/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.io; import static com.google.common.io.TestOption.CLOSE_THROWS; import static com.google.common.io.TestOption.OPEN_THROWS; import static com.google.common.io.TestOption.READ_THROWS; import static com.google.common.io.TestOption.WRITE_THROWS; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.testing.TestLogHandler; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; /** * Tests for the default implementations of {@code CharSource} methods. * * @author Colin Decker */ public class CharSourceTest extends IoTestCase { public static TestSuite suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.addTest(CharSourceTester.tests("CharSource.wrap[CharSequence]", SourceSinkFactories.stringCharSourceFactory())); suite.addTest(CharSourceTester.tests("CharSource.empty[]", SourceSinkFactories.emptyCharSourceFactory())); suite.addTestSuite(CharStreamsTest.class); return suite; } private static final String STRING = ASCII + I18N; private static final String LINES = "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\rsomething"; private TestCharSource source; @Override public void setUp() { source = new TestCharSource(STRING); } public void testOpenBufferedStream() throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = source.openBufferedStream(); assertTrue(source.wasStreamOpened()); assertFalse(source.wasStreamClosed()); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); char[] buf = new char[64]; int read; while ((read = reader.read(buf)) != -1) { writer.write(buf, 0, read); } reader.close(); writer.close(); assertTrue(source.wasStreamClosed()); assertEquals(STRING, writer.toString()); } public void testCopyTo_appendable() throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); assertEquals(STRING.length(), source.copyTo(builder)); assertTrue(source.wasStreamOpened() && source.wasStreamClosed()); assertEquals(STRING, builder.toString()); } public void testCopyTo_charSink() throws IOException { TestCharSink sink = new TestCharSink(); assertFalse(sink.wasStreamOpened() || sink.wasStreamClosed()); assertEquals(STRING.length(), source.copyTo(sink)); assertTrue(source.wasStreamOpened() && source.wasStreamClosed()); assertTrue(sink.wasStreamOpened() && sink.wasStreamClosed()); assertEquals(STRING, sink.getString()); } public void testRead_toString() throws IOException { assertEquals(STRING, source.read()); assertTrue(source.wasStreamOpened() && source.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testReadFirstLine() throws IOException { TestCharSource lines = new TestCharSource(LINES); assertEquals("foo", lines.readFirstLine()); assertTrue(lines.wasStreamOpened() && lines.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testReadLines_toList() throws IOException { TestCharSource lines = new TestCharSource(LINES); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("foo", "bar", "baz", "something"), lines.readLines()); assertTrue(lines.wasStreamOpened() && lines.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testReadLines_withProcessor() throws IOException { TestCharSource lines = new TestCharSource(LINES); List list = lines.readLines(new LineProcessor>() { List list = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException { list.add(line); return true; } @Override public List getResult() { return list; } }); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("foo", "bar", "baz", "something"), list); assertTrue(lines.wasStreamOpened() && lines.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testReadLines_withProcessor_stopsOnFalse() throws IOException { TestCharSource lines = new TestCharSource(LINES); List list = lines.readLines(new LineProcessor>() { List list = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException { list.add(line); return false; } @Override public List getResult() { return list; } }); assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("foo"), list); assertTrue(lines.wasStreamOpened() && lines.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testCopyToAppendable_doesNotCloseIfWriter() throws IOException { TestWriter writer = new TestWriter(); assertFalse(writer.closed()); source.copyTo(writer); assertFalse(writer.closed()); } public void testClosesOnErrors_copyingToCharSinkThatThrows() { for (TestOption option : EnumSet.of(OPEN_THROWS, WRITE_THROWS, CLOSE_THROWS)) { TestCharSource okSource = new TestCharSource(STRING); try { okSource.copyTo(new TestCharSink(option)); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } // ensure reader was closed IF it was opened (depends on implementation whether or not it's // opened at all if sink.newWriter() throws). assertTrue("stream not closed when copying to sink with option: " + option, !okSource.wasStreamOpened() || okSource.wasStreamClosed()); } } public void testClosesOnErrors_whenReadThrows() { TestCharSource failSource = new TestCharSource(STRING, READ_THROWS); try { failSource.copyTo(new TestCharSink()); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } assertTrue(failSource.