/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and * others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.stringprep; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk; import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestUtil; import com.ibm.icu.text.IDNA; import com.ibm.icu.text.StringPrepParseException; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; /** * @author limaoyu * */ public class IDNAConformanceTest extends TestFmwk { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new IDNAConformanceTest().run(args); } public void TestConformance() { TreeMap inputData = null; try { inputData = ReadInput.getInputData(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { errln(e.getMessage()); return; } catch (IOException e) { errln(e.getMessage()); return; } Set keyMap = inputData.keySet(); for (Iterator iter = keyMap.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Long element = (Long) iter.next(); HashMap tempHash = (HashMap) inputData.get(element); //get all attributes from input data String passfail = (String) tempHash.get("passfail"); String desc = (String) tempHash.get("desc"); String type = (String) tempHash.get("type"); String namebase = (String) tempHash.get("namebase"); String nameutf8 = (String) tempHash.get("nameutf8"); String namezone = (String) tempHash.get("namezone"); String failzone1 = (String) tempHash.get("failzone1"); String failzone2 = (String) tempHash.get("failzone2"); //they maybe includes <*> style unicode namebase = stringReplace(namebase); namezone = stringReplace(namezone); String result = null; boolean failed = false; if ("toascii".equals(tempHash.get("type"))) { //get the result try { //by default STD3 rules are not used, but if the description //includes UseSTD3ASCIIRules, we will set it. if (desc.toLowerCase().indexOf( "UseSTD3ASCIIRules".toLowerCase()) == -1) { result = IDNA.convertIDNToASCII(namebase, IDNA.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED).toString(); } else { result = IDNA.convertIDNToASCII(namebase, IDNA.USE_STD3_RULES).toString(); } } catch (StringPrepParseException e2) { //errln(e2.getMessage()); failed = true; } if ("pass".equals(passfail)) { if (!namezone.equals(result)) { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); errln("\t pass fail standard is pass, but failed"); } else { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); logln("\tpassed"); } } if ("fail".equals(passfail)) { if (failed) { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); logln("passed"); } else { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); errln("\t pass fail standard is fail, but no exception thrown out"); } } } else if ("tounicode".equals(tempHash.get("type"))) { try { //by default STD3 rules are not used, but if the description //includes UseSTD3ASCIIRules, we will set it. if (desc.toLowerCase().indexOf( "UseSTD3ASCIIRules".toLowerCase()) == -1) { result = IDNA.convertIDNToUnicode(namebase, IDNA.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED).toString(); } else { result = IDNA.convertIDNToUnicode(namebase, IDNA.USE_STD3_RULES).toString(); } } catch (StringPrepParseException e2) { //errln(e2.getMessage()); failed = true; } if ("pass".equals(passfail)) { if (!namezone.equals(result)) { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); errln("\t Did not get the expected result. Expected: " + prettify(namezone) + " Got: " + prettify(result)); } else { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); logln("\tpassed"); } } if ("fail".equals(passfail)) { if (failed || namebase.equals(result)) { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); logln("\tpassed"); } else { printInfo(desc, namebase, nameutf8, namezone, failzone1, failzone2, result, type, passfail); errln("\t pass fail standard is fail, but no exception thrown out"); } } } else { continue; } } } /** * Print log message. * @param desc * @param namebase * @param nameutf8 * @param namezone * @param failzone1 * @param failzone2 * @param result */ private void printInfo(String desc, String namebase, String nameutf8, String namezone, String failzone1, String failzone2, String result, String type, String passfail) { logln("desc:\t" + desc); log("\t"); logln("type:\t" + type); log("\t"); logln("pass fail standard:\t" + passfail); log("\t"); logln("namebase:\t" + namebase); log("\t"); logln("nameutf8:\t" + nameutf8); log("\t"); logln("namezone:\t" + namezone); log("\t"); logln("failzone1:\t" + failzone1); log("\t"); logln("failzone2:\t" + failzone2); log("\t"); logln("result:\t" + result); } /** * Change unicode string from <00AD> to \u00AD, for the later is accepted * by Java * @param str String including <*> style unicode * @return \\u String */ private static String stringReplace(String str) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); char[] chars = str.toCharArray(); StringBuffer sbTemp = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if ('<' == chars[i]) { sbTemp = new StringBuffer(); while ('>' != chars[i + 1]) { sbTemp.append(chars[++i]); } /* * The unicode sometimes is larger then \uFFFF, so have to use * UTF16. */ int toBeInserted = Integer.parseInt(sbTemp.toString(), 16); if ((toBeInserted >> 16) == 0) { result.append((char) toBeInserted); } else { String utf16String = UTF16.valueOf(toBeInserted); char[] charsTemp = utf16String.toCharArray(); for (int j = 0; j < charsTemp.length; j++) { result.append((char) charsTemp[j]); } } } else if ('>' == chars[i]) {//end when met with '>' continue; } else { result.append(chars[i]); } } return result.toString(); } /** * This class is used to read test data from TestInput file. * * @author limaoyu * */ public static class ReadInput { public static TreeMap getInputData() throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { TreeMap result = new TreeMap(); BufferedReader in = TestUtil.getDataReader("IDNATestInput.txt", "utf-8"); try { String tempStr = null; int records = 0; boolean firstLine = true; HashMap hashItem = new HashMap(); while ((tempStr = in.readLine()) != null) { //ignore the first line if it's "=====" if (firstLine) { if ("=====".equals(tempStr)) continue; firstLine = false; } //Ignore empty line if ("".equals(tempStr)) { continue; } String attr = "";//attribute String body = "";//value //get attr and body from line input, and then set them into each hash item. int postion = tempStr.indexOf(":"); if (postion > -1) { attr = tempStr.substring(0, postion).trim(); body = tempStr.substring(postion + 1).trim(); //deal with combination lines when end with '\' while (null != body && body.length() > 0 && '\\' == body.charAt(body.length() - 1)) { body = body.substring(0, body.length() - 1); body += "\n"; tempStr = in.readLine(); body += tempStr; } } //push them to hash item hashItem.put(attr, body); //if met "=====", it means this item is finished if ("=====".equals(tempStr)) { //set them into result, using records number as key result.put(new Long(records), hashItem); //create another hash item and continue hashItem = new HashMap(); records++; continue; } } } finally { in.close(); } return result; } } }