/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.input; /** * A specific API for interfacing with the keyboard. */ public interface KeyInput extends Input { /** * escape key. */ public static final int KEY_ESCAPE = 0x01; /** * 1 key. */ public static final int KEY_1 = 0x02; /** * 2 key. */ public static final int KEY_2 = 0x03; /** * 3 key. */ public static final int KEY_3 = 0x04; /** * 4 key. */ public static final int KEY_4 = 0x05; /** * 5 key. */ public static final int KEY_5 = 0x06; /** * 6 key. */ public static final int KEY_6 = 0x07; /** * 7 key. */ public static final int KEY_7 = 0x08; /** * 8 key. */ public static final int KEY_8 = 0x09; /** * 9 key. */ public static final int KEY_9 = 0x0A; /** * 0 key. */ public static final int KEY_0 = 0x0B; /** * - key. */ public static final int KEY_MINUS = 0x0C; /** * = key. */ public static final int KEY_EQUALS = 0x0D; /** * back key. */ public static final int KEY_BACK = 0x0E; /** * tab key. */ public static final int KEY_TAB = 0x0F; /** * q key. */ public static final int KEY_Q = 0x10; /** * w key. */ public static final int KEY_W = 0x11; /** * e key. */ public static final int KEY_E = 0x12; /** * r key. */ public static final int KEY_R = 0x13; /** * t key. */ public static final int KEY_T = 0x14; /** * y key. */ public static final int KEY_Y = 0x15; /** * u key. */ public static final int KEY_U = 0x16; /** * i key. */ public static final int KEY_I = 0x17; /** * o key. */ public static final int KEY_O = 0x18; /** * p key. */ public static final int KEY_P = 0x19; /** * [ key. */ public static final int KEY_LBRACKET = 0x1A; /** * ] key. */ public static final int KEY_RBRACKET = 0x1B; /** * enter (main keyboard) key. */ public static final int KEY_RETURN = 0x1C; /** * left control key. */ public static final int KEY_LCONTROL = 0x1D; /** * a key. */ public static final int KEY_A = 0x1E; /** * s key. */ public static final int KEY_S = 0x1F; /** * d key. */ public static final int KEY_D = 0x20; /** * f key. */ public static final int KEY_F = 0x21; /** * g key. */ public static final int KEY_G = 0x22; /** * h key. */ public static final int KEY_H = 0x23; /** * j key. */ public static final int KEY_J = 0x24; /** * k key. */ public static final int KEY_K = 0x25; /** * l key. */ public static final int KEY_L = 0x26; /** * ; key. */ public static final int KEY_SEMICOLON = 0x27; /** * ' key. */ public static final int KEY_APOSTROPHE = 0x28; /** * ` key. */ public static final int KEY_GRAVE = 0x29; /** * left shift key. */ public static final int KEY_LSHIFT = 0x2A; /** * \ key. */ public static final int KEY_BACKSLASH = 0x2B; /** * z key. */ public static final int KEY_Z = 0x2C; /** * x key. */ public static final int KEY_X = 0x2D; /** * c key. */ public static final int KEY_C = 0x2E; /** * v key. */ public static final int KEY_V = 0x2F; /** * b key. */ public static final int KEY_B = 0x30; /** * n key. */ public static final int KEY_N = 0x31; /** * m key. */ public static final int KEY_M = 0x32; /** * , key. */ public static final int KEY_COMMA = 0x33; /** * . key (main keyboard). */ public static final int KEY_PERIOD = 0x34; /** * / key (main keyboard). */ public static final int KEY_SLASH = 0x35; /** * right shift key. */ public static final int KEY_RSHIFT = 0x36; /** * * key (on keypad). */ public static final int KEY_MULTIPLY = 0x37; /** * left alt key. */ public static final int KEY_LMENU = 0x38; /** * space key. */ public static final int KEY_SPACE = 0x39; /** * caps lock key. */ public static final int KEY_CAPITAL = 0x3A; /** * F1 key. */ public static final int KEY_F1 = 0x3B; /** * F2 key. */ public static final int KEY_F2 = 0x3C; /** * F3 key. */ public static final int KEY_F3 = 0x3D; /** * F4 key. */ public static final int KEY_F4 = 0x3E; /** * F5 key. */ public static final int KEY_F5 = 0x3F; /** * F6 key. */ public static final int KEY_F6 = 0x40; /** * F7 key. */ public static final int KEY_F7 = 0x41; /** * F8 key. */ public static final int KEY_F8 = 0x42; /** * F9 key. */ public static final int KEY_F9 = 0x43; /** * F10 key. */ public static final int KEY_F10 = 