revision 1dae6f39248e38ac84fc20c8b4c26e11bfcc19b7
4# Be sure to add the python path that points to the LLDB shared library.
6# To use this in the embedded python interpreter using "lldb":
8#   cd /path/containing/
9#   lldb
10#   (lldb) script import crashlog
11#   "crashlog" command installed, type "crashlog --help" for detailed help
12#   (lldb) crashlog ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash
14# The benefit of running the crashlog command inside lldb in the
15# embedded python interpreter is when the command completes, there
16# will be a target with all of the files loaded at the locations
17# described in the crash log. Only the files that have stack frames
18# in the backtrace will be loaded unless the "--load-all" option
19# has been specified. This allows users to explore the program in the
20# state it was in right at crash time.
22# On MacOSX csh, tcsh:
23#   ( setenv PYTHONPATH /path/to/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python ; ./ ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash )
25# On MacOSX sh, bash:
26#   PYTHONPATH=/path/to/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python ./ ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/a.crash
29import lldb
30import commands
31import optparse
32import os
33import plistlib
34import re
35import shlex
36import sys
37import time
38import uuid
40class Address:
41    """Class that represents an address that will be symbolicated"""
42    def __init__(self, target, load_addr):
43 = target
44        self.load_addr = load_addr # The load address that this object represents
45        self.so_addr = None # the resolved lldb.SBAddress (if any), named so_addr for section/offset address
46        self.sym_ctx = None # The cached symbol context for this address
47        self.description = None # Any original textual description of this address to be used as a backup in case symbolication fails
48        self.symbolication = None # The cached symbolicated string that describes this address
49        self.inlined = False
50    def __str__(self):
51        s = "%#16.16x" % (self.load_addr)
52        if self.symbolication:
53            s += " %s" % (self.symbolication)
54        elif self.description:
55            s += " %s" % (self.description)
56        elif self.so_addr:
57            s += " %s" % (self.so_addr)
58        return s
60    def resolve_addr(self):
61        if self.so_addr == None:
62            self.so_addr = (self.load_addr)
63        return self.so_addr
65    def is_inlined(self):
66        return self.inlined
68    def get_symbol_context(self):
69        if self.sym_ctx == None:
70            sb_addr = self.resolve_addr()
71            if sb_addr:
72                self.sym_ctx = (sb_addr, lldb.eSymbolContextEverything)
73            else:
74                self.sym_ctx = lldb.SBSymbolContext()
75        return self.sym_ctx
77    def get_instructions(self):
78        sym_ctx = self.get_symbol_context()
79        if sym_ctx:
80            function = sym_ctx.GetFunction()
81            if function:
82                return function.GetInstructions(
83            return sym_ctx.GetSymbol().GetInstructions(
84        return None
86    def symbolicate(self):
87        if self.symbolication == None:
88            self.symbolication = ''
89            self.inlined = False
90            sym_ctx = self.get_symbol_context()
91            if sym_ctx:
92                module = sym_ctx.GetModule()
93                if module:
94                    self.symbolication += module.GetFileSpec().GetFilename() + '`'
95                    function_start_load_addr = -1
96                    function = sym_ctx.GetFunction()
97                    block = sym_ctx.GetBlock()
98                    line_entry = sym_ctx.GetLineEntry()
99                    symbol = sym_ctx.GetSymbol()
100                    inlined_block = block.GetContainingInlinedBlock();
101                    if function:
102                        self.symbolication += function.GetName()
104                        if inlined_block:
105                            self.inlined = True
106                            self.symbolication += ' [inlined] ' + inlined_block.GetInlinedName();
107                            block_range_idx = inlined_block.GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress (self.so_addr)
108                            if block_range_idx < lldb.UINT32_MAX:
109                                block_range_start_addr = inlined_block.GetRangeStartAddress (block_range_idx)
110                                function_start_load_addr = block_range_start_addr.GetLoadAddress (
111                        if function_start_load_addr == -1:
112                            function_start_load_addr = function.GetStartAddress().GetLoadAddress (
113                    elif symbol:
114                        self.symbolication += symbol.GetName()
115                        function_start_load_addr = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetLoadAddress (
116                    else:
117                        self.symbolication = ''
118                        return False
120                    # Dump the offset from the current function or symbol if it is non zero
121                    function_offset = self.load_addr - function_start_load_addr
122                    if function_offset > 0:
123                        self.symbolication += " + %u" % (function_offset)
124                    elif function_offset < 0:
125                        self.symbolication += " %i (invalid negative offset, file a bug) " % function_offset
127                    # Print out any line information if any is available
128                    if line_entry.GetFileSpec():
129                            self.symbolication += ' at %s' % line_entry.GetFileSpec().GetFilename()
130                            self.symbolication += ':%u' % line_entry.GetLine ()
131                            column = line_entry.GetColumn()
132                            if column > 0:
133                                self.symbolication += ':%u' % column
134                    return True
135        return False
137class Section:
