(r'\s*::(?:[\w<>]|::)+\s*&\s*\S', line):
4065 elif Match(r'\s*[a-zA-Z_]([\w<>]|::)+\s*&\s*\S', line):
4099 elif Match(r'.*{\s*$', line):
4129 if not Match(_RE_PATTERN_CONST_REF_PARAM, parameter):
4159 sizeof_match = Match(r'.*sizeof\s*$', line[0:match.start(1) - 1])
4194 if Match(r'^\s*(?:;|const\b|throw\b|=|>|\{|\))', remainder):
4198 if Match(r'^\s*>', remainder):
4205 matched_zero = Match(r'^\s=\s*(\S+)\s*;', remainder)
4211 if Match(r'.*\)\s*$', line[0:match.start(0)]):
4274 # Match max<type>(..., ...), max(..., ...), but not foo->max, foo.max or