2 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
7#include "PathOpsTestCommon.h"
8#include "SkIntersections.h"
9#include "SkOpContour.h"
10#include "SkOpSegment.h"
11#include "SkRandom.h"
12#include "SkTSort.h"
13#include "Test.h"
15static bool gDisableAngleTests = true;
17static float next(float f)
19    int fBits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(f);
20    ++fBits;
21    float fNext = Sk2sComplimentAsFloat(fBits);
22    return fNext;
25static float prev(float f)
27    int fBits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(f);
28    --fBits;
29    float fNext = Sk2sComplimentAsFloat(fBits);
30    return fNext;
33DEF_TEST(PathOpsAngleFindCrossEpsilon, reporter) {
34    if (gDisableAngleTests) {
35        return;
36    }
37    SkRandom ran;
38    int maxEpsilon = 0;
39    for (int index = 0; index < 10000000; ++index) {
40        SkDLine line = {{{0, 0}, {ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1000)}}};
41        for (int inner = 0; inner < 10; ++inner) {
42            float t = ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1);
43            SkDPoint dPt = line.ptAtT(t);
44            SkPoint pt = dPt.asSkPoint();
45            float xs[3] = { prev(pt.fX), pt.fX, next(pt.fX) };
46            float ys[3] = { prev(pt.fY), pt.fY, next(pt.fY) };
47            for (int xIdx = 0; xIdx < 3; ++xIdx) {
48                for (int yIdx = 0; yIdx < 3; ++yIdx) {
49                    SkPoint test = { xs[xIdx], ys[yIdx] };
50                    float p1 = SkDoubleToScalar(line[1].fX * test.fY);
51                    float p2 = SkDoubleToScalar(line[1].fY * test.fX);
52                    int p1Bits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(p1);
53                    int p2Bits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(p2);
54                    int epsilon = abs(p1Bits - p2Bits);
55                    if (maxEpsilon < epsilon) {
56                        SkDebugf("line={{0, 0}, {%1.7g, %1.7g}} t=%1.7g pt={%1.7g, %1.7g}"
57                            " epsilon=%d\n",
58                            line[1].fX, line[1].fY, t, test.fX, test.fY, epsilon);
59                        maxEpsilon = epsilon;
60                    }
61                }
62            }
63        }
64    }
67DEF_TEST(PathOpsAngleFindQuadEpsilon, reporter) {
68    if (gDisableAngleTests) {
69        return;
70    }
71    SkRandom ran;
72    int maxEpsilon = 0;
73    double maxAngle = 0;
74    for (int index = 0; index < 100000; ++index) {
75        SkDLine line = {{{0, 0}, {ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1000), ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1000)}}};
76        float t = ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1);
77        SkDPoint dPt = line.ptAtT(t);
78        float t2 = ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1);
79        SkDPoint qPt = line.ptAtT(t2);
80        float t3 = ran.nextRangeF(0.0001f, 1);
81        SkDPoint qPt2 = line.ptAtT(t3);
82        qPt.fX += qPt2.fY;
83        qPt.fY -= qPt2.fX;
84        SkDQuad quad = {{line[0], dPt, qPt}};
85        // binary search for maximum movement of quad[1] towards test that still has 1 intersection
86        double moveT = 0.5f;
87        double deltaT = moveT / 2;
88        SkDPoint last;
89        do {
90            last = quad[1];
91            quad[1].fX = dPt.fX - line[1].fY * moveT;
92            quad[1].fY = dPt.fY + line[1].fX * moveT;
93            SkIntersections i;
94            i.intersect(quad, line);
95            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, i.used() > 0);
96            if (i.used() == 1) {
97                moveT += deltaT;
98            } else {
99                moveT -= deltaT;
100            }
101            deltaT /= 2;
102        } while (last.asSkPoint() != quad[1].asSkPoint());
103        float p1 = SkDoubleToScalar(line[1].fX * last.fY);
104        float p2 = SkDoubleToScalar(line[1].fY * last.fX);
105        int p1Bits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(p1);
106        int p2Bits = SkFloatAs2sCompliment(p2);
