Lines Matching refs:sources

812     FakeInputMapper(InputDevice* device, uint32_t sources) :
814 mSources(sources), mKeyboardType(AINPUT_KEYBOARD_TYPE_NONE),
1016 const String8& name, uint32_t classes, uint32_t sources,
1019 FakeInputMapper* mapper = new FakeInputMapper(device, sources);
1065 << "Should return unknown when the device id is valid but the sources are not supported by the device.";
1069 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is valid and the device supports some of the sources.";
1073 << "Should return unknown when the device id is < 0 but the sources are not supported by any device.";
1077 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is < 0 and one of the devices supports some of the sources.";
1092 << "Should return unknown when the device id is valid but the sources are not supported by the device.";
1096 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is valid and the device supports some of the sources.";
1100 << "Should return unknown when the device id is < 0 but the sources are not supported by any device.";
1104 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is < 0 and one of the devices supports some of the sources.";
1119 << "Should return unknown when the device id is valid but the sources are not supported by the device.";
1123 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is valid and the device supports some of the sources.";
1127 << "Should return unknown when the device id is < 0 but the sources are not supported by any device.";
1131 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is < 0 and one of the devices supports some of the sources.";
1150 << "Should return false when device id is valid but the sources are not supported by the device.";
1155 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is valid and the device supports some of the sources.";
1160 << "Should return false when the device id is < 0 but the sources are not supported by any device.";
1165 << "Should return value provided by mapper when device id is < 0 and one of the devices supports some of the sources.";