CellLayout.java revision e5fb0f27bca7afb996258a7163c76ca7390d7bff
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.launcher2;
19import com.android.launcher.R;
21import android.animation.Animator;
22import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
23import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
24import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
25import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
26import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
27import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
28import android.content.Context;
29import android.content.res.Resources;
30import android.content.res.TypedArray;
31import android.graphics.Bitmap;
32import android.graphics.Canvas;
33import android.graphics.Paint;
34import android.graphics.Point;
35import android.graphics.PointF;
36import android.graphics.Rect;
37import android.graphics.RectF;
38import android.graphics.Region;
39import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
40import android.util.AttributeSet;
41import android.util.Log;
42import android.view.ContextMenu;
43import android.view.MotionEvent;
44import android.view.View;
45import android.view.ViewDebug;
46import android.view.ViewGroup;
47import android.view.animation.Animation;
48import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
49import android.view.animation.LayoutAnimationController;
51import java.util.Arrays;
53public class CellLayout extends ViewGroup {
54    static final String TAG = "CellLayout";
56    private int mCellWidth;
57    private int mCellHeight;
59    private int mLeftPadding;
60    private int mRightPadding;
61    private int mTopPadding;
62    private int mBottomPadding;
64    private int mCountX;
65    private int mCountY;
67    private int mWidthGap;
68    private int mHeightGap;
70    private final Rect mRect = new Rect();
71    private final CellInfo mCellInfo = new CellInfo();
73    // These are temporary variables to prevent having to allocate a new object just to
74    // return an (x, y) value from helper functions. Do NOT use them to maintain other state.
75    private final int[] mTmpCellXY = new int[2];
76    private final int[] mTmpPoint = new int[2];
77    private final PointF mTmpPointF = new PointF();
79    boolean[][] mOccupied;
81    private OnTouchListener mInterceptTouchListener;
83    private float mBackgroundAlpha;
84    private float mBackgroundAlphaMultiplier = 1.0f;
86    private Drawable mNormalBackground;
87    private Drawable mActiveBackground;
88    private Drawable mActiveGlowBackground;
89    private Drawable mNormalBackgroundMini;
90    private Drawable mNormalGlowBackgroundMini;
91    private Drawable mActiveBackgroundMini;
92    private Drawable mActiveGlowBackgroundMini;
93    private Rect mBackgroundRect;
94    private Rect mGlowBackgroundRect;
95    private float mGlowBackgroundScale;
96    private float mGlowBackgroundAlpha;
98    private boolean mAcceptsDrops = false;
99    // If we're actively dragging something over this screen, mIsDragOverlapping is true
100    private boolean mIsDragOverlapping = false;
101    private boolean mIsDragOccuring = false;
102    private boolean mIsDefaultDropTarget = false;
103    private final Point mDragCenter = new Point();
105    // These arrays are used to implement the drag visualization on x-large screens.
106    // They are used as circular arrays, indexed by mDragOutlineCurrent.
107    private Point[] mDragOutlines = new Point[8];
108    private float[] mDragOutlineAlphas = new float[mDragOutlines.length];
109    private InterruptibleInOutAnimator[] mDragOutlineAnims =
110            new InterruptibleInOutAnimator[mDragOutlines.length];
112    // Used as an index into the above 3 arrays; indicates which is the most current value.
113    private int mDragOutlineCurrent = 0;
114    private final Paint mDragOutlinePaint = new Paint();
116    private BubbleTextView mPressedOrFocusedIcon;
118    private Drawable mCrosshairsDrawable = null;
119    private InterruptibleInOutAnimator mCrosshairsAnimator = null;
120    private float mCrosshairsVisibility = 0.0f;
122    // When a drag operation is in progress, holds the nearest cell to the touch point
123    private final int[] mDragCell = new int[2];
125    private boolean mDragging = false;
127    private TimeInterpolator mEaseOutInterpolator;
128    private CellLayoutChildren mChildren;
130    public CellLayout(Context context) {
131        this(context, null);
132    }
134    public CellLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
135        this(context, attrs, 0);
136    }
138    public CellLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
139        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
141        // A ViewGroup usually does not draw, but CellLayout needs to draw a rectangle to show
142        // the user where a dragged item will land when dropped.
143        setWillNotDraw(false);
145        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.CellLayout, defStyle, 0);
147        mCellWidth = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_cellWidth, 10);
148        mCellHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_cellHeight, 10);
149        mWidthGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_widthGap, -1);
150        mHeightGap = a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_heightGap, -1);
152        mLeftPadding =
153            a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_xAxisStartPadding, 10);
154        mRightPadding =
155            a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_xAxisEndPadding, 10);
156        mTopPadding =
157            a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_yAxisStartPadding, 10);
158        mBottomPadding =
159            a.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.CellLayout_yAxisEndPadding, 10);
161        mCountX = LauncherModel.getCellCountX();
162        mCountY = LauncherModel.getCellCountY();
163        mOccupied = new boolean[mCountX][mCountY];
165        a.recycle();
167        setAlwaysDrawnWithCacheEnabled(false);
169        final Resources res = getResources();
171        if (LauncherApplication.isScreenXLarge()) {
172            mNormalBackground = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_large_blue);
173            mActiveBackground = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_large_green);
174            mActiveGlowBackground = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_large_green_strong);
176            mNormalBackgroundMini = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_small_blue);
177            mNormalGlowBackgroundMini = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_small_blue_strong);
178            mActiveBackgroundMini = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_small_green);
179            mActiveGlowBackgroundMini = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.homescreen_small_green_strong);
181            mNormalBackground.setFilterBitmap(true);
182            mActiveBackground.setFilterBitmap(true);
183            mActiveGlowBackground.setFilterBitmap(true);
184            mNormalBackgroundMini.setFilterBitmap(true);
185            mNormalGlowBackgroundMini.setFilterBitmap(true);
186            mActiveBackgroundMini.setFilterBitmap(true);
187            mActiveGlowBackgroundMini.setFilterBitmap(true);
188        }
190        // Initialize the data structures used for the drag visualization.
192        mCrosshairsDrawable = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.gardening_crosshairs);
193        mEaseOutInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator(2.5f); // Quint ease out
195        // Set up the animation for fading the crosshairs in and out
196        int animDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_crosshairsFadeInTime);
197        mCrosshairsAnimator = new InterruptibleInOutAnimator(animDuration, 0.0f, 1.0f);
198        mCrosshairsAnimator.getAnimator().addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
199            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
200                mCrosshairsVisibility = ((Float) animation.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue();
201                invalidate();
202            }
203        });
204        mCrosshairsAnimator.getAnimator().setInterpolator(mEaseOutInterpolator);
206        for (int i = 0; i < mDragOutlines.length; i++) {
207            mDragOutlines[i] = new Point(-1, -1);
208        }
210        // When dragging things around the home screens, we show a green outline of
211        // where the item will land. The outlines gradually fade out, leaving a trail
212        // behind the drag path.
213        // Set up all the animations that are used to implement this fading.
