package com.bumptech.glide.request.animation; /** * A simple {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.GlideAnimation} that performs no actions. * * @param animated resource type */ public class NoAnimation implements GlideAnimation { private static final NoAnimation NO_ANIMATION = new NoAnimation(); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final GlideAnimationFactory NO_ANIMATION_FACTORY = new NoAnimationFactory(); /** * A factory that always returns the same {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.NoAnimation}. */ public static class NoAnimationFactory implements GlideAnimationFactory { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public GlideAnimation build(boolean isFromMemoryCache, boolean isFirstResource) { return (GlideAnimation) NO_ANIMATION; } } /** * Returns an instance of a factory that produces {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.NoAnimation}s. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static GlideAnimationFactory getFactory() { return (GlideAnimationFactory) NO_ANIMATION_FACTORY; } /** * Returns an instance of {@link com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.NoAnimation}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static GlideAnimation get() { return (GlideAnimation) NO_ANIMATION; } /** * Performs no animation and always returns {@code false}. */ @Override public boolean animate(Object current, ViewAdapter adapter) { return false; } }