revision 7d5967e55edc8c3dfdf72aea263b5543a2b6e801
2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.widget;
19import android.annotation.IdRes;
20import android.annotation.LayoutRes;
21import android.content.Context;
22import android.content.res.Resources;
23import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper;
24import android.view.View;
25import android.view.ViewGroup;
26import android.view.LayoutInflater;
29import java.util.ArrayList;
30import java.util.List;
31import java.util.Map;
34 * An easy adapter to map static data to views defined in an XML file. You can specify the data
35 * backing the list as an ArrayList of Maps. Each entry in the ArrayList corresponds to one row
36 * in the list. The Maps contain the data for each row. You also specify an XML file that
37 * defines the views used to display the row, and a mapping from keys in the Map to specific
38 * views.
39 *
40 * Binding data to views occurs in two phases. First, if a
41 * {@link android.widget.SimpleAdapter.ViewBinder} is available,
42 * {@link ViewBinder#setViewValue(android.view.View, Object, String)}
43 * is invoked. If the returned value is true, binding has occurred.
44 * If the returned value is false, the following views are then tried in order:
45 * <ul>
46 * <li> A view that implements Checkable (e.g. CheckBox).  The expected bind value is a boolean.
47 * <li> TextView.  The expected bind value is a string and {@link #setViewText(TextView, String)}
48 * is invoked.
49 * <li> ImageView. The expected bind value is a resource id or a string and
50 * {@link #setViewImage(ImageView, int)} or {@link #setViewImage(ImageView, String)} is invoked.
51 * </ul>
52 * If no appropriate binding can be found, an {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
53 */
54public class SimpleAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable, ThemedSpinnerAdapter {
55    private final LayoutInflater mInflater;
57    private int[] mTo;
58    private String[] mFrom;
59    private ViewBinder mViewBinder;
61    private List<? extends Map<String, ?>> mData;
63    private int mResource;
64    private int mDropDownResource;
66    /** Layout inflater used for {@link #getDropDownView(int, View, ViewGroup)}. */
67    private LayoutInflater mDropDownInflater;
69    private SimpleFilter mFilter;
70    private ArrayList<Map<String, ?>> mUnfilteredData;
72    /**
73     * Constructor
74     *
75     * @param context The context where the View associated with this SimpleAdapter is running
76     * @param data A List of Maps. Each entry in the List corresponds to one row in the list. The
77     *        Maps contain the data for each row, and should include all the entries specified in
78     *        "from"
79     * @param resource Resource identifier of a view layout that defines the views for this list
80     *        item. The layout file should include at least those named views defined in "to"
81     * @param from A list of column names that will be added to the Map associated with each
82     *        item.
83     * @param to The views that should display column in the "from" parameter. These should all be
84     *        TextViews. The first N views in this list are given the values of the first N columns
85     *        in the from parameter.
86     */
87    public SimpleAdapter(Context context, List<? extends Map<String, ?>> data,
88            @LayoutRes int resource, String[] from, @IdRes int[] to) {
89        mData = data;
90        mResource = mDropDownResource = resource;
91        mFrom = from;
92        mTo = to;
93        mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
94    }
96    /**
97     * @see android.widget.Adapter#getCount()
98     */
99    public int getCount() {
100        return mData.size();
101    }
103    /**
104     * @see android.widget.Adapter#getItem(int)
105     */
106    public Object getItem(int position) {
107        return mData.get(position);
108    }
110    /**
111     * @see android.widget.Adapter#getItemId(int)
112     */
113    public long getItemId(int position) {
114        return position;
115    }
117    /**
118     * @see android.widget.Adapter#getView(int, View, ViewGroup)
119     */
120    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
121        return createViewFromResource(mInflater, position, convertView, parent, mResource);
122    }
124    private View createViewFromResource(LayoutInflater inflater, int position, View convertView,
125            ViewGroup parent, int resource) {
126        View v;
127        if (convertView == null) {
128            v = inflater.inflate(resource, parent, false);
129        } else {
130            v = convertView;
131        }
133        bindView(position, v);
135        return v;
136    }
138    /**
139     * <p>Sets the layout resource to create the drop down views.</p>
140     *
141     * @param resource the layout resource defining the drop down views
142     * @see #getDropDownView(int, android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup)
143     */
144    public void setDropDownViewResource(int resource) {
145        mDropDownResource = resource;
146    }
148    /**
149     * Sets the {@link android.content.res.Resources.Theme} against which drop-down views are
150     * inflated.
