Lines Matching refs:value

39  * property to animate, and the value to animate either to or by, and this class handles the
175 * values holder is the list of all property/value objects.
231 * values are used to calculate the animated value for a given animation fraction
258 * By default, the animator uses the default value for ValueAnimator. Calling this method
259 * will cause the declared value to be used instead.
260 * @param duration The length of ensuing property animations, in milliseconds. The value
276 * object, that value is returned. Otherwise, the default value of the underlying Animator
287 // the value has not been set otherwise
297 * object, that value is returned. Otherwise, the default value of the underlying Animator
308 // the value has not been set otherwise
315 * By default, the animator uses the default value for ValueAnimator. Calling this method
316 * will cause the declared value to be used instead.
317 * @param startDelay The delay of ensuing property animations, in milliseconds. The value
336 * @param interpolator The TimeInterpolator to be used for ensuing property animations. A value
356 // the value has not been set otherwise
370 * @param listener The listener to be called with AnimatorListener events. A value of
393 * @param listener The listener to be called with update events. A value of
443 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
445 * @param value The value to be animated to.
449 public ViewPropertyAnimator x(float value) {
450 animateProperty(X, value);
456 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
458 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
462 public ViewPropertyAnimator xBy(float value) {
463 animatePropertyBy(X, value);
469 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
471 * @param value The value to be animated to.
475 public ViewPropertyAnimator y(float value) {
476 animateProperty(Y, value);
482 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
484 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
488 public ViewPropertyAnimator yBy(float value) {
489 animatePropertyBy(Y, value);
495 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
497 * @param value The value to be animated to.
501 public ViewPropertyAnimator z(float value) {
502 animateProperty(Z, value);
508 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
510 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
514 public ViewPropertyAnimator zBy(float value) {
515 animatePropertyBy(Z, value);
521 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
523 * @param value The value to be animated to.
527 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotation(float value) {
528 animateProperty(ROTATION, value);
534 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
536 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
540 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotationBy(float value) {
541 animatePropertyBy(ROTATION, value);
547 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
549 * @param value The value to be animated to.
553 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotationX(float value) {
554 animateProperty(ROTATION_X, value);
560 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
562 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
566 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotationXBy(float value) {
567 animatePropertyBy(ROTATION_X, value);
573 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
575 * @param value The value to be animated to.
579 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotationY(float value) {
580 animateProperty(ROTATION_Y, value);
586 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
588 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
592 public ViewPropertyAnimator rotationYBy(float value) {
593 animatePropertyBy(ROTATION_Y, value);
599 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
601 * @param value The value to be animated to.
605 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationX(float value) {
606 animateProperty(TRANSLATION_X, value);
612 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
614 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
618 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationXBy(float value) {
619 animatePropertyBy(TRANSLATION_X, value);
625 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
627 * @param value The value to be animated to.
631 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationY(float value) {
632 animateProperty(TRANSLATION_Y, value);
638 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
640 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
644 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationYBy(float value) {
645 animatePropertyBy(TRANSLATION_Y, value);
651 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
653 * @param value The value to be animated to.
657 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationZ(float value) {
658 animateProperty(TRANSLATION_Z, value);
664 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
666 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
670 public ViewPropertyAnimator translationZBy(float value) {
671 animatePropertyBy(TRANSLATION_Z, value);
676 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
678 * @param value The value to be animated to.
682 public ViewPropertyAnimator scaleX(float value) {
683 animateProperty(SCALE_X, value);
689 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
691 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
695 public ViewPropertyAnimator scaleXBy(float value) {
696 animatePropertyBy(SCALE_X, value);
702 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
704 * @param value The value to be animated to.
708 public ViewPropertyAnimator scaleY(float value) {
709 animateProperty(SCALE_Y, value);
715 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
717 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
721 public ViewPropertyAnimator scaleYBy(float value) {
722 animatePropertyBy(SCALE_Y, value);
728 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
730 * @param value The value to be animated to.
734 public ViewPropertyAnimator alpha(float value) {
735 animateProperty(ALPHA, value);
741 * specified value. Animations already running on the property will be canceled.
743 * @param value The amount to be animated by, as an offset from the current value.
747 public ViewPropertyAnimator alphaBy(float value) {
748 animatePropertyBy(ALPHA, value);
768 * value when the animation ends.</p>
857 * simply runs from 0 to 1, and then use that fractional value to set each property
858 * value accordingly.
916 * @param toValue The value to which the property will animate
926 * just like animateProperty(), except the value is an offset from the property's
927 * current value, instead of an absolute "to" value.
942 * @param startValue The starting value of the property
977 * propertyConstant tells it which property should be set, value is the value to set
981 * @param value The value to set the property to
983 private void setValue(int propertyConstant, float value) {
988 renderNode.setTranslationX(value);
991 renderNode.setTranslationY(value);
994 renderNode.setTranslationZ(value);
997 renderNode.setRotation(value);
1000 renderNode.setRotationX(value);
1003 renderNode.setRotationY(value);
1006 renderNode.setScaleX(value);
1009 renderNode.setScaleY(value);
1012 renderNode.setTranslationX(value - mView.mLeft);
1015 renderNode.setTranslationY(value - mView.mTop);
1018 renderNode.setTranslationZ(value - renderNode.getElevation());
1021 info.mAlpha = value;
1022 renderNode.setAlpha(value);
1028 * This method gets the value of the named property from the View object.
1030 * @param propertyConstant The property whose value should be returned
1031 * @return float The value of the named property
1067 * finishes) and the update event (which we use to calculate the current value of each
1134 * Calculate the current value for each property and set it on the view. Invalidate
1139 * the current value of each property.
1170 float value = values.mFromValue + fraction * values.mDeltaValue;
1172 alphaHandled = mView.setAlphaNoInvalidation(value);
1174 setValue(values.mNameConstant, value);