Lines Matching refs:in

5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
38 * @param queueMode Determines what to do to requests already in the queue.
42 int speak(in IBinder callingInstance, in CharSequence text, in int queueMode, in Bundle params,
56 int synthesizeToFileDescriptor(in IBinder callingInstance, in CharSequence text,
57 in ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor, in Bundle params, String utteranceId);
65 * @param queueMode Determines what to do to requests already in the queue.
69 int playAudio(in IBinder callingInstance, in Uri audioUri, in int queueMode, in Bundle params,
78 * @param queueMode Determines what to do to requests already in the queue.
79 * @param utteranceId Unique id used to identify this request in callbacks.
81 int playSilence(in IBinder callingInstance, in long duration, in int queueMode,
82 in String utteranceId);
91 * in the queue that are from the given app.
96 int stop(in IBinder callingInstance);
134 int isLanguageAvailable(in String lang, in String country, in String variant);
138 * string array can be passed in as keys to {@link TextToSpeech#speak} and
149 String[] getFeaturesForLanguage(in String lang, in String country, in String variant);
166 int loadLanguage(in IBinder caller, in String lang, in String country, in String variant);
176 void setCallback(in IBinder caller, ITextToSpeechCallback cb);
191 int loadVoice(in IBinder caller, in String voiceName);
209 String getDefaultVoiceNameFor(in String lang, in String country, in String variant);