/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2007-2013, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package android.icu.dev.test.calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import android.icu.dev.test.ModuleTest; import android.icu.dev.test.TestDataModule; import android.icu.dev.test.TestDataModule.DataMap; import android.icu.dev.test.util.CalendarFieldsSet; import android.icu.text.DateFormat; import android.icu.text.SimpleDateFormat; import android.icu.util.Calendar; import android.icu.util.TimeZone; import android.icu.util.ULocale; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import android.icu.junit.IcuTestFmwkRunner; /** * @author srl * * analog of dadrcal.cpp * */ @RunWith(IcuTestFmwkRunner.class) public class DataDrivenCalendarTest extends ModuleTest { public DataDrivenCalendarTest() { super("android/icu/dev/data/testdata/", "calendar"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see android.icu.dev.test.ModuleTest#processModules() */ public void processModules() { //String testName = t.getName().toString(); for (Iterator siter = t.getSettingsIterator(); siter.hasNext();) { // Iterate through and get each of the test case to process DataMap settings = (DataMap) siter.next(); String type = settings.getString("Type"); if(type.equals("convert_fwd")) { testConvert(t, settings, true); } else if(type.equals("convert_rev")) { testConvert(t, settings, false); } else if(type.equals("ops")) { testOps(t, settings); } else { errln("Unknown type: " + type); } } } void testConvert(String caseString, CalendarFieldsSet fromSet, Calendar fromCalendar, CalendarFieldsSet toSet, Calendar toCalendar, boolean forward) { String thisString = caseString+(forward ? "forward" : "reverse")+" "+fromCalendar.getType()+"->"+toCalendar.getType()+" "; fromCalendar.clear(); fromSet.setOnCalendar(fromCalendar); CalendarFieldsSet diffSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(); diffSet.clear(); // Is the calendar sane at the first? if (!fromSet.matches(fromCalendar, diffSet)) { String diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(fromSet); errln((String)"FAIL: "+thisString +", SOURCE calendar was not set: Differences: "+ diffs); } else { logln("PASS: "+thisString+" SOURCE calendar match."); } //logln("Set Source calendar: " + from); Date fromTime = fromCalendar.getTime(); diffSet.clear(); // Is the calendar sane after being set? if (!fromSet.matches(fromCalendar, diffSet)) { String diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(fromSet); errln((String)"FAIL: "+thisString +", SET SOURCE calendar was not set: Differences: "+ diffs); } else { logln("PASS: "+thisString+" SET SOURCE calendar match."); } toCalendar.clear(); toCalendar.setTime(fromTime); diffSet.clear(); if (!toSet.matches(toCalendar, diffSet)) { String diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(toSet); errln((String)"FAIL: "+thisString+", Differences: "+ diffs); DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(new String("EEE MMM dd yyyy G")); String fromString = fmt.format(fromTime); logln("Source Time: "+fromString+", Source Calendar: " +fromCalendar.getType()); } else { logln("PASS: "+thisString+" match."); } } private void testConvert(TestDataModule.TestData testData, DataMap settings, boolean forward) { Calendar toCalendar= null; // build to calendar String testSetting = settings.getString("ToCalendar"); ULocale loc = new ULocale(testSetting); toCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(loc); CalendarFieldsSet fromSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(), toSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(); // DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd yyyy / YYYY'-W'ww-ee"); // Start the processing int n = 0; for (Iterator iter = testData.getDataIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ++n; DataMap currentCase = (DataMap) iter.next(); String caseString = "["+testData.getName()+"#"+n+" "+"]"; String locale = testSetting = currentCase.getString("locale"); ULocale fromLoc = new ULocale(testSetting); Calendar fromCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(fromLoc); fromSet.clear(); toSet.clear(); String from = currentCase.getString("from"); fromSet.parseFrom(from); String to = currentCase.getString("to"); toSet.parseFrom(to, fromSet); // now, do it. if (forward) { logln(caseString +" "+locale+"/"+from+" >>> "+loc+"/" +to); testConvert(caseString, fromSet, fromCalendar, toSet, toCalendar, forward); } else { logln(caseString +" "+locale+"/"+from+" <<< "+loc+"/" +to); testConvert(caseString, toSet, toCalendar, fromSet, fromCalendar, forward); } } } private static final String kADD = "add"; private static final String kROLL = "roll"; private static final String kMILLIS = "MILLIS="; private void testOps(TestDataModule.TestData testData, DataMap settings) { // Get 'from' time CalendarFieldsSet fromSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(), toSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(), paramsSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(), diffSet = new CalendarFieldsSet(); // DateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd yyyy / YYYY'-W'ww-ee"); // Start the processing int n = 0; long fromDate = 0; long toDate = 0; boolean useDate = false; for (Iterator iter = testData.getDataIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ++n; DataMap currentCase = (DataMap) iter.next(); String caseString = "[case "+n+"]"; // build to calendar // Headers { "locale","from","operation","params","to" } // #1 locale String param = "locale"; String locale; String testSetting = currentCase.getString(param); locale = testSetting; ULocale loc = new ULocale(locale); Calendar fromCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(loc); fromSet.clear(); // #2 'from' info param = "from"; String from = testSetting=currentCase.getString(param); if(from.startsWith(kMILLIS)){ useDate = true; fromDate = Long.parseLong(from.substring(kMILLIS.length())); }else{ fromSet.parseFrom(testSetting); } // System.err.println("fromset: ["+testSetting+"] >> " + fromSet); // #4 'operation' info param = "operation"; String operation = testSetting=currentCase.getString(param); paramsSet.clear(); // #3 'params' info param = "params"; String paramsData = testSetting = currentCase.getString(param); paramsSet.parseFrom(paramsData); // parse with inheritance. // System.err.println("paramsSet: ["+testSetting+"] >> " + paramsSet); toSet.clear(); // #4 'to' info param = "to"; String to = testSetting=currentCase.getString(param); if(to.startsWith(kMILLIS)){ useDate = true; toDate = Long.parseLong(to.substring(kMILLIS.length())); }else{ toSet.parseFrom(testSetting, fromSet); } //toSet.parseFrom(testSetting, fromSet); // parse with inheritance. // System.err.println("toSet: ["+testSetting+"] >> " + toSet); String caseContentsString = locale+": from "+from+": " +operation +" [[[ "+paramsSet+" ]]] >>> "+to; logln(caseString+": "+caseContentsString); // END_INCLUDE(---) // now, do it. /// prepare calendar if(useDate){ fromCalendar.setTimeInMillis(fromDate); }else { fromSet.setOnCalendar(fromCalendar); } // from calendar: 'starting date' diffSet.clear(); // Is the calendar sane after being set? if (!fromSet.matches(fromCalendar, diffSet)) { String diffs = diffSet.diffFrom(fromSet); errln((String)"FAIL: "+caseString +", SET SOURCE calendar was not set: Differences: "+ diffs); } else { logln(" "+caseString+" SET SOURCE calendar match."); // verifies that the requested fields were set. } // to calendar - copy of from calendar Calendar toCalendar = (Calendar)fromCalendar.clone(); /// perform op on 'to calendar' for (int q=0; q