/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.util; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility; import com.ibm.icu.text.NumberFormat; import com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet; public class BagFormatter { static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final boolean SHOW_FILES; static { boolean showFiles = false; try { showFiles = System.getProperty("SHOW_FILES") != null; } catch (SecurityException e) { } SHOW_FILES = showFiles; } public static final PrintWriter CONSOLE = new PrintWriter(System.out,true); private static PrintWriter log = CONSOLE; private boolean abbreviated = false; private String separator = ","; private String prefix = "["; private String suffix = "]"; private UnicodeProperty.Factory source; private UnicodeLabel nameSource; private UnicodeLabel labelSource; private UnicodeLabel rangeBreakSource; private UnicodeLabel valueSource; private String propName = ""; private boolean showCount = true; //private boolean suppressReserved = true; private boolean hexValue = false; private static final String NULL_VALUE = "_NULL_VALUE_"; private int fullTotal = -1; private boolean showTotal = true; private String lineSeparator = "\r\n"; private Tabber tabber = new Tabber.MonoTabber(); /** * Compare two UnicodeSets, and show the differences * @param name1 name of first set to be compared * @param set1 first set * @param name2 name of second set to be compared * @param set2 second set * @return formatted string */ public String showSetDifferences( String name1, UnicodeSet set1, String name2, UnicodeSet set2) { StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); showSetDifferences(new PrintWriter(result),name1,set1,name2,set2); result.flush(); return result.getBuffer().toString(); } public String showSetDifferences( String name1, Collection set1, String name2, Collection set2) { StringWriter result = new StringWriter(); showSetDifferences(new PrintWriter(result), name1, set1, name2, set2); result.flush(); return result.getBuffer().toString(); } public void showSetDifferences( PrintWriter pw, String name1, UnicodeSet set1, String name2, UnicodeSet set2) { showSetDifferences(pw, name1, set1, name2, set2, -1); } /** * Compare two UnicodeSets, and show the differences * @param name1 name of first set to be compared * @param set1 first set * @param name2 name of second set to be compared * @param set2 second set */ public void showSetDifferences( PrintWriter pw, String name1, UnicodeSet set1, String name2, UnicodeSet set2, int flags) { if (pw == null) pw = CONSOLE; String[] names = { name1, name2 }; UnicodeSet temp; if ((flags&1) != 0) { temp = new UnicodeSet(set1).removeAll(set2); pw.print(lineSeparator); pw.print(inOut.format(names)); pw.print(lineSeparator); showSetNames(pw, temp); } if ((flags&2) != 0) { temp = new UnicodeSet(set2).removeAll(set1); pw.print(lineSeparator); pw.print(outIn.format(names)); pw.print(lineSeparator); showSetNames(pw, temp); } if ((flags&4) != 0) { temp = new UnicodeSet(set2).retainAll(set1); pw.print(lineSeparator); pw.print(inIn.format(names)); pw.print(lineSeparator); showSetNames(pw, temp); } pw.flush(); } public void showSetDifferences( PrintWriter pw, String name1, Collection set1, String name2, Collection set2) { if (pw == null) pw = CONSOLE; String[] names = { name1, name2 }; // damn'd collection doesn't have a clone, so // we go with Set, even though that // may not preserve order and duplicates Collection temp = new HashSet(set1); temp.removeAll(set2); pw.println(); pw.println(inOut.format(names)); showSetNames(pw, temp); temp.clear(); temp.addAll(set2); temp.removeAll(set1); pw.println(); pw.println(outIn.format(names)); showSetNames(pw, temp); temp.clear(); temp.addAll(set1); temp.retainAll(set2); pw.println(); pw.println(inIn.format(names)); showSetNames(pw, temp); } /** * Returns a list of items in the collection, with each separated by the separator. * Each item must not be null; its toString() is called for a printable representation * @param c source collection * @return a String representation of the list */ public String showSetNames(Object c) { StringWriter buffer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(buffer); showSetNames(output,c); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Returns a list of items in the collection, with each separated by the separator. * Each item must not be null; its toString() is called