214        final int duration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_dragOutlineFadeTime);
215        final float fromAlphaValue = 0;
216        final float toAlphaValue = (float)res.getInteger(R.integer.config_dragOutlineMaxAlpha);
218        Arrays.fill(mDragOutlineAlphas, fromAlphaValue);
220        for (int i = 0; i < mDragOutlineAnims.length; i++) {
221            final InterruptibleInOutAnimator anim =
222                new InterruptibleInOutAnimator(duration, fromAlphaValue, toAlphaValue);
223            anim.getAnimator().setInterpolator(mEaseOutInterpolator);
224            final int thisIndex = i;
225            anim.getAnimator().addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
226                public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
227                    final Bitmap outline = (Bitmap)anim.getTag();
229                    // If an animation is started and then stopped very quickly, we can still
230                    // get spurious updates we've cleared the tag. Guard against this.
231                    if (outline == null) {
232                        if (false) {
233                            Object val = animation.getAnimatedValue();
234                            Log.d(TAG, "anim " + thisIndex + " update: " + val +
235                                     ", isStopped " + anim.isStopped());
236                        }
237                        // Try to prevent it from continuing to run
238                        animation.cancel();
239                    } else {
240                        mDragOutlineAlphas[thisIndex] = (Float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
241                        final int left = mDragOutlines[thisIndex].x;
242                        final int top = mDragOutlines[thisIndex].y;
243                        CellLayout.this.invalidate(left, top,
244                                left + outline.getWidth(), top + outline.getHeight());
245                    }
246                }
247            });
248            // The animation holds a reference to the drag outline bitmap as long is it's
249            // running. This way the bitmap can be GCed when the animations are complete.
250            anim.getAnimator().addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
251                @Override
252                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
253                    if ((Float) ((ValueAnimator) animation).getAnimatedValue() == 0f) {
254                        anim.setTag(null);
255                    }
256                }
257            });
258            mDragOutlineAnims[i] = anim;
259        }
261        mBackgroundRect = new Rect();
262        mGlowBackgroundRect = new Rect();
263        setHoverScale(1.0f);
264        setHoverAlpha(1.0f);
266        mChildren = new CellLayoutChildren(context);
267        mChildren.setCellDimensions(
268                mCellWidth, mCellHeight, mLeftPadding, mTopPadding, mWidthGap, mHeightGap);
269        addView(mChildren);
270    }
272    private void invalidateBubbleTextView(BubbleTextView icon) {
273        final int padding = icon.getPressedOrFocusedBackgroundPadding();
274        invalidate(icon.getLeft() - padding,
275                icon.getTop() - padding,
276                icon.getRight() + padding,
277                icon.getBottom() + padding);
278    }
280    void setPressedOrFocusedIcon(BubbleTextView icon) {
281        // We draw the pressed or focused BubbleTextView's background in CellLayout because it
282        // requires an expanded clip rect (due to the glow's blur radius)
283        BubbleTextView oldIcon = mPressedOrFocusedIcon;
284        mPressedOrFocusedIcon = icon;
285        if (oldIcon != null) {
286            invalidateBubbleTextView(oldIcon);
287        }
288        if (mPressedOrFocusedIcon != null) {
289            invalidateBubbleTextView(mPressedOrFocusedIcon);
290        }
291    }
293    public CellLayoutChildren getChildrenLayout() {
294        if (getChildCount() > 0) {
295            return (CellLayoutChildren) getChildAt(0);
296        }
297        return null;
298    }
300    public void setIsDefaultDropTarget(boolean isDefaultDropTarget) {
301        if (mIsDefaultDropTarget != isDefaultDropTarget) {
302            mIsDefaultDropTarget = isDefaultDropTarget;
303            invalidate();
304        }
305    }
307    void setIsDragOccuring(boolean isDragOccuring) {
308        if (mIsDragOccuring != isDragOccuring) {
309            mIsDragOccuring = isDragOccuring;
310            invalidate();
311        }
312    }
314    void setIsDragOverlapping(boolean isDragOverlapping) {
315        if (mIsDragOverlapping != isDragOverlapping) {
316            mIsDragOverlapping = isDragOverlapping;
317            invalidate();
318        }
319    }
321    boolean getIsDragOverlapping() {
322        return mIsDragOverlapping;
323    }
325    private void updateGlowRect() {
326        float marginFraction = (mGlowBackgroundScale - 1.0f) / 2.0f;
327        int marginX = (int) (marginFraction * (mBackgroundRect.right - mBackgroundRect.left));
328        int marginY = (int) (marginFraction * (mBackgroundRect.bottom - mBackgroundRect.top));
329        mGlowBackgroundRect.set(mBackgroundRect.left - marginX, mBackgroundRect.top - marginY,
330                mBackgroundRect.right + marginX, mBackgroundRect.bottom + marginY);
331        invalidate();
332    }
334    public void setHoverScale(float scaleFactor) {
335        if (scaleFactor != mGlowBackgroundScale) {
336            mGlowBackgroundScale = scaleFactor;
337            updateGlowRect();
338            if (getParent() != null) {
339                ((View) getParent()).invalidate();
340            }
341        }
342    }
344    public float getHoverScale() {
345        return mGlowBackgroundScale;
346    }
348    public float getHoverAlpha() {
349        return mGlowBackgroundAlpha;
350    }
352    public void setHoverAlpha(float alpha) {
353        mGlowBackgroundAlpha = alpha;
354        invalidate();
355    }
357    void animateDrop() {
358        if (LauncherApplication.isScreenXLarge()) {
359            Resources res = getResources();
360            float onDropScale = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_screenOnDropScalePercent) / 100.0f;
361            ObjectAnimator scaleUp = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "hoverScale", onDropScale);
362            scaleUp.setDuration(res.getInteger(R.integer.config_screenOnDropScaleUpDuration));
363            ObjectAnimator scaleDown = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "hoverScale", 1.0f);
364            scaleDown.setDuration(res.getInteger(R.integer.config_screenOnDropScaleDownDuration));
365            ObjectAnimator alphaFadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "hoverAlpha", 0.0f);
367            alphaFadeOut.setStartDelay(res.getInteger(R.integer.config_screenOnDropAlphaFadeDelay));
368            alphaFadeOut.setDuration(res.getInteger(R.integer.config_screenOnDropAlphaFadeDelay));
370            AnimatorSet bouncer = new AnimatorSet();
371            bouncer.play(scaleUp).before(scaleDown);
372            bouncer.play(scaleUp).with(alphaFadeOut);
373            bouncer.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
374                @Override
375                public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
376                    setIsDragOverlapping(true);
377                }
378                @Override
379                public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
380                    setIsDragOverlapping(false);
381                    setHoverScale(1.0f);
382                    setHoverAlpha(1.0f);
383                }
384            });
385            bouncer.start();
386        }
387    }
389    @Override
390    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
391        // When we're large, we are either drawn in a "hover" state (ie when dragging an item to
392        // a neighboring page) or with just a normal background (if backgroundAlpha > 0.0f)
