/* GENERATED SOURCE. DO NOT MODIFY. */ /* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004-2014, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************* * */ package android.icu.dev.test.serializable; import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import android.icu.impl.DateNumberFormat; import android.icu.impl.TZDBTimeZoneNames; import android.icu.impl.TimeZoneGenericNames; import android.icu.impl.TimeZoneGenericNames.GenericNameType; import android.icu.impl.Utility; import android.icu.text.ChineseDateFormat; import android.icu.text.ChineseDateFormatSymbols; import android.icu.text.CompactDecimalFormat; import android.icu.text.CurrencyPluralInfo; import android.icu.text.DateFormat; import android.icu.text.DateFormatSymbols; import android.icu.text.DateIntervalFormat; import android.icu.text.DateIntervalInfo; import android.icu.text.DecimalFormat; import android.icu.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import android.icu.text.DurationFormat; import android.icu.text.MessageFormat; import android.icu.text.NumberFormat; import android.icu.text.PluralFormat; import android.icu.text.PluralRules; import android.icu.text.RuleBasedNumberFormat; import android.icu.text.SelectFormat; import android.icu.text.SimpleDateFormat; import android.icu.text.TimeUnitFormat; import android.icu.text.TimeZoneFormat; import android.icu.text.TimeZoneFormat.Style; import android.icu.text.TimeZoneNames; import android.icu.text.TimeZoneNames.NameType; import android.icu.util.Calendar; import android.icu.util.DateInterval; import android.icu.util.GregorianCalendar; import android.icu.util.TimeUnit; import android.icu.util.TimeUnitAmount; import android.icu.util.TimeZone; import android.icu.util.ULocale; /** * @author emader * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ public class FormatTests { /* * The serialized form of a normally created DateFormatSymbols object * will have locale-specific data in it that might change from one version * of ICU4J to another. To guard against this, we store the following canned * data into the test objects we create. */ static HashMap cannedMonthNames = new HashMap(); static HashMap cannedShortMonthNames = new HashMap(); static String en_CA_MonthNames[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", }; static String fr_CA_MonthNames[] = { "janvier", "f\u00E9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\u00FBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\u00E9cembre", }; static String zh_Hans_CN_MonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_CN_MonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_MonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String en_MonthNames[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", }; static String fr_FR_MonthNames[] = { "janvier", "f\u00E9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\u00FBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\u00E9cembre", }; static String fr_MonthNames[] = { "janvier", "f\u00E9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\u00FBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\u00E9cembre", }; static String de_MonthNames[] = { "Januar", "Februar", "M\u00E4rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember", }; static String de_DE_MonthNames[] = { "Januar", "Februar", "M\u00E4rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember", }; static String it_MonthNames[] = { "gennaio", "febbraio", "marzo", "aprile", "maggio", "giugno", "luglio", "agosto", "settembre", "ottobre", "novembre", "dicembre", }; static String it_IT_MonthNames[] = { "gennaio", "febbraio", "marzo", "aprile", "maggio", "giugno", "luglio", "agosto", "settembre", "ottobre", "novembre", "dicembre", }; static String ja_JP_MonthNames[] = { "1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708", }; static String ja_MonthNames[] = { "1\u6708", "2\u6708", "3\u6708", "4\u6708", "5\u6708", "6\u6708", "7\u6708", "8\u6708", "9\u6708", "10\u6708", "11\u6708", "12\u6708", }; static String ko_KR_MonthNames[] = { "1\uC6D4", "2\uC6D4", "3\uC6D4", "4\uC6D4", "5\uC6D4", "6\uC6D4", "7\uC6D4", "8\uC6D4", "9\uC6D4", "10\uC6D4", "11\uC6D4", "12\uC6D4", }; static String ko_MonthNames[] = { "1\uC6D4", "2\uC6D4", "3\uC6D4", "4\uC6D4", "5\uC6D4", "6\uC6D4", "7\uC6D4", "8\uC6D4", "9\uC6D4", "10\uC6D4", "11\uC6D4", "12\uC6D4", }; static String zh_Hant_TW_MonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_TW_MonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String en_GB_MonthNames[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", }; static String en_US_MonthNames[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", }; static String en_CA_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; static String fr_CA_ShortMonthNames[] = { "janv.", "f\u00E9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\u00FBt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\u00E9c.", }; static String zh_Hans_CN_ShortMonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_CN_ShortMonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_ShortMonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String en_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; static String fr_FR_ShortMonthNames[] = { "janv.", "f\u00E9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\u00FBt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\u00E9c.", }; static String fr_ShortMonthNames[] = { "janv.", "f\u00E9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\u00FBt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\u00E9c.", }; static String de_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez", }; static String de_DE_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez", }; static String it_ShortMonthNames[] = { "gen", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mag", "giu", "lug", "ago", "set", "ott", "nov", "dic", }; static String it_IT_ShortMonthNames[] = { "gen", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mag", "giu", "lug", "ago", "set", "ott", "nov", "dic", }; static String ja_JP_ShortMonthNames[] = