y4minput.c revision 7ce0a1d1337c01056ba24006efab21f00e179e04
2 *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 *
10 *  Based on code from the OggTheora software codec source code,
11 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2010 The Xiph.Org Foundation and contributors.
12 */
13#include <errno.h>
14#include <stdlib.h>
15#include <string.h>
17#include "vpx/vpx_integer.h"
18#include "y4minput.h"
20// Reads 'size' bytes from 'file' into 'buf' with some fault tolerance.
21// Returns true on success.
22static int file_read(void *buf, size_t size, FILE *file) {
23  const int kMaxRetries = 5;
24  int retry_count = 0;
25  int file_error;
26  size_t len = 0;
27  do {
28    const size_t n = fread((uint8_t*)buf + len, 1, size - len, file);
29    len += n;
30    file_error = ferror(file);
31    if (file_error) {
32      if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) {
33        clearerr(file);
34        continue;
35      } else {
36        fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %u of %u bytes read, %d: %s\n",
37                (uint32_t)len, (uint32_t)size, errno, strerror(errno));
38        return 0;
39      }
40    }
41  } while (!feof(file) && len < size && ++retry_count < kMaxRetries);
43  if (!feof(file) && len != size) {
44    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file: %u of %u bytes read,"
45                    " error: %d, retries: %d, %d: %s\n",
46            (uint32_t)len, (uint32_t)size, file_error, retry_count,
47            errno, strerror(errno));
48  }
49  return len == size;
52static int y4m_parse_tags(y4m_input *_y4m, char *_tags) {
53  int   got_w;
54  int   got_h;
55  int   got_fps;
56  int   got_interlace;
57  int   got_par;
58  int   got_chroma;
59  char *p;
60  char *q;
61  got_w = got_h = got_fps = got_interlace = got_par = got_chroma = 0;
62  for (p = _tags;; p = q) {
63    /*Skip any leading spaces.*/
64    while (*p == ' ')p++;
65    /*If that's all we have, stop.*/
66    if (p[0] == '\0')break;
67    /*Find the end of this tag.*/
68    for (q = p + 1; *q != '\0' && *q != ' '; q++);
69    /*Process the tag.*/
70    switch (p[0]) {
71      case 'W': {
72        if (sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &_y4m->pic_w) != 1)return -1;
73        got_w = 1;
74      }
75      break;
76      case 'H': {
77        if (sscanf(p + 1, "%d", &_y4m->pic_h) != 1)return -1;
78        got_h = 1;
79      }
80      break;
81      case 'F': {
82        if (sscanf(p + 1, "%d:%d", &_y4m->fps_n, &_y4m->fps_d) != 2) {
83          return -1;
84        }
85        got_fps = 1;
86      }
87      break;
88      case 'I': {
89        _y4m->interlace = p[1];
90        got_interlace = 1;
91      }
92      break;
93      case 'A': {
94        if (sscanf(p + 1, "%d:%d", &_y4m->par_n, &_y4m->par_d) != 2) {
95          return -1;
96        }
97        got_par = 1;
98      }
99      break;
100      case 'C': {
101        if (q - p > 16)return -1;
102        memcpy(_y4m->chroma_type, p + 1, q - p - 1);
103        _y4m->chroma_type[q - p - 1] = '\0';
104        got_chroma = 1;
105      }
106      break;
107      /*Ignore unknown tags.*/
108    }
109  }
110  if (!got_w || !got_h || !got_fps)return -1;
111  if (!got_interlace)_y4m->interlace = '?';
112  if (!got_par)_y4m->par_n = _y4m->par_d = 0;
113  /*Chroma-type is not specified in older files, e.g., those generated by
114     mplayer.*/
115  if (!got_chroma)strcpy(_y4m->chroma_type, "420");
116  return 0;
121/*All anti-aliasing filters in the following conversion functions are based on
122   one of two window functions:
123  The 6-tap Lanczos window (for down-sampling and shifts):
124   sinc(\pi*t)*sinc(\pi*t/3), |t|<3  (sinc(t)==sin(t)/t)
125   0,                         |t|>=3
126  The 4-tap Mitchell window (for up-sampling):
127   7|t|^3-12|t|^2+16/3,             |t|<1
128   -(7/3)|x|^3+12|x|^2-20|x|+32/3,  |t|<2
129   0,                               |t|>=2
130  The number of taps is intentionally kept small to reduce computational
131   overhead and limit ringing.
133  The taps from these filters are scaled so that their sum is 1, and the result
134   is scaled by 128 and rounded to integers to create a filter whose
135   intermediate values fit inside 16 bits.
136  Coefficients are rounded in such a way as to ensure their sum is still 128,
137   which is usually equivalent to normal rounding.