for a printable representation * @param output destination to which to write names * @param c source collection */ public void showSetNames(PrintWriter output, Object c) { mainVisitor.doAt(c, output); output.flush(); } /** * Returns a list of items in the collection, with each separated by the separator. * Each item must not be null; its toString() is called for a printable representation * @param filename destination to which to write names * @param c source collection */ public void showSetNames(String filename, Object c) throws IOException { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(filename),"utf-8")); showSetNames(log,c); pw.close(); } public String getAbbreviatedName( String src, String pattern, String substitute) { int matchEnd = NameIterator.findMatchingEnd(src, pattern); int sdiv = src.length() - matchEnd; int pdiv = pattern.length() - matchEnd; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); addMatching( src.substring(0, sdiv), pattern.substring(0, pdiv), substitute, result); addMatching( src.substring(sdiv), pattern.substring(pdiv), substitute, result); return result.toString(); } abstract public static class Relation { abstract public String getRelation(String a, String b); } static class NullRelation extends Relation { public String getRelation(String a, String b) { return ""; } } private Relation r = new NullRelation(); public BagFormatter setRelation(Relation r) { this.r = r; return this; // for chaining } public Relation getRelation() { return r; } /* r.getRelati on(last, s) + quote(s) + "\t#" + UnicodeSetFormatter.getResolvedName(s) */ /* static final UnicodeSet NO_NAME = new UnicodeSet("[\\u0080\\u0081\\u0084\\u0099\\p{Cn}\\p{Co}]"); static final UnicodeSet HAS_NAME = new UnicodeSet(NO_NAME).complement(); static final UnicodeSet NAME_CHARACTERS = new UnicodeSet("[A-Za-z0-9\\<\\>\\-\\ ]"); public UnicodeSet getSetForName(String namePattern) { UnicodeSet result = new UnicodeSet(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile(namePattern).matcher(""); // check for no-name items, and add in bulk m.reset(""); if (m.matches()) { result.addAll(NO_NAME); } // check all others UnicodeSetIterator usi = new UnicodeSetIterator(HAS_NAME); while (usi.next()) { String name = getName(usi.codepoint); if (name == null) continue; m.reset(name); if (m.matches()) { result.add(usi.codepoint); } } // Note: if Regex had some API so that if we could tell that // an initial substring couldn't match, e.g. "CJK IDEOGRAPH-" // then we could optimize by skipping whole swathes of characters return result; } */ public BagFormatter setMergeRanges(boolean in) { mergeRanges = in; return this; } public BagFormatter setShowSetAlso(boolean b) { showSetAlso = b; return this; } public String getName(int codePoint) { return getName("", codePoint, codePoint); } public String getName(String sep, int start, int end) { if (getNameSource() == null || getNameSource() == UnicodeLabel.NULL) return ""; String result = getName(start, false); if (start == end) return sep + result; String endString = getName(end, false); if (result.length() == 0 && endString.length() == 0) return sep; if (abbreviated) endString = getAbbreviatedName(endString,result,"~"); return sep + result + ".." + endString; } public String getName(String s) { return getName(s, false); } public static class NameLabel extends UnicodeLabel { UnicodeProperty nameProp; UnicodeSet control; UnicodeSet private_use; UnicodeSet noncharacter; UnicodeSet surrogate; public NameLabel(UnicodeProperty.Factory source) { nameProp = source.getProperty("Name"); control = source.getSet("gc=Cc"); private_use = source.getSet("gc=Co"); surrogate = source.getSet("gc=Cs"); noncharacter = source.getSet("noncharactercodepoint=yes"); } public String getValue(int codePoint, boolean isShort) { String hcp = !isShort ? "U+" + Utility.hex(codePoint, 4) + " " : ""; String result = nameProp.getValue(codePoint); if (result != null) return hcp + result; if (control.contains(codePoint)) { return ""; } if (private_use.contains(codePoint)) { return ""; } if (surrogate.contains(codePoint)) { return ""; } if (noncharacter.contains(codePoint)) { return ""; } //if (suppressReserved) return ""; return hcp + ""; } } // refactored public String getName(int codePoint, boolean withCodePoint) { String result = getNameSource().getValue(codePoint, !withCodePoint); return fixName == null ? result : fixName.transliterate(result); } public