/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; public final class LruCacheTest extends TestCase { private int expectedCreateCount; private int expectedPutCount; private int expectedHitCount; private int expectedMissCount; private int expectedEvictionCount; public void testStatistics() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3); assertStatistics(cache); assertEquals(null, cache.put("a", "A")); expectedPutCount++; assertStatistics(cache); assertHit(cache, "a", "A"); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A"); assertEquals(null, cache.put("b", "B")); expectedPutCount++; assertStatistics(cache); assertHit(cache, "a", "A"); assertHit(cache, "b", "B"); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "b", "B"); assertEquals(null, cache.put("c", "C")); expectedPutCount++; assertStatistics(cache); assertHit(cache, "a", "A"); assertHit(cache, "b", "B"); assertHit(cache, "c", "C"); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "b", "B", "c", "C"); assertEquals(null, cache.put("d", "D")); expectedPutCount++; expectedEvictionCount++; // a should have been evicted assertStatistics(cache); assertMiss(cache, "a"); assertHit(cache, "b", "B"); assertHit(cache, "c", "C"); assertHit(cache, "d", "D"); assertHit(cache, "b", "B"); assertHit(cache, "c", "C"); assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "D", "b", "B", "c", "C"); assertEquals(null, cache.put("e", "E")); expectedPutCount++; expectedEvictionCount++; // d should have been evicted assertStatistics(cache); assertMiss(cache, "d"); assertMiss(cache, "a"); assertHit(cache, "e", "E"); assertHit(cache, "b", "B"); assertHit(cache, "c", "C"); assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "b", "B", "c", "C"); } public void testStatisticsWithCreate() { LruCache cache = newCreatingCache(); assertStatistics(cache); assertCreated(cache, "aa", "created-aa"); assertHit(cache, "aa", "created-aa"); assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa"); assertCreated(cache, "bb", "created-bb"); assertMiss(cache, "c"); assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa", "bb", "created-bb"); assertCreated(cache, "cc", "created-cc"); assertSnapshot(cache, "aa", "created-aa", "bb", "created-bb", "cc", "created-cc"); expectedEvictionCount++; // aa will be evicted assertCreated(cache, "dd", "created-dd"); assertSnapshot(cache, "bb", "created-bb", "cc", "created-cc", "dd", "created-dd"); expectedEvictionCount++; // bb will be evicted assertCreated(cache, "aa", "created-aa"); assertSnapshot(cache, "cc", "created-cc", "dd", "created-dd", "aa", "created-aa"); } public void testCreateOnCacheMiss() { LruCache cache = newCreatingCache(); String created = cache.get("aa"); assertEquals("created-aa", created); } public void testNoCreateOnCacheHit() { LruCache cache = newCreatingCache(); cache.put("aa", "put-aa"); assertEquals("put-aa", cache.get("aa")); } public void testConstructorDoesNotAllowZeroCacheSize() { try { new LruCache(0); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testCannotPutNullKey() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3); try { cache.put(null, "A"); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } public void testCannotPutNullValue() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3); try { cache.put("a", null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } public void testToString() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3); assertEquals("LruCache[maxSize=3,hits=0,misses=0,hitRate=0%]", cache.toString()); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); cache.put("c", "C"); cache.put("d", "D"); cache.get("a"); // miss cache.get("b"); // hit cache.get("c"); // hit cache.get("d"); // hit cache.get("e"); // miss assertEquals("LruCache[maxSize=3,hits=3,misses=2,hitRate=60%]", cache.toString()); } public void testEvictionWithSingletonCache() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(1); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); assertSnapshot(cache, "b", "B"); } public void testEntryEvictedWhenFull() { List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = newRemovalLogCache(log); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); cache.put("c", "C"); assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), log); cache.put("d", "D"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A"), log); } /** * Replacing the value for a key doesn't cause an eviction but it does bring * the replaced entry to the front of the queue. */ public void testPutDoesNotCauseEviction() { final List evictionLog = new ArrayList(); List expectedEvictionLog = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = new LruCache(3) { @Override protected void entryEvicted(String key, String value) { evictionLog.add(key + "=" + value); } }; cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); cache.put("c", "C"); cache.put("b", "B2"); assertEquals(expectedEvictionLog, evictionLog); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "A", "c", "C", "b", "B2"); } public void testCustomSizesImpactsSize() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return key.length() + value.length(); } }; assertEquals(0, cache.size()); cache.put("a", "AA"); assertEquals(3, cache.size()); cache.put("b", "BBBB"); assertEquals(8, cache.size()); cache.put("a", ""); assertEquals(6, cache.size()); } public void testEvictionWithCustomSizes() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(4) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return value.length(); } }; cache.put("a", "AAAA"); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "AAAA"); cache.put("b", "BBBB"); // should evict a assertSnapshot(cache, "b", "BBBB"); cache.put("c", "CC"); // should evict b assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "CC"); cache.put("d", "DD"); assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "CC", "d", "DD"); cache.put("e", "E"); // should evict c assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "DD", "e", "E"); cache.put("f", "F"); assertSnapshot(cache, "d", "DD", "e", "E", "f", "F"); cache.put("g", "G"); // should evict d assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G"); cache.put("h", "H"); assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "E", "f", "F", "g", "G", "h", "H"); cache.put("i", "III"); // should evict e, f, and g assertSnapshot(cache, "h", "H", "i", "III"); cache.put("j", "JJJ"); // should evict h and i assertSnapshot(cache, "j", "JJJ"); } public void testEvictionThrowsWhenSizesAreInconsistent() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(4) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, int[] value) { return value[0]; } }; int[] a = { 4 }; cache.put("a", a); // get the cache size out of sync a[0] = 1; assertEquals(4, cache.size()); // evict something try { cache.put("b", new int[] { 2 }); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void testEvictionThrowsWhenSizesAreNegative() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(4) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return -1; } }; try { cache.put("a", "A"); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } /** * Naive caches evict at most one element at a time. This is problematic * because evicting a small element may be insufficient to make room for a * large element. */ public void testDifferentElementSizes() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return value.length(); } }; cache.put("a", "1"); cache.put("b", "12345678"); cache.put("c", "1"); assertSnapshot(cache, "a", "1", "b", "12345678", "c", "1"); cache.put("d", "12345678"); // should evict a and b assertSnapshot(cache, "c", "1", "d", "12345678"); cache.put("e", "12345678"); // should evict c and d assertSnapshot(cache, "e", "12345678"); } public void testEvictAll() { List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = newRemovalLogCache(log); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); cache.put("c", "C"); cache.evictAll(); assertEquals(0, cache.size()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A", "b=B", "c=C"), log); } public void testEvictAllEvictsSizeZeroElements() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return 0; } }; cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); cache.evictAll(); assertSnapshot(cache); } public void testRemoveWithCustomSizes() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10) { @Override protected int sizeOf(String key, String value) { return value.length(); } }; cache.put("a", "123456"); cache.put("b", "1234"); cache.remove("a"); assertEquals(4, cache.size()); } public void testRemoveAbsentElement() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("b", "B"); assertEquals(null, cache.remove("c")); assertEquals(2, cache.size()); } public void testRemoveNullThrows() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(10); try { cache.remove(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } public void testRemoveCallsEntryRemoved() { List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = newRemovalLogCache(log); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.remove("a"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>null"), log); } public void testPutCallsEntryRemoved() { List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = newRemovalLogCache(log); cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("a", "A2"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>A2"), log); } public void testEntryRemovedIsCalledWithoutSynchronization() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3) { @Override protected void entryRemoved( boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) { assertFalse(Thread.holdsLock(this)); } }; cache.put("a", "A"); cache.put("a", "A2"); // replaced cache.put("b", "B"); cache.put("c", "C"); cache.put("d", "D"); // single eviction cache.remove("a"); // removed cache.evictAll(); // multiple eviction } public void testCreateIsCalledWithoutSynchronization() { LruCache cache = new LruCache(3) { @Override protected String create(String key) { assertFalse(Thread.holdsLock(this)); return null; } }; cache.get("a"); } /** * Test what happens when a value is added to the map while create is * working. The map value should be returned by get(), and the created value * should be released with entryRemoved(). */ public void testCreateWithConcurrentPut() { final List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = new LruCache(3) { @Override protected String create(String key) { put(key, "B"); return "A"; } @Override protected void entryRemoved( boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) { log.add(key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue); } }; assertEquals("B", cache.get("a")); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=A>B"), log); } /** * Test what happens when two creates happen concurrently. The result from * the first create to return is returned by both gets. The other created * values should be released with entryRemove(). */ public void testCreateWithConcurrentCreate() { final List log = new ArrayList(); LruCache cache = new LruCache(3) { int callCount = 0; @Override protected Integer create(String key) { if (callCount++ == 0) { assertEquals(2, get(key).intValue()); return 1; } else { return 2; } } @Override protected void entryRemoved( boolean evicted, String key, Integer oldValue, Integer newValue) { log.add(key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue); } }; assertEquals(2, cache.get("a").intValue()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("a=1>2"), log); } private LruCache newCreatingCache() { return new LruCache(3) { @Override protected String create(String key) { return (key.length() > 1) ? ("created-" + key) : null; } }; } private LruCache newRemovalLogCache(final List log) { return new LruCache(3) { @Override protected void entryRemoved( boolean evicted, String key, String oldValue, String newValue) { String message = evicted ? (key + "=" + oldValue) : (key + "=" + oldValue + ">" + newValue); log.add(message); } }; } private void assertHit(LruCache cache, String key, String value) { assertEquals(value, cache.get(key)); expectedHitCount++; assertStatistics(cache); } private void assertMiss(LruCache cache, String key) { assertEquals(null, cache.get(key)); expectedMissCount++; assertStatistics(cache); } private void assertCreated(LruCache cache, String key, String value) { assertEquals(value, cache.get(key)); expectedMissCount++; expectedCreateCount++; assertStatistics(cache); } private void assertStatistics(LruCache cache) { assertEquals("create count", expectedCreateCount, cache.createCount()); assertEquals("put count", expectedPutCount, cache.putCount()); assertEquals("hit count", expectedHitCount, cache.hitCount()); assertEquals("miss count", expectedMissCount, cache.missCount()); assertEquals("eviction count", expectedEvictionCount, cache.evictionCount()); } private void assertSnapshot(LruCache cache, T... keysAndValues) { List actualKeysAndValues = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry entry : cache.snapshot().entrySet()) { actualKeysAndValues.add(entry.getKey()); actualKeysAndValues.add(entry.getValue()); } // assert using lists because order is important for LRUs assertEquals(Arrays.asList(keysAndValues), actualKeysAndValues); } }