/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2009-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package android.icu.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.Set; import android.icu.impl.CurrencyData.CurrencyDisplayInfo; import android.icu.impl.locale.AsciiUtil; import android.icu.lang.UCharacter; import android.icu.lang.UScript; import android.icu.text.BreakIterator; import android.icu.text.DisplayContext; import android.icu.text.DisplayContext.Type; import android.icu.text.LocaleDisplayNames; import android.icu.text.MessageFormat; import android.icu.util.ULocale; import android.icu.util.UResourceBundle; import android.icu.util.UResourceBundleIterator; /** * @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android */ public class LocaleDisplayNamesImpl extends LocaleDisplayNames { private final ULocale locale; private final DialectHandling dialectHandling; private final DisplayContext capitalization; private final DisplayContext nameLength; private final DataTable langData; private final DataTable regionData; private final MessageFormat separatorFormat; private final MessageFormat format; private final MessageFormat keyTypeFormat; private final char formatOpenParen; private final char formatReplaceOpenParen; private final char formatCloseParen; private final char formatReplaceCloseParen; private final CurrencyDisplayInfo currencyDisplayInfo; private static final Cache cache = new Cache(); /** * Capitalization context usage types for locale display names */ private enum CapitalizationContextUsage { LANGUAGE, SCRIPT, TERRITORY, VARIANT, KEY, KEYVALUE } /** * Capitalization transforms. For each usage type, indicates whether to titlecase for * the context specified in capitalization (which we know at construction time). */ private boolean[] capitalizationUsage = null; /** * Map from resource key to CapitalizationContextUsage value */ private static final Map contextUsageTypeMap; static { contextUsageTypeMap=new HashMap(); contextUsageTypeMap.put("languages", CapitalizationContextUsage.LANGUAGE); contextUsageTypeMap.put("script", CapitalizationContextUsage.SCRIPT); contextUsageTypeMap.put("territory", CapitalizationContextUsage.TERRITORY); contextUsageTypeMap.put("variant", CapitalizationContextUsage.VARIANT); contextUsageTypeMap.put("key", CapitalizationContextUsage.KEY); contextUsageTypeMap.put("keyValue", CapitalizationContextUsage.KEYVALUE); } /** * BreakIterator to use for capitalization */ private transient BreakIterator capitalizationBrkIter = null; public static LocaleDisplayNames getInstance(ULocale locale, DialectHandling dialectHandling) { synchronized (cache) { return cache.get(locale, dialectHandling); } } public static LocaleDisplayNames getInstance(ULocale locale, DisplayContext... contexts) { synchronized (cache) { return cache.get(locale, contexts); } } public LocaleDisplayNamesImpl(ULocale locale, DialectHandling dialectHandling) { this(locale, (dialectHandling==DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES)? DisplayContext.STANDARD_NAMES: DisplayContext.DIALECT_NAMES, DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_NONE); } public LocaleDisplayNamesImpl(ULocale locale, DisplayContext... contexts) { DialectHandling dialectHandling = DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES; DisplayContext capitalization = DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_NONE; DisplayContext nameLength = DisplayContext.LENGTH_FULL; for (DisplayContext contextItem : contexts) { switch (contextItem.type()) { case DIALECT_HANDLING: dialectHandling = (contextItem.value()==DisplayContext.STANDARD_NAMES.value())? DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES: DialectHandling.DIALECT_NAMES; break; case CAPITALIZATION: capitalization = contextItem; break; case DISPLAY_LENGTH: nameLength = contextItem; break; default: break; } } this.dialectHandling = dialectHandling; this.capitalization = capitalization; this.nameLength = nameLength; this.langData = LangDataTables.impl.get(locale); this.regionData = RegionDataTables.impl.get(locale); this.locale = ULocale.ROOT.equals(langData.getLocale()) ? regionData.getLocale() : langData.getLocale(); // Note, by going through DataTable, this uses table lookup rather than straight lookup. // That should get us the same data, I think. This way we don't have to explicitly // load the bundle again. Using direct lookup didn't seem to make an appreciable // difference in performance. String sep = langData.get("localeDisplayPattern", "separator"); if ("separator".equals(sep)) { sep = "{0}, {1}"; } this.separatorFormat = new MessageFormat(sep); String pattern = langData.get("localeDisplayPattern", "pattern"); if ("pattern".equals(pattern)) { pattern = "{0} ({1})"; } this.format = new MessageFormat(pattern); if (pattern.contains("(")) { formatOpenParen = '('; formatCloseParen = ')'; formatReplaceOpenParen = '['; formatReplaceCloseParen = ']'; } else { formatOpenParen = '('; formatCloseParen = ')'; formatReplaceOpenParen = '['; formatReplaceCloseParen = ']'; } String keyTypePattern = langData.get("localeDisplayPattern", "keyTypePattern"); if ("keyTypePattern".equals(keyTypePattern)) { keyTypePattern = "{0}={1}"; } this.keyTypeFormat = new MessageFormat(keyTypePattern); // Get values from the contextTransforms data if we need them // Also check whether we will need a break iterator (depends on the data) boolean