/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package jme3tools.navigation; /** * A utlity class for performing position calculations * * @author Benjamin Jakobus, based on JMarine (by Cormac Gebruers and Benjamin * Jakobus) * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class NavCalculator { private double distance; private double trueCourse; /* The earth's radius in meters */ public static final int WGS84_EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137; private String strCourse; /* The sailing calculation type */ public static final int MERCATOR = 0; public static final int GC = 1; /* The degree precision to use for courses */ public static final int RL_CRS_PRECISION = 1; /* The distance precision to use for distances */ public static final int RL_DIST_PRECISION = 1; public static final int METERS_PER_MINUTE = 1852; /** * Constructor * @param P1 * @param P2 * @param calcType * @since 1.0 */ public NavCalculator(Position P1, Position P2, int calcType) { switch (calcType) { case MERCATOR: mercatorSailing(P1, P2); break; case GC: greatCircleSailing(P1, P2); break; } } /** * Constructor * @since 1.0 */ public NavCalculator() { } /** * Determines a great circle track between two positions * @param p1 origin position * @param p2 destination position */ public GCSailing greatCircleSailing(Position p1, Position p2) { return new GCSailing(new int[0], new float[0]); } /** * Determines a Rhumb Line course and distance between two points * @param p1 origin position * @param p2 destination position */ public RLSailing rhumbLineSailing(Position p1, Position p2) { RLSailing rl = mercatorSailing(p1, p2); return rl; } /** * Determines the rhumb line course and distance between two positions * @param p1 origin position * @param p2 destination position */ public RLSailing mercatorSailing(Position p1, Position p2) { double dLat = computeDLat(p1.getLatitude(), p2.getLatitude()); //plane sailing... if (dLat == 0) { RLSailing rl = planeSailing(p1, p2); return rl; } double dLong = computeDLong(p1.getLongitude(), p2.getLongitude()); double dmp = (float) computeDMPClarkeSpheroid(p1.getLatitude(), p2.getLatitude()); trueCourse = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(dLong / dmp)); double degCrs = convertCourse((float) trueCourse, p1, p2); distance = (float) Math.abs(dLat / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(trueCourse))); RLSailing rl = new RLSailing(degCrs, (float) distance); trueCourse = rl.getCourse(); strCourse = (dLat < 0 ? "S" : "N"); strCourse += " " + trueCourse; strCourse += " " + (dLong < 0 ? "W" : "E"); return rl; } /** * Calculate a plane sailing situation - i.e. where Lats are the same * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return * @since 1.0 */ public RLSailing planeSailing(Position p1, Position p2) { double dLong = computeDLong(p1.getLongitude(), p2.getLongitude()); double sgnDLong = 0 - (dLong / Math.abs(dLong)); if (Math.abs(dLong) > 180 * 60) { dLong = (360 * 60 - Math.abs(dLong)) * sgnDLong; } double redist = 0; double recourse = 0; if (p1.getLatitude() == 0) { redist = Math.abs(dLong); } else { redist = Math.abs(dLong * (float) Math.cos(p1.getLatitude() * 2 * Math.PI / 360)); } recourse = (float) Math.asin(0 - sgnDLong); recourse = recourse * 360 / 2 / (float) Math.PI; if (recourse < 0) { recourse = recourse + 360; } return new RLSailing(recourse, redist); } /** * Converts a course from cardinal XddY to ddd notation * @param tc * @param p1 position one * @param p2 position two * @return * @since 1.0 */ public static double convertCourse(float tc, Position p1, Position p2) { double dLat = p1.getLatitude() - p2.getLatitude(); double dLong = p1.getLongitude() - p2.getLongitude(); //NE if (dLong >= 0 & dLat >= 0) { return Math.abs(tc); } //SE if (dLong >= 0 & dLat < 0) { return 180 - Math.abs(tc); } //SW if (dLong < 0 & dLat < 0) { return 180 + Math.abs(tc); } //NW if (dLong < 0 & dLat >= 0) { return 360 - Math.abs(tc); } return -1; } /** * Getter method for the distance between two points * @return distance * @since 1.0 */ public double getDistance() { return distance; } /** * Getter method for the true course * @return true course * @since 1.0 */ public double getTrueCourse() { return trueCourse; } /** * Getter method for the true course * @return true course * @since 1.0 */ public String getStrCourse() { return strCourse; } /** * Computes the difference in meridional parts for two latitudes in minutes * (based on Clark 1880 spheroid) * @param lat1 * @param lat2 * @return difference in minutes * @since 1.0 */ public static double computeDMPClarkeSpheroid(double lat1, double lat2) { double absLat1 = Math.abs(lat1); double absLat2 = Math.abs(lat2); double m1 = (7915.704468 * (Math.log(Math.tan(Math.toRadians(45 + (absLat1 / 2)))) / Math.log(10)) - 23.268932 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat1)) - 0.052500 * Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat1)), 