/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.util.concurrent; import com.google.common.testing.NullPointerTester; import com.google.common.testing.TearDownStack; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Tests for {@link Monitor}, either interruptible or uninterruptible. * * @author Justin T. Sampson */ public abstract class MonitorTestCase extends TestCase { public class TestGuard extends Monitor.Guard { private volatile boolean satisfied; public TestGuard(boolean satisfied) { super(MonitorTestCase.this.monitor); this.satisfied = satisfied; } @Override public boolean isSatisfied() { return this.satisfied; } public void setSatisfied(boolean satisfied) { this.satisfied = satisfied; } } private final boolean interruptible; private Monitor monitor; private final TearDownStack tearDownStack = new TearDownStack(true); private TestThread thread1; private TestThread thread2; protected MonitorTestCase(boolean interruptible) { this.interruptible = interruptible; } @Override protected final void setUp() throws Exception { boolean fair = new Random().nextBoolean(); monitor = new Monitor(fair); tearDownStack.addTearDown(thread1 = new TestThread(monitor, "TestThread #1")); tearDownStack.addTearDown(thread2 = new TestThread(monitor, "TestThread #2")); } @Override protected final void tearDown() { tearDownStack.runTearDown(); } private String enter() { return interruptible ? "enterInterruptibly" : "enter"; } private String tryEnter() { return "tryEnter"; } private String enterIf() { return interruptible ? "enterIfInterruptibly" : "enterIf"; } private String tryEnterIf() { return "tryEnterIf"; } private String enterWhen() { return interruptible ? "enterWhen" : "enterWhenUninterruptibly"; } private String waitFor() { return interruptible ? "waitFor" : "waitForUninterruptibly"; } private String leave() { return "leave"; } public final void testMutualExclusion() throws Exception { thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread2.callAndAssertBlocks(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); thread2.assertPriorCallReturns(enter()); } public final void testTryEnter() throws Exception { thread1.callAndAssertReturns(true, tryEnter()); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(false, tryEnter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(true, tryEnter()); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(false, tryEnter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(false, tryEnter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(true, tryEnter()); } public final void testSystemStateMethods() throws Exception { checkSystemStateMethods(0); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); checkSystemStateMethods(1); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); checkSystemStateMethods(2); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); checkSystemStateMethods(1); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); checkSystemStateMethods(0); } private void checkSystemStateMethods(int enterCount) throws Exception { thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enterCount != 0, "isOccupied"); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enterCount != 0, "isOccupiedByCurrentThread"); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enterCount, "getOccupiedDepth"); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enterCount != 0, "isOccupied"); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(false, "isOccupiedByCurrentThread"); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(0, "getOccupiedDepth"); } public final void testEnterWhen_initiallyTrue() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enterWhen(), guard); } public final void testEnterWhen_initiallyFalse() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(false); thread1.callAndAssertWaits(enterWhen(), guard); monitor.enter(); guard.setSatisfied(true); monitor.leave(); thread1.assertPriorCallReturns(enterWhen()); } public final void testEnterWhen_alreadyOccupied() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertBlocks(enterWhen(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); thread1.assertPriorCallReturns(enterWhen()); } public final void testEnterIf_initiallyTrue() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(true, enterIf(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertBlocks(enter()); } public final void testEnterIf_initiallyFalse() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(false); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(false, enterIf(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); } public final void testEnterIf_alreadyOccupied() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertBlocks(enterIf(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(leave()); thread1.assertPriorCallReturns(true, enterIf()); } public final void testTryEnterIf_initiallyTrue() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(true, tryEnterIf(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertBlocks(enter()); } public final void testTryEnterIf_initiallyFalse() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(false); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(false, tryEnterIf(), guard); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); } public final void testTryEnterIf_alreadyOccupied() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread2.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(false, tryEnterIf(), guard); } public final void testWaitFor_initiallyTrue() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(waitFor(), guard); } public final void testWaitFor_initiallyFalse() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(false); thread1.callAndAssertReturns(enter()); thread1.callAndAssertWaits(waitFor(), guard); monitor.enter(); guard.setSatisfied(true); monitor.leave(); thread1.assertPriorCallReturns(waitFor()); } public final void testWaitFor_withoutEnter() throws Exception { TestGuard guard = new TestGuard(true); thread1.callAndAssertThrows(IllegalMonitorStateException.class, waitFor(), guard); } public void testNulls() { monitor.enter(); // Inhibit IllegalMonitorStateException new NullPointerTester() .setDefault(TimeUnit.class, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .setDefault(Monitor.Guard.class, new TestGuard(true)) .testAllPublicInstanceMethods(monitor); } // TODO: Test enter(long, TimeUnit). // TODO: Test enterWhen(Guard, long, TimeUnit). // TODO: Test enterIf(Guard, long, TimeUnit). // TODO: Test waitFor(Guard, long, TimeUnit). // TODO: Test getQueueLength(). // TODO: Test hasQueuedThreads(). // TODO: Test getWaitQueueLength(Guard). // TODO: Test automatic signaling before leave, waitFor, and reentrant enterWhen. // TODO: Test blocking to re-enter monitor after being signaled. // TODO: Test interrupts with both interruptible and uninterruptible monitor. // TODO: Test multiple waiters: If guard is still satisfied, signal next waiter. // TODO: Test multiple waiters: If guard is no longer satisfied, do not signal next waiter. }