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testClosesOnErrors_copyingToWriterThatThrows() { TestCharSource okSource = new TestCharSource(STRING); try { okSource.copyTo(new TestWriter(WRITE_THROWS)); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } assertTrue(okSource.wasStreamClosed()); } public void testConcat() throws IOException { CharSource c1 = CharSource.wrap("abc"); CharSource c2 = CharSource.wrap(""); CharSource c3 = CharSource.wrap("de"); String expected = "abcde"; assertEquals(expected, CharSource.concat(ImmutableList.of(c1, c2, c3)).read()); assertEquals(expected, CharSource.concat(c1, c2, c3).read()); assertEquals(expected, CharSource.concat(ImmutableList.of(c1, c2, c3).iterator()).read()); assertFalse(CharSource.concat(c1, c2, c3).isEmpty()); CharSource emptyConcat = CharSource.concat(CharSource.empty(), CharSource.empty()); assertTrue(emptyConcat.isEmpty()); } public void testConcat_infiniteIterable() throws IOException { CharSource source = CharSource.wrap("abcd"); Iterable cycle = Iterables.cycle(ImmutableList.of(source)); CharSource concatenated = CharSource.concat(cycle); String expected = "abcdabcd"; // read the first 8 chars manually, since there's no equivalent to ByteSource.slice // TODO(user): Add CharSource.slice? StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Reader reader = concatenated.openStream(); // no need to worry about closing for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { builder.append((char) reader.read()); } assertEquals(expected, builder.toString()); } static final CharSource BROKEN_READ_SOURCE = new TestCharSource("ABC", READ_THROWS); static final CharSource BROKEN_CLOSE_SOURCE = new TestCharSource("ABC", CLOSE_THROWS); static final CharSource BROKEN_OPEN_SOURCE = new TestCharSource("ABC", OPEN_THROWS); static final CharSink BROKEN_WRITE_SINK = new TestCharSink(WRITE_THROWS); static final CharSink BROKEN_CLOSE_SINK = new TestCharSink(CLOSE_THROWS); static final CharSink BROKEN_OPEN_SINK = new TestCharSink(OPEN_THROWS); private static final ImmutableSet BROKEN_SOURCES = ImmutableSet.of(BROKEN_CLOSE_SOURCE, BROKEN_OPEN_SOURCE, BROKEN_READ_SOURCE); private static final ImmutableSet BROKEN_SINKS = ImmutableSet.of(BROKEN_CLOSE_SINK, BROKEN_OPEN_SINK, BROKEN_WRITE_SINK); public void testCopyExceptions() { if (!Closer.SuppressingSuppressor.isAvailable()) { // test that exceptions are logged TestLogHandler logHandler = new TestLogHandler(); Closeables.logger.addHandler(logHandler); try { for (CharSource in : BROKEN_SOURCES) { runFailureTest(in, newNormalCharSink()); assertTrue(logHandler.getStoredLogRecords().isEmpty()); runFailureTest(in, BROKEN_CLOSE_SINK); assertEquals((in == BROKEN_OPEN_SOURCE) ? 0 : 1, getAndResetRecords(logHandler)); } for (CharSink out : BROKEN_SINKS) { runFailureTest(newNormalCharSource(), out); assertTrue(logHandler.getStoredLogRecords().isEmpty()); runFailureTest(BROKEN_CLOSE_SOURCE, out); assertEquals(1, getAndResetRecords(logHandler)); } for (CharSource in : BROKEN_SOURCES) { for (CharSink out : BROKEN_SINKS) { runFailureTest(in, out); assertTrue(getAndResetRecords(logHandler) <= 1); } } } finally { Closeables.logger.removeHandler(logHandler); } } else { // test that exceptions are suppressed for (CharSource in : BROKEN_SOURCES) { int suppressed = runSuppressionFailureTest(in, newNormalCharSink()); assertEquals(0, suppressed); suppressed = runSuppressionFailureTest(in, BROKEN_CLOSE_SINK); assertEquals((in == BROKEN_OPEN_SOURCE) ? 0 : 1, suppressed); } for (CharSink out : BROKEN_SINKS) { int suppressed = runSuppressionFailureTest(newNormalCharSource(), out); assertEquals(0, suppressed); suppressed = runSuppressionFailureTest(BROKEN_CLOSE_SOURCE, out); assertEquals(1, suppressed); } for (CharSource in : BROKEN_SOURCES) { for (CharSink out : BROKEN_SINKS) { int suppressed = runSuppressionFailureTest(in, out); assertTrue(suppressed <= 1); } } } } private static int getAndResetRecords(TestLogHandler logHandler) { int records = logHandler.getStoredLogRecords().size(); logHandler.clear(); return records; } private static void runFailureTest(CharSource in, CharSink out) { try { in.copyTo(out); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } } /** * @return the number of exceptions that were suppressed on the expected thrown exception */ private static int runSuppressionFailureTest(CharSource in, CharSink out) { try { in.copyTo(out); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { return CloserTest.getSuppressed(expected).length; } throw new AssertionError(); // can't happen } private static CharSource newNormalCharSource() { return CharSource.wrap("ABC"); } private static CharSink newNormalCharSink() { return new CharSink() { @Override public Writer openStream() { return new StringWriter(); } }; } }