needBrkIter = false; if (capitalization == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU || capitalization == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE) { capitalizationUsage = new boolean[CapitalizationContextUsage.values().length]; // initialized to all false ICUResourceBundle rb = (ICUResourceBundle)UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(ICUResourceBundle.ICU_BASE_NAME, locale); UResourceBundle contextTransformsBundle = null; try { contextTransformsBundle = (UResourceBundle)rb.getWithFallback("contextTransforms"); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { contextTransformsBundle = null; // probably redundant } if (contextTransformsBundle != null) { UResourceBundleIterator ctIterator = contextTransformsBundle.getIterator(); while ( ctIterator.hasNext() ) { UResourceBundle contextTransformUsage = ctIterator.next(); int[] intVector = contextTransformUsage.getIntVector(); if (intVector.length >= 2) { String usageKey = contextTransformUsage.getKey(); CapitalizationContextUsage usage = contextUsageTypeMap.get(usageKey); if (usage != null) { int titlecaseInt = (capitalization == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU)? intVector[0]: intVector[1]; if (titlecaseInt != 0) { capitalizationUsage[usage.ordinal()] = true; needBrkIter = true; } } } } } } // Get a sentence break iterator if we will need it if (needBrkIter || capitalization == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE) { capitalizationBrkIter = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(locale); } this.currencyDisplayInfo = CurrencyData.provider.getInstance(locale, false); } @Override public ULocale getLocale() { return locale; } @Override public DialectHandling getDialectHandling() { return dialectHandling; } @Override public DisplayContext getContext(DisplayContext.Type type) { DisplayContext result; switch (type) { case DIALECT_HANDLING: result = (dialectHandling==DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES)? DisplayContext.STANDARD_NAMES: DisplayContext.DIALECT_NAMES; break; case CAPITALIZATION: result = capitalization; break; case DISPLAY_LENGTH: result = nameLength; break; default: result = DisplayContext.STANDARD_NAMES; // hmm, we should do something else here break; } return result; } private String adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage usage, String name) { if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && UCharacter.isLowerCase(name.codePointAt(0)) && (capitalization==DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_BEGINNING_OF_SENTENCE || (capitalizationUsage != null && capitalizationUsage[usage.ordinal()]) )) { // Note, won't have capitalizationUsage != null && capitalizationUsage[usage.ordinal()] // unless capitalization is CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU or CAPITALIZATION_FOR_STANDALONE synchronized (this) { if (capitalizationBrkIter == null) { // should only happen when deserializing, etc. capitalizationBrkIter = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(locale); } return UCharacter.toTitleCase(locale, name, capitalizationBrkIter, UCharacter.TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE | UCharacter.TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT); } } return name; } @Override public String localeDisplayName(ULocale locale) { return localeDisplayNameInternal(locale); } @Override public String localeDisplayName(Locale locale) { return localeDisplayNameInternal(ULocale.forLocale(locale)); } @Override public String localeDisplayName(String localeId) { return localeDisplayNameInternal(new ULocale(localeId)); } // TOTO: implement use of capitalization private String localeDisplayNameInternal(ULocale locale) { // lang // lang (script, country, variant, keyword=value, ...) // script, country, variant, keyword=value, ... String resultName = null; String lang = locale.getLanguage(); // Empty basename indicates root locale (keywords are ignored for this). // Our data uses 'root' to access display names for the root locale in the // "Languages" table. if (locale.getBaseName().length() == 0) { lang = "root"; } String script = locale.getScript(); String country = locale.getCountry(); String variant = locale.getVariant(); boolean hasScript = script.length() > 0; boolean hasCountry = country.length() > 0; boolean hasVariant = variant.length() > 0; // always have a value for lang if (dialectHandling == DialectHandling.DIALECT_NAMES) { do { // loop construct is so we can break early out of search if (hasScript && hasCountry) { String langScriptCountry = lang + '_' + script + '_' + country; String result = localeIdName(langScriptCountry); if (!result.equals(langScriptCountry)) { resultName = result; hasScript = false; hasCountry = false; break; } } if (hasScript) { String langScript = lang + '_' + script; String result = localeIdName(langScript); if (!result.equals(langScript)) { resultName = result; hasScript = false; break; } } if (hasCountry) { String langCountry = lang + '_' + country; String result = localeIdName(langCountry); if (!result.equals(langCountry)) { resultName = result; hasCountry = false; break; } } } while (false); } if (resultName == null) { resultName = localeIdName(lang) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (hasScript) { // first element, don't need appendWithSep buf.append(scriptDisplayNameInContext(script) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen)); } if (hasCountry) { appendWithSep(regionDisplayName(country) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen), buf); } if (hasVariant) { appendWithSep(variantDisplayName(variant) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen), buf); } Iterator keys = locale.getKeywords(); if (keys != null) { while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = keys.next(); String value = locale.getKeywordValue(key); String keyDisplayName = keyDisplayName(key) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen); String valueDisplayName = keyValueDisplayName(key, value) .replace(formatOpenParen, formatReplaceOpenParen) .replace(formatCloseParen, formatReplaceCloseParen); if (!valueDisplayName.equals(value)) { appendWithSep(valueDisplayName, buf); } else if (!key.equals(keyDisplayName)) { String keyValue = keyTypeFormat.format( new String[] { keyDisplayName, valueDisplayName }); appendWithSep(keyValue, buf); } else { appendWithSep(keyDisplayName, buf) .append("=") .append(valueDisplayName); } } } String resultRemainder = null; if (buf.length() > 0) { resultRemainder = buf.toString(); } if (resultRemainder != null) { resultName = format.format(new Object[] {resultName, resultRemainder}); } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.LANGUAGE, resultName); } private String localeIdName(String localeId) { if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { String locIdName = langData.get("Languages%short", localeId); if (!locIdName.equals(localeId)) { return locIdName; } } return langData.get("Languages", localeId); } @Override public String languageDisplayName(String lang) { // Special case to eliminate non-languages, which pollute our data. if (lang.equals("root") || lang.indexOf('_') != -1) { return lang; } if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { String langName = langData.get("Languages%short", lang); if (!langName.equals(lang)) { return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.LANGUAGE, langName); } } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.LANGUAGE, langData.get("Languages", lang)); } @Override public String scriptDisplayName(String script) { String str = langData.get("Scripts%stand-alone", script); if (str.equals(script)) { if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { str = langData.get("Scripts%short", script); if (!str.equals(script)) { return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.SCRIPT, str); } } str = langData.get("Scripts", script); } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.SCRIPT, str); } @Override public String scriptDisplayNameInContext(String script) { if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { String scriptName = langData.get("Scripts%short", script); if (!scriptName.equals(script)) { return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.SCRIPT, scriptName); } } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.SCRIPT, langData.get("Scripts", script)); } @Override public String scriptDisplayName(int scriptCode) { return scriptDisplayName(UScript.getShortName(scriptCode)); } @Override public String regionDisplayName(String region) { if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { String regionName = regionData.get("Countries%short", region); if (!regionName.equals(region)) { return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.TERRITORY, regionName); } } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.TERRITORY, regionData.get("Countries", region)); } @Override public String variantDisplayName(String variant) { // don't have a resource for short variant names return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.VARIANT, langData.get("Variants", variant)); } @Override public String keyDisplayName(String key) { // don't have a resource for short key names return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.KEY, langData.get("Keys", key)); } @Override public String keyValueDisplayName(String key, String value) { String keyValueName = null; if (key.equals("currency")) { keyValueName = currencyDisplayInfo.getName(AsciiUtil.toUpperString(value)); if (keyValueName == null) { keyValueName = value; } } else { if (nameLength == DisplayContext.LENGTH_SHORT) { String tmp = langData.get("Types%short", key, value); if (!tmp.equals(value)) { keyValueName = tmp; } } if (keyValueName == null) { keyValueName = langData.get("Types", key, value); } } return adjustForUsageAndContext(CapitalizationContextUsage.KEYVALUE, keyValueName); } @Override public List getUiListCompareWholeItems(Set localeSet, Comparator comparator) { DisplayContext capContext = getContext(Type.CAPITALIZATION); List result = new ArrayList(); Map> baseToLocales = new HashMap>(); ULocale.Builder builder = new ULocale.Builder(); for (ULocale locOriginal : localeSet) { builder.setLocale(locOriginal); // verify well-formed. We do this here so that we consistently throw exception ULocale loc = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(locOriginal); ULocale base = new ULocale(loc.getLanguage()); Set locales = baseToLocales.get(base); if (locales == null) { baseToLocales.put(base, locales = new HashSet()); } locales.add(loc); } for (Entry> entry : baseToLocales.entrySet()) { ULocale base = entry.getKey(); Set values = entry.getValue(); if (values.size() == 1) { ULocale locale = values.iterator().next(); result.add(newRow(ULocale.minimizeSubtags(locale, ULocale.Minimize.FAVOR_SCRIPT), capContext)); } else { Set scripts = new HashSet(); Set regions = new HashSet(); // need the follow two steps to make sure that unusual scripts or regions are displayed ULocale maxBase = ULocale.addLikelySubtags(base); scripts.add(maxBase.getScript()); regions.add(maxBase.getCountry()); for (ULocale locale : values) { scripts.add(locale.getScript()); regions.add(locale.getCountry()); } boolean hasScripts = scripts.size() > 1; boolean hasRegions = regions.size() > 1; for (ULocale locale : values) { ULocale.Builder modified = builder.setLocale(locale); if (!hasScripts) { modified.setScript(""); } if (!hasRegions) { modified.setRegion(""); } result.add(newRow(modified.build(), capContext)); } } } Collections.sort(result, comparator); return result; } private UiListItem newRow(ULocale modified, DisplayContext capContext) { ULocale minimized = ULocale.minimizeSubtags(modified, ULocale.Minimize.FAVOR_SCRIPT); String tempName = modified.getDisplayName(locale); boolean titlecase = capContext == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU; String nameInDisplayLocale = titlecase ? UCharacter.toTitleFirst(locale, tempName) : tempName; tempName = modified.getDisplayName(modified); String nameInSelf = capContext == DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_FOR_UI_LIST_OR_MENU ? UCharacter.toTitleFirst(modified, tempName) : tempName; return new UiListItem(minimized, modified, nameInDisplayLocale, nameInSelf); } public static class DataTable { ULocale getLocale() { return ULocale.ROOT; } String get(String tableName, String code) { return get(tableName, null, code); } String get(String tableName, String subTableName, String code) { return code; } } static class ICUDataTable extends DataTable { private final ICUResourceBundle bundle; public ICUDataTable(String path, ULocale locale) { this.bundle = (ICUResourceBundle) UResourceBundle.getBundleInstance( path, locale.getBaseName()); } public ULocale getLocale() { return bundle.getULocale(); } public String get(String tableName, String subTableName, String code) { return ICUResourceTableAccess.getTableString(bundle, tableName, subTableName, code); } } static abstract class DataTables { public abstract DataTable get(ULocale locale); public static DataTables load(String className) { try { return (DataTables) Class.forName(className).newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { final DataTable NO_OP = new DataTable(); return new DataTables() { public DataTable get(ULocale locale) { return NO_OP; } }; } } } static abstract class ICUDataTables extends DataTables { private final String path; protected ICUDataTables(String path) { this.path = path; } @Override public DataTable get(ULocale locale) { return new ICUDataTable(path, locale); } } static class LangDataTables { static final DataTables impl = DataTables.load("android.icu.impl.ICULangDataTables"); } static class RegionDataTables { static final DataTables impl = DataTables.load("android.icu.impl.ICURegionDataTables"); } public static enum DataTableType { LANG, REGION; } public static boolean haveData(DataTableType type) { switch (type) { case LANG: return LangDataTables.impl instanceof ICUDataTables; case REGION: return RegionDataTables.impl instanceof ICUDataTables; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown type: " + type); } } private StringBuilder appendWithSep(String s, StringBuilder b) { if (b.length() == 0) { b.append(s); } else { String combined = separatorFormat.format(new String[] { b.toString(), s }); b.replace(0, b.length(), combined); } return b; } private static class Cache { private ULocale locale; private DialectHandling dialectHandling; private DisplayContext capitalization; private DisplayContext nameLength; private LocaleDisplayNames cache; public LocaleDisplayNames get(ULocale locale, DialectHandling dialectHandling) { if (!(dialectHandling == this.dialectHandling && DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_NONE == this.capitalization && DisplayContext.LENGTH_FULL == this.nameLength && locale.equals(this.locale))) { this.locale = locale; this.dialectHandling = dialectHandling; this.capitalization = DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_NONE; this.nameLength = DisplayContext.LENGTH_FULL; this.cache = new LocaleDisplayNamesImpl(locale, dialectHandling); } return cache; } public LocaleDisplayNames get(ULocale locale, DisplayContext... contexts) { DialectHandling dialectHandlingIn = DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES; DisplayContext capitalizationIn = DisplayContext.CAPITALIZATION_NONE; DisplayContext nameLengthIn = DisplayContext.LENGTH_FULL; for (DisplayContext contextItem : contexts) { switch (contextItem.type()) { case DIALECT_HANDLING: dialectHandlingIn = (contextItem.value()==DisplayContext.STANDARD_NAMES.value())? DialectHandling.STANDARD_NAMES: DialectHandling.DIALECT_NAMES; break; case CAPITALIZATION: capitalizationIn = contextItem; break; case DISPLAY_LENGTH: nameLengthIn = contextItem; break; default: break; } } if (!(dialectHandlingIn == this.dialectHandling && capitalizationIn == this.capitalization && nameLengthIn == this.nameLength && locale.equals(this.locale))) { this.locale = locale; this.dialectHandling = dialectHandlingIn; this.capitalization = capitalizationIn; this.nameLength = nameLengthIn; this.cache = new LocaleDisplayNamesImpl(locale, contexts); } return cache; } } }