107        int epsilon = abs(p1Bits - p2Bits);
108        if (maxEpsilon < epsilon) {
109            SkDebugf("line={{0, 0}, {%1.7g, %1.7g}} t=%1.7g/%1.7g/%1.7g moveT=%1.7g"
110                    " pt={%1.7g, %1.7g} epsilon=%d\n",
111                    line[1].fX, line[1].fY, t, t2, t3, moveT, last.fX, last.fY, epsilon);
112            maxEpsilon = epsilon;
113        }
114        double a1 = atan2(line[1].fY, line[1].fX);
115        double a2 = atan2(last.fY, last.fX);
116        double angle = fabs(a1 - a2);
117        if (maxAngle < angle) {
118            SkDebugf("line={{0, 0}, {%1.7g, %1.7g}} t=%1.7g/%1.7g/%1.7g moveT=%1.7g"
119                    " pt={%1.7g, %1.7g} angle=%1.7g\n",
120                    line[1].fX, line[1].fY, t, t2, t3, moveT, last.fX, last.fY, angle);
121            maxAngle = angle;
122        }
123    }
126static int find_slop(double x, double y, double rx, double ry) {
127    int slopBits = 0;
128    bool less1, less2;
129    double absX = fabs(x);
130    double absY = fabs(y);
131    double length = absX < absY ? absX / 2 + absY : absX + absY / 2;
132    int exponent;
133    (void) frexp(length, &exponent);
134    double epsilon = ldexp(FLT_EPSILON, exponent);
135    do {
136        // get the length as the larger plus half the smaller (both same signs)
137        // find the ulps of the length
138        // compute the offsets from there
139        double xSlop = epsilon * slopBits;
140        double ySlop = x * y < 0 ? -xSlop : xSlop; // OPTIMIZATION: use copysign / _copysign ?
141        double x1 = x - xSlop;
142        double y1 = y + ySlop;
143        double x_ry1 = x1 * ry;
144        double rx_y1 = rx * y1;
145        less1 = x_ry1 < rx_y1;
146        double x2 = x + xSlop;
147        double y2 = y - ySlop;
148        double x_ry2 = x2 * ry;
149        double rx_y2 = rx * y2;
150        less2 = x_ry2 < rx_y2;
151    } while (less1 == less2 && ++slopBits);
152    return slopBits;
155// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1427422/cheap-algorithm-to-find-measure-of-angle-between-vectors
156static double diamond_angle(double y, double x)
158    if (y >= 0)
159        return (x >= 0 ? y/(x+y) : 1-x/(-x+y));
160    else
161        return (x < 0 ? 2-y/(-x-y) : 3+x/(x-y));
164static const double slopTests[][4] = {
165   // x                      y                       rx                      ry
166    {-0.058554756452593892, -0.18804585843827226, -0.018568569646021160, -0.059615294434479438},
167    {-0.0013717412948608398, 0.0041152238845825195, -0.00045837944195925573, 0.0013753175735478074},
168    {-2.1033774145221198, -1.4046019261273715e-008, -0.70062688352066704, -1.2706324683777995e-008},
171DEF_TEST(PathOpsAngleFindSlop, reporter) {
172    if (gDisableAngleTests) {
173        return;
174    }
175    for (int index = 0; index < (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(slopTests); ++index) {
176        const double* slopTest = slopTests[index];
177        double x = slopTest[0];
178        double y = slopTest[1];
179        double rx = slopTest[2];
180        double ry = slopTest[3];
181        SkDebugf("%s  xy %d=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, index, find_slop(x, y, rx, ry));
182        SkDebugf("%s rxy %d=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, index, find_slop(rx, ry, x, y));
183        double angle = diamond_angle(y, x);
184        double rAngle = diamond_angle(ry, rx);
185        double diff = fabs(angle - rAngle);
186        SkDebugf("%s diamond xy=%1.9g rxy=%1.9g diff=%1.9g factor=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
187                angle, rAngle, diff, (int) (diff / FLT_EPSILON));
188    }
191class PathOpsAngleTester {
193    static int After(SkOpAngle& lh, SkOpAngle& rh) {
194        return lh.after(&rh);
195    }
197    static int ConvexHullOverlaps(SkOpAngle& lh, SkOpAngle& rh) {
198        return lh.convexHullOverlaps(&rh);
199    }
201    static int Orderable(SkOpAngle& lh, SkOpAngle& rh) {
202        return lh.orderable(&rh);
203    }