151     * <p>
152     * By default, drop-down views are inflated against the theme of the
153     * {@link Context} passed to the adapter's constructor.
154     *
155     * @param theme the theme against which to inflate drop-down views or
156     *              {@code null} to use the theme from the adapter's context
157     * @see #getDropDownView(int, View, ViewGroup)
158     */
159    @Override
160    public void setDropDownViewTheme(Resources.Theme theme) {
161        if (theme == null) {
162            mDropDownInflater = null;
163        } else if (theme == mInflater.getContext().getTheme()) {
164            mDropDownInflater = mInflater;
165        } else {
166            final Context context = new ContextThemeWrapper(mInflater.getContext(), theme);
167            mDropDownInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
168        }
169    }
171    @Override
172    public Resources.Theme getDropDownViewTheme() {
173        return mDropDownInflater == null ? null : mDropDownInflater.getContext().getTheme();
174    }
176    @Override
177    public View getDropDownView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
178        final LayoutInflater inflater = mDropDownInflater == null ? mInflater : mDropDownInflater;
179        return createViewFromResource(inflater, position, convertView, parent, mDropDownResource);
180    }
182    private void bindView(int position, View view) {
183        final Map dataSet = mData.get(position);
184        if (dataSet == null) {
185            return;
186        }
188        final ViewBinder binder = mViewBinder;
189        final String[] from = mFrom;
190        final int[] to = mTo;
191        final int count = to.length;
193        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
194            final View v = view.findViewById(to[i]);
195            if (v != null) {
196                final Object data = dataSet.get(from[i]);
197                String text = data == null ? "" : data.toString();
198                if (text == null) {
199                    text = "";
200                }
202                boolean bound = false;
203                if (binder != null) {
204                    bound = binder.setViewValue(v, data, text);
205                }
207                if (!bound) {
208                    if (v instanceof Checkable) {
209                        if (data instanceof Boolean) {
210                            ((Checkable) v).setChecked((Boolean) data);
211                        } else if (v instanceof TextView) {
212                            // Note: keep the instanceof TextView check at the bottom of these
213                            // ifs since a lot of views are TextViews (e.g. CheckBoxes).
214                            setViewText((TextView) v, text);
215                        } else {
216                            throw new IllegalStateException(v.getClass().getName() +
217                                    " should be bound to a Boolean, not a " +
218                                    (data == null ? "<unknown type>" : data.getClass()));
219                        }
220                    } else if (v instanceof TextView) {
221                        // Note: keep the instanceof TextView check at the bottom of these
222                        // ifs since a lot of views are TextViews (e.g. CheckBoxes).
223                        setViewText((TextView) v, text);
224                    } else if (v instanceof ImageView) {
225                        if (data instanceof Integer) {
226                            setViewImage((ImageView) v, (Integer) data);
227                        } else {
228                            setViewImage((ImageView) v, text);
229                        }
230                    } else {
231                        throw new IllegalStateException(v.getClass().getName() + " is not a " +
232                                " view that can be bounds by this SimpleAdapter");
233                    }
234                }
235            }
236        }
237    }
239    /**
240     * Returns the {@link ViewBinder} used to bind data to views.
241     *
242     * @return a ViewBinder or null if the binder does not exist
243     *
244     * @see #setViewBinder(android.widget.SimpleAdapter.ViewBinder)
245     */
246    public ViewBinder getViewBinder() {
247        return mViewBinder;
248    }
250    /**
251     * Sets the binder used to bind data to views.
252     *
253     * @param viewBinder the binder used to bind data to views, can be null to
254     *        remove the existing binder
255     *
256     * @see #getViewBinder()
257     */
258    public void setViewBinder(ViewBinder viewBinder) {
259        mViewBinder = viewBinder;
260    }
262    /**
263     * Called by bindView() to set the image for an ImageView but only if
264     * there is no existing ViewBinder or if the existing ViewBinder cannot
265     * handle binding to an ImageView.
266     *
267     * This method is called instead of {@link #setViewImage(ImageView, String)}
268     * if the supplied data is an int or Integer.