String getName(String s, boolean withCodePoint) { String result = getNameSource().getValue(s, separator, !withCodePoint); return fixName == null ? result : fixName.transliterate(result); } public String hex(String s) { return hex(s,separator); } public String hex(String s, String sep) { return UnicodeLabel.HEX.getValue(s, sep, true); } public String hex(int start, int end) { String s = Utility.hex(start,4); if (start == end) return s; return s + ".." + Utility.hex(end,4); } public BagFormatter setUnicodePropertyFactory(UnicodeProperty.Factory source) { this.source = source; return this; } public UnicodeProperty.Factory getUnicodePropertyFactory() { if (source == null) source = ICUPropertyFactory.make(); return source; } public BagFormatter () { } public BagFormatter (UnicodeProperty.Factory source) { setUnicodePropertyFactory(source); } public String join(Object o) { return labelVisitor.join(o); } // ===== PRIVATES ===== private Join labelVisitor = new Join(); private boolean mergeRanges = true; private Transliterator showLiteral = null; private Transliterator fixName = null; private boolean showSetAlso = false; private RangeFinder rf = new RangeFinder(); private MessageFormat inOut = new MessageFormat("In {0}, but not in {1}:"); private MessageFormat outIn = new MessageFormat("Not in {0}, but in {1}:"); private MessageFormat inIn = new MessageFormat("In both {0}, and in {1}:"); private MyVisitor mainVisitor = new MyVisitor(); /* private String getLabels(int start, int end) { Set names = new TreeSet(); for (int cp = start; cp <= end; ++cp) { names.add(getLabel(cp)); } return labelVisitor.join(names); } */ private void addMatching( String src, String pattern, String substitute, StringBuffer result) { NameIterator n1 = new NameIterator(src); NameIterator n2 = new NameIterator(pattern); boolean first = true; while (true) { String s1 = n1.next(); if (s1 == null) break; String s2 = n2.next(); if (!first) result.append(" "); first = false; if (s1.equals(s2)) result.append(substitute); else result.append(s1); } } private static NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(Locale.ENGLISH); static { nf.setGroupingUsed(false); } private int maxWidthOverride = -1; private int maxLabelWidthOverride = -1; public BagFormatter setValueWidthOverride(int maxWidthOverride) { this.maxWidthOverride = maxWidthOverride; return this; } public int getValueWidthOverride() { return maxWidthOverride; } public BagFormatter setLabelWidthOverride(int maxWidthOverride) { this.maxLabelWidthOverride = maxWidthOverride; return this; } public int getLabelWidthOverride() { return maxLabelWidthOverride; } private class MyVisitor extends Visitor { private PrintWriter output; String commentSeparator; int counter; int valueSize; int labelSize; boolean isHtml; boolean inTable = false; public void toOutput(String s) { if (isHtml) { if (inTable) { output.print(""); inTable = false; } output.print("

"); } output.print(s); if (isHtml) output.println("

"); else output.print(lineSeparator); } public void toTable(String s) { if (isHtml && !inTable) { output.print(""); inTable = true; } output.print(tabber.process(s) + lineSeparator); } public void doAt(Object c, PrintWriter out) { output = out; isHtml = tabber instanceof Tabber.HTMLTabber; counter = 0; tabber.clear(); // old: // 0009..000D ; White_Space # Cc [5] .. // new // 0009..000D ; White_Space #Cc [5] .. tabber.add(mergeRanges ? 14 : 6,Tabber.LEFT); if (propName.length() > 0) { tabber.add(propName.length() + 2,Tabber.LEFT); } valueSize = maxWidthOverride > 0 ? maxWidthOverride : getValueSource().getMaxWidth(shortValue); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("ValueSize: " + valueSize); if (valueSize > 0) { tabber.add(valueSize + 2,Tabber.LEFT); // value } tabber.add(3,Tabber.LEFT); // comment character labelSize = maxLabelWidthOverride > 0 ? maxLabelWidthOverride : getLabelSource(true).getMaxWidth(shortLabel); if (labelSize > 0) { tabber.add(labelSize + 1,Tabber.LEFT); // value } if (mergeRanges && showCount) { tabber.add(5,Tabber.RIGHT); } if (showLiteral != null) { tabber.add(4,Tabber.LEFT); } //myTabber.add(7,Tabber.LEFT); commentSeparator = (showCount || showLiteral != null || getLabelSource(true) != UnicodeLabel.NULL || getNameSource() != UnicodeLabel.NULL) ? "\t #" : ""; if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Tabber: " + tabber.toString()); if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Tabber: " + tabber.process( "200C..200D\t; White_Space\t #\tCf\t [2]\t ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER..ZERO WIDTH JOINER")); doAt(c); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public String format(Object o) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); doAt(o); pw.flush(); String result = sw.getBuffer().toString(); pw.close(); return result; } protected void doBefore(Object container, Object o) { if (showSetAlso && container instanceof UnicodeSet) { toOutput("#" + container); } } protected void doBetween(Object container, Object lastItem, Object nextItem) { } protected void doAfter(Object container, Object o) { if (fullTotal != -1 && fullTotal != counter) { if (showTotal) { toOutput(""); toOutput("# The above property value applies to " + nf.format(fullTotal-counter) + " code points not listed here."); toOutput("# Total code points: " + nf.format(fullTotal)); } fullTotal = -1; } else if (showTotal) { toOutput(""); toOutput("# Total code points: " + nf.format(counter)); } } protected void doSimpleAt(Object o) { if (o instanceof Map.Entry) { Map.Entry oo = (Map.Entry)o; Object key = oo.getKey(); Object value = oo.getValue(); doBefore(o, key); doAt(key); output.println("\u2192"); doAt(value); doAfter(o, value); counter++; } else if (o instanceof Visitor.CodePointRange) { doAt((Visitor.CodePointRange) o); } else { String thing = o.toString(); String value = getValueSource() == UnicodeLabel.NULL ? "" : getValueSource().getValue(thing, ",", true); if (getValueSource() != UnicodeLabel.NULL) value = "\t; " + value; String label = getLabelSource(true) == UnicodeLabel.NULL ? "" : getLabelSource(true).getValue(thing, ",", true); if (label.length() != 0) label = " " + label; toTable( hex(thing) + value + commentSeparator + label + insertLiteral(thing) + "\t" + getName(thing)); counter++; } } protected void doAt(Visitor.CodePointRange usi) { if (!mergeRanges) { for (int cp = usi.codepoint; cp <= usi.codepointEnd; ++cp) { showLine(cp, cp); } } else { rf.reset(usi.codepoint, usi.codepointEnd + 1); while (rf.next()) { showLine(rf.start, rf.limit - 1); } } } private void showLine(int start, int end) { String label = getLabelSource(true).getValue(start, shortLabel); String value = getValue(start, shortValue); if (value == NULL_VALUE) return; counter += end - start + 1; String pn = propName; if (pn.length() != 0) { pn = "\t; " + pn; } if (valueSize > 0) { value = "\t; " + value; } else if (value.length() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxwidth bogus " + value + "," + getValueSource().getMaxWidth(shortValue)); } if (labelSize > 0) { label = "\t" + label; } else if (label.length() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxwidth bogus " + label + ", " + getLabelSource(true).getMaxWidth(shortLabel)); } String count = ""; if (mergeRanges && showCount) { if (end == start) count = "\t"; else count = "\t ["+ nf.format(end - start + 1)+ "]"; } toTable( hex(start, end) + pn + value + commentSeparator + label + count + insertLiteral(start, end) + getName("\t ", start, end)); } private String insertLiteral(String thing) { return (showLiteral == null ? "" : " \t(" + showLiteral.transliterate(thing) + ") "); } private String insertLiteral(int start, int end) { return (showLiteral == null ? "" : " \t(" + showLiteral.transliterate(UTF16.valueOf(start)) + ((start != end) ? (".." + showLiteral.transliterate(UTF16.valueOf(end))) : "") + ") "); } /* private String insertLiteral(int cp) { return (showLiteral == null ? "" : " \t(" + showLiteral.transliterate(UTF16.valueOf(cp)) + ") "); } */ } /** * Iterate through a string, breaking at words. * @author Davis */ private static class NameIterator { String source; int position; int limit; NameIterator(String source) { this.source = source; this.limit = source.length(); } /** * Find next word, including trailing spaces * @return the next word */ String next() { if (position >= limit) return null; int pos = source.indexOf(' ', position); if (pos < 0 || pos >= limit) pos = limit; String result = source.substring(position, pos); position = pos + 1; return result; } static int findMatchingEnd(String s1, String s2) { int i = s1.length(); int j = s2.length(); try { while (true) { --i; // decrement both before calling function! --j; if (s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(j)) break; } } catch (Exception e) {} // run off start ++i; // counteract