139  Conversions which require both horizontal and vertical filtering could
140   have these steps pipelined, for less memory consumption and better cache
141   performance, but we do them separately for simplicity.*/
143#define OC_MINI(_a,_b)      ((_a)>(_b)?(_b):(_a))
144#define OC_MAXI(_a,_b)      ((_a)<(_b)?(_b):(_a))
145#define OC_CLAMPI(_a,_b,_c) (OC_MAXI(_a,OC_MINI(_b,_c)))
147/*420jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
148  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
149  |       |       |       |
150  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
151  |       |       |       |
152  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
153  |       |       |       |
154  |       |       |       |
155  |       |       |       |
156  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
157  |       |       |       |
158  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
159  |       |       |       |
160  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
161  |       |       |       |
162  |       |       |       |
163  |       |       |       |
165  420mpeg2 chroma samples are sited like:
166  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
167  |       |       |       |
168  BR      |       BR      |
169  |       |       |       |
170  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
171  |       |       |       |
172  |       |       |       |
173  |       |       |       |
174  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
175  |       |       |       |
176  BR      |       BR      |
177  |       |       |       |
178  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
179  |       |       |       |
180  |       |       |       |
181  |       |       |       |
183  We use a resampling filter to shift the site locations one quarter pixel (at
184   the chroma plane's resolution) to the right.
185  The 4:2:2 modes look exactly the same, except there are twice as many chroma
186   lines, and they are vertically co-sited with the luma samples in both the
187   mpeg2 and jpeg cases (thus requiring no vertical resampling).*/
188static void y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(unsigned char *_dst,
189                                        const unsigned char *_src, int _c_w, int _c_h) {
190  int y;
191  int x;
192  for (y = 0; y < _c_h; y++) {
193    /*Filter: [4 -17 114 35 -9 1]/128, derived from a 6-tap Lanczos
194       window.*/
195    for (x = 0; x < OC_MINI(_c_w, 2); x++) {
196      _dst[x] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * _src[0] - 17 * _src[OC_MAXI(x - 1, 0)] +
197                                             114 * _src[x] + 35 * _src[OC_MINI(x + 1, _c_w - 1)] - 9 * _src[OC_MINI(x + 2, _c_w - 1)] +
198                                             _src[OC_MINI(x + 3, _c_w - 1)] + 64) >> 7, 255);
199    }
200    for (; x < _c_w - 3; x++) {
201      _dst[x] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * _src[x - 2] - 17 * _src[x - 1] +
202                                             114 * _src[x] + 35 * _src[x + 1] - 9 * _src[x + 2] + _src[x + 3] + 64) >> 7, 255);
203    }
204    for (; x < _c_w; x++) {
205      _dst[x] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * _src[x - 2] - 17 * _src[x - 1] +
206                                             114 * _src[x] + 35 * _src[OC_MINI(x + 1, _c_w - 1)] - 9 * _src[OC_MINI(x + 2, _c_w - 1)] +
207                                             _src[_c_w - 1] + 64) >> 7, 255);
208    }
209    _dst += _c_w;
210    _src += _c_w;
211  }
214/*Handles both 422 and 420mpeg2 to 422jpeg and 420jpeg, respectively.*/
215static void y4m_convert_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
216                                         unsigned char *_aux) {
217  int c_w;
218  int c_h;
219  int c_sz;
220  int pli;
221  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
222  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
223  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
224  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
225  c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
226  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
227  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
228    y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(_dst, _aux, c_w, c_h);
229    _dst += c_sz;
230    _aux += c_sz;
231  }
234/*This format is only used for interlaced content, but is included for
235   completeness.
237  420jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
238  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
239  |       |       |       |
240  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
241  |       |       |       |
242  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
243  |       |       |       |
244  |       |       |       |
245  |       |       |       |
246  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
247  |       |       |       |
248  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
249  |       |       |       |
250  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
251  |       |       |       |
252  |       |       |       |
253  |       |       |       |
255  420paldv chroma samples are sited like:
256  YR------Y-------YR------Y-------
257  |       |       |       |
258  |       |       |       |
259  |       |       |       |
260  YB------Y-------YB------Y-------
261  |       |       |       |
262  |       |       |       |
263  |       |       |       |
264  YR------Y-------YR------Y-------
265  |       |       |       |
266  |       |       |       |
267  |       |       |       |
268  YB------Y-------YB------Y-------
269  |       |       |       |
270  |       |       |       |
271  |       |       |       |
273  We use a resampling filter to shift the site locations one quarter pixel (at
274   the chroma plane's resolution) to the right.
275  Then we use another filter to move the C_r location down one quarter pixel,
276   and the C_b location up one quarter pixel.*/
277static void y4m_convert_42xpaldv_42xjpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
278                                         unsigned char *_aux) {
279  unsigned char *tmp;
280  int            c_w;
281  int            c_h;
282  int            c_sz;
283  int            pli;
284  int            y;
285  int            x;
286  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
287  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
288  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
289  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2;
290  c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
291  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
292  tmp = _aux + 2 * c_sz;
293  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
294    /*First do the horizontal re-sampling.
295      This is the same as the mpeg2 case, except that after the horizontal
296       case, we need to apply a second vertical filter.*/
297    y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(tmp, _aux, c_w, c_h);
298    _aux += c_sz;
299    switch (pli) {
300      case 1: {
301        /*Slide C_b up a quarter-pel.
302          This is the same filter used above, but in the other order.*/
303        for (x = 0; x < c_w; x++) {
304          for (y = 0; y < OC_MINI(c_h, 3); y++) {
305            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (tmp[0]
306                                                         - 9 * tmp[OC_MAXI(y - 2, 0) * c_w] + 35 * tmp[OC_MAXI(y - 1, 0) * c_w]
307                                                         + 114 * tmp[y * c_w] - 17 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 1, c_h - 1) * c_w]
308                                                         + 4 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 2, c_h - 1) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
309          }
310          for (; y < c_h - 2; y++) {
311            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (tmp[(y - 3) * c_w]
312                                                         - 9 * tmp[(y - 2) * c_w] + 35 * tmp[(y - 1) * c_w] + 114 * tmp[y * c_w]
313                                                         - 17 * tmp[(y + 1) * c_w] + 4 * tmp[(y + 2) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
314          }
315          for (; y < c_h; y++) {
316            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (tmp[(y - 3) * c_w]
317                                                         - 9 * tmp[(y - 2) * c_w] + 35 * tmp[(y - 1) * c_w] + 114 * tmp[y * c_w]
318                                                         - 17 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 1, c_h - 1) * c_w] + 4 * tmp[(c_h - 1) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
319          }
320          _dst++;
321          tmp++;
322        }
323        _dst += c_sz - c_w;
324        tmp -= c_w;
325      }
326      break;
327      case 2: {
328        /*Slide C_r down a quarter-pel.
329          This is the same as the horizontal filter.*/
330        for (x = 0; x < c_w; x++) {
331          for (y = 0; y < OC_MINI(c_h, 2); y++) {
332            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * tmp[0]
333                                                         - 17 * tmp[OC_MAXI(y - 1, 0) * c_w] + 114 * tmp[y * c_w]
334                                                         + 35 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 1, c_h - 1) * c_w] - 9 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 2, c_h - 1) * c_w]
335                                                         + tmp[OC_MINI(y + 3, c_h - 1) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
336          }
337          for (; y < c_h - 3; y++) {
338            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * tmp[(y - 2) * c_w]
339                                                         - 17 * tmp[(y - 1) * c_w] + 114 * tmp[y * c_w] + 35 * tmp[(y + 1) * c_w]
340                                                         - 9 * tmp[(y + 2) * c_w] + tmp[(y + 3) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
341          }
342          for (; y < c_h; y++) {
343            _dst[y * c_w] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (4 * tmp[(y - 2) * c_w]
344                                                         - 17 * tmp[(y - 1) * c_w] + 114 * tmp[y * c_w] + 35 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 1, c_h - 1) * c_w]
345                                                         - 9 * tmp[OC_MINI(y + 2, c_h - 1) * c_w] + tmp[(c_h - 1) * c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
346          }
347          _dst++;
348          tmp++;
349        }
350      }
351      break;
352    }
353    /*For actual interlaced material, this would have to be done separately on
354       each field, and the shift amounts would be different.
355      C_r moves down 1/8, C_b up 3/8 in the top field, and C_r moves down 3/8,
356       C_b up 1/8 in the bottom field.
357      The corresponding filters would be:
358       Down 1/8 (reverse order for up): [3 -11 125 15 -4 0]/128
359       Down 3/8 (reverse order for up): [4 -19 98 56 -13 2]/128*/
360  }
363/*Perform vertical filtering to reduce a single plane from 4:2:2 to 4:2:0.