205    static int EndsIntersect(SkOpAngle& lh, SkOpAngle& rh) {
206        return lh.endsIntersect(&rh);
207    }
209    static void SetNext(SkOpAngle& lh, SkOpAngle& rh) {
210        lh.fNext = &rh;
211    }
214class PathOpsSegmentTester {
216    static void DebugReset(SkOpSegment* segment) {
217        segment->debugReset();
218    }
221struct CircleData {
222    const SkDCubic fPts;
223    const int fPtCount;
224    SkPoint fShortPts[4];
227static CircleData circleDataSet[] = {
228    { {{{313.0155029296875, 207.90290832519531}, {320.05078125, 227.58743286132812}}}, 2, {} },
229    { {{{313.0155029296875, 207.90290832519531}, {313.98246891063195, 219.33615203830394},
230            {320.05078125, 227.58743286132812}}}, 3, {} },
233static const int circleDataSetSize = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(circleDataSet);
235DEF_TEST(PathOpsAngleCircle, reporter) {
236    SkChunkAlloc allocator(4096);
237    SkOpContourHead contour;
238    SkOpGlobalState state(NULL, &contour);
239    contour.init(&state, false, false);
240    for (int index = 0; index < circleDataSetSize; ++index) {
241        CircleData& data = circleDataSet[index];
242        for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < data.fPtCount; ++idx2) {
243            data.fShortPts[idx2] = data.fPts.fPts[idx2].asSkPoint();
244        }
245        switch (data.fPtCount) {
246            case 2:
247                contour.addLine(data.fShortPts, &allocator);
248                break;
249            case 3:
250                contour.addQuad(data.fShortPts, &allocator);
251                break;
252            case 4:
253                contour.addCubic(data.fShortPts, &allocator);
254                break;
255        }
256    }
257    SkOpSegment* first = contour.first();
258    first->debugAddAngle(0, 1, &allocator);
259    SkOpSegment* next = first->next();
260    next->debugAddAngle(0, 1, &allocator);
261    PathOpsAngleTester::Orderable(*first->debugLastAngle(), *next->debugLastAngle());
264struct IntersectData {
265    const SkDCubic fPts;
266    const int fPtCount;
267    double fTStart;
268    double fTEnd;
269    SkPoint fShortPts[4];
272static IntersectData intersectDataSet1[] = {
273    { {{{322.935669,231.030273}, {312.832214,220.393295}, {312.832214,203.454178}}}, 3,
274            0.865309956, 0.154740299, {} },
275    { {{{322.12738,233.397751}, {295.718353,159.505829}}}, 2,
276            0.345028807, 0.0786326511, {} },
277    { {{{322.935669,231.030273}, {312.832214,220.393295}, {312.832214,203.454178}}}, 3,
278            0.865309956, 1, {} },
279    { {{{322.12738,233.397751}, {295.718353,159.505829}}}, 2,
280            0.345028807, 1, {} },
283static IntersectData intersectDataSet2[] = {
284    { {{{364.390686,157.898193}, {375.281769,136.674606}, {396.039917,136.674606}}}, 3,
285            0.578520747, 1, {} },
286    { {{{364.390686,157.898193}, {375.281769,136.674606}, {396.039917,136.674606}}}, 3,
287            0.578520747, 0.536512973, {} },
288    { {{{366.608826,151.196014}, {378.803101,136.674606}, {398.164948,136.674606}}}, 3,
289            0.490456543, 1, {} },
292static IntersectData intersectDataSet3[] = {
293    { {{{2.000000,0.000000}, {1.33333333,0.66666667}}}, 2, 1, 0, {} },
294    { {{{1.33333333,0.66666667}, {0.000000,2.000000}}}, 2, 0, 0.25, {} },
295    { {{{2.000000,2.000000}, {1.33333333,0.66666667}}}, 2, 1, 0, {} },
298static IntersectData intersectDataSet4[] = {
299    { {{{1.3333333,0.6666667}, {0.000,2.000}}}, 2, 0.250000006, 0, {} },
300    { {{{1.000,0.000}, {1.000,1.000}}}, 2, 1, 0, {} },
301    { {{{1.000,1.000}, {0.000,0.000}}}, 2, 0, 1, {} },
304static IntersectData intersectDataSet5[] = {
305    { {{{0.000,0.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {1.000,1.000}}}, 3, 1, 0.666666667, {} },
306    { {{{0.000,0.000}, {2.000,1.000}, {0.000,2.000}}}, 3, 0.5, 1, {} },
307    { {{{0.000,0.000}, {2.000,1.000}, {0.000,2.000}}}, 3, 0.5, 0, {} },
310static IntersectData intersectDataSet6[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:3658