393        // When we're small, we are either drawn normally or in the "accepts drops" state (during
394        // a drag). However, we also drag the mini hover background *over* one of those two
395        // backgrounds
396        if (LauncherApplication.isScreenXLarge() && mBackgroundAlpha > 0.0f) {
397            Drawable bg;
398            boolean mini = getScaleX() < 0.5f;
400            if (mIsDragOverlapping) {
401                // In the mini case, we draw the active_glow bg *over* the active background
402                bg = mini ? mActiveBackgroundMini : mActiveGlowBackground;
403            } else if (mIsDragOccuring && mAcceptsDrops) {
404                bg = mini ? mActiveBackgroundMini : mActiveBackground;
405            } else if (mIsDefaultDropTarget && mini) {
406                bg = mNormalGlowBackgroundMini;
407            } else {
408                bg = mini ? mNormalBackgroundMini : mNormalBackground;
409            }
411            bg.setAlpha((int) (mBackgroundAlpha * mBackgroundAlphaMultiplier * 255));
412            bg.setBounds(mBackgroundRect);
413            bg.draw(canvas);
415            if (mini && mIsDragOverlapping) {
416                boolean modifiedClipRect = false;
417                if (mGlowBackgroundScale > 1.0f) {
418                    // If the hover background's scale is greater than 1, we'll be drawing outside
419                    // the bounds of this CellLayout. Get around that by temporarily increasing the
420                    // size of the clip rect
421                    float marginFraction = (mGlowBackgroundScale - 1.0f) / 2.0f;
422                    Rect clipRect = canvas.getClipBounds();
423                    int marginX = (int) (marginFraction * (clipRect.right - clipRect.left));
424                    int marginY = (int) (marginFraction * (clipRect.bottom - clipRect.top));
425                    canvas.save(Canvas.CLIP_SAVE_FLAG);
426                    canvas.clipRect(-marginX, -marginY,
427                            getWidth() + marginX, getHeight() + marginY, Region.Op.REPLACE);
428                    modifiedClipRect = true;
429                }
431                mActiveGlowBackgroundMini.setAlpha(
432                        (int) (mBackgroundAlpha * mGlowBackgroundAlpha * 255));
433                mActiveGlowBackgroundMini.setBounds(mGlowBackgroundRect);
434                mActiveGlowBackgroundMini.draw(canvas);
435                if (modifiedClipRect) {
436                    canvas.restore();
437                }
438            }
439        }
441        if (mCrosshairsVisibility > 0.0f) {
442            final int countX = mCountX;
443            final int countY = mCountY;
445            final float MAX_ALPHA = 0.4f;
446            final int MAX_VISIBLE_DISTANCE = 600;
447            final float DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER = 0.002f;
449            final Drawable d = mCrosshairsDrawable;
450            final int width = d.getIntrinsicWidth();
451            final int height = d.getIntrinsicHeight();
453            int x = getLeftPadding() - (mWidthGap / 2) - (width / 2);
454            for (int col = 0; col <= countX; col++) {
455                int y = getTopPadding() - (mHeightGap / 2) - (height / 2);
456                for (int row = 0; row <= countY; row++) {
457                    mTmpPointF.set(x - mDragCenter.x, y - mDragCenter.y);
458                    float dist = mTmpPointF.length();
459                    // Crosshairs further from the drag point are more faint
460                    float alpha = Math.min(MAX_ALPHA,
461                            DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER * (MAX_VISIBLE_DISTANCE - dist));
462                    if (alpha > 0.0f) {
463                        d.setBounds(x, y, x + width, y + height);
464                        d.setAlpha((int) (alpha * 255 * mCrosshairsVisibility));
465                        d.draw(canvas);
466                    }
467                    y += mCellHeight + mHeightGap;
468                }
469                x += mCellWidth + mWidthGap;
470            }
471        }
473        final Paint paint = mDragOutlinePaint;
474        for (int i = 0; i < mDragOutlines.length; i++) {
475            final float alpha = mDragOutlineAlphas[i];
476            if (alpha > 0) {
477                final Point p = mDragOutlines[i];
478                final Bitmap b = (Bitmap) mDragOutlineAnims[i].getTag();
479                paint.setAlpha((int)(alpha + .5f));
480                canvas.drawBitmap(b, p.x, p.y, paint);
481            }
482        }
484        // We draw the pressed or focused BubbleTextView's background in CellLayout because it
485        // requires an expanded clip rect (due to the glow's blur radius)
486        if (mPressedOrFocusedIcon != null) {
487            final int padding = mPressedOrFocusedIcon.getPressedOrFocusedBackgroundPadding();
488            final Bitmap b = mPressedOrFocusedIcon.getPressedOrFocusedBackground();
489            if (b != null) {
490                canvas.drawBitmap(b,
491                        mPressedOrFocusedIcon.getLeft() - padding,
492                        mPressedOrFocusedIcon.getTop() - padding,
493                        null);
494            }
495        }
496    }
498    @Override
499    public void cancelLongPress() {
500        super.cancelLongPress();
502        // Cancel long press for all children
503        final int count = getChildCount();
504        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
505            final View child = getChildAt(i);
506            child.cancelLongPress();
507        }
508    }
510    public void setOnInterceptTouchListener(View.OnTouchListener listener) {
511        mInterceptTouchListener = listener;
512    }
514    int getCountX() {
515        return mCountX;
516    }
518    int getCountY() {
519        return mCountY;
520    }
522    public boolean addViewToCellLayout(
523            View child, int index, int childId, LayoutParams params, boolean markCells) {
524        final LayoutParams lp = params;
526        // Generate an id for each view, this assumes we have at most 256x256 cells
527        // per workspace screen
528        if (lp.cellX >= 0 && lp.cellX <= mCountX - 1 && lp.cellY >= 0 && lp.cellY <= mCountY - 1) {
529            // If the horizontal or vertical span is set to -1, it is taken to
530            // mean that it spans the extent of the CellLayout
531            if (lp.cellHSpan < 0) lp.cellHSpan = mCountX;
532            if (lp.cellVSpan < 0) lp.cellVSpan = mCountY;
534            child.setId(childId);
536            mChildren.addView(child, index, lp);
538            if (markCells) markCellsAsOccupiedForView(child);
540            return true;
541        }
542        return false;
543    }
545    public void setAcceptsDrops(boolean acceptsDrops) {
546        if (mAcceptsDrops != acceptsDrops) {
547            mAcceptsDrops = acceptsDrops;
548            invalidate();
549        }
550    }
552    public boolean getAcceptsDrops() {
553        return mAcceptsDrops;
554    }
556    @Override
557    public void removeAllViews() {
558        clearOccupiedCells();
559        mChildren.removeAllViews();
560    }
562    @Override
563    public void removeAllViewsInLayout() {
564        clearOccupiedCells();
565        mChildren.removeAllViewsInLayout();
566    }
568    public void removeViewWithoutMarkingCells(View view) {
569        mChildren.removeView(view);
570    }
572    @Override
573    public void removeView(View view) {
574        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(view);
575        mChildren.removeView(view);
576    }
578    @Override
579    public void removeViewAt(int index) {
580        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(mChildren.getChildAt(index));
581        mChildren.removeViewAt(index);
582    }
584    @Override
585    public void removeViewInLayout(View view) {
586        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(view);
587        mChildren.removeViewInLayout(view);
588    }
590    @Override
591    public void removeViews(int start, int count) {
592        for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