3) - 0.000213 * Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat1)), 5)); double m2 = (7915.704468 * (Math.log(Math.tan(Math.toRadians(45 + (absLat2 / 2)))) / Math.log(10)) - 23.268932 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat2)) - 0.052500 * Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat2)), 3) - 0.000213 * Math.pow(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(absLat2)), 5)); if ((lat1 <= 0 && lat2 <= 0) || (lat1 > 0 && lat2 > 0)) { return Math.abs(m1 - m2); } else { return m1 + m2; } } /** * Computes the difference in meridional parts for a perfect sphere between * two degrees of latitude * @param lat1 * @param lat2 * @return difference in meridional parts between lat1 and lat2 in minutes * @since 1.0 */ public static float computeDMPWGS84Spheroid(float lat1, float lat2) { float absLat1 = Math.abs(lat1); float absLat2 = Math.abs(lat2); float m1 = (float) (7915.7045 * Math.log10(Math.tan(Math.toRadians(45 + (absLat1 / 2)))) - 23.01358 * Math.sin(absLat1 - 0.05135) * Math.pow(Math.sin(absLat1), 3)); float m2 = (float) (7915.7045 * Math.log10(Math.tan(Math.toRadians(45 + (absLat2 / 2)))) - 23.01358 * Math.sin(absLat2 - 0.05135) * Math.pow(Math.sin(absLat2), 3)); if (lat1 <= 0 & lat2 <= 0 || lat1 > 0 & lat2 > 0) { return Math.abs(m1 - m2); } else { return m1 + m2; } } /** * Predicts the position of a target for a given time in the future * @param time the number of seconds from now for which to predict the future * position * @param speed the miles per minute that the target is traveling * @param currentLat the target's current latitude * @param currentLong the target's current longitude * @param course the target's current course in degrees * @return the predicted future position * @since 1.0 */ public static Position predictPosition(int time, double speed, double currentLat, double currentLong, double course) { Position futurePosition = null; course = Math.toRadians(course); double futureLong = currentLong + speed * time * Math.sin(course); double futureLat = currentLat + speed * time * Math.cos(course); try { futurePosition = new Position(futureLat, futureLong); } catch (InvalidPositionException ipe) { ipe.printStackTrace(); } return futurePosition; } /** * Computes the coordinate of position B relative to an offset given * a distance and an angle. * * @param offset The offset position. * @param bearing The bearing between the offset and the coordinate * that you want to calculate. * @param distance The distance, in meters, between the offset * and point B. * @return The position of point B that is located from * given offset at given distance and angle. * @since 1.0 */ public static Position computePosition(Position initialPos, double heading, double distance) { if (initialPos == null) { return null; } double angle; if (heading < 90) { angle = heading; } else if (heading > 90 && heading < 180) { angle = 180 - heading; } else if (heading > 180 && heading < 270) { angle = heading - 180; } else { angle = 360 - heading; } Position newPosition = null; // Convert meters into nautical miles distance = distance * 0.000539956803; angle = Math.toRadians(angle); double initialLat = initialPos.getLatitude(); double initialLong = initialPos.getLongitude(); double dlat = distance * Math.cos(angle); dlat = dlat / 60; dlat = Math.abs(dlat); double newLat = 0; if ((heading > 270 && heading < 360) || (heading > 0 && heading < 90)) { newLat = initialLat + dlat; } else if (heading < 270 && heading > 90) { newLat = initialLat - dlat; } double meanLat = (Math.abs(dlat) / 2.0) + newLat; double dep = (Math.abs(dlat * 60)) * Math.tan(angle); double dlong = dep * (1.0 / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(meanLat))); dlong = dlong / 60; dlong = Math.abs(dlong); double newLong; if (heading > 180 && heading < 360) { newLong = initialLong - dlong; } else { newLong = initialLong + dlong; } if (newLong < -180) { double diff = Math.abs(newLong + 180); newLong = 180 - diff; } if (newLong > 180) { double diff = Math.abs(newLong + 180); newLong = (180 - diff) * -1; } if (heading == 0 || heading == 360 || heading == 180) { newLong = initialLong; newLat = initialLat + dlat; } else if (heading == 90 || heading == 270) { newLat = initialLat; // newLong = initialLong + dlong; THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL (IT WORKED) newLong = initialLong - dlong; } try { newPosition = new Position(newLat, newLong); } catch (InvalidPositionException ipe) { ipe.