364  This is used as a helper by several converation routines.*/
365static void y4m_422jpeg_420jpeg_helper(unsigned char *_dst,
366                                       const unsigned char *_src, int _c_w, int _c_h) {
367  int y;
368  int x;
369  /*Filter: [3 -17 78 78 -17 3]/128, derived from a 6-tap Lanczos window.*/
370  for (x = 0; x < _c_w; x++) {
371    for (y = 0; y < OC_MINI(_c_h, 2); y += 2) {
372      _dst[(y >> 1)*_c_w] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (64 * _src[0]
373                                          + 78 * _src[OC_MINI(1, _c_h - 1) * _c_w]
374                                          - 17 * _src[OC_MINI(2, _c_h - 1) * _c_w]
375                                          + 3 * _src[OC_MINI(3, _c_h - 1) * _c_w] + 64) >> 7, 255);
376    }
377    for (; y < _c_h - 3; y += 2) {
378      _dst[(y >> 1)*_c_w] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (3 * (_src[(y - 2) * _c_w] + _src[(y + 3) * _c_w])
379                                          - 17 * (_src[(y - 1) * _c_w] + _src[(y + 2) * _c_w])
380                                          + 78 * (_src[y * _c_w] + _src[(y + 1) * _c_w]) + 64) >> 7, 255);
381    }
382    for (; y < _c_h; y += 2) {
383      _dst[(y >> 1)*_c_w] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (3 * (_src[(y - 2) * _c_w]
384                                               + _src[(_c_h - 1) * _c_w]) - 17 * (_src[(y - 1) * _c_w]
385                                                                                  + _src[OC_MINI(y + 2, _c_h - 1) * _c_w])
386                                          + 78 * (_src[y * _c_w] + _src[OC_MINI(y + 1, _c_h - 1) * _c_w]) + 64) >> 7, 255);
387    }
388    _src++;
389    _dst++;
390  }
393/*420jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
394  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
395  |       |       |       |
396  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
397  |       |       |       |
398  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
399  |       |       |       |
400  |       |       |       |
401  |       |       |       |
402  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
403  |       |       |       |
404  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
405  |       |       |       |
406  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
407  |       |       |       |
408  |       |       |       |
409  |       |       |       |
411  422jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
412  Y---BR--Y-------Y---BR--Y-------
413  |       |       |       |
414  |       |       |       |
415  |       |       |       |
416  Y---BR--Y-------Y---BR--Y-------
417  |       |       |       |
418  |       |       |       |
419  |       |       |       |
420  Y---BR--Y-------Y---BR--Y-------
421  |       |       |       |
422  |       |       |       |
423  |       |       |       |
424  Y---BR--Y-------Y---BR--Y-------
425  |       |       |       |
426  |       |       |       |
427  |       |       |       |
429  We use a resampling filter to decimate the chroma planes by two in the
430   vertical direction.*/
431static void y4m_convert_422jpeg_420jpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
432                                        unsigned char *_aux) {
433  int c_w;
434  int c_h;
435  int c_sz;
436  int dst_c_w;
437  int dst_c_h;
438  int dst_c_sz;
439  int pli;
440  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
441  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
442  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
443  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->src_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
444  c_h = _y4m->pic_h;
445  dst_c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
446  dst_c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
447  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
448  dst_c_sz = dst_c_w * dst_c_h;
449  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
450    y4m_422jpeg_420jpeg_helper(_dst, _aux, c_w, c_h);
451    _aux += c_sz;
452    _dst += dst_c_sz;
453  }
456/*420jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
457  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
458  |       |       |       |
459  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
460  |       |       |       |
461  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
462  |       |       |       |
463  |       |       |       |
464  |       |       |       |
465  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
466  |       |       |       |
467  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
468  |       |       |       |
469  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
470  |       |       |       |
471  |       |       |       |
472  |       |       |       |
474  422 chroma samples are sited like:
475  YBR-----Y-------YBR-----Y-------
476  |       |       |       |
477  |       |       |       |
478  |       |       |       |
479  YBR-----Y-------YBR-----Y-------
480  |       |       |       |
481  |       |       |       |
482  |       |       |       |
483  YBR-----Y-------YBR-----Y-------
484  |       |       |       |
485  |       |       |       |
486  |       |       |       |
487  YBR-----Y-------YBR-----Y-------
488  |       |       |       |
489  |       |       |       |
490  |       |       |       |
492  We use a resampling filter to shift the original site locations one quarter
493   pixel (at the original chroma resolution) to the right.