593            markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(mChildren.getChildAt(i));
594        }
595        mChildren.removeViews(start, count);
596    }
598    @Override
599    public void removeViewsInLayout(int start, int count) {
600        for (int i = start; i < start + count; i++) {
601            markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(mChildren.getChildAt(i));
602        }
603        mChildren.removeViewsInLayout(start, count);
604    }
606    public void drawChildren(Canvas canvas) {
607        mChildren.draw(canvas);
608    }
610    void buildChildrenLayer() {
611        mChildren.buildLayer();
612    }
614    @Override
615    protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
616        super.onAttachedToWindow();
617        mCellInfo.screen = ((ViewGroup) getParent()).indexOfChild(this);
618    }
620    public void setTagToCellInfoForPoint(int touchX, int touchY) {
621        final CellInfo cellInfo = mCellInfo;
622        final Rect frame = mRect;
623        final int x = touchX + mScrollX;
624        final int y = touchY + mScrollY;
625        final int count = mChildren.getChildCount();
627        boolean found = false;
628        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
629            final View child = mChildren.getChildAt(i);
630            final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
632            if ((child.getVisibility() == VISIBLE || child.getAnimation() != null) &&
633                    lp.isLockedToGrid) {
634                child.getHitRect(frame);
635                if (frame.contains(x, y)) {
636                    cellInfo.cell = child;
637                    cellInfo.cellX = lp.cellX;
638                    cellInfo.cellY = lp.cellY;
639                    cellInfo.spanX = lp.cellHSpan;
640                    cellInfo.spanY = lp.cellVSpan;
641                    cellInfo.valid = true;
642                    found = true;
643                    break;
644                }
645            }
646        }
648        if (!found) {
649            final int cellXY[] = mTmpCellXY;
650            pointToCellExact(x, y, cellXY);
652            cellInfo.cell = null;
653            cellInfo.cellX = cellXY[0];
654            cellInfo.cellY = cellXY[1];
655            cellInfo.spanX = 1;
656            cellInfo.spanY = 1;
657            cellInfo.valid = cellXY[0] >= 0 && cellXY[1] >= 0 && cellXY[0] < mCountX &&
658                    cellXY[1] < mCountY && !mOccupied[cellXY[0]][cellXY[1]];
659        }
660        setTag(cellInfo);
661    }
663    @Override
664    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
665        if (mInterceptTouchListener != null && mInterceptTouchListener.onTouch(this, ev)) {
666            return true;
667        }
668        final int action = ev.getAction();
669        final CellInfo cellInfo = mCellInfo;
671        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
672            setTagToCellInfoForPoint((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY());
673        } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
674            cellInfo.cell = null;
675            cellInfo.cellX = -1;
676            cellInfo.cellY = -1;
677            cellInfo.spanX = 0;
678            cellInfo.spanY = 0;
679            cellInfo.valid = false;
680            setTag(cellInfo);
681        }
683        return false;
684    }
686    @Override
687    public CellInfo getTag() {
688        return (CellInfo) super.getTag();
689    }
691    /**
692     * Given a point, return the cell that strictly encloses that point
693     * @param x X coordinate of the point
694     * @param y Y coordinate of the point
695     * @param result Array of 2 ints to hold the x and y coordinate of the cell
696     */
697    void pointToCellExact(int x, int y, int[] result) {
698        final int hStartPadding = getLeftPadding();
699        final int vStartPadding = getTopPadding();
701        result[0] = (x - hStartPadding) / (mCellWidth + mWidthGap);
702        result[1] = (y - vStartPadding) / (mCellHeight + mHeightGap);
704        final int xAxis = mCountX;
705        final int yAxis = mCountY;
707        if (result[0] < 0) result[0] = 0;
708        if (result[0] >= xAxis) result[0] = xAxis - 1;
709        if (result[1] < 0) result[1] = 0;
710        if (result[1] >= yAxis) result[1] = yAxis - 1;
711    }
713    /**
714     * Given a point, return the cell that most closely encloses that point
715     * @param x X coordinate of the point
716     * @param y Y coordinate of the point
717     * @param result Array of 2 ints to hold the x and y coordinate of the cell
718     */
719    void pointToCellRounded(int x, int y, int[] result) {
720        pointToCellExact(x + (mCellWidth / 2), y + (mCellHeight / 2), result);
721    }
723    /**
724     * Given a cell coordinate, return the point that represents the upper left corner of that cell
725     *
726     * @param cellX X coordinate of the cell
727     * @param cellY Y coordinate of the cell
728     *
729     * @param result Array of 2 ints to hold the x and y coordinate of the point
730     */
731    void cellToPoint(int cellX, int cellY, int[] result) {
732        final int hStartPadding = getLeftPadding();
733        final int vStartPadding = getTopPadding();
735        result[0] = hStartPadding + cellX * (mCellWidth + mWidthGap);
736        result[1] = vStartPadding + cellY * (mCellHeight + mHeightGap);
737    }
739    int getCellWidth() {
740        return mCellWidth;
741    }
743    int getCellHeight() {
744        return mCellHeight;
745    }
747    int getWidthGap() {
748        return mWidthGap;
749    }
751    int getHeightGap() {
752        return mHeightGap;
753    }
755    int getLeftPadding() {
756        return mLeftPadding;
757    }
759    int getTopPadding() {
760        return mTopPadding;
761    }
763    int getRightPadding() {
764        return mRightPadding;
765    }
767    int getBottomPadding() {
768        return mBottomPadding;
769    }
771    @Override
772    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
773        // TODO: currently ignoring padding
775        int widthSpecMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
776        int widthSpecSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
778        int heightSpecMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
779        int heightSpecSize =  MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
781        if (widthSpecMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED || heightSpecMode == MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED) {
782            throw new RuntimeException("CellLayout cannot have UNSPECIFIED dimensions");
783        }
785        final int cellWidth = mCellWidth;
786        final int cellHeight = mCellHeight;
788        int numWidthGaps = mCountX - 1;
789        int numHeightGaps = mCountY - 1;
791        if (mWidthGap < 0 || mHeightGap < 0) {
792            int vSpaceLeft = heightSpecSize - mTopPadding - mBottomPadding - (cellHeight * mCountY);
793            mHeightGap = vSpaceLeft / numHeightGaps;
795            int hSpaceLeft = widthSpecSize - mLeftPadding - mRightPadding - (cellWidth * mCountX);
796            mWidthGap = hSpaceLeft / numWidthGaps;
798            // center it around the min gaps
799            int minGap = Math.min(mWidthGap, mHeightGap);
800            mWidthGap = mHeightGap = minGap;
801        }
803        // Initial values correspond to widthSpecMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY
804        int newWidth = widthSpecSize;
805        int newHeight = heightSpecSize;
806        if (widthSpecMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
807            newWidth = mLeftPadding + mRightPadding + (mCountX * cellWidth) +
808                ((mCountX - 1) * mWidthGap);
809            newHeight = mTopPadding + mBottomPadding + (mCountY * cellHeight) +
810                ((mCountY - 1) * mHeightGap);
811            setMeasuredDimension(newWidth, newHeight);
812        }
814        int count = getChildCount();
815        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