0x44; /** * NumLK key. */ public static final int KEY_NUMLOCK = 0x45; /** * Scroll lock key. */ public static final int KEY_SCROLL = 0x46; /** * 7 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD7 = 0x47; /** * 8 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD8 = 0x48; /** * 9 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD9 = 0x49; /** * - key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_SUBTRACT = 0x4A; /** * 4 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD4 = 0x4B; /** * 5 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD5 = 0x4C; /** * 6 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD6 = 0x4D; /** * + key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_ADD = 0x4E; /** * 1 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD1 = 0x4F; /** * 2 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD2 = 0x50; /** * 3 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD3 = 0x51; /** * 0 key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPAD0 = 0x52; /** * . key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_DECIMAL = 0x53; /** * F11 key. */ public static final int KEY_F11 = 0x57; /** * F12 key. */ public static final int KEY_F12 = 0x58; /** * F13 key. */ public static final int KEY_F13 = 0x64; /** * F14 key. */ public static final int KEY_F14 = 0x65; /** * F15 key. */ public static final int KEY_F15 = 0x66; /** * kana key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_KANA = 0x70; /** * convert key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_CONVERT = 0x79; /** * noconvert key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_NOCONVERT = 0x7B; /** * yen key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_YEN = 0x7D; /** * = on num pad (NEC PC98). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPADEQUALS = 0x8D; /** * circum flex key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_CIRCUMFLEX = 0x90; /** * @ key (NEC PC98). */ public static final int KEY_AT = 0x91; /** * : key (NEC PC98) */ public static final int KEY_COLON = 0x92; /** * _ key (NEC PC98). */ public static final int KEY_UNDERLINE = 0x93; /** * kanji key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_KANJI = 0x94; /** * stop key (NEC PC98). */ public static final int KEY_STOP = 0x95; /** * ax key (Japanese). */ public static final int KEY_AX = 0x96; /** * (J3100). */ public static final int KEY_UNLABELED = 0x97; /** * Enter key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPADENTER = 0x9C; /** * right control key. */ public static final int KEY_RCONTROL = 0x9D; /** * , key on num pad (NEC PC98). */ public static final int KEY_NUMPADCOMMA = 0xB3; /** * / key (num pad). */ public static final int KEY_DIVIDE = 0xB5; /** * SysRq key. */ public static final int KEY_SYSRQ = 0xB7; /** * right alt key. */ public static final int KEY_RMENU = 0xB8; /** * pause key. */ public static final int KEY_PAUSE = 0xC5; /** * home key. */ public static final int KEY_HOME = 0xC7; /** * up arrow key. */ public static final int KEY_UP = 0xC8; /** * PgUp key. */ public static final int KEY_PRIOR = 0xC9; /** * PgUp key. */ public static final int KEY_PGUP = KEY_PRIOR; /** * left arrow key. */ public static final int KEY_LEFT = 0xCB; /** * right arrow key. */ public static final int KEY_RIGHT = 0xCD; /** * end key. */ public static final int KEY_END = 0xCF; /** * down arrow key. */ public static final int KEY_DOWN = 0xD0; /** * PgDn key. */ public static final int KEY_NEXT = 0xD1; /** * PgDn key. */ public static final int KEY_PGDN = KEY_NEXT; /** * insert key. */ public static final int KEY_INSERT = 0xD2; /** * delete key. */ public static final int KEY_DELETE = 0xD3; /** * Left "Windows" key on PC keyboards, left "Option" key on Mac keyboards. */ public static final int KEY_LMETA = 0xDB; /** * Right "Windows" key on PC keyboards, right "Option" key on Mac keyboards. */ public static final int KEY_RMETA = 0xDC; public static final int KEY_APPS = 0xDD; /** * power key. */ public static final int KEY_POWER = 0xDE; /** * sleep key. */ public static final int KEY_SLEEP = 0xDF; }