494  Then we use a second resampling filter to decimate the chroma planes by two
495   in the vertical direction.*/
496static void y4m_convert_422_420jpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
497                                    unsigned char *_aux) {
498  unsigned char *tmp;
499  int            c_w;
500  int            c_h;
501  int            c_sz;
502  int            dst_c_h;
503  int            dst_c_sz;
504  int            pli;
505  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
506  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
507  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
508  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->src_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
509  c_h = _y4m->pic_h;
510  dst_c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
511  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
512  dst_c_sz = c_w * dst_c_h;
513  tmp = _aux + 2 * c_sz;
514  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
515    /*In reality, the horizontal and vertical steps could be pipelined, for
516       less memory consumption and better cache performance, but we do them
517       separately for simplicity.*/
518    /*First do horizontal filtering (convert to 422jpeg)*/
519    y4m_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg_helper(tmp, _aux, c_w, c_h);
520    /*Now do the vertical filtering.*/
521    y4m_422jpeg_420jpeg_helper(_dst, tmp, c_w, c_h);
522    _aux += c_sz;
523    _dst += dst_c_sz;
524  }
527/*420jpeg chroma samples are sited like:
528  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
529  |       |       |       |
530  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
531  |       |       |       |
532  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
533  |       |       |       |
534  |       |       |       |
535  |       |       |       |
536  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
537  |       |       |       |
538  |   BR  |       |   BR  |
539  |       |       |       |
540  Y-------Y-------Y-------Y-------
541  |       |       |       |
542  |       |       |       |
543  |       |       |       |
545  411 chroma samples are sited like:
546  YBR-----Y-------Y-------Y-------
547  |       |       |       |
548  |       |       |       |
549  |       |       |       |
550  YBR-----Y-------Y-------Y-------
551  |       |       |       |
552  |       |       |       |
553  |       |       |       |
554  YBR-----Y-------Y-------Y-------
555  |       |       |       |
556  |       |       |       |
557  |       |       |       |
558  YBR-----Y-------Y-------Y-------
559  |       |       |       |
560  |       |       |       |
561  |       |       |       |
563  We use a filter to resample at site locations one eighth pixel (at the source
564   chroma plane's horizontal resolution) and five eighths of a pixel to the
565   right.
566  Then we use another filter to decimate the planes by 2 in the vertical
567   direction.*/
568static void y4m_convert_411_420jpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
569                                    unsigned char *_aux) {
570  unsigned char *tmp;
571  int            c_w;
572  int            c_h;
573  int            c_sz;
574  int            dst_c_w;
575  int            dst_c_h;
576  int            dst_c_sz;
577  int            tmp_sz;
578  int            pli;
579  int            y;
580  int            x;
581  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
582  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
583  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
584  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->src_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
585  c_h = _y4m->pic_h;
586  dst_c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
587  dst_c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
588  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
589  dst_c_sz = dst_c_w * dst_c_h;
590  tmp_sz = dst_c_w * c_h;
591  tmp = _aux + 2 * c_sz;
592  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
593    /*In reality, the horizontal and vertical steps could be pipelined, for
594       less memory consumption and better cache performance, but we do them
595       separately for simplicity.*/
596    /*First do horizontal filtering (convert to 422jpeg)*/
597    for (y = 0; y < c_h; y++) {
598      /*Filters: [1 110 18 -1]/128 and [-3 50 86 -5]/128, both derived from a
599         4-tap Mitchell window.*/
600      for (x = 0; x < OC_MINI(c_w, 1); x++) {
601        tmp[x << 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (111 * _aux[0]
602                                                   + 18 * _aux[OC_MINI(1, c_w - 1)] - _aux[OC_MINI(2, c_w - 1)] + 64) >> 7, 255);
603        tmp[x << 1 | 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (47 * _aux[0]
604                                                       + 86 * _aux[OC_MINI(1, c_w - 1)] - 5 * _aux[OC_MINI(2, c_w - 1)] + 64) >> 7, 255);
605      }
606      for (; x < c_w - 2; x++) {
607        tmp[x << 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (_aux[x - 1] + 110 * _aux[x]
608                                                   + 18 * _aux[x + 1] - _aux[x + 2] + 64) >> 7, 255);
609        tmp[x << 1 | 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (-3 * _aux[x - 1] + 50 * _aux[x]
610                                                       + 86 * _aux[x + 1] - 5 * _aux[x + 2] + 64) >> 7, 255);
611      }
612      for (; x < c_w; x++) {
613        tmp[x << 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (_aux[x - 1] + 110 * _aux[x]
614                                                   + 18 * _aux[OC_MINI(x + 1, c_w - 1)] - _aux[c_w - 1] + 64) >> 7, 255);
615        if ((x << 1 | 1) < dst_c_w) {
616          tmp[x << 1 | 1] = (unsigned char)OC_CLAMPI(0, (-3 * _aux[x - 1] + 50 * _aux[x]
617                                                         + 86 * _aux[OC_MINI(x + 1, c_w - 1)] - 5 * _aux[c_w - 1] + 64) >> 7, 255);
618        }
619      }
620      tmp += dst_c_w;
621      _aux += c_w;
622    }
623    tmp -= tmp_sz;
624    /*Now do the vertical filtering.*/
625    y4m_422jpeg_420jpeg_helper(_dst, tmp, dst_c_w, c_h);
626    _dst += dst_c_sz;
627  }
630/*Convert 444 to 420jpeg.*/
631static void y4m_convert_444_420jpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
632                                    unsigned char *_aux) {
633  unsigned char *tmp;
634  int            c_w;
635  int            c_h;
636  int            c_sz;
637  int            dst_c_w;
638  int            dst_c_h;
639  int            dst_c_sz;
640  int            tmp_sz;
641  int            pli;
642  int            y;
643  int            x;
644  /*Skip past the luma data.*/
645  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
646  /*Compute the size of each chroma plane.*/
647  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->src_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
648  c_h = _y4m->pic_h;
649  dst_c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
650  dst_c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
651  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
652  dst_c_sz = dst_c_w * dst_c_h;
653  tmp_sz = dst_c_w * c_h;
654  tmp = _aux + 2 * c_sz;