816            View child = getChildAt(i);
817            int childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(newWidth, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
818            int childheightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(newHeight,
819                    MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
820            child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childheightMeasureSpec);
821        }
822        setMeasuredDimension(newWidth, newHeight);
823    }
825    @Override
826    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
827        int count = getChildCount();
828        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
829            View child = getChildAt(i);
830            child.layout(0, 0, r - l, b - t);
831        }
832    }
834    @Override
835    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
836        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
837        mBackgroundRect.set(0, 0, w, h);
838        updateGlowRect();
839    }
841    @Override
842    protected void setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) {
843        mChildren.setChildrenDrawingCacheEnabled(enabled);
844    }
846    @Override
847    protected void setChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) {
848        mChildren.setChildrenDrawnWithCacheEnabled(enabled);
849    }
851    public float getBackgroundAlpha() {
852        return mBackgroundAlpha;
853    }
855    public void setFastBackgroundAlpha(float alpha) {
856        mBackgroundAlpha = alpha;
857    }
859    public void setBackgroundAlphaMultiplier(float multiplier) {
860        mBackgroundAlphaMultiplier = multiplier;
861    }
863    public float getBackgroundAlphaMultiplier() {
864        return mBackgroundAlphaMultiplier;
865    }
867    public void setBackgroundAlpha(float alpha) {
868        mBackgroundAlpha = alpha;
869        invalidate();
870    }
872    // Need to return true to let the view system know we know how to handle alpha-- this is
873    // because when our children have an alpha of 0.0f, they are still rendering their "dimmed"
874    // versions
875    @Override
876    protected boolean onSetAlpha(int alpha) {
877        return true;
878    }
880    public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
881        setChildrenAlpha(alpha);
882        super.setAlpha(alpha);
883    }
885    public void setFastAlpha(float alpha) {
886        setFastChildrenAlpha(alpha);
887        super.setFastAlpha(alpha);
888    }
890    private void setChildrenAlpha(float alpha) {
891        final int childCount = getChildCount();
892        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
893            getChildAt(i).setAlpha(alpha);
894        }
895    }
897    private void setFastChildrenAlpha(float alpha) {
898        final int childCount = getChildCount();
899        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
900            getChildAt(i).setFastAlpha(alpha);
901        }
902    }
904    public View getChildAt(int x, int y) {
905        return mChildren.getChildAt(x, y);
906    }
908    /**
909     * Estimate where the top left cell of the dragged item will land if it is dropped.
910     *
911     * @param originX The X value of the top left corner of the item
912     * @param originY The Y value of the top left corner of the item
913     * @param spanX The number of horizontal cells that the item spans
914     * @param spanY The number of vertical cells that the item spans
915     * @param result The estimated drop cell X and Y.
916     */
917    void estimateDropCell(int originX, int originY, int spanX, int spanY, int[] result) {
918        final int countX = mCountX;
919        final int countY = mCountY;
921        // pointToCellRounded takes the top left of a cell but will pad that with
922        // cellWidth/2 and cellHeight/2 when finding the matching cell
923        pointToCellRounded(originX, originY, result);
925        // If the item isn't fully on this screen, snap to the edges
926        int rightOverhang = result[0] + spanX - countX;
927        if (rightOverhang > 0) {
928            result[0] -= rightOverhang; // Snap to right
929        }
930        result[0] = Math.max(0, result[0]); // Snap to left
931        int bottomOverhang = result[1] + spanY - countY;
932        if (bottomOverhang > 0) {
933            result[1] -= bottomOverhang; // Snap to bottom
934        }
935        result[1] = Math.max(0, result[1]); // Snap to top
936    }
938    void visualizeDropLocation(
939            View v, Bitmap dragOutline, int originX, int originY, int spanX, int spanY) {
941        final int oldDragCellX = mDragCell[0];
942        final int oldDragCellY = mDragCell[1];
943        final int[] nearest = findNearestVacantArea(originX, originY, spanX, spanY, v, mDragCell);
944        if (v != null) {
945            mDragCenter.set(originX + (v.getWidth() / 2), originY + (v.getHeight() / 2));
946        } else {
947            mDragCenter.set(originX, originY);
948        }
950        if (nearest != null && (nearest[0] != oldDragCellX || nearest[1] != oldDragCellY)) {
951            // Find the top left corner of the rect the object will occupy
952            final int[] topLeft = mTmpPoint;
953            cellToPoint(nearest[0], nearest[1], topLeft);
955            int left = topLeft[0];
956            int top = topLeft[1];
958            if (v != null) {
959                // When drawing the drag outline, it did not account for margin offsets
960                // added by the view's parent.
961                MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) v.getLayoutParams();
962                left += lp.leftMargin;
963                top += lp.topMargin;
965                // Offsets due to the size difference between the View and the dragOutline.
966                // There is a size difference to account for the outer blur, which may lie
967                // outside the bounds of the view.
968                left += (v.getWidth() - dragOutline.getWidth()) / 2;
969                top += (v.getHeight() - dragOutline.getHeight()) / 2;
970            }
972            final int oldIndex = mDragOutlineCurrent;
973            mDragOutlineAnims[oldIndex].animateOut();
974            mDragOutlineCurrent = (oldIndex + 1) % mDragOutlines.length;
976            mDragOutlines[mDragOutlineCurrent].set(left, top);
977            mDragOutlineAnims[mDragOutlineCurrent].setTag(dragOutline);
978            mDragOutlineAnims[mDragOutlineCurrent].animateIn();
979        }
981        // If we are drawing crosshairs, the entire CellLayout needs to be invalidated
982        if (mCrosshairsDrawable != null) {
983            invalidate();
984        }
985    }
987    /**
988     * Find a vacant area that will fit the given bounds nearest the requested
989     * cell location. Uses Euclidean distance to score multiple vacant areas.
990     *
991     * @param pixelX The X location at which you want to search for a vacant area.
992     * @param pixelY The Y location at which you want to search for a vacant area.
993     * @param spanX Horizontal span of the object.
994     * @param spanY Vertical span of the object.
995     * @param result Array in which to place the result, or null (in which case a new array will
996     *        be allocated)
997     * @return The X, Y cell of a vacant area that can contain this object,
998     *         nearest the requested location.
999     */
1000    int[] findNearestVacantArea(
1001            int pixelX, int pixelY, int spanX, int spanY, int[] result) {
1002        return findNearestVacantArea(pixelX, pixelY, spanX, spanY, null, result);
1003    }
1005    /**
1006     * Find a vacant area that will fit the given bounds nearest the requested
1007     * cell location. Uses Euclidean distance to score multiple vacant areas.
1008     *
1009     * @param pixelX The X location at which you want to search for a vacant area.
1010     * @param pixelY The Y location at which you want to search for a vacant area.
1011     * @param spanX Horizontal span of the object.