138    """Class that represents an load address range"""
139    sect_info_regex = re.compile('(?P<name>[^=]+)=(?P<range>.*)')
140    addr_regex = re.compile('^\s*(?P<start>0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*$')
141    range_regex = re.compile('^\s*(?P<start>0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*(?P<op>[-+])\s*(?P<end>0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*$')
143    def __init__(self, start_addr = None, end_addr = None, name = None):
144        self.start_addr = start_addr
145        self.end_addr = end_addr
146 = name
148    def contains(self, addr):
149        return self.start_addr <= addr and addr < self.end_addr;
151    def set_from_string(self, s):
152        match = self.sect_info_regex.match (s)
153        if match:
154   ='name')
155            range_str ='range')
156            addr_match = self.addr_regex.match(range_str)
157            if addr_match:
158                self.start_addr = int('start'), 16)
159                self.end_addr = None
160                return True
162            range_match = self.range_regex.match(range_str)
163            if range_match:
164                self.start_addr = int('start'), 16)
165                self.end_addr = int('end'), 16)
166                op ='op')
167                if op == '+':
168                    self.end_addr += self.start_addr
169                return True
170        print 'error: invalid section info string "%s"' % s
171        print 'Valid section info formats are:'
172        print 'Format                Example                    Description'
173        print '--------------------- -----------------------------------------------'
174        print '<name>=<base>        __TEXT=0x123000             Section from base address only'
175        print '<name>=<base>-<end>  __TEXT=0x123000-0x124000    Section from base address and end address'
176        print '<name>=<base>+<size> __TEXT=0x123000+0x1000      Section from base address and size'
177        return False
179    def __str__(self):
180        if
181            if self.end_addr != None:
182                if self.start_addr != None:
183                    return "%s=[0x%16.16x - 0x%16.16x)" % (, self.start_addr, self.end_addr)
184            else:
185                if self.start_addr != None:
186                    return "%s=0x%16.16x" % (, self.start_addr)
187            return
188        return "<invalid>"
190class Image:
191    """A class that represents an executable image and any associated data"""
193    def __init__(self, path, uuid = None):
194        self.path = path
195        self.resolved_path = None
196        self.uuid = uuid
197        self.section_infos = list()
198        self.identifier = None
199        self.version = None
200        self.arch = None
201        self.module = None
202        self.symfile = None
203        self.slide = None
205    def dump(self, prefix):
206        print "%s%s" % (prefix, self)
208    def __str__(self):
209        s = "%s %s" % (self.get_uuid(), self.get_resolved_path())
210        for section_info in self.section_infos:
211            s += ", %s" % (section_info)
212        if self.slide != None:
213            s += ', slide = 0x%16.16x' % self.slide
214        return s
216    def add_section(self, section):
217        #print "added '%s' to '%s'" % (section, self.path)
218        self.section_infos.append (section)
220    def get_section_containing_load_addr (self, load_addr):
221        for section_info in self.section_infos:
222            if section_info.contains(load_addr):
223                return section_info
224        return None
226    def get_resolved_path(self):
227        if self.resolved_path:
228            return self.resolved_path
229        elif self.path:
230            return self.path
231        return None
233    def get_resolved_path_basename(self):
234        path = self.get_resolved_path()
235        if path:
236            return os.path.basename(path)
237        return None
239    def symfile_basename(self):
240        if self.symfile:
241            return os.path.basename(self.symfile)
242        return None
244    def has_section_load_info(self):
245        return self.section_infos or self.slide != None
247    def load_module(self, target):
248        # Load this module into "target" using the section infos to
249        # set the section load addresses
250        if self.has_section_load_info():
251            if target:
252                if self.module:
253                    if self.section_infos:
254                        num_sections_loaded = 0
255                        for section_info in self.section_infos:
256                            if
257                                section = self.module.FindSection (
258                                if section:
259                                    error = target.SetSectionLoadAddress (section, section_info.start_addr)
260                                    if error.Success():
261                                        num_sections_loaded += 1
262                                    else:
263                                        return 'error: %s' % error.GetCString()
264                                else:
265                                    return 'error: unable to find the section named "%s"' %
266                            else:
267                                return 'error: unable to find "%s" section in "%s"' % (, self.get_resolved_path())
268                        if num_sections_loaded == 0:
269                            return 'error: no sections were successfully loaded'
270                    else:
271                        err = target.SetModuleLoadAddress(self.module, self.slide)
272                        if err.Fail():
273                            return err.GetCString()
274                    return None
275                else:
276                    return 'error: invalid module'
277            else:
278                return 'error: invalid target'
279        else:
280            return 'error: no section infos'
282    def add_module(self, target):
283        '''Add the Image described in this object to "target" and load the sections if "load" is True.'''