655  for (pli = 1; pli < 3; pli++) {
656    /*Filter: [3 -17 78 78 -17 3]/128, derived from a 6-tap Lanczos window.*/
657    for (y = 0; y < c_h; y++) {
658      for (x = 0; x < OC_MINI(c_w, 2); x += 2) {
659        tmp[x >> 1] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (64 * _aux[0] + 78 * _aux[OC_MINI(1, c_w - 1)]
660                                    - 17 * _aux[OC_MINI(2, c_w - 1)]
661                                    + 3 * _aux[OC_MINI(3, c_w - 1)] + 64) >> 7, 255);
662      }
663      for (; x < c_w - 3; x += 2) {
664        tmp[x >> 1] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (3 * (_aux[x - 2] + _aux[x + 3])
665                                    - 17 * (_aux[x - 1] + _aux[x + 2]) + 78 * (_aux[x] + _aux[x + 1]) + 64) >> 7, 255);
666      }
667      for (; x < c_w; x += 2) {
668        tmp[x >> 1] = OC_CLAMPI(0, (3 * (_aux[x - 2] + _aux[c_w - 1]) -
669                                    17 * (_aux[x - 1] + _aux[OC_MINI(x + 2, c_w - 1)]) +
670                                    78 * (_aux[x] + _aux[OC_MINI(x + 1, c_w - 1)]) + 64) >> 7, 255);
671      }
672      tmp += dst_c_w;
673      _aux += c_w;
674    }
675    tmp -= tmp_sz;
676    /*Now do the vertical filtering.*/
677    y4m_422jpeg_420jpeg_helper(_dst, tmp, dst_c_w, c_h);
678    _dst += dst_c_sz;
679  }
682/*The image is padded with empty chroma components at 4:2:0.*/
683static void y4m_convert_mono_420jpeg(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
684                                     unsigned char *_aux) {
685  int c_sz;
686  (void)_aux;
687  _dst += _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
688  c_sz = ((_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h) *
689         ((_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v);
690  memset(_dst, 128, c_sz * 2);
693/*No conversion function needed.*/
694static void y4m_convert_null(y4m_input *_y4m, unsigned char *_dst,
695                             unsigned char *_aux) {
696  (void)_y4m;
697  (void)_dst;
698  (void)_aux;
701int y4m_input_open(y4m_input *_y4m, FILE *_fin, char *_skip, int _nskip,
702                   int only_420) {
703  char buffer[80] = {0};
704  int  ret;
705  int  i;
706  /*Read until newline, or 80 cols, whichever happens first.*/
707  for (i = 0; i < 79; i++) {
708    if (_nskip > 0) {
709      buffer[i] = *_skip++;
710      _nskip--;
711    } else {
712      if (!file_read(buffer + i, 1, _fin)) return -1;
713    }
714    if (buffer[i] == '\n')break;
715  }
716  /*We skipped too much header data.*/
717  if (_nskip > 0)return -1;
718  if (i == 79) {
719    fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing header; not a YUV2MPEG2 file?\n");
720    return -1;
721  }
722  buffer[i] = '\0';
723  if (memcmp(buffer, "YUV4MPEG", 8)) {
724    fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete magic for YUV4MPEG file.\n");
725    return -1;
726  }
727  if (buffer[8] != '2') {
728    fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect YUV input file version; YUV4MPEG2 required.\n");
729  }
730  ret = y4m_parse_tags(_y4m, buffer + 5);
731  if (ret < 0) {
732    fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing YUV4MPEG2 header.\n");
733    return ret;
734  }
735  if (_y4m->interlace == '?') {
736    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Input video interlacing format unknown; "
737            "assuming progressive scan.\n");
738  } else if (_y4m->interlace != 'p') {
739    fprintf(stderr, "Input video is interlaced; "
740            "Only progressive scan handled.\n");
741    return -1;
742  }
743  _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I420;
744  _y4m->bps = 12;
745  _y4m->bit_depth = 8;
746  if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420") == 0 ||
747      strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420jpeg") == 0) {
748    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_v = _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
749    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h
750                            + 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2);
751    /* Natively supported: no conversion required. */
752    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
753    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
754  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420p10") == 0) {
755    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 2;
756    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
757    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 2;
758    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
759    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * (_y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h +
760                                 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) *
761                                 ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2));
762    /* Natively supported: no conversion required. */
763    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
764    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
765    _y4m->bit_depth = 10;
766    _y4m->bps = 15;
767    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016;
768    if (only_420) {
769      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 420p10 to 420jpeg\n");
770      return -1;
771    }
772  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420p12") == 0) {
773    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 2;
774    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
775    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 2;
776    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
777    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * (_y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h +
778                                 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) *
779                                 ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2));
780    /* Natively supported: no conversion required. */
781    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
782    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
783    _y4m->bit_depth = 12;
784    _y4m->bps = 18;
785    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016;
786    if (only_420) {
787      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 420p12 to 420jpeg\n");
788      return -1;
789    }
790  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420mpeg2") == 0) {
791    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_v = _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
792    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
793    /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.*/
794    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz =
795                         2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2);
796    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_42xmpeg2_42xjpeg;
797  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "420paldv") == 0) {
798    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_v = _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
799    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
800    /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.