increment i = s1.indexOf(' ', i); // move forward to space if (i < 0) return 0; return s1.length() - i; } } private class RangeFinder { int start, limit; private int veryLimit; //String label, value; void reset(int rangeStart, int rangeLimit) { limit = rangeStart; veryLimit = rangeLimit; } boolean next() { if (limit >= veryLimit) return false; start = limit; // set to end of last String label = getLabelSource(false).getValue(limit, true); String value = getValue(limit, true); String breaker = getRangeBreakSource().getValue(limit,true); if (DEBUG && limit < 0x7F) System.out.println("Label: " + label + ", Value: " + value + ", Break: " + breaker); limit++; for (; limit < veryLimit; limit++) { String s = getLabelSource(false).getValue(limit, true); String v = getValue(limit, true); String b = getRangeBreakSource().getValue(limit, true); if (DEBUG && limit < 0x7F) System.out.println("*Label: " + label + ", Value: " + value + ", Break: " + breaker); if (!equalTo(s, label) || !equalTo(v, value) || !equalTo(b, breaker)) break; } // at this point, limit is the first item that has a different label than source // OR, we got to the end, and limit == veryLimit return true; } } boolean equalTo(Object a, Object b) { if (a == b) return true; if (a == null) return false; return a.equals(b); } boolean shortLabel = true; boolean shortValue = true; public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public String getSuffix() { return suffix; } public BagFormatter setPrefix(String string) { prefix = string; return this; } public BagFormatter setSuffix(String string) { suffix = string; return this; } public boolean isAbbreviated() { return abbreviated; } public BagFormatter setAbbreviated(boolean b) { abbreviated = b; return this; } public UnicodeLabel getLabelSource(boolean visible) { if (labelSource == null) { Map labelMap = new HashMap(); //labelMap.put("Lo","L&"); labelMap.put("Lu","L&"); labelMap.put("Lt","L&"); labelMap.put("Ll","L&"); labelSource = new UnicodeProperty.FilteredProperty( getUnicodePropertyFactory().getProperty("General_Category"), new UnicodeProperty.MapFilter(labelMap) ).setAllowValueAliasCollisions(true); } return labelSource; } /** * @deprecated */ public static void addAll(UnicodeSet source, Collection target) { source.addAllTo(target); } // UTILITIES public static final Transliterator hex = Transliterator.getInstance( "[^\\u0009\\u0020-\\u007E\\u00A0-\\u00FF] hex"); public static BufferedReader openUTF8Reader(String dir, String filename) throws IOException { return openReader(dir,filename,"UTF-8"); } public static BufferedReader openReader(String dir, String filename, String encoding) throws IOException { File file = dir.length() == 0 ? new File(filename) : new File(dir, filename); if (SHOW_FILES && log != null) { log.println("Opening File: " + file.getCanonicalPath()); } return new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(file), encoding), 4*1024); } public static PrintWriter openUTF8Writer(String dir, String filename) throws IOException { return openWriter(dir,filename,"UTF-8"); } public static PrintWriter openWriter(String dir, String filename, String encoding) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, filename); if (SHOW_FILES && log != null) { log.println("Creating File: " + file.getCanonicalPath()); } String parentName = file.getParent(); if (parentName != null) { File parent = new File(parentName); parent.mkdirs(); } return new PrintWriter( new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(file), encoding), 4*1024)); } public static PrintWriter getLog() { return log; } public BagFormatter setLog(PrintWriter writer) { log = writer; return this; } public String getSeparator() { return separator; } public BagFormatter setSeparator(String string) { separator = string; return this; } public Transliterator getShowLiteral() { return showLiteral; } public BagFormatter setShowLiteral(Transliterator transliterator) { showLiteral = transliterator; return this; } // ===== CONVENIENCES ===== private class Join extends Visitor { StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") int depth = 0; String join (Object o) { output.setLength(0); doAt(o); return output.toString(); } protected void doBefore(Object container, Object item) { ++depth; output.append(prefix); } protected void doAfter(Object container, Object item) { output.append(suffix); --depth; } protected void doBetween(Object