1012     * @param spanY Vertical span of the object.
1013     * @param ignoreView Considers space occupied by this view as unoccupied
1014     * @param result Previously returned value to possibly recycle.
1015     * @return The X, Y cell of a vacant area that can contain this object,
1016     *         nearest the requested location.
1017     */
1018    int[] findNearestVacantArea(
1019            int pixelX, int pixelY, int spanX, int spanY, View ignoreView, int[] result) {
1020        // mark space take by ignoreView as available (method checks if ignoreView is null)
1021        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(ignoreView);
1023        // Keep track of best-scoring drop area
1024        final int[] bestXY = result != null ? result : new int[2];
1025        double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
1027        final int countX = mCountX;
1028        final int countY = mCountY;
1029        final boolean[][] occupied = mOccupied;
1031        for (int y = 0; y < countY - (spanY - 1); y++) {
1032            inner:
1033            for (int x = 0; x < countX - (spanX - 1); x++) {
1034                for (int i = 0; i < spanX; i++) {
1035                    for (int j = 0; j < spanY; j++) {
1036                        if (occupied[x + i][y + j]) {
1037                            // small optimization: we can skip to after the column we just found
1038                            // an occupied cell
1039                            x += i;
1040                            continue inner;
1041                        }
1042                    }
1043                }
1044                final int[] cellXY = mTmpCellXY;
1045                cellToPoint(x, y, cellXY);
1047                double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(cellXY[0] - pixelX, 2)
1048                        + Math.pow(cellXY[1] - pixelY, 2));
1049                if (distance <= bestDistance) {
1050                    bestDistance = distance;
1051                    bestXY[0] = x;
1052                    bestXY[1] = y;
1053                }
1054            }
1055        }
1056        // re-mark space taken by ignoreView as occupied
1057        markCellsAsOccupiedForView(ignoreView);
1059        // Return null if no suitable location found
1060        if (bestDistance < Double.MAX_VALUE) {
1061            return bestXY;
1062        } else {
1063            return null;
1064        }
1065    }
1067    boolean existsEmptyCell() {
1068        return findCellForSpan(null, 1, 1);
1069    }
1071    /**
1072     * Finds the upper-left coordinate of the first rectangle in the grid that can
1073     * hold a cell of the specified dimensions. If intersectX and intersectY are not -1,
1074     * then this method will only return coordinates for rectangles that contain the cell
1075     * (intersectX, intersectY)
1076     *
1077     * @param cellXY The array that will contain the position of a vacant cell if such a cell
1078     *               can be found.
1079     * @param spanX The horizontal span of the cell we want to find.
1080     * @param spanY The vertical span of the cell we want to find.
1081     *
1082     * @return True if a vacant cell of the specified dimension was found, false otherwise.
1083     */
1084    boolean findCellForSpan(int[] cellXY, int spanX, int spanY) {
1085        return findCellForSpanThatIntersectsIgnoring(cellXY, spanX, spanY, -1, -1, null);
1086    }
1088    /**
1089     * Like above, but ignores any cells occupied by the item "ignoreView"
1090     *
1091     * @param cellXY The array that will contain the position of a vacant cell if such a cell
1092     *               can be found.
1093     * @param spanX The horizontal span of the cell we want to find.
1094     * @param spanY The vertical span of the cell we want to find.
1095     * @param ignoreView The home screen item we should treat as not occupying any space
1096     * @return
1097     */
1098    boolean findCellForSpanIgnoring(int[] cellXY, int spanX, int spanY, View ignoreView) {
1099        return findCellForSpanThatIntersectsIgnoring(cellXY, spanX, spanY, -1, -1, ignoreView);
1100    }
1102    /**
1103     * Like above, but if intersectX and intersectY are not -1, then this method will try to
1104     * return coordinates for rectangles that contain the cell [intersectX, intersectY]
1105     *
1106     * @param spanX The horizontal span of the cell we want to find.
1107     * @param spanY The vertical span of the cell we want to find.
1108     * @param ignoreView The home screen item we should treat as not occupying any space
1109     * @param intersectX The X coordinate of the cell that we should try to overlap
1110     * @param intersectX The Y coordinate of the cell that we should try to overlap
1111     *
1112     * @return True if a vacant cell of the specified dimension was found, false otherwise.
1113     */
1114    boolean findCellForSpanThatIntersects(int[] cellXY, int spanX, int spanY,
1115            int intersectX, int intersectY) {
1116        return findCellForSpanThatIntersectsIgnoring(
1117                cellXY, spanX, spanY, intersectX, intersectY, null);
1118    }
1120    /**
1121     * The superset of the above two methods
1122     */
1123    boolean findCellForSpanThatIntersectsIgnoring(int[] cellXY, int spanX, int spanY,
1124            int intersectX, int intersectY, View ignoreView) {
1125        // mark space take by ignoreView as available (method checks if ignoreView is null)
1126        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(ignoreView);
1128        boolean foundCell = false;
1129        while (true) {
1130            int startX = 0;
1131            if (intersectX >= 0) {
1132                startX = Math.max(startX, intersectX - (spanX - 1));
1133            }
1134            int endX = mCountX - (spanX - 1);
1135            if (intersectX >= 0) {
1136                endX = Math.min(endX, intersectX + (spanX - 1) + (spanX == 1 ? 1 : 0));
1137            }
1138            int startY = 0;
1139            if (intersectY >= 0) {
1140                startY = Math.max(startY, intersectY - (spanY - 1));
1141            }
1142            int endY = mCountY - (spanY - 1);
1143            if (intersectY >= 0) {
1144                endY = Math.min(endY, intersectY + (spanY - 1) + (spanY == 1 ? 1 : 0));
1145            }
1147            for (int y = startY; y < endY && !foundCell; y++) {
1148                inner:
1149                for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++) {
1150                    for (int i = 0; i < spanX; i++) {
1151                        for (int j = 0; j < spanY; j++) {
1152                            if (mOccupied[x + i][y + j]) {
1153                                // small optimization: we can skip to after the column we just found
1154                                // an occupied cell
1155                                x += i;
1156                                continue inner;
1157                            }
1158                        }
1159                    }
1160                    if (cellXY != null) {
1161                        cellXY[0] = x;
1162                        cellXY[1] = y;
1163                    }
1164                    foundCell = true;
1165                    break;
1166                }
1167            }
1168            if (intersectX == -1 && intersectY == -1) {
1169                break;
1170            } else {
1171                // if we failed to find anything, try again but without any requirements of
1172                // intersecting
1173                intersectX = -1;
1174                intersectY = -1;
1175                continue;
1176            }
1177        }
1179        // re-mark space taken by ignoreView as occupied
1180        markCellsAsOccupiedForView(ignoreView);
1181        return foundCell;
1182    }
1184    /**
1185     * Called when drag has left this CellLayout or has been completed (successfully or not)
1186     */
1187    void onDragExit() {
1188        // This can actually be called when we aren't in a drag, e.g. when adding a new
1189        // item to this layout via the customize drawer.
1190        // Guard against that case.