311    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {3.000,4.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {3.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.0925339054, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3616
312    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {0.000,3.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {4.000,3.000}}}, 4, 0.453872386, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3616
313    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {3.000,4.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {3.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.0925339054, 0.417096368, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3616
316static IntersectData intersectDataSet7[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:3748
317    { {{{2.000,1.000}, {0.000,1.000}}}, 2, 0.5, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3706
318    { {{{2.000,0.000}, {0.000,2.000}}}, 2, 0.5, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3706
319    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {0.000,2.000}, {2.000,0.000}, {2.000,1.000}}}, 4, 0.5, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:3706
320}; //
322static IntersectData intersectDataSet8[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:4194
323    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {2.000,3.000}, {5.000,1.000}, {4.000,3.000}}}, 4, 0.311007457, 0.285714286, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4152
324    { {{{1.000,5.000}, {3.000,4.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {3.000,2.000}}}, 4, 0.589885081, 0.999982974, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4152
325    { {{{1.000,5.000}, {3.000,4.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {3.000,2.000}}}, 4, 0.589885081, 0.576935809, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4152
326}; //
328static IntersectData intersectDataSet9[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:4142
329    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {2.000,3.000}, {5.000,1.000}, {4.000,3.000}}}, 4, 0.476627072, 0.311007457, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4100
330    { {{{1.000,5.000}, {3.000,4.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {3.000,2.000}}}, 4, 0.999982974, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4100
331    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {2.000,3.000}, {5.000,1.000}, {4.000,3.000}}}, 4, 0.476627072, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4100
332}; //
334static IntersectData intersectDataSet10[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:4186
335    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {1.000,6.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {1.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.788195121, 0.726275769, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4144
336    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {0.000,1.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {6.000,1.000}}}, 4, 0.473378977, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4144
337    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {1.000,6.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {1.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.788195121, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4144
338}; //
340static IntersectData intersectDataSet11[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:4704
341    { {{{979.305,561.000}, {1036.695,291.000}}}, 2, 0.888888874, 0.11111108, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4662
342    { {{{1006.695,291.000}, {1023.264,291.000}, {1033.840,304.431}, {1030.318,321.000}}}, 4, 1, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4662
343    { {{{979.305,561.000}, {1036.695,291.000}}}, 2, 0.888888874, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:4662
344}; //
346static IntersectData intersectDataSet12[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:5481
347    { {{{67.000,912.000}, {67.000,913.000}}}, 2, 1, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5439