284        if target:
285            # Try and find using UUID only first so that paths need not match up
286            if self.uuid:
287                self.module = target.AddModule (None, None, str(self.uuid))
288            if not self.module:
289                self.locate_module_and_debug_symbols ()
290                resolved_path = self.get_resolved_path()
291                self.module = target.AddModule (resolved_path, self.arch, self.uuid)#, self.symfile)
292            if not self.module:
293                return 'error: unable to get module for (%s) "%s"' % (self.arch, self.get_resolved_path())
294            if self.has_section_load_info():
295                return self.load_module(target)
296            else:
297                return None # No sections, the module was added to the target, so success
298        else:
299            return 'error: invalid target'
301    def locate_module_and_debug_symbols (self):
302        # By default, just use the paths that were supplied in:
303        # self.path
304        # self.resolved_path
305        # self.module
306        # self.symfile
307        # Subclasses can inherit from this class and override this function
308        return True
310    def get_uuid(self):
311        if not self.uuid:
312            self.uuid = uuid.UUID(self.module.GetUUIDString())
313        return self.uuid
315    def create_target(self):
316        '''Create a target using the information in this Image object.'''
317        if self.locate_module_and_debug_symbols ():
318            resolved_path = self.get_resolved_path();
319            path_spec = lldb.SBFileSpec (resolved_path)
320            #result.PutCString ('plist[%s] = %s' % (uuid, self.plist))
321            error = lldb.SBError()
322            target = lldb.debugger.CreateTarget (resolved_path, self.arch, None, False, error);
323            if target:
324                self.module = target.FindModule(path_spec)
325                if self.has_section_load_info():
326                    err = self.load_module(target)
327                    if err:
328                        print 'ERROR: ', err
329                return target
330            else:
331                print 'error: unable to create a valid target for (%s) "%s"' % (self.arch, self.path)
332        else:
333            print 'error: unable to locate main executable (%s) "%s"' % (self.arch, self.path)
334        return None
336class Symbolicator:
338    def __init__(self):
339        """A class the represents the information needed to symbolicate addresses in a program"""
340 = None
341        self.images = list() # a list of images to be used when symbolicating
344    def __str__(self):
345        s = "Symbolicator:\n"
346        if
347            s += "Target = '%s'\n" % (
348            s += "Target modules:'\n"
349            for m in
350                print m
351        s += "Images:\n"
352        for image in self.images:
353            s += '    %s\n' % (image)
354        return s
356    def find_images_with_identifier(self, identifier):
357        images = list()
358        for image in self.images:
359            if image.identifier == identifier:
360                images.append(image)
361        return images
363    def find_image_containing_load_addr(self, load_addr):
364        for image in self.images:
365            if image.contains_addr (load_addr):
366                return image
367        return None
369    def create_target(self):
370        if
371            return
373        if self.images:
374            for image in self.images:
375       = image.create_target ()
376                if
377                    return
378        return None
380    def symbolicate(self, load_addr):
381        if
382            symbolicated_address = Address(, load_addr)
383            if symbolicated_address.symbolicate ():
385                if symbolicated_address.so_addr:
386                    symbolicated_addresses = list()
387                    symbolicated_addresses.append(symbolicated_address)
388                    # See if we were able to reconstruct anything?