container, Object lastItem, Object nextItem) { output.append(separator); } protected void doSimpleAt(Object o) { if (o != null) output.append(o.toString()); } } /** * @param label */ public BagFormatter setLabelSource(UnicodeLabel label) { if (label == null) label = UnicodeLabel.NULL; labelSource = label; return this; } /** * @return the NameLable representing the source */ public UnicodeLabel getNameSource() { if (nameSource == null) { nameSource = new NameLabel(getUnicodePropertyFactory()); } return nameSource; } /** * @param label */ public BagFormatter setNameSource(UnicodeLabel label) { if (label == null) label = UnicodeLabel.NULL; nameSource = label; return this; } /** * @return the UnicodeLabel representing the value */ public UnicodeLabel getValueSource() { if (valueSource == null) valueSource = UnicodeLabel.NULL; return valueSource; } private String getValue(int cp, boolean shortVal) { String result = getValueSource().getValue(cp, shortVal); if (result == null) return NULL_VALUE; if (hexValue) result = hex(result, " "); return result; } /** * @param label */ public BagFormatter setValueSource(UnicodeLabel label) { if (label == null) label = UnicodeLabel.NULL; valueSource = label; return this; } public BagFormatter setValueSource(String label) { return setValueSource(new UnicodeLabel.Constant(label)); } /** * @return true if showCount is true */ public boolean isShowCount() { return showCount; } /** * @param b true to show the count * @return this (for chaining) */ public BagFormatter setShowCount(boolean b) { showCount = b; return this; } /** * @return the property name */ public String getPropName() { return propName; } /** * @param string * @return this (for chaining) */ public BagFormatter setPropName(String string) { if (string == null) string = ""; propName = string; return this; } /** * @return true if this is a hexValue */ public boolean isHexValue() { return hexValue; } /** * @param b * @return this (for chaining) */ public BagFormatter setHexValue(boolean b) { hexValue = b; return this; } /** * @return the full total */ public int getFullTotal() { return fullTotal; } /** * @param i set the full total * @return this (for chaining) */ public BagFormatter setFullTotal(int i) { fullTotal = i; return this; } /** * @return the line separator */ public String getLineSeparator() { return lineSeparator; } /** * @param string * @return this (for chaining) */ public BagFormatter setLineSeparator(String string) { lineSeparator = string; return this; } /** * @return the UnicodeLabel representing the range break source */ public UnicodeLabel getRangeBreakSource() { if (rangeBreakSource == null) { Map labelMap = new HashMap(); // reflects the code point types on p 25 labelMap.put("Lo", "G&"); labelMap.put("Lm", "G&"); labelMap.put("Lu", "G&"); labelMap.put("Lt", "G&"); labelMap.put("Ll", "G&"); labelMap.put("Mn", "G&"); labelMap.put("Me", "G&"); labelMap.put("Mc", "G&"); labelMap.put("Nd", "G&"); labelMap.put("Nl", "G&"); labelMap.put("No", "G&"); labelMap.put("Zs", "G&"); labelMap.put("Pd", "G&"); labelMap.put("Ps", "G&"); labelMap.put("Pe", "G&"); labelMap.put("Pc", "G&"); labelMap.put("Po", "G&"); labelMap.put("Pi", "G&"); labelMap.put("Pf", "G&"); labelMap.put("Sm", "G&"); labelMap.put("Sc", "G&"); labelMap.put("Sk", "G&"); labelMap.put("So", "G&"); labelMap.put("Zl", "Cf"); labelMap.put("Zp", "Cf"); rangeBreakSource = new UnicodeProperty .FilteredProperty( getUnicodePropertyFactory().getProperty( "General_Category"), new UnicodeProperty.MapFilter(labelMap)) .setAllowValueAliasCollisions(true); /* "Cn", // = Other, Not Assigned 0 "Cc", // = Other, Control 15 "Cf", // = Other, Format 16 UnicodeProperty.UNUSED, // missing "Co", // = Other, Private Use 18 "Cs", // = Other, Surrogate 19 */ } return rangeBreakSource; } /** * @param label */ public BagFormatter setRangeBreakSource(UnicodeLabel label) { if (label == null) label = UnicodeLabel.NULL; rangeBreakSource = label; return this; } /** * @return Returns the fixName. */ public Transliterator getFixName() { return fixName; } /** * @param fixName The fixName to set. */ public BagFormatter setFixName(Transliterator fixName) { this.fixName = fixName; return this; } public Tabber getTabber() { return tabber; } public void setTabber(Tabber tabber) { this.tabber = tabber; } public boolean isShowTotal() { return showTotal; } public void setShowTotal(boolean showTotal) { this.showTotal = showTotal; } }