/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util; import java.util.Random; import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.BNF; import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.Pick; import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.Quoter; import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.Tokenizer; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; public class TestBNF { static final String[] testRules = { "$root = [ab]{3};", "$root = [ab]{3,};", "$root = [ab]{3,5};", "$root = [ab]*;", "$root = [ab]?;", "$root = [ab]+;", "$us = [a-z];" + "$root = [0-9$us];", "$root = a $foo b? 25% end 30% | $foo 50%;\r\n" + "$foo = c{1,5} 20%;", "$root = [a-z]{1,5}~;", "$root = [a-z]{5}~;", "$root = '\\' (u | U0010 | U000 $hex) $hex{4} ;\r\n" + "$hex = [0-9A-Fa-f];", }; static String unicodeSetBNF = "" + "$root = $leaf | '[' $s $root2 $s ']' ;\r\n" + "$root2 = $leaf | '[' $s $root3 $s ']' | ($root3 $s ($op $root3 $s){0,3}) ;\r\n" + "$root3 = $leaf | '[' $s $root4 $s ']' | ($root4 $s ($op $root4 $s){0,3}) ;\r\n" + "$root4 = $leaf | ($leaf $s ($op $leaf $s){0,3}) ;\r\n" + "$op = (('&' | '-') $s)? 70%;" + "$leaf = '[' $s $list $s ']' | $prop;\r\n" + "$list = ($char $s ('-' $s $char $s)? 30%){1,5} ;\r\n" + "$prop = '\\' (p | P) '{' $s $propName $s '}' | '[:' '^'? $s $propName $s ':]';\r\n" + "$needsQuote = [\\-\\][:whitespace:][:control:]] ;\r\n" + "$char = [[\\u0000-\\U00010FFFF]-$needsQuote] | $quoted ;\r\n" + "$quoted = '\\' ('u' | 'U0010' | 'U000' $hex) $hex{4} ;\r\n" + "$hex = [0-9A-Fa-f];\r\n" + "$s = ' '? 20%;\r\n" + "$propName = (whitespace | ws) | (uppercase | uc) | (lowercase | lc) | $category;\r\n" + "$category = ((general | gc) $s '=' $s)? $catvalue;\r\n" + "$catvalue = (C | Other | Cc | Control | Cf | Format | Cn | Unassigned | L | Letter);\r\n"; public static void main (String[] args) { testTokenizer(); for (int i = 0; i < testRules.length; ++i) { testBNF(testRules[i], null, 20); } testBNF(unicodeSetBNF, null, 20); //testParser(); } static void testBNF(String rules, UnicodeSet chars, int count) { BNF bnf = new BNF(new Random(0), new Quoter.RuleQuoter()) .addSet("$chars", chars) .addRules(rules) .complete(); System.out.println("===================================="); System.out.println("BNF"); System.out.println(rules); System.out.println(bnf.getInternal()); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { System.out.println(i + ": " + bnf.next()); } } /* public static testManual() { Pick p = Pick.maybe(75,Pick.unquoted("a")); testOr(p, 1); p = Pick.or(new String[]{"", "a", "bb", "ccc"}); testOr(p, 3); p = Pick.repeat(3, 5, new int[]{20, 30, 20}, "a"); testOr(p, 5); p = Pick.codePoint("[a-ce]"); testCodePoints(p); p = Pick.codePoint("[a-ce]"); testCodePoints(p); p = Pick.string(2, 8, p); testOr(p,10); p = Pick.or(new String[]{"", "a", "bb", "ccc"}); p = Pick.and(p).and2(p).and2("&"); testMatch(p, "abb&"); testMatch(p, "bba"); // testEnglish(); } */ static void testMatch(Pick p, String source) { Pick.Position pp = new Pick.Position(); boolean value = p.match(source, pp); System.out.println("Match: " + value + ", " + pp); } /* static void testParser() { try { Pick.Target target = new Pick.Target(); for (int i = 0; i < rules.length; ++i) { target.addRule(rules[i]); } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } */ static class Counts { int[] counts; Counts(int max) { counts = new int[max+1]; } void inc(int index) { counts[index]++; } void show() { System.out.println("Printing Counts"); for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; ++i) { if (counts[i] == 0) continue; System.out.println(i + ": " + counts[i]); } System.out.println(); } } /* static final String[] rules = { "$s = ' ';", "$noun = dog | house | government | wall | street | zebra;", "$adjective = red | glorious | simple | nasty | heavy | clean;", "$article = quickly | oddly | silently | boldly;", "$adjectivePhrase = ($adverb $s)? 