389                    while 1:
390                        inlined_parent_so_addr = lldb.SBAddress()
391                        inlined_parent_sym_ctx = symbolicated_address.sym_ctx.GetParentOfInlinedScope (symbolicated_address.so_addr, inlined_parent_so_addr)
392                        if not inlined_parent_sym_ctx:
393                            break
394                        if not inlined_parent_so_addr:
395                            break
397                        symbolicated_address = Address(, inlined_parent_so_addr.GetLoadAddress(
398                        symbolicated_address.sym_ctx = inlined_parent_sym_ctx
399                        symbolicated_address.so_addr = inlined_parent_so_addr
400                        symbolicated_address.symbolicate ()
402                        # push the new frame onto the new frame stack
403                        symbolicated_addresses.append (symbolicated_address)
405                    if symbolicated_addresses:
406                        return symbolicated_addresses
407        return None
410def disassemble_instructions (target, instructions, pc, insts_before_pc, insts_after_pc, non_zeroeth_frame):
411    lines = list()
412    pc_index = -1
413    comment_column = 50
414    for inst_idx, inst in enumerate(instructions):
415        inst_pc = inst.GetAddress().GetLoadAddress(target);
416        if pc == inst_pc:
417            pc_index = inst_idx
418        mnemonic = inst.GetMnemonic (target)
419        operands =  inst.GetOperands (target)
420        comment =  inst.GetComment (target)
421        #data = inst.GetData (target)
422        lines.append ("%#16.16x: %8s %s" % (inst_pc, mnemonic, operands))
423        if comment:
424            line_len = len(lines[-1])
425            if line_len < comment_column:
426                lines[-1] += ' ' * (comment_column - line_len)
427                lines[-1] += "; %s" % comment
429    if pc_index >= 0:
430        # If we are disassembling the non-zeroeth frame, we need to backup the PC by 1
431        if non_zeroeth_frame and pc_index > 0:
432            pc_index = pc_index - 1
433        if insts_before_pc == -1:
434            start_idx = 0
435        else:
436            start_idx = pc_index - insts_before_pc
437        if start_idx < 0:
438            start_idx = 0
439        if insts_before_pc == -1:
440            end_idx = inst_idx
441        else:
442            end_idx = pc_index + insts_after_pc
443        if end_idx > inst_idx:
444            end_idx = inst_idx
445        for i in range(start_idx, end_idx+1):
446            if i == pc_index:
447                print ' -> ', lines[i]
448            else:
449                print '    ', lines[i]
451def print_module_section_data (section):
452    print section
453    section_data = section.GetSectionData()
454    if section_data:
455        ostream = lldb.SBStream()
456        section_data.GetDescription (ostream, section.GetFileAddress())
457        print ostream.GetData()
459def print_module_section (section, depth):
460    print section
461    if depth > 0:
462        num_sub_sections = section.GetNumSubSections()
463        for sect_idx in range(num_sub_sections):
464            print_module_section (section.GetSubSectionAtIndex(sect_idx), depth - 1)
466def print_module_sections (module, depth):
467    for sect in module.section_iter():
468        print_module_section (sect, depth)
470def print_module_symbols (module):
471    for sym in module:
472        print sym
474def Symbolicate(command_args):
476    usage = "usage: %prog [options] <addr1> [addr2 ...]"
477    description='''Symbolicate one or more addresses using LLDB's python scripting API..'''
478    parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='',usage=usage)
479    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
480    parser.add_option('-p', '--platform', type='string', metavar='platform', dest='platform', help='specify one platform by name')
481    parser.add_option('-f', '--file', type='string', metavar='file', dest='file', help='Specify a file to use when symbolicating')
482    parser.add_option('-a', '--arch', type='string', metavar='arch', dest='arch', help='Specify a architecture to use when symbolicating')
483    parser.add_option('-s', '--slide', type='int', metavar='slide', dest='slide', help='Specify the slide to use on the file specified with the --file option', default=None)
484    parser.add_option('--section', type='string', action='append', dest='section_strings', help='specify <sect-name>=<start-addr> or <sect-name>=<start-addr>-<end-addr>')
485    try:
486        (options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
487    except:
488        return
489    symbolicator = Symbolicator()
490    images = list();
491    if options.file:
492        image = Image(options.file);
493        image.arch = options.arch
494        # Add any sections that were specified with one or more --section options
495        if options.section_strings:
496            for section_str in options.section_strings:
497                section = Section()
498                if section.set_from_string (section_str):
499                    image.add_section (section)
500                else:
501                    sys.exit(1)
502        if options.slide != None:
503            image.slide = options.slide
504        symbolicator.images.append(image)
506    target = symbolicator.create_target()
507    if options.verbose:
508        print symbolicator
509    if target:
510        for addr_str in args:
511            addr = int(addr_str, 0)
512            symbolicated_addrs = symbolicator.symbolicate(addr)
513            for symbolicated_addr in symbolicated_addrs:
514                print symbolicated_addr
515            print
516    else:
517        print 'error: no target for %s' % (symbolicator)
519if __name__ == '__main__':
520    # Create a new debugger instance
521    lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
522    Symbolicate (sys.argv[1:])