package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import; /** * Class to draw a circle for timers and stopwatches. * These two usages require two different animation modes: * Timer counts down. In this mode the animation is counter-clockwise and stops at 0. * Stopwatch counts up. In this mode the animation is clockwise and will run until stopped. */ public class CircleTimerView extends View { private int mAccentColor; private int mWhiteColor; private long mIntervalTime = 0; private long mIntervalStartTime = -1; private long mMarkerTime = -1; private long mCurrentIntervalTime = 0; private long mAccumulatedTime = 0; private boolean mPaused = false; private boolean mAnimate = false; private static float mStrokeSize = 4; private static float mDotRadius = 6; private static float mMarkerStrokeSize = 2; private final Paint mPaint = new Paint(); private final Paint mFill = new Paint(); private final RectF mArcRect = new RectF(); private float mRadiusOffset; // amount to remove from radius to account for markers on circle private float mScreenDensity; // Stopwatch mode is the default. private boolean mTimerMode = false; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public CircleTimerView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public CircleTimerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); init(context); } public void setIntervalTime(long t) { mIntervalTime = t; postInvalidate(); } public void setMarkerTime(long t) { mMarkerTime = t; postInvalidate(); } public void reset() { mIntervalStartTime = -1; mMarkerTime = -1; postInvalidate(); } public void startIntervalAnimation() { mIntervalStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow(); mAnimate = true; invalidate(); mPaused = false; } public void stopIntervalAnimation() { mAnimate = false; mIntervalStartTime = -1; mAccumulatedTime = 0; } public boolean isAnimating() { return (mIntervalStartTime != -1); } public void pauseIntervalAnimation() { mAnimate = false; mAccumulatedTime += Utils.getTimeNow() - mIntervalStartTime; mPaused = true; } public void abortIntervalAnimation() { mAnimate = false; } public void setPassedTime(long time, boolean drawRed) { // The onDraw() method checks if mIntervalStartTime has been set before drawing any red. // Without drawRed, mIntervalStartTime should not be set here at all, and would remain at -1 // when the state is reconfigured after exiting and re-entering the application. // If the timer is currently running, this drawRed will not be set, and will have no effect // because mIntervalStartTime will be set when the thread next runs. // When the timer is not running, mIntervalStartTime will not be set upon loading the state, // and no red will be drawn, so drawRed is used to force onDraw() to draw the red portion, // despite the timer not running. mCurrentIntervalTime = mAccumulatedTime = time; if (drawRed) { mIntervalStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow(); } postInvalidate(); } private void init(Context c) { Resources resources = c.getResources(); mStrokeSize = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.circletimer_circle_size); float dotDiameter = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.circletimer_dot_size); mMarkerStrokeSize = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.circletimer_marker_size); mRadiusOffset = Utils.calculateRadiusOffset( mStrokeSize, dotDiameter, mMarkerStrokeSize); mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); mWhiteColor = resources.getColor(R.color.clock_white); mAccentColor = Utils.obtainStyledColor(c, R.attr.colorAccent, Color.RED); mScreenDensity = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density; mFill.setAntiAlias(true); mFill.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); mFill.setColor(mAccentColor); mDotRadius = dotDiameter / 2f; } public void setTimerMode(boolean mode) { mTimerMode = mode; } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { int xCenter = getWidth() / 2 + 1; int yCenter = getHeight() / 2; mPaint.setStrokeWidth(mStrokeSize); float radius = Math.min(xCenter, yCenter) - mRadiusOffset; if (mIntervalStartTime == -1) { // just draw a complete white circle, no red arc needed mPaint.setColor(mWhiteColor); canvas.drawCircle (xCenter, yCenter, radius, mPaint); if (mTimerMode) { drawRedDot(canvas, 0f, xCenter, yCenter, radius); } } else { if (mAnimate) { mCurrentIntervalTime = Utils.getTimeNow() - mIntervalStartTime + mAccumulatedTime; } //draw a combination of red and white arcs to create a circle = yCenter - radius; mArcRect.bottom = yCenter + radius; mArcRect.left = xCenter - radius; mArcRect.right = xCenter + radius; float redPercent = (float)mCurrentIntervalTime / (float)mIntervalTime; // prevent timer from doing more than one full circle redPercent = (redPercent > 1 && mTimerMode) ? 