Lines Matching defs:tasks

36  * and compares corners of the task with corners of existing tasks. If some two pairs of corners are
107 * we mean that two tasks have left-top corner very close to each other, so one might get
111 * @param tasks Existing tasks with which we don't want to collide.
115 void updateDefaultBounds(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks,
121 positionCenter(task, tasks, mDefaultFreeformWidth, mDefaultFreeformHeight);
130 positionTopRight(task, tasks, width, height);
132 positionTopLeft(task, tasks, width, height);
136 positionBottomRight(task, tasks, width, height);
138 positionBottomLeft(task, tasks, width, height);
145 positionCenter(task, tasks, width, height);
171 private void positionBottomLeft(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, int width,
175 position(task, tasks, mTmpProposal, !ALLOW_RESTART, SHIFT_POLICY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT);
178 private void positionBottomRight(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, int width,
182 position(task, tasks, mTmpProposal, !ALLOW_RESTART, SHIFT_POLICY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT);
185 private void positionTopLeft(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, int width,
189 position(task, tasks, mTmpProposal, !ALLOW_RESTART, SHIFT_POLICY_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT);
192 private void positionTopRight(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, int width,
196 position(task, tasks, mTmpProposal, !ALLOW_RESTART, SHIFT_POLICY_HORIZONTAL_LEFT);
199 private void positionCenter(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, int width,
203 position(task, tasks, mTmpProposal, ALLOW_RESTART, SHIFT_POLICY_DIAGONAL_DOWN);
206 private void position(TaskRecord task, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks, Rect proposal,
210 while (boundsConflict(proposal, tasks)) {
231 // The user already must have ton of tasks visible, we can just smack the new
265 private static boolean boundsConflict(Rect proposal, ArrayList<TaskRecord> tasks) {
266 for (int i = tasks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
267 TaskRecord task = tasks.get(i);