1191        if (mDragging) {
1192            mDragging = false;
1194            // Fade out the drag indicators
1195            if (mCrosshairsAnimator != null) {
1196                mCrosshairsAnimator.animateOut();
1197            }
1198        }
1200        // Invalidate the drag data
1201        mDragCell[0] = -1;
1202        mDragCell[1] = -1;
1203        mDragOutlineAnims[mDragOutlineCurrent].animateOut();
1204        mDragOutlineCurrent = (mDragOutlineCurrent + 1) % mDragOutlineAnims.length;
1206        setIsDragOverlapping(false);
1207    }
1209    /**
1210     * Mark a child as having been dropped.
1211     * At the beginning of the drag operation, the child may have been on another
1212     * screen, but it is re-parented before this method is called.
1213     *
1214     * @param child The child that is being dropped
1215     */
1216    void onDropChild(View child, boolean animate) {
1217        if (child != null) {
1218            LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
1219            lp.isDragging = false;
1220            lp.dropped = true;
1221            lp.animateDrop = animate;
1222            child.setVisibility(animate ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE);
1223            child.requestLayout();
1224        }
1225    }
1227    /**
1228     * Start dragging the specified child
1229     *
1230     * @param child The child that is being dragged
1231     */
1232    void onDragChild(View child) {
1233        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
1234        lp.isDragging = true;
1235    }
1237    /**
1238     * A drag event has begun over this layout.
1239     * It may have begun over this layout (in which case onDragChild is called first),
1240     * or it may have begun on another layout.
1241     */
1242    void onDragEnter() {
1243        if (!mDragging) {
1244            // Fade in the drag indicators
1245            if (mCrosshairsAnimator != null) {
1246                mCrosshairsAnimator.animateIn();
1247            }
1248        }
1249        mDragging = true;
1250    }
1252    /**
1253     * Computes a bounding rectangle for a range of cells
1254     *
1255     * @param cellX X coordinate of upper left corner expressed as a cell position
1256     * @param cellY Y coordinate of upper left corner expressed as a cell position
1257     * @param cellHSpan Width in cells
1258     * @param cellVSpan Height in cells
1259     * @param resultRect Rect into which to put the results
1260     */
1261    public void cellToRect(int cellX, int cellY, int cellHSpan, int cellVSpan, RectF resultRect) {
1262        final int cellWidth = mCellWidth;
1263        final int cellHeight = mCellHeight;
1264        final int widthGap = mWidthGap;
1265        final int heightGap = mHeightGap;
1267        final int hStartPadding = getLeftPadding();
1268        final int vStartPadding = getTopPadding();
1270        int width = cellHSpan * cellWidth + ((cellHSpan - 1) * widthGap);
1271        int height = cellVSpan * cellHeight + ((cellVSpan - 1) * heightGap);
1273        int x = hStartPadding + cellX * (cellWidth + widthGap);
1274        int y = vStartPadding + cellY * (cellHeight + heightGap);
1276        resultRect.set(x, y, x + width, y + height);
1277    }
1279    /**
1280     * Computes the required horizontal and vertical cell spans to always
1281     * fit the given rectangle.
1282     *
1283     * @param width Width in pixels
1284     * @param height Height in pixels
1285     * @param result An array of length 2 in which to store the result (may be null).
1286     */
1287    public int[] rectToCell(int width, int height, int[] result) {
1288        return rectToCell(getResources(), width, height, result);
1289    }
1291    public static int[] rectToCell(Resources resources, int width, int height, int[] result) {
1292        // Always assume we're working with the smallest span to make sure we
1293        // reserve enough space in both orientations.
1294        int actualWidth = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.workspace_cell_width);
1295        int actualHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.workspace_cell_height);
1296        int smallerSize = Math.min(actualWidth, actualHeight);
1298        // Always round up to next largest cell
1299        int spanX = (width + smallerSize) / smallerSize;
1300        int spanY = (height + smallerSize) / smallerSize;
1302        if (result == null) {
1303            return new int[] { spanX, spanY };
1304        }
1305        result[0] = spanX;
1306        result[1] = spanY;
1307        return result;
1308    }
1310    public int[] cellSpansToSize(int hSpans, int vSpans) {
1311        int[] size = new int[2];
1312        size[0] = hSpans * mCellWidth + (hSpans - 1) * mWidthGap;
1313        size[1] = vSpans * mCellHeight + (vSpans - 1) * mHeightGap;
1314        return size;
1315    }
1317    /**
1318     * Calculate the grid spans needed to fit given item
1319     */
1320    public void calculateSpans(ItemInfo info) {
1321        final int minWidth;
1322        final int minHeight;
1324        if (info instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) {
1325            minWidth = ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).minWidth;
1326            minHeight = ((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) info).minHeight;
1327        } else if (info instanceof PendingAddWidgetInfo) {
1328            minWidth = ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) info).minWidth;
1329            minHeight = ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) info).minHeight;
1330        } else {
1331            // It's not a widget, so it must be 1x1
1332            info.spanX = info.spanY = 1;
1333            return;
1334        }
1335        int[] spans = rectToCell(minWidth, minHeight, null);
1336        info.spanX = spans[0];
1337        info.spanY = spans[1];
1338    }
1340    /**
1341     * Find the first vacant cell, if there is one.
1342     *
1343     * @param vacant Holds the x and y coordinate of the vacant cell
1344     * @param spanX Horizontal cell span.
1345     * @param spanY Vertical cell span.
1346     *
1347     * @return True if a vacant cell was found
1348     */
1349    public boolean getVacantCell(int[] vacant, int spanX, int spanY) {
1351        return findVacantCell(vacant, spanX, spanY, mCountX, mCountY, mOccupied);
1352    }
1354    static boolean findVacantCell(int[] vacant, int spanX, int spanY,
1355            int xCount, int yCount, boolean[][] occupied) {
1357        for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++) {
1358            for (int y = 0; y < yCount; y++) {
1359                boolean available = !occupied[x][y];
1360out:            for (int i = x; i < x + spanX - 1 && x < xCount; i++) {
1361                    for (int j = y; j < y + spanY - 1 && y < yCount; j++) {
1362                        available = available && !occupied[i][j];
1363                        if (!available) break out;
1364                    }
1365                }
1367                if (available) {
1368                    vacant[0] = x;
1369                    vacant[1] = y;
1370                    return true;
1371                }
1372            }
1373        }
1375        return false;
1376    }
1378    private void clearOccupiedCells() {
1379        for (int x = 0; x < mCountX; x++) {
1380            for (int y = 0; y < mCountY; y++) {
1381                mOccupied[x][y] = false;
1382            }
1383        }
1384    }
1386    /**
1387     * Given a view, determines how much that view can be expanded in all directions, in terms of
1388     * whether or not there are other items occupying adjacent cells. Used by the
1389     * AppWidgetResizeFrame to determine how the widget can be resized.
