/** * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 QOS.ch * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ package org.slf4j.helpers; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * @author Ceki Gulcu */ public class MessageFormatterTest { Integer i1 = new Integer(1); Integer i2 = new Integer(2); Integer i3 = new Integer(3); Integer[] ia0 = new Integer[] { i1, i2, i3 }; Integer[] ia1 = new Integer[] { new Integer(10), new Integer(20), new Integer(30) }; String result; @Test public void testNull() { result = MessageFormatter.format(null, i1).getMessage(); assertEquals(null, result); } @Test public void nullParametersShouldBeHandledWithoutBarfing() { result = MessageFormatter.format("Value is {}.", null).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value is null.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}.", null, null).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is null, val2 is null.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}.", i1, null).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is 1, val2 is null.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}.", null, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is null, val2 is 2.", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}, val3 is {}", new Integer[] { null, null, null }).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is null, val2 is null, val3 is null", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}, val3 is {}", new Integer[] { null, i2, i3 }).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is null, val2 is 2, val3 is 3", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val1 is {}, val2 is {}, val3 is {}", new Integer[] { null, null, i3 }).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1 is null, val2 is null, val3 is 3", result); } @Test public void verifyOneParameterIsHandledCorrectly() { result = MessageFormatter.format("Value is {}.", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value is 3.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value is {", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value is {", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("{} is larger than 2.", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("3 is larger than 2.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("No subst", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("No subst", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Incorrect {subst", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("Incorrect {subst", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value is {bla} {}", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value is {bla} 3", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Escaped \\{} subst", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("Escaped {} subst", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("{Escaped", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("{Escaped", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("\\{}Escaped", i3).getMessage(); assertEquals("{}Escaped", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("File name is {{}}.", "App folder.zip").getMessage(); assertEquals("File name is {App folder.zip}.", result); // escaping the escape character result = MessageFormatter.format("File name is C:\\\\{}.", "App folder.zip").getMessage(); assertEquals("File name is C:\\App folder.zip.", result); } @Test public void testTwoParameters() { result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than {}.", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2.", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than {}", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("{}{}", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("12", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Val1={}, Val2={", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1=1, Val2={", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than \\{}", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than {}", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than \\{} tail", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than {} tail", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than \\{", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than \\{", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value {} is smaller than {tail", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than {tail", result); result = MessageFormatter.format("Value \\{} is smaller than {}", i1, i2).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value {} is smaller than 1", result); } @Test public void testExceptionIn_toString() { Object o = new Object() { public String toString() { throw new IllegalStateException("a"); } }; result = MessageFormatter.format("Troublesome object {}", o).getMessage(); assertEquals("Troublesome object [FAILED toString()]", result); } @Test public void testNullArray() { String msg0 = "msg0"; String msg1 = "msg1 {}"; String msg2 = "msg2 {} {}"; String msg3 = "msg3 {} {} {}"; Object[] args = null; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(msg0, args).getMessage(); assertEquals(msg0, result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(msg1, args).getMessage(); assertEquals(msg1, result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(msg2, args).getMessage(); assertEquals(msg2, result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(msg3, args).getMessage(); assertEquals(msg3, result); } // tests the case when the parameters are supplied in a single array @Test public void testArrayFormat() { result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {} and {}.", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2 and 3.", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}{}", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("123", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {}.", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2.", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {}", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val={}, {, Val={}", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val=1, {, Val=2", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val={}, {, Val={}", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val=1, {, Val=2", result); result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val1={}, Val2={", ia0).getMessage(); assertEquals("Val1=1, Val2={", result); } @Test public void testArrayValues() { Integer p0 = i1; Integer[] p1 = new Integer[] { i2, i3 }; result = MessageFormatter.format("{}{}", p0, p1).getMessage(); assertEquals("1[2, 3]", result); // Integer[] result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", p1 }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[2, 3]", result); // byte[] result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", new byte[] { 1, 2 } }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[1, 2]", result); // int[] result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", new int[] { 1, 2 } }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[1, 2]", result); // float[] result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", new float[] { 1, 2 } }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[1.0, 2.0]", result); // double[] result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", new double[] { 1, 2 } }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[1.0, 2.0]", result); } @Test public void testMultiDimensionalArrayValues() { Integer[][] multiIntegerA = new Integer[][] { ia0, ia1 }; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", multiIntegerA }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]", result); int[][] multiIntA = new int[][] { { 1, 2 }, { 10, 20 } }; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", multiIntA }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[[1, 2], [10, 20]]", result); float[][] multiFloatA = new float[][] { { 1, 2 }, { 10, 20 } }; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", multiFloatA }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[[1.0, 2.0], [10.0, 20.0]]", result); Object[][] multiOA = new Object[][] { ia0, ia1 }; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", multiOA }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]", result); Object[][][] _3DOA = new Object[][][] { multiOA, multiOA }; result = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", new Object[] { "a", _3DOA }).getMessage(); assertEquals("a[[[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]], [[1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30]]]", result); } @Test public void testCyclicArrays() { { Object[] cyclicA = new Object[1]; cyclicA[0] = cyclicA; assertEquals("[[...]]", MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}", cyclicA).getMessage()); } { Object[] a = new Object[2]; a[0] = i1; Object[] c = new Object[] { i3, a }; Object[] b = new Object[] { i2, c }; a[1] = b; assertEquals("1[2, [3, [1, [...]]]]", MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}", a).getMessage()); } } @Test public void testArrayThrowable() { FormattingTuple ft; Throwable t = new Throwable(); Object[] ia = new Object[] { i1, i2, i3, t }; Object[] iaWitness = new Object[] { i1, i2, i3 }; ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {} and {}.", ia); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2 and 3.", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}{}", ia); assertEquals("123", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {}.", ia); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2.", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {}", ia); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val={}, {, Val={}", ia); assertEquals("Val=1, {, Val=2", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val={}, \\{, Val={}", ia); assertEquals("Val=1, \\{, Val=2", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Val1={}, Val2={", ia); assertEquals("Val1=1, Val2={", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(iaWitness, ft.getArgArray())); assertEquals(t, ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("Value {} is smaller than {} and {} -- {} .", ia); assertEquals("Value 1 is smaller than 2 and 3 -- " + t.toString() + " .", ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ia, ft.getArgArray())); assertNull(ft.getThrowable()); ft = MessageFormatter.arrayFormat("{}{}{}{}", ia); assertEquals("123" + t.toString(), ft.getMessage()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(ia, ft.getArgArray())); assertNull(ft.getThrowable()); } }