269     *
270     * @param v ImageView to receive an image
271     * @param value the value retrieved from the data set
272     *
273     * @see #setViewImage(ImageView, String)
274     */
275    public void setViewImage(ImageView v, int value) {
276        v.setImageResource(value);
277    }
279    /**
280     * Called by bindView() to set the image for an ImageView but only if
281     * there is no existing ViewBinder or if the existing ViewBinder cannot
282     * handle binding to an ImageView.
283     *
284     * By default, the value will be treated as an image resource. If the
285     * value cannot be used as an image resource, the value is used as an
286     * image Uri.
287     *
288     * This method is called instead of {@link #setViewImage(ImageView, int)}
289     * if the supplied data is not an int or Integer.
290     *
291     * @param v ImageView to receive an image
292     * @param value the value retrieved from the data set
293     *
294     * @see #setViewImage(ImageView, int)
295     */
296    public void setViewImage(ImageView v, String value) {
297        try {
298            v.setImageResource(Integer.parseInt(value));
299        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
300            v.setImageURI(Uri.parse(value));
301        }
302    }
304    /**
305     * Called by bindView() to set the text for a TextView but only if
306     * there is no existing ViewBinder or if the existing ViewBinder cannot
307     * handle binding to a TextView.
308     *
309     * @param v TextView to receive text
310     * @param text the text to be set for the TextView
311     */
312    public void setViewText(TextView v, String text) {
313        v.setText(text);
314    }
316    public Filter getFilter() {
317        if (mFilter == null) {
318            mFilter = new SimpleFilter();
319        }
320        return mFilter;
321    }
323    /**
324     * This class can be used by external clients of SimpleAdapter to bind
325     * values to views.
326     *
327     * You should use this class to bind values to views that are not
328     * directly supported by SimpleAdapter or to change the way binding
329     * occurs for views supported by SimpleAdapter.
330     *
331     * @see SimpleAdapter#setViewImage(ImageView, int)
332     * @see SimpleAdapter#setViewImage(ImageView, String)
333     * @see SimpleAdapter#setViewText(TextView, String)
334     */
335    public static interface ViewBinder {
336        /**
337         * Binds the specified data to the specified view.
338         *
339         * When binding is handled by this ViewBinder, this method must return true.
340         * If this method returns false, SimpleAdapter will attempts to handle
341         * the binding on its own.
342         *
343         * @param view the view to bind the data to
344         * @param data the data to bind to the view
345         * @param textRepresentation a safe String representation of the supplied data:
346         *        it is either the result of data.toString() or an empty String but it
347         *        is never null
348         *
349         * @return true if the data was bound to the view, false otherwise
350         */
351        boolean setViewValue(View view, Object data, String textRepresentation);
352    }
354    /**
355     * <p>An array filters constrains the content of the array adapter with
356     * a prefix. Each item that does not start with the supplied prefix
357     * is removed from the list.</p>
358     */
359    private class SimpleFilter extends Filter {
361        @Override
362        protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence prefix) {
363            FilterResults results = new FilterResults();
365            if (mUnfilteredData == null) {
366                mUnfilteredData = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(mData);
367            }
369            if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) {
370                ArrayList<Map<String, ?>> list = mUnfilteredData;
371                results.values = list;
372                results.count = list.size();
373            } else {
374                String prefixString = prefix.toString().toLowerCase();
376                ArrayList<Map<String, ?>> unfilteredValues = mUnfilteredData;
377                int count = unfilteredValues.size();
379                ArrayList<Map<String, ?>> newValues = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(count);
381                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
382                    Map<String, ?> h = unfilteredValues.get(i);
383                    if (h != null) {
385                        int len = mTo.length;
387                        for (int j=0; j<len; j++) {
388                            String str =  (String)h.get(mFrom[j]);
390                            String[] words = str.split(" ");
391                            int wordCount = words.length;
393                            for (int k = 0; k < wordCount; k++) {
394                                String word = words[k];
396                                if (word.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefixString)) {
397                                    newValues.add(h);
398                                    break;
399                                }
400                            }
401                        }
402                    }
403                }
405                results.values = newValues;
406                results.count = newValues.size();
407            }
409            return results;
410        }
412        @Override
413        protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
414            //noinspection unchecked
415            mData = (List<Map<String, ?>>) results.values;
416            if (results.count > 0) {
417                notifyDataSetChanged();
418            } else {
419                notifyDataSetInvalidated();
420            }
421        }
422    }