1390     */
1391    public void getExpandabilityArrayForView(View view, int[] expandability) {
1392        final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
1393        boolean flag;
1395        expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.LEFT] = 0;
1396        for (int x = lp.cellX - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
1397            flag = false;
1398            for (int y = lp.cellY; y < lp.cellY + lp.cellVSpan; y++) {
1399                if (mOccupied[x][y]) flag = true;
1400            }
1401            if (flag) break;
1402            expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.LEFT]++;
1403        }
1405        expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.TOP] = 0;
1406        for (int y = lp.cellY - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
1407            flag = false;
1408            for (int x = lp.cellX; x < lp.cellX + lp.cellHSpan; x++) {
1409                if (mOccupied[x][y]) flag = true;
1410            }
1411            if (flag) break;
1412            expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.TOP]++;
1413        }
1415        expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.RIGHT] = 0;
1416        for (int x = lp.cellX + lp.cellHSpan; x < mCountX; x++) {
1417            flag = false;
1418            for (int y = lp.cellY; y < lp.cellY + lp.cellVSpan; y++) {
1419                if (mOccupied[x][y]) flag = true;
1420            }
1421            if (flag) break;
1422            expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.RIGHT]++;
1423        }
1425        expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.BOTTOM] = 0;
1426        for (int y = lp.cellY + lp.cellVSpan; y < mCountY; y++) {
1427            flag = false;
1428            for (int x = lp.cellX; x < lp.cellX + lp.cellHSpan; x++) {
1429                if (mOccupied[x][y]) flag = true;
1430            }
1431            if (flag) break;
1432            expandability[AppWidgetResizeFrame.BOTTOM]++;
1433        }
1434    }
1436    public void onMove(View view, int newCellX, int newCellY) {
1437        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
1438        markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(view);
1439        markCellsForView(newCellX, newCellY, lp.cellHSpan, lp.cellVSpan, true);
1440    }
1442    public void markCellsAsOccupiedForView(View view) {
1443        if (view == null || view.getParent() != mChildren) return;
1444        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
1445        markCellsForView(lp.cellX, lp.cellY, lp.cellHSpan, lp.cellVSpan, true);
1446    }
1448    public void markCellsAsUnoccupiedForView(View view) {
1449        if (view == null || view.getParent() != mChildren) return;
1450        LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
1451        markCellsForView(lp.cellX, lp.cellY, lp.cellHSpan, lp.cellVSpan, false);
1452    }
1454    private void markCellsForView(int cellX, int cellY, int spanX, int spanY, boolean value) {
1455        for (int x = cellX; x < cellX + spanX && x < mCountX; x++) {
1456            for (int y = cellY; y < cellY + spanY && y < mCountY; y++) {
1457                mOccupied[x][y] = value;
1458            }
1459        }
1460    }
1462    @Override
1463    public ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) {
1464        return new CellLayout.LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);
1465    }
1467    @Override
1468    protected boolean checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
1469        return p instanceof CellLayout.LayoutParams;
1470    }
1472    @Override
1473    protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
1474        return new CellLayout.LayoutParams(p);
1475    }
1477    public static class CellLayoutAnimationController extends LayoutAnimationController {
1478        public CellLayoutAnimationController(Animation animation, float delay) {
1479            super(animation, delay);
1480        }
1482        @Override
1483        protected long getDelayForView(View view) {
1484            return (int) (Math.random() * 150);
1485        }
1486    }
1488    public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams {
1489        /**
1490         * Horizontal location of the item in the grid.
1491         */
1492        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1493        public int cellX;
1495        /**
1496         * Vertical location of the item in the grid.
1497         */
1498        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1499        public int cellY;
1501        /**
1502         * Number of cells spanned horizontally by the item.
1503         */
1504        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1505        public int cellHSpan;
1507        /**
1508         * Number of cells spanned vertically by the item.
1509         */
1510        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1511        public int cellVSpan;
1513        /**
1514         * Indicates whether the item will set its x, y, width and height parameters freely,
1515         * or whether these will be computed based on cellX, cellY, cellHSpan and cellVSpan.
1516         */
1517        public boolean isLockedToGrid = true;
1519        /**
1520         * Is this item currently being dragged
1521         */
1522        public boolean isDragging;
1524        // X coordinate of the view in the layout.
1525        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1526        int x;
1527        // Y coordinate of the view in the layout.
1528        @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty
1529        int y;
1531        /**
1532         * The old X coordinate of this item, relative to its current parent.
1533         * Used to animate the item into its new position.
1534         */
1535        int oldX;
1537        /**
1538         * The old Y coordinate of this item, relative to its current parent.
1539         * Used to animate the item into its new position.
1540         */
1541        int oldY;
1543        boolean dropped;
1545        boolean animateDrop;
1547        public LayoutParams(Context c, AttributeSet attrs) {
1548            super(c, attrs);
1549            cellHSpan = 1;
1550            cellVSpan = 1;
1551        }
1553        public LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams source) {
1554            super(source);
1555            cellHSpan = 1;
1556            cellVSpan = 1;
1557        }
1559        public LayoutParams(LayoutParams source) {
1560            super(source);
1561            this.cellX = source.cellX;
1562            this.cellY = source.cellY;
1563            this.cellHSpan = source.cellHSpan;
1564            this.cellVSpan = source.cellVSpan;
1565        }
1567        public LayoutParams(int cellX, int cellY, int cellHSpan, int cellVSpan) {
1568            super(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
1569            this.cellX = cellX;
1570            this.cellY = cellY;
1571            this.cellHSpan = cellHSpan;
1572            this.cellVSpan = cellVSpan;
1573        }
1575        public void setup(int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int widthGap, int heightGap,
1576                int hStartPadding, int vStartPadding) {
1577            if (isLockedToGrid) {
1578                final int myCellHSpan = cellHSpan;
1579                final int myCellVSpan = cellVSpan;
1580                final int myCellX = cellX;
1581                final int myCellY = cellY;
1583                width = myCellHSpan * cellWidth + ((myCellHSpan - 1) * widthGap) -
1584                        leftMargin - rightMargin;
1585                height = myCellVSpan * cellHeight + ((myCellVSpan - 1) * heightGap) -
1586                        topMargin - bottomMargin;
1587                x = hStartPadding + myCellX * (cellWidth + widthGap) + leftMargin;
1588                y = vStartPadding + myCellY * (cellHeight + heightGap) + topMargin;
1589            }
1590        }
1592        public String toString() {
1593            return "(" + this.cellX + ", " + this.cellY + ")";
1594        }
1595    }
1597    // This class stores info for two purposes:
1598    // 1. When dragging items (mDragInfo in Workspace), we store the View, its cellX & cellY,
1599    //    its spanX, spanY, and the screen it is on
1600    // 2. When long clicking on an empty cell in a CellLayout, we save information about the
1601    //    cellX and cellY coordinates and which page was clicked. We then set this as a tag on
1602    //    the CellLayout that was long clicked
1603    static final class CellInfo {
1604        View cell;
1605        int cellX = -1;
1606        int cellY = -1;
1607        int spanX;
1608        int spanY;
1609        int screen;
1610        boolean valid;
1612        @Override
1613        public String toString() {
1614            return "Cell[view=" + (cell == null ? "null" : cell.getClass())
1615                    + ", x=" + cellX + ", y=" + cellY + "]";
1616        }
1617    }