2 * Copyright 2007 the original author or authors.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16package org.mockftpserver.stub.command;
18import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
19import org.easymock.ArgumentsMatcher;
20import org.mockftpserver.core.command.Command;
21import org.mockftpserver.core.command.CommandNames;
22import org.mockftpserver.core.command.ReplyCodes;
23import org.mockftpserver.core.util.AssertFailedException;
25import java.util.Arrays;
28 * Tests for the FileRetrCommandHandler class
29 *
30 * @author Chris Mair
31 * @version $Revision$ - $Date$
32 */
33public final class FileRetrCommandHandlerTest extends AbstractCommandHandlerTest {
35    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FileRetrCommandHandlerTest.class);
36    private static final byte BYTE1 = (byte) 7;
37    private static final byte BYTE2 = (byte) 21;
39    private FileRetrCommandHandler commandHandler;
41    /**
42     * Test the constructor that takes a String, passing in a null
43     */
44    public void testConstructor_String_Null() {
45        try {
46            new FileRetrCommandHandler(null);
47            fail("Expected AssertFailedException");
48        }
49        catch (AssertFailedException expected) {
50            LOG.info("Expected: " + expected);
51        }
52    }
54    /**
55     * Test the setFile(String) method, passing in a null
56     */
57    public void testSetFile_Null() {
58        try {
59            commandHandler.setFile(null);
60            fail("Expected AssertFailedException");
61        }
62        catch (AssertFailedException expected) {
63            LOG.info("Expected: " + expected);
64        }
65    }
67    /**
68     * Test the handleCommand(Command,Session) method. Create a temporary (binary) file, and
69     * make sure its contents are written back
70     *
71     * @throws Exception
72     */
73    public void testHandleCommand() throws Exception {
75        final byte[] BUFFER = new byte[FileRetrCommandHandler.BUFFER_SIZE];
76        Arrays.fill(BUFFER, BYTE1);
78        session.sendReply(ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_INITIAL_OK, replyTextFor(ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_INITIAL_OK));
79        session.openDataConnection();
81        ArgumentsMatcher matcher = new ArgumentsMatcher() {
82            int counter = -1;   // will increment for each invocation
84            public boolean matches(Object[] expected, Object[] actual) {
85                counter++;
86                byte[] buffer = (byte[]) actual[0];
87                int expectedLength = ((Integer) expected[1]).intValue();
88                int actualLength = ((Integer) actual[1]).intValue();
89                LOG.info("invocation #" + counter + " expected=" + expectedLength + " actualLength=" + actualLength);
90                if (counter < 5) {
91                    assertEquals("buffer for invocation #" + counter, BUFFER, buffer);
92                } else {
93                    // TODO Got two invocations here; only expected one
94                    //assertEquals("length for invocation #" + counter, expectedLength, actualLength);
95                    assertEquals("buffer[0]", BYTE2, buffer[0]);
96                    assertEquals("buffer[1]", BYTE2, buffer[1]);
97                    assertEquals("buffer[2]", BYTE2, buffer[2]);
98                }
99                return true;
100            }
102            public String toString(Object[] args) {
103                return args[0].getClass().getName() + " " + args[1].toString();
104            }
105        };
107        session.sendData(BUFFER, 512);
108        control(session).setMatcher(matcher);
109        session.sendData(BUFFER, 512);
110        session.sendData(BUFFER, 512);
111        session.sendData(BUFFER, 512);
112        session.sendData(BUFFER, 512);
113        session.sendData(BUFFER, 3);
115        session.closeDataConnection();
116        session.sendReply(ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK, replyTextFor(ReplyCodes.TRANSFER_DATA_FINAL_OK));
117        replay(session);
119        commandHandler.setFile("Sample.jpg");
120        Command command = new Command(CommandNames.RETR, array(FILENAME1));
121        commandHandler.handleCommand(command, session);
122        verify(session);
124        verifyNumberOfInvocations(commandHandler, 1);
125        verifyOneDataElement(commandHandler.getInvocation(0), FileRetrCommandHandler.PATHNAME_KEY, FILENAME1);
126    }
128    /**
129     * Test the handleCommand() method, when no pathname parameter has been specified
130     */
131    public void testHandleCommand_MissingPathnameParameter() throws Exception {
132        commandHandler.setFile("abc.txt");      // this property must be set
133        testHandleCommand_InvalidParameters(commandHandler, CommandNames.RETR, EMPTY);
134    }
136    /**
137     * Test the HandleCommand method, when the file property has not been set
138     */
139    public void testHandleCommand_FileNotSet() throws Exception {
140        try {
141            commandHandler.handleCommand(new Command(CommandNames.RETR, EMPTY), session);
142            fail("Expected AssertFailedException");
143        }
144        catch (AssertFailedException expected) {
145            LOG.info("Expected: " + expected);
146        }
147    }
149    /**
150     * Perform initialization before each test
151     *
152     * @see org.mockftpserver.stub.command.AbstractCommandHandlerTest#setUp()
153     */
154    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
155        super.setUp();
156        commandHandler = new FileRetrCommandHandler();
157        commandHandler.setReplyTextBundle(replyTextBundle);
158    }
160//    /**
161//     * Create a sample binary file; 5 buffers full plus 3 extra bytes
162//     */
163//    private void createSampleFile() {
164//        final String FILE_PATH = "test/org.mockftpserver/command/Sample.jpg";
165//        final byte[] BUFFER = new byte[FileRetrCommandHandler.BUFFER_SIZE];
166//        Arrays.fill(BUFFER, BYTE1);
168//        File file = new File(FILE_PATH);
169//        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
170//        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
171//            out.write(BUFFER);
172//        }
173//        Arrays.fill(BUFFER, BYTE2);
174//        out.write(BUFFER, 0, 3);
175//        out.close();
176//        LOG.info("Created temporary file [" + FILE_PATH + "]: length=" + file.length());
177//    }