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(newLat + "," + newLong); } return newPosition; } /** * Computes the difference in Longitude between two positions and assigns the * correct sign -westwards travel, + eastwards travel * @param lng1 * @param lng2 * @return difference in longitude * @since 1.0 */ public static double computeDLong(double lng1, double lng2) { if (lng1 - lng2 == 0) { return 0; } // both easterly if (lng1 >= 0 & lng2 >= 0) { return -(lng1 - lng2) * 60; } //both westerly if (lng1 < 0 & lng2 < 0) { return -(lng1 - lng2) * 60; } //opposite sides of Date line meridian //sum less than 180 if (Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2) < 180) { if (lng1 < 0 & lng2 > 0) { return -(Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2)) * 60; } else { return Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2) * 60; } } else { //sum greater than 180 if (lng1 < 0 & lng2 > 0) { return -(360 - (Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2))) * 60; } else { return (360 - (Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2))) * 60; } } } /** * Computes the difference in Longitude between two positions and assigns the * correct sign -westwards travel, + eastwards travel * @param lng1 * @param lng2 * @return difference in longitude * @since 1.0 */ public static double computeLongDiff(double lng1, double lng2) { if (lng1 - lng2 == 0) { return 0; } // both easterly if (lng1 >= 0 & lng2 >= 0) { return Math.abs(-(lng1 - lng2) * 60); } //both westerly if (lng1 < 0 & lng2 < 0) { return Math.abs(-(lng1 - lng2) * 60); } if (lng1 == 0) { return Math.abs(lng2 * 60); } if (lng2 == 0) { return Math.abs(lng1 * 60); } return (Math.abs(lng1) + Math.abs(lng2)) * 60; } /** * Compute the difference in latitude between two positions * @param lat1 * @param lat2 * @return difference in latitude * @since 1.0 */ public static double computeDLat(double lat1, double lat2) { //same side of equator //plane sailing if (lat1 - lat2 == 0) { return 0; } //both northerly if (lat1 >= 0 & lat2 >= 0) { return -(lat1 - lat2) * 60; } //both southerly if (lat1 < 0 & lat2 < 0) { return -(lat1 - lat2) * 60; } //opposite sides of equator if (lat1 >= 0) { //heading south return -(Math.abs(lat1) + Math.abs(lat2)); } else { //heading north return (Math.abs(lat1) + Math.abs(lat2)); } } public static class Quadrant { private static final Quadrant FIRST = new Quadrant(1, 1); private static final Quadrant SECOND = new Quadrant(-1, 1); private static final Quadrant THIRD = new Quadrant(-1, -1); private static final Quadrant FOURTH = new Quadrant(1, -1); private final int lonMultiplier; private final int latMultiplier; public Quadrant(final int xMultiplier, final int yMultiplier) { this.lonMultiplier = xMultiplier; this.latMultiplier = yMultiplier; } static Quadrant getQuadrant(double degrees, boolean invert) { if (invert) { if (degrees >= 0 && degrees <= 90) { return FOURTH; } else if (degrees > 90 && degrees <= 180) { return THIRD; } else if (degrees > 180 && degrees <= 270) { return SECOND; } return FIRST; } else { if (degrees >= 0 && degrees <= 90) { return FIRST; } else if (degrees > 90 && degrees <= 180) { return SECOND; } else if (degrees > 180 && degrees <= 270) { return THIRD; } return FOURTH; } } } /** * Converts meters to degrees. * * @param meters The meters that you want to convert into degrees. * @return The degree equivalent of the given meters. * @since 1.0 */ public static double toDegrees(double meters) { return (meters / METERS_PER_MINUTE) / 60; } /** * Computes the bearing between two points. * * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return * @since 1.0 */ public static int computeBearing(Position p1, Position p2) { int bearing; double dLon = computeDLong(p1.getLongitude(), p2.getLongitude()); double y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(p2.getLatitude()); double x = Math.cos(p1.getLatitude()) * Math.sin(p2.getLatitude()) - Math.sin(p1.getLatitude()) * Math.cos(p2.getLatitude()) * Math.cos(dLon); bearing = (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x)); return bearing; } /** * Computes the angle between two points. * * @param p1 * @param p2 * @return */ public static int computeAngle(Position p1, Position p2) { // cos (adj / hyp) double adj = Math.abs(p1.getLongitude() - p2.getLongitude()); double opp = Math.abs(p1.getLatitude() - p2.getLatitude()); return (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(opp / adj)); // int angle = (int)Math.atan2(p2.getLatitude() - p1.getLatitude(), // p2.getLongitude() - p1.getLongitude()); //Actually it's ATan2(dy , dx) where dy = y2 - y1 and dx = x2 - x1, or ATan(dy / dx) } public static int computeHeading(Position p1, Position p2) { int angle = computeAngle(p1, p2); // NE if (p2.getLongitude() >= p1.getLongitude() && p2.getLatitude() >= p1.getLatitude()) { return angle; } else if (p2.getLongitude() >= p1.getLongitude() && p2.getLatitude() <= p1.getLatitude()) { // SE return 90 + angle; } else if (p2.getLongitude() <= p1.getLongitude() && p2.getLatitude() <= p1.getLatitude()) { // SW return 270 - angle; } else { // NW return 270 + angle; } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { int pos = NavCalculator.computeHeading(new Position(0, 0), new Position(10, -10)); // System.out.println(pos.getLatitude() + "," + pos.getLongitude()); System.out.println(pos); } catch (Exception e) { } } }