348    { {{{67.000,913.000}, {67.000,917.389}, {67.224,921.726}, {67.662,926.000}}}, 4, 0, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5439
349    { {{{194.000,1041.000}, {123.860,1041.000}, {67.000,983.692}, {67.000,913.000}}}, 4, 1, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5439
350}; //
352static IntersectData intersectDataSet13[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:5735
353    { {{{6.000,0.000}, {0.000,4.000}}}, 2, 0.625, 0.25, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5693
354    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {0.000,6.000}, {4.000,0.000}, {6.000,1.000}}}, 4, 0.5, 0.833333333, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5693
355    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {0.000,6.000}, {4.000,0.000}, {6.000,1.000}}}, 4, 0.5, 0.379043969, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5693
356}; //
358static IntersectData intersectDataSet14[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:5875
359    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {4.000,6.000}, {2.000,1.000}, {2.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.0756502183, 0.0594570973, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5833
360    { {{{1.000,2.000}, {0.000,2.000}, {1.000,0.000}, {6.000,4.000}}}, 4, 0.0756502184, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5833
361    { {{{0.000,1.000}, {4.000,6.000}, {2.000,1.000}, {2.000,0.000}}}, 4, 0.0756502183, 0.531917258, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:5833
362}; //
364static IntersectData intersectDataSet15[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:6580
365    { {{{490.435,879.407}, {405.593,909.436}}}, 2, 0.500554405, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:6538
366    { {{{447.967,894.438}, {448.007,894.424}, {448.014,894.422}}}, 3, 0, 1, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:6538
367    { {{{490.435,879.407}, {405.593,909.436}}}, 2, 0.500554405, 0.500000273, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:6538
368}; //
370static IntersectData intersectDataSet16[] = { // pathops_visualizer.htm:7419
371    { {{{1.000,4.000}, {4.000,5.000}, {3.000,2.000}, {6.000,3.000}}}, 4, 0.5, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:7377
372    { {{{2.000,3.000}, {3.000,6.000}, {4.000,1.000}, {5.000,4.000}}}, 4, 0.5, 0.112701665, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:7377
373    { {{{5.000,4.000}, {2.000,3.000}}}, 2, 0.5, 0, {} }, // pathops_visualizer.htm:7377
374}; //
376// from skpi_gino_com_16
377static IntersectData intersectDataSet17[] = {
378    { /*seg=7*/ {{{270.974121f, 770.025879f}, {234.948273f, 734}, {184, 734}}}
379        , 3, 0.74590454, 0.547660352, {} },
380    { /*seg=8*/ {{{185, 734}, {252.93103f, 734}, {308, 789.06897f}, {308, 857}}}
381        , 4, 0.12052623, 0, {} },
382    { /*seg=7*/ {{{270.974121f, 770.025879f}, {234.948273f, 734}, {184, 734}}}
383        , 3, 0.74590454, 1, {} },
386static IntersectData intersectDataSet18[] = {
387    { /*seg=7*/ {{{270.974121f, 770.025879f}, {234.948273f, 734}, {184, 734}}}
388        , 3, 0.74590454, 1, {} },
389    { /*seg=8*/ {{{185, 734}, {252.93103f, 734}, {308, 789.06897f}, {308, 857}}}
390        , 4, 0.12052623, 0.217351928, {} },
391    { /*seg=7*/ {{{270.974121f, 770.025879f}, {234.948273f, 734}, {184, 734}}}
392        , 3, 0.74590454, 0.547660352, {} },
395static IntersectData intersectDataSet19[] = {
396    { /*seg=1*/ {{{0, 1}, {3, 5}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}}}
397        , 4, 0.135148995, 0.134791946, {} },
398    { /*seg=3*/ {{{1, 2}, {1, 2.15061641f}, {1, 2.21049166f}, {1.01366711f, 2.21379328f}}}
399        , 4, 0.956740456, 0.894913214, {} },
400    { /*seg=1*/ {{{0, 1}, {3, 5}, {2, 1}, {3, 1}}}
401        , 4, 0.135148995, 0.551812363, {} },
404#define I(x) intersectDataSet##x
406static IntersectData* intersectDataSets[] = {
407    I(1), I(2), I(3), I(4), I(5), I(6), I(7), I(8), I(9), I(10),
408    I(11), I(12), I(13), I(14), I(15), I(16), I(17), I(18), I(19),
411#undef I
