package autotest.afe; import autotest.afe.create.CreateJobViewPresenter.JobCreateListener; import autotest.common.JSONArrayList; import autotest.common.JsonRpcCallback; import autotest.common.JsonRpcProxy; import autotest.common.SimpleCallback; import autotest.common.StaticDataRepository; import autotest.common.Utils; import autotest.common.table.JSONObjectSet; import autotest.common.ui.NotifyManager; import autotest.common.ui.SimplifiedList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Utility methods. */ public class AfeUtils { public static final String PLATFORM_SUFFIX = " (platform)"; public static final String ATOMIC_GROUP_SUFFIX = " (atomic group)"; public static final String REINSTALL_TEST_NAME = "autoupdate:repair"; public static final ClassFactory factory = new SiteClassFactory(); private static StaticDataRepository staticData = StaticDataRepository.getRepository(); public static String formatStatusCounts(JSONObject counts, String joinWith) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Set statusSet = counts.keySet(); for (Iterator i = statusSet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String status =; int count = (int) counts.get(status).isNumber().doubleValue(); result.append(Integer.toString(count)); result.append(" "); result.append(status); if (i.hasNext()) { result.append(joinWith); } } return result.toString(); } public static String[] getLabelStrings() { return getFilteredLabelStrings(false, false); } protected static String[] getFilteredLabelStrings(boolean onlyPlatforms, boolean onlyNonPlatforms) { assert !(onlyPlatforms && onlyNonPlatforms); JSONArray labels = staticData.getData("labels").isArray(); List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) { JSONObject label = labels.get(i).isObject(); String name = label.get("name").isString().stringValue(); boolean labelIsPlatform = label.get("platform").isBoolean().booleanValue(); JSONObject atomicGroup = label.get("atomic_group").isObject(); if (atomicGroup != null) { name += ATOMIC_GROUP_SUFFIX; } if (onlyPlatforms && labelIsPlatform || onlyNonPlatforms && !labelIsPlatform) { result.add(name); } else if (!onlyPlatforms && !onlyNonPlatforms) { if (labelIsPlatform) { name += PLATFORM_SUFFIX; } result.add(name); } } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } public static String[] getPlatformStrings() { return getFilteredLabelStrings(true, false); } public static String[] getNonPlatformLabelStrings() { return getFilteredLabelStrings(false, true); } public static String decodeLabelName(String labelName) { String name = labelName; if (name.endsWith(PLATFORM_SUFFIX)) { int nameLength = name.length() - PLATFORM_SUFFIX.length(); name = name.substring(0, nameLength); } if (name.endsWith(ATOMIC_GROUP_SUFFIX)) { int nameLength = name.length() - ATOMIC_GROUP_SUFFIX.length(); name = name.substring(0, nameLength); } return name; } public static JSONString getLockedText(JSONObject host) { boolean locked = host.get("locked").isBoolean().booleanValue(); return new JSONString(locked ? "Yes" : "No"); } public static void abortHostQueueEntries(Collection entries, final SimpleCallback onSuccess) { if (entries.isEmpty()) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showError("No entries selected to abort"); return; } final JSONArray asynchronousEntryIds = new JSONArray(); Set synchronousEntries = new JSONObjectSet(); for (JSONObject entry : entries) { JSONObject job = entry.get("job").isObject(); int synchCount = (int) job.get("synch_count").isNumber().doubleValue(); boolean hasExecutionSubdir = entry.containsKey("execution_subdir") && !Utils.jsonToString(entry.get("execution_subdir")).equals(""); if (synchCount > 1 && hasExecutionSubdir) { synchronousEntries.add(entry); continue; } JSONValue idListValue = entry.get("id_list"); if (idListValue != null) { // metahost row extendJsonArray(asynchronousEntryIds, idListValue.isArray()); } else { JSONValue id = entry.get("id"); if (entry.containsKey("oid")) id = entry.get("oid"); asynchronousEntryIds.set(asynchronousEntryIds.size(), id); } } SimpleCallback abortAsynchronousEntries = new SimpleCallback() { public void doCallback(Object source) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("id__in", asynchronousEntryIds); AfeUtils.callAbort(params, onSuccess); } }; if (synchronousEntries.size() == 0) { abortAsynchronousEntries.doCallback(null); } else { AbortSynchronousDialog dialog = new AbortSynchronousDialog( abortAsynchronousEntries, synchronousEntries, asynchronousEntryIds.size() != 0);; } } public static void abortSpecialTasks(final JSONArray specialTaskIds, final SimpleCallback onSuccess) { if (specialTaskIds.size() == 0) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showError("No entries selected to abort"); return; } SimpleCallback abortSpecialTasks = new SimpleCallback() { public void doCallback(Object source) { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); params.put("id__in", specialTaskIds); AfeUtils.callAbortSpecialTasks(params, onSuccess); } }; abortSpecialTasks.doCallback(null); } private static void extendJsonArray(JSONArray array, JSONArray newValues) { for (JSONValue value : new JSONArrayList(newValues)) { array.set(array.size(), value); } } public static void callAbort(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess, final boolean showMessage) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("abort_host_queue_entries", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { if (showMessage) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage("Jobs aborted"); } if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(null); } } }); } public static void callAbort(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess) { callAbort(params, onSuccess, true); } public static void callAbortSpecialTasks(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess, final boolean showMessage) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("abort_special_tasks", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { if (showMessage) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage("Special tasks aborted"); } if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(null); } } }); } public static void callAbortSpecialTasks(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess) { callAbortSpecialTasks(params, onSuccess, true); } public static void callReverify(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess, final String messagePrefix) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("reverify_hosts", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage( messagePrefix + " scheduled for reverification"); if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(null); } } }); } public static void callRepair(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess, final String messagePrefix) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("repair_hosts", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage( messagePrefix + " scheduled for repair"); if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(null); } } }); } private static void scheduleReinstallHelper(JSONArray hosts, JSONObject controlInfo, final String messagePrefix, final JobCreateListener listener) { String name = "reinstall_" + hosts.get(0).isString().stringValue(); if (hosts.size() > 1) { name += "_etc"; } // Get the option for "Never" JSONValue rebootBefore = staticData.getData("reboot_before_options").isArray().get(0); JSONValue rebootAfter = staticData.getData("reboot_after_options").isArray().get(0); JSONObject args = new JSONObject(); args.put("name", new JSONString(name)); args.put("priority", staticData.getData("default_priority")); args.put("control_file", controlInfo.get("control_file")); args.put("control_type", new JSONString(TestSelector.SERVER_TYPE)); args.put("synch_count", controlInfo.get("synch_count")); args.put("timeout_mins", staticData.getData("job_timeout_mins_default")); args.put("max_runtime_mins", staticData.getData("job_max_runtime_mins_default")); args.put("run_verify", JSONBoolean.getInstance(false)); args.put("parse_failed_repair", JSONBoolean.getInstance(true)); args.put("reboot_before", rebootBefore); args.put("reboot_after", rebootAfter); args.put("hosts", hosts); JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("create_job", args, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage(messagePrefix + " scheduled for reinstall"); if (listener != null) { listener.onJobCreated((int) result.isNumber().doubleValue()); } } }); } public static void scheduleReinstall(final JSONArray hosts, final String messagePrefix, final JobCreateListener listener) { // Find the test JSONArray tests = staticData.getData("tests").isArray(); JSONObject reinstallTest = null; for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) { JSONObject test = tests.get(i).isObject(); if (test.get("name").isString().stringValue().equals(REINSTALL_TEST_NAME)) { reinstallTest = test; break; } } if (reinstallTest == null) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showError("No test found: " + REINSTALL_TEST_NAME); return; } JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); array.set(0, reinstallTest.get("id")); params.put("tests", array); rpcProxy.rpcCall("generate_control_file", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue controlInfo) { scheduleReinstallHelper(hosts, controlInfo.isObject(), messagePrefix, listener); } }); } public static void callModifyHosts(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("modify_hosts", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(null); } } }); } public static void changeHostLocks(JSONArray hostIds, final boolean lock, String lockReason, final String messagePrefix, final SimpleCallback callback) { JSONObject hostFilterData = new JSONObject(); JSONObject updateData = new JSONObject(); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); hostFilterData.put("id__in", hostIds); updateData.put("locked", JSONBoolean.getInstance(lock)); updateData.put("lock_reason", new JSONString("")); if (lockReason != null && !lockReason.trim().isEmpty()) { updateData.put("lock_reason", new JSONString(lockReason.trim())); } params.put("host_filter_data", hostFilterData); params.put("update_data", updateData); callModifyHosts(params, new SimpleCallback() { public void doCallback(Object source) { String message = messagePrefix + " "; if (!lock) { message += "un"; } message += "locked"; NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage(message); callback.doCallback(source); } }); } public static String getJobTag(JSONObject job) { return Utils.jsonToString(job.get("id")) + "-" + Utils.jsonToString(job.get("owner")); } public static void populateRadioChooser(RadioChooser chooser, String name) { JSONArray options = staticData.getData(name + "_options").isArray(); for (JSONString jsonOption : new JSONArrayList(options)) { chooser.addChoice(Utils.jsonToString(jsonOption)); } } public static void populateListBox(ListBox box, String staticDataKey) { JSONArray options = staticData.getData(staticDataKey).isArray(); for (JSONString jsonOption : new JSONArrayList(options)) { box.addItem(Utils.jsonToString(jsonOption)); } } public static void populateListBox(SimplifiedList box, String staticDataKey) { JSONArray options = staticData.getData(staticDataKey).isArray(); for (JSONString jsonOption : new JSONArrayList(options)) { String option = Utils.jsonToString(jsonOption); box.addItem(option, option); } } public static void setSelectedItem(ListBox box, String item) { box.setSelectedIndex(0); for (int i = 0; i < box.getItemCount(); i++) { if (box.getItemText(i).equals(item)) { box.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } } public static void removeElement(String id) { Element element = DOM.getElementById(id); element.getParentElement().removeChild(element); } public static int parsePositiveIntegerInput(String input, String fieldName) { final int parsedInt; try { if (input.equals("") || (parsedInt = Integer.parseInt(input)) <= 0) { String error = "Please enter a positive " + fieldName; NotifyManager.getInstance().showError(error); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { String error = "Invalid " + fieldName + ": \"" + input + "\""; NotifyManager.getInstance().showError(error); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } return parsedInt; } public static void removeSecondsFromDateField(JSONObject row, String sourceFieldName, String targetFieldName) { JSONValue dateValue = row.get(sourceFieldName); String date = ""; if (dateValue.isNull() == null) { date = dateValue.isString().stringValue(); date = date.substring(0, date.length() - 3); } row.put(targetFieldName, new JSONString(date)); } public static void callGetJobHistory(JSONObject params, final SimpleCallback onSuccess, final boolean showMessage) { JsonRpcProxy rpcProxy = JsonRpcProxy.getProxy(); rpcProxy.rpcCall("get_job_history", params, new JsonRpcCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONValue result) { if (showMessage) { NotifyManager.getInstance().showMessage("Get job history succeeded."); } if (onSuccess != null) { onSuccess.doCallback(result); } } }); } }