/* * Copyright 2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mockftpserver.core.command; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.easymock.MockControl; import org.mockftpserver.core.session.Session; import org.mockftpserver.core.util.AssertFailedException; import org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractTestCase; import java.util.ListResourceBundle; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * Tests for the AbstractStaticReplyCommandHandler class. The class name is prefixed with an underscore * so that it is not filtered out by Maven's Surefire test plugin. * * @version $Revision$ - $Date$ * * @author Chris Mair */ public final class _AbstractStaticReplyCommandHandlerTest extends AbstractTestCase { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(_AbstractStaticReplyCommandHandlerTest.class); private static final int REPLY_CODE1 = 777; private static final int REPLY_CODE2 = 888; private static final String REPLY_TEXT1 = "reply1 ... abcdef"; private static final String REPLY_TEXT2 = "abc {0} def"; private static final String REPLY_TEXT2_FORMATTED = "abc 123 def"; private static final String MESSAGE_KEY = "key.123"; private static final String MESSAGE_TEXT = "message.123"; private static final String OVERRIDE_REPLY_TEXT = "overridden reply ... abcdef"; private static final Object ARG = "123"; private AbstractStaticReplyCommandHandler commandHandler; private Session session; /** * Test the sendReply(Session) method */ public void testSendReply() { session.sendReply(REPLY_CODE1, REPLY_TEXT1); replay(session); commandHandler.setReplyCode(REPLY_CODE1); commandHandler.sendReply(session); verify(session); } /** * Test the sendReply(Session) method, when the replyText has been set */ public void testSendReply_SetReplyText() { session.sendReply(REPLY_CODE1, OVERRIDE_REPLY_TEXT); replay(session); commandHandler.setReplyCode(REPLY_CODE1); commandHandler.setReplyText(OVERRIDE_REPLY_TEXT); commandHandler.sendReply(session); verify(session); } /** * Test the sendReply(Session) method, when the replyMessageKey has been set */ public void testSendReply_SetReplyMessageKey() { session.sendReply(REPLY_CODE1, REPLY_TEXT2); replay(session); commandHandler.setReplyCode(REPLY_CODE1); commandHandler.setReplyMessageKey(Integer.toString(REPLY_CODE2)); commandHandler.sendReply(session); verify(session); } /** * Test the sendReply(Session) method, when the replyCode has not been set */ public void testSendReply_ReplyCodeNotSet() { try { commandHandler.sendReply(session); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } /** * Test the sendReply(Session,Object) method */ public void testSendReply_MessageParameter() { session.sendReply(REPLY_CODE2, REPLY_TEXT2); session.sendReply(REPLY_CODE2, REPLY_TEXT2_FORMATTED); replay(session); commandHandler.setReplyCode(REPLY_CODE2); commandHandler.sendReply(session); commandHandler.sendReply(session, ARG); verify(session); } /** * Test the setReplyCode() method, passing in an invalid value */ public void testSetReplyCode_Invalid() { try { commandHandler.setReplyCode(0); fail("Expected AssertFailedException"); } catch (AssertFailedException expected) { LOG.info("Expected: " + expected); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test setup //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Perform initialization before each test * @see org.mockftpserver.test.AbstractTestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); session = (Session) createMock(Session.class); control(session).setDefaultMatcher(MockControl.ARRAY_MATCHER); commandHandler = new AbstractStaticReplyCommandHandler() { public void handleCommand(Command command, Session session, InvocationRecord invocationRecord) throws Exception { } }; ResourceBundle replyTextBundle = new ListResourceBundle() { protected Object[][] getContents() { return new Object[][]{ {Integer.toString(REPLY_CODE1), REPLY_TEXT1}, {Integer.toString(REPLY_CODE2), REPLY_TEXT2}, {MESSAGE_KEY, MESSAGE_TEXT} }; } }; commandHandler.setReplyTextBundle(replyTextBundle); } }