801      We need to make two filter passes, so we need some extra space in the
802       aux buffer.*/
803    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = 3 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2);
804    _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * ((_y4m->pic_h + 1) / 2);
805    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_42xpaldv_42xjpeg;
806  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "422jpeg") == 0) {
807    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
808    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
809    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
810    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
811    /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.*/
812    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
813    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_422jpeg_420jpeg;
814  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "422") == 0) {
815    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 2;
816    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
817    if (only_420) {
818      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
819      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
820      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
821      /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.
822        We need to make two filter passes, so we need some extra space in the
823         aux buffer.*/
824      _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
825      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz +
826          ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
827      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_422_420jpeg;
828    } else {
829      _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I422;
830      _y4m->bps = 16;
831      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
832      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
833      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h
834                              + 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
835      /*Natively supported: no conversion required.*/
836      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
837      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
838    }
839  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "422p10") == 0) {
840    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 2;
841    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
842    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I42216;
843    _y4m->bps = 20;
844    _y4m->bit_depth = 10;
845    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
846    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
847    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * (_y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h +
848                                 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h);
849    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
850    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
851    if (only_420) {
852      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 422p10 to 420jpeg\n");
853      return -1;
854    }
855  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "422p12") == 0) {
856    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 2;
857    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
858    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I42216;
859    _y4m->bps = 24;
860    _y4m->bit_depth = 12;
861    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
862    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
863    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * (_y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h +
864                                 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h);
865    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
866    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
867    if (only_420) {
868      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 422p12 to 420jpeg\n");
869      return -1;
870    }
871  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "411") == 0) {
872    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 4;
873    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
874    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
875    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
876    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
877    /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.
878      We need to make two filter passes, so we need some extra space in the
879       aux buffer.*/
880    _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + 3) / 4) * _y4m->pic_h;
881    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz + ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
882    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_411_420jpeg;
883  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "444") == 0) {
884    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 1;
885    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
886    if (only_420) {
887      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
888      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
889      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
890      /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.
891        We need to make two filter passes, so we need some extra space in the
892         aux buffer.*/
893      _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 2 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
894      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz +
895          ((_y4m->pic_w + 1) / 2) * _y4m->pic_h;
896      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_444_420jpeg;
897    } else {
898      _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I444;
899      _y4m->bps = 24;
900      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
901      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
902      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 3 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
903      /*Natively supported: no conversion required.*/
904      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
905      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
906    }
907  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "444p10") == 0) {
908    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 1;
909    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
910    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I44416;
911    _y4m->bps = 30;
912    _y4m->bit_depth = 10;
913    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
914    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
915    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * 3 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
916    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
917    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
918    if (only_420) {
919      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 444p10 to 420jpeg\n");
920      return -1;
921    }
922  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "444p12") == 0) {
923    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 1;
924    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
925    _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_I44416;
926    _y4m->bps = 36;
927    _y4m->bit_depth = 12;
928    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
929    _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
930    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 2 * 3 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
931    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
932    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
933    if (only_420) {
934      fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported conversion from 444p12 to 420jpeg\n");
935      return -1;
936    }
937  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "444alpha") == 0) {
938    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = 1;
939    _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 1;
940    if (only_420) {
941      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = 2;
942      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
943      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
944      /*Chroma filter required: read into the aux buf first.
945        We need to make two filter passes, so we need some extra space in the
946         aux buffer.
