Lines Matching defs:challenge

228         // Do not tie managed profile when work challenge is enabled
760 0 /* no challenge */, profileHandle);
1210 public VerifyCredentialResponse verifyPattern(String pattern, long challenge, int userId)
1212 return doVerifyPattern(pattern, true, challenge, userId);
1216 long challenge, int userId) throws RemoteException {
1219 return doVerifyPattern(pattern, storedHash, hasChallenge, challenge, userId);
1223 boolean hasChallenge, long challenge, int userId) throws RemoteException {
1234 hasChallenge, challenge,
1270 public VerifyCredentialResponse verifyPassword(String password, long challenge, int userId)
1272 return doVerifyPassword(password, true, challenge, userId);
1277 long challenge, int userId) throws RemoteException {
1283 // Unlock parent by using parent's challenge
1285 ? doVerifyPattern(password, true, challenge, parentProfileId)
1286 : doVerifyPassword(password, true, challenge, parentProfileId);
1295 challenge,
1307 long challenge, int userId) throws RemoteException {
1310 return doVerifyPassword(password, storedHash, hasChallenge, challenge, userId);
1314 boolean hasChallenge, long challenge, int userId) throws RemoteException {
1315 return verifyCredential(userId, storedHash, password, hasChallenge, challenge,
1337 String credential, boolean hasChallenge, long challenge, CredentialUtil credentialUtil)
1366 // before getting to a flow with a challenge, but supporting for consistency.
1375 .verifyChallenge(userId, challenge, storedHash.hash, credential.getBytes());
1382 // something's wrong if there's no payload with a challenge