50% $adjective* 0% 30% 20% 10%;", "$nounPhrase = $articles $s ($adjectivePhrase $s)? 30% $noun;", "$verb = goes | fishes | walks | sleeps;", "$tverb = carries | lifts | overturns | hits | jumps on;", "$copula = is 30% | seems 10%;", "$sentence1 = $nounPhrase $s $verb $s ($s $adverb)? 30%;", "$sentence2 = $nounPhrase $s $tverb $s $nounPhrase ($s $adverb)? 30%;", "$sentence3 = $nounPhrase $s $copula $s $adjectivePhrase;", "$conj = but | and | or;", "$sentence4 = $sentence1 | $sentence2 | $sentence3 20% | $sentence4 $conj $sentence4 20%;", "$sentence = $sentence4 '.';"}; */ /* private static void testEnglish() { Pick s = Pick.unquoted(" "); Pick verbs = Pick.or(new String[]{"goes", "fishes", "walks", "sleeps"}); Pick transitive = Pick.or(new String[]{"carries", "lifts", "overturns", "hits", "jumps on"}); Pick nouns = Pick.or(new String[]{"dog", "house", "government", "wall", "street", "zebra"}); Pick adjectives = Pick.or(new String[]{"red", "glorious", "simple", "nasty", "heavy", "clean"}); Pick articles = Pick.or(new String[]{"the", "a"}); Pick adverbs = Pick.or(new String[]{"quickly", "oddly", "silently", "boldly"}); Pick adjectivePhrase = Pick.and(0.5, Pick.and(adverbs).and2(s)).and2(adjectives); Pick nounPhrase = Pick.and(articles).and2(s) .and2(0.3, Pick.and(adjectivePhrase).and2(s)) .and2(nouns); Pick copula = Pick.or(new String[]{"is", "seems"}); Pick sentence1 = Pick.and(nounPhrase).and2(s).and2(verbs) .and2(0.3, Pick.and(s).and2(adverbs)).name("s1"); Pick sentence2 = Pick.and(nounPhrase).and2(s).and2(transitive).and2(s).and2(nounPhrase) .and2(0.3, Pick.and(s).and2(adverbs)).name("s2"); Pick sentence3 = Pick.and(nounPhrase).and2(s).and2(copula).and2(s).and2(adjectivePhrase).name("s3"); Pick conj = Pick.or(new String[]{", but", ", and", ", or"}); Pick forward = Pick.unquoted("forward"); Pick pair = Pick.and(forward).and2(conj).and2(s).and2(forward).name("part"); Pick sentenceBase = Pick.or(sentence1).or2(sentence2).or2(sentence3).or2(0.6666, pair).name("sentence"); sentenceBase.replace(forward, sentenceBase); Pick sentence = Pick.and(sentenceBase).and2(Pick.unquoted(".")); Pick.Target target = Pick.Target.make(sentence); for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { System.out.println(i + ": " + target.next()); } } private static void testOr(Pick p, int count) { Pick.Target target = Pick.Target.make(p); Counts counts = new Counts(count + 10); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { String s = target.next(); counts.inc(s.length()); } counts.show(); } private static void testCodePoints(Pick p) { Pick.Target target = Pick.Target.make(p); Counts counts = new Counts(128); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { String s = target.next(); counts.inc(s.charAt(0)); } counts.show(); } */ public static void printRandoms() { BNF bnf = new BNF(new Random(0), new Quoter.RuleQuoter()) .addRules("[a-z]{2,5}").complete(); System.out.println("Start"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String temp = bnf.next(); System.out.println(i + ")\t" + temp); } } public static void testTokenizer() { Tokenizer t = new Tokenizer(); String[] samples = {"a'b'c d #abc\r e", "'a '123 321", "\\\\", "a'b", "a'", "abc def%?ghi", "%", "a", "\\ a", "a''''b"}; for (int i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i) { t.setSource(samples[i]); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Input: " + t.getSource()); int type = 0; while (type != Tokenizer.DONE) { type = t.next(); System.out.println(t.toString(type, false)); } } } }