947        The extra plane also gets read into the aux buf.
948        It will be discarded.*/
949      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 3 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
950      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_444_420jpeg;
951    } else {
952      _y4m->vpx_fmt = VPX_IMG_FMT_444A;
953      _y4m->bps = 32;
954      _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_h;
955      _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = _y4m->src_c_dec_v;
956      _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = 4 * _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
957      /*Natively supported: no conversion required.*/
958      _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
959      _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_null;
960    }
961  } else if (strcmp(_y4m->chroma_type, "mono") == 0) {
962    _y4m->src_c_dec_h = _y4m->src_c_dec_v = 0;
963    _y4m->dst_c_dec_h = _y4m->dst_c_dec_v = 2;
964    _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h;
965    /*No extra space required, but we need to clear the chroma planes.*/
966    _y4m->aux_buf_sz = _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz = 0;
967    _y4m->convert = y4m_convert_mono_420jpeg;
968  } else {
969    fprintf(stderr, "Unknown chroma sampling type: %s\n", _y4m->chroma_type);
970    return -1;
971  }
972  /*The size of the final frame buffers is always computed from the
973     destination chroma decimation type.*/
974  _y4m->dst_buf_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h
975                     + 2 * ((_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h) *
976                     ((_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v);
977  if (_y4m->bit_depth == 8)
978    _y4m->dst_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(_y4m->dst_buf_sz);
979  else
980    _y4m->dst_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(2 * _y4m->dst_buf_sz);
982  if (_y4m->aux_buf_sz > 0)
983    _y4m->aux_buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(_y4m->aux_buf_sz);
984  return 0;
987void y4m_input_close(y4m_input *_y4m) {
988  free(_y4m->dst_buf);
989  free(_y4m->aux_buf);
992int y4m_input_fetch_frame(y4m_input *_y4m, FILE *_fin, vpx_image_t *_img) {
993  char frame[6];
994  int  pic_sz;
995  int  c_w;
996  int  c_h;
997  int  c_sz;
998  int  bytes_per_sample = _y4m->bit_depth > 8 ? 2 : 1;
999  /*Read and skip the frame header.*/
1000  if (!file_read(frame, 6, _fin)) return 0;
1001  if (memcmp(frame, "FRAME", 5)) {
1002    fprintf(stderr, "Loss of framing in Y4M input data\n");
1003    return -1;
1004  }
1005  if (frame[5] != '\n') {
1006    char c;
1007    int  j;
1008    for (j = 0; j < 79 && file_read(&c, 1, _fin) && c != '\n'; j++) {}
1009    if (j == 79) {
1010      fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing Y4M frame header\n");
1011      return -1;
1012    }
1013  }
1014  /*Read the frame data that needs no conversion.*/
1015  if (!file_read(_y4m->dst_buf, _y4m->dst_buf_read_sz, _fin)) {
1016    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading Y4M frame data.\n");
1017    return -1;
1018  }
1019  /*Read the frame data that does need conversion.*/
1020  if (!file_read(_y4m->aux_buf, _y4m->aux_buf_read_sz, _fin)) {
1021    fprintf(stderr, "Error reading Y4M frame data.\n");
1022    return -1;
1023  }
1024  /*Now convert the just read frame.*/
1025  (*_y4m->convert)(_y4m, _y4m->dst_buf, _y4m->aux_buf);
1026  /*Fill in the frame buffer pointers.
1027    We don't use vpx_img_wrap() because it forces padding for odd picture
1028     sizes, which would require a separate fread call for every row.*/
1029  memset(_img, 0, sizeof(*_img));
1030  /*Y4M has the planes in Y'CbCr order, which libvpx calls Y, U, and V.*/
1031  _img->fmt = _y4m->vpx_fmt;
1032  _img->w = _img->d_w = _y4m->pic_w;
1033  _img->h = _img->d_h = _y4m->pic_h;
1034  _img->x_chroma_shift = _y4m->dst_c_dec_h >> 1;
1035  _img->y_chroma_shift = _y4m->dst_c_dec_v >> 1;
1036  _img->bps = _y4m->bps;
1038  /*Set up the buffer pointers.*/
1039  pic_sz = _y4m->pic_w * _y4m->pic_h * bytes_per_sample;
1040  c_w = (_y4m->pic_w + _y4m->dst_c_dec_h - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_h;
1041  c_w *= bytes_per_sample;
1042  c_h = (_y4m->pic_h + _y4m->dst_c_dec_v - 1) / _y4m->dst_c_dec_v;
1043  c_sz = c_w * c_h;
1044  _img->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] = _img->stride[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] =
1045      _y4m->pic_w * bytes_per_sample;
1046  _img->stride[VPX_PLANE_U] = _img->stride[VPX_PLANE_V] = c_w;
1047  _img->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y] = _y4m->dst_buf;
1048  _img->planes[VPX_PLANE_U] = _y4m->dst_buf + pic_sz;
1049  _img->planes[VPX_PLANE_V] = _y4m->dst_buf + pic_sz + c_sz;
1050  _img->planes[VPX_PLANE_ALPHA] = _y4m->dst_buf + pic_sz + 2 * c_sz;
1051  return 1;