2 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
7#include "PathOpsExtendedTest.h"
8#include "PathOpsTestCommon.h"
9#include "SkIntersections.h"
10#include "SkPathOpsConic.h"
11#include "SkPathOpsLine.h"
12#include "SkReduceOrder.h"
13#include "Test.h"
15static struct lineConic {
16    SkDConic conic;
17    SkDLine line;
18    int result;
19    SkDPoint expected[2];
20} lineConicTests[] = {
21    {
22     {{{{30.6499996,25.6499996}, {30.6499996,20.6499996}, {25.6499996,20.6499996}}}, 0.707107008f},
23      {{{25.6499996,20.6499996}, {45.6500015,20.6499996}}},
24          1,
25       {{25.6499996,20.6499996}, {0,0}}
26    },
29static size_t lineConicTests_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(lineConicTests);
31static int doIntersect(SkIntersections& intersections, const SkDConic& conic, const SkDLine& line,
32                       bool& flipped) {
33    int result;
34    flipped = false;
35    if (line[0].fX == line[1].fX) {
36        double top = line[0].fY;
37        double bottom = line[1].fY;
38        flipped = top > bottom;
39        if (flipped) {
40            SkTSwap<double>(top, bottom);
41        }
42        result = intersections.vertical(conic, top, bottom, line[0].fX, flipped);
43    } else if (line[0].fY == line[1].fY) {
44        double left = line[0].fX;
45        double right = line[1].fX;
46        flipped = left > right;
47        if (flipped) {
48            SkTSwap<double>(left, right);
49        }
50        result = intersections.horizontal(conic, left, right, line[0].fY, flipped);
51    } else {
52        intersections.intersect(conic, line);
53        result = intersections.used();
54    }
55    return result;
58static struct oneLineConic {
59    SkDConic conic;
60    SkDLine line;
61} oneOffs[] = {
62    {{{{{30.6499996,25.6499996}, {30.6499996,20.6499996}, {25.6499996,20.6499996}}}, 0.707107008f},
63      {{{25.6499996,20.6499996}, {45.6500015,20.6499996}}}}
66static size_t oneOffs_count = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(oneOffs);
68static void testOneOffs(skiatest::Reporter* reporter) {
69    bool flipped = false;
70    for (size_t index = 0; index < oneOffs_count; ++index) {
71        const SkDConic& conic = oneOffs[index].conic;
72        SkASSERT(ValidConic(conic));
73        const SkDLine& line = oneOffs[index].line;
74        SkASSERT(ValidLine(line));
75        SkIntersections intersections;
76        int result = doIntersect(intersections, conic, line, flipped);
77        for (int inner = 0; inner < result; ++inner) {
78            double conicT = intersections[0][inner];
79            SkDPoint conicXY = conic.ptAtT(conicT);
80            double lineT = intersections[1][inner];
81            SkDPoint lineXY = line.ptAtT(lineT);
82            if (!conicXY.approximatelyEqual(lineXY)) {
83                conicXY.approximatelyEqual(lineXY);
84                SkDebugf("");
85            }
86            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, conicXY.approximatelyEqual(lineXY));
87        }
88    }
91DEF_TEST(PathOpsConicLineIntersectionOneOff, reporter) {
92    testOneOffs(reporter);
95DEF_TEST(PathOpsConicLineIntersection, reporter) {
96    for (size_t index = 0; index < lineConicTests_count; ++index) {
97        int iIndex = static_cast<int>(index);
98        const SkDConic& conic = lineConicTests[index].conic;
99        SkASSERT(ValidConic(conic));
100        const SkDLine& line = lineConicTests[index].line;
101        SkASSERT(ValidLine(line));
102        SkReduceOrder reducer;
103        SkPoint pts[3] = { conic.fPts.fPts[0].asSkPoint(), conic.fPts.fPts[1].asSkPoint(),
104            conic.fPts.fPts[2].asSkPoint() };
105        SkPoint reduced[3];
106        SkPath::Verb order1 = SkReduceOrder::Conic(pts, conic.fWeight, reduced);
107        if (order1 != SkPath::kConic_Verb) {
108            SkDebugf("%s [%d] conic verb=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, iIndex, order1);
109            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
110        }
111        int order2 = reducer.reduce(line);
112        if (order2 < 2) {
113            SkDebugf("%s [%d] line order=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, iIndex, order2);
114            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
115        }
116        SkIntersections intersections;
117        bool flipped = false;
118        int result = doIntersect(intersections, conic, line, flipped);
119        REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, result == lineConicTests[index].result);
120        if (intersections.used() <= 0) {
121            continue;
122        }
123        for (int pt = 0; pt < result; ++pt) {
124            double tt1 = intersections[0][pt];
125            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tt1 >= 0 && tt1 <= 1);
126            SkDPoint t1 = conic.ptAtT(tt1);
127            double tt2 = intersections[1][pt];
128            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, tt2 >= 0 && tt2 <= 1);
129            SkDPoint t2 = line.ptAtT(tt2);
130            if (!t1.approximatelyEqual(t2)) {
131                SkDebugf("%s [%d,%d] x!= t1=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g) t2=%1.9g (%1.9g,%1.9g)\n",
132                    __FUNCTION__, iIndex, pt, tt1, t1.fX, t1.fY, tt2, t2.fX, t2.fY);
133                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
134            }
135            if (!t1.approximatelyEqual(lineConicTests[index].expected[0])
136                    && (lineConicTests[index].result == 1
137                    || !t1.approximatelyEqual(lineConicTests[index].expected[1]))) {
138                SkDebugf("%s t1=(%1.9g,%1.9g)\n", __FUNCTION__, t1.fX, t1.fY);
139                REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0);
140            }
141        }
142    }