412#define I(x) (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(intersectDataSet##x)
414static const int intersectDataSetSizes[] = {
415    I(1), I(2), I(3), I(4), I(5), I(6), I(7), I(8), I(9), I(10),
416    I(11), I(12), I(13), I(14), I(15), I(16), I(17), I(18), I(19),
419#undef I
421static const int intersectDataSetsSize = (int) SK_ARRAY_COUNT(intersectDataSetSizes);
423struct FourPoints {
424    SkPoint pts[4];
427DEF_TEST(PathOpsAngleAfter, reporter) {
428    SkChunkAlloc allocator(4096);
429    SkOpContourHead contour;
430    SkOpGlobalState state(NULL, &contour);
431    contour.init(&state, false, false);
432    for (int index = intersectDataSetsSize - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
433        IntersectData* dataArray = intersectDataSets[index];
434        const int dataSize = intersectDataSetSizes[index];
435        for (int index2 = 0; index2 < dataSize - 2; ++index2) {
436            allocator.reset();
437            contour.reset();
438            for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 3; ++index3) {
439                IntersectData& data = dataArray[index2 + index3];
440                SkPoint* temp = (SkPoint*) SkOpTAllocator<FourPoints>::Allocate(&allocator);
441                for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < data.fPtCount; ++idx2) {
442                    temp[idx2] = data.fPts.fPts[idx2].asSkPoint();
443                }
444                switch (data.fPtCount) {
445                    case 2: {
446                        contour.addLine(temp, &allocator);
447                        } break;
448                    case 3: {
449                        contour.addQuad(temp, &allocator);
450                        } break;
451                    case 4: {
452                        contour.addCubic(temp, &allocator);
453                        } break;
454                }
455            }
456            SkOpSegment* seg1 = contour.first();
457            seg1->debugAddAngle(dataArray[index2 + 0].fTStart, dataArray[index2 + 0].fTEnd, &allocator);
458            SkOpSegment* seg2 = seg1->next();
459            seg2->debugAddAngle(dataArray[index2 + 1].fTStart, dataArray[index2 + 1].fTEnd, &allocator);
460            SkOpSegment* seg3 = seg2->next();
461            seg3->debugAddAngle(dataArray[index2 + 2].fTStart, dataArray[index2 + 2].fTEnd, &allocator);
462            SkOpAngle& angle1 = *seg1->debugLastAngle();
463            SkOpAngle& angle2 = *seg2->debugLastAngle();
464            SkOpAngle& angle3 = *seg3->debugLastAngle();
465            PathOpsAngleTester::SetNext(angle1, angle3);
466       // These data sets are seeded when the set itself fails, so likely the dataset does not
467       // match the expected result. The tests above return 1 when first added, but
468       // return 0 after the bug is fixed.
469            SkDEBUGCODE(int result =) PathOpsAngleTester::After(angle2, angle1);
470            SkASSERT(result == 0 || result == 1);
471        }
472    }
475void SkOpSegment::debugAddAngle(double startT, double endT, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
476    SkOpPtT* startPtT = startT == 0 ? fHead.ptT() : startT == 1 ? fTail.ptT()
477            : this->addT(startT, kNoAlias, allocator);
478    SkOpPtT* endPtT = endT == 0 ? fHead.ptT() : endT == 1 ? fTail.ptT()
479            : this->addT(endT, kNoAlias, allocator);
480    SkOpAngle* angle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
481    SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = &fHead;
482    while (startSpan->ptT() != startPtT) {
483        startSpan = startSpan->upCast()->next();
484    }
485    SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = &fHead;
486    while (endSpan->ptT() != endPtT) {
487        endSpan = endSpan->upCast()->next();
488    }
489    angle->set(startSpan, endSpan);
490    if (startT < endT) {
491        startSpan->upCast()->setToAngle(angle);
492        endSpan->setFromAngle(angle);
493    } else {
494        endSpan->upCast()->setToAngle(angle);
495        startSpan->setFromAngle(angle);
496    }