Lines Matching refs:marker

151      * marker data is also taken into account.
153 * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration
159 public boolean isTraceEnabled(Marker marker);
164 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
168 public void trace(Marker marker, String msg);
172 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
174 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
179 public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object arg);
183 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
186 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
192 public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2);
196 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
199 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
204 public void trace(Marker marker, String format, Object... argArray);
208 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
210 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
215 public void trace(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t);
284 * marker data is also taken into account.
286 * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration
290 public boolean isDebugEnabled(Marker marker);
295 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
298 public void debug(Marker marker, String msg);
302 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
304 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
308 public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object arg);
312 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
315 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
320 public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2);
324 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
327 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
331 public void debug(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments);
335 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
337 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
341 public void debug(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t);
409 * Similar to {@link #isInfoEnabled()} method except that the marker
412 * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration
415 public boolean isInfoEnabled(Marker marker);
420 * @param marker The marker specific to this log statement
423 public void info(Marker marker, String msg);
427 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
429 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
433 public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object arg);
437 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
440 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
445 public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2);
449 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
452 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
456 public void info(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments);
460 * except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
462 * @param marker the marker data for this log statement
466 public void info(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t);
534 * Similar to {@link #isWarnEnabled()} method except that the marker
537 * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration
541 public boolean isWarnEnabled(Marker marker);
546 * @param marker The marker specific to this log statement
549 public void warn(Marker marker, String msg);
553 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
555 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
559 public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object arg);
563 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
566 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
571 public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2);
575 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
578 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
582 public void warn(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments);
586 * except that the marker data is also taken into consideration.
588 * @param marker the marker data for this log statement
592 public void warn(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t);
661 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
663 * @param marker The marker data to take into consideration
667 public boolean isErrorEnabled(Marker marker);
672 * @param marker The marker specific to this log statement
675 public void error(Marker marker, String msg);
679 * marker data is also taken into consideration.
681 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
685 public void error(Marker marker, String format, Object arg);
689 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
692 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
697 public void error(Marker marker, String format, Object arg1, Object arg2);
701 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
704 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
708 public void error(Marker marker, String format, Object... arguments);
712 * method except that the marker data is also taken into
715 * @param marker the marker data specific to this log statement
719 public void error(Marker marker, String msg, Throwable t);