1 : redPercent; float whitePercent = 1 - (redPercent > 1 ? 1 : redPercent); // draw red arc here mPaint.setColor(mAccentColor); if (mTimerMode){ canvas.drawArc (mArcRect, 270, - redPercent * 360 , false, mPaint); } else { canvas.drawArc (mArcRect, 270, + redPercent * 360 , false, mPaint); } // draw white arc here mPaint.setStrokeWidth(mStrokeSize); mPaint.setColor(mWhiteColor); if (mTimerMode) { canvas.drawArc(mArcRect, 270, + whitePercent * 360, false, mPaint); } else { canvas.drawArc(mArcRect, 270 + (1 - whitePercent) * 360, whitePercent * 360, false, mPaint); } if (mMarkerTime != -1 && radius > 0 && mIntervalTime != 0) { mPaint.setStrokeWidth(mMarkerStrokeSize); float angle = (float)(mMarkerTime % mIntervalTime) / (float)mIntervalTime * 360; // draw 2dips thick marker // the formula to draw the marker 1 unit thick is: // 180 / (radius * Math.PI) // after that we have to scale it by the screen density canvas.drawArc (mArcRect, 270 + angle, mScreenDensity * (float) (360 / (radius * Math.PI)) , false, mPaint); } drawRedDot(canvas, redPercent, xCenter, yCenter, radius); } if (mAnimate) { postInvalidateOnAnimation(); } } protected void drawRedDot( Canvas canvas, float degrees, int xCenter, int yCenter, float radius) { mPaint.setColor(mAccentColor); float dotPercent; if (mTimerMode) { dotPercent = 270 - degrees * 360; } else { dotPercent = 270 + degrees * 360; } final double dotRadians = Math.toRadians(dotPercent); canvas.drawCircle(xCenter + (float) (radius * Math.cos(dotRadians)), yCenter + (float) (radius * Math.sin(dotRadians)), mDotRadius, mFill); } public static final String PREF_CTV_PAUSED = "_ctv_paused"; public static final String PREF_CTV_INTERVAL = "_ctv_interval"; public static final String PREF_CTV_INTERVAL_START = "_ctv_interval_start"; public static final String PREF_CTV_CURRENT_INTERVAL = "_ctv_current_interval"; public static final String PREF_CTV_ACCUM_TIME = "_ctv_accum_time"; public static final String PREF_CTV_TIMER_MODE = "_ctv_timer_mode"; public static final String PREF_CTV_MARKER_TIME = "_ctv_marker_time"; // Since this view is used in multiple places, use the key to save different instances public void writeToSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs, String key) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean (key + PREF_CTV_PAUSED, mPaused); editor.putLong (key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL, mIntervalTime); editor.putLong (key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL_START, mIntervalStartTime); editor.putLong (key + PREF_CTV_CURRENT_INTERVAL, mCurrentIntervalTime); editor.putLong (key + PREF_CTV_ACCUM_TIME, mAccumulatedTime); editor.putLong (key + PREF_CTV_MARKER_TIME, mMarkerTime); editor.putBoolean (key + PREF_CTV_TIMER_MODE, mTimerMode); editor.apply(); } public void readFromSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs, String key) { mPaused = prefs.getBoolean(key + PREF_CTV_PAUSED, false); mIntervalTime = prefs.getLong(key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL, 0); mIntervalStartTime = prefs.getLong(key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL_START, -1); mCurrentIntervalTime = prefs.getLong(key + PREF_CTV_CURRENT_INTERVAL, 0); mAccumulatedTime = prefs.getLong(key + PREF_CTV_ACCUM_TIME, 0); mMarkerTime = prefs.getLong(key + PREF_CTV_MARKER_TIME, -1); mTimerMode = prefs.getBoolean(key + PREF_CTV_TIMER_MODE, false); mAnimate = (mIntervalStartTime != -1 && !mPaused); } public void clearSharedPref(SharedPreferences prefs, String key) { SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.remove (Stopwatches.PREF_START_TIME); editor.remove (Stopwatches.PREF_ACCUM_TIME); editor.remove (Stopwatches.PREF_STATE); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_PAUSED); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_INTERVAL_START); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_CURRENT_INTERVAL); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_ACCUM_TIME); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_MARKER_TIME); editor.remove (key + PREF_CTV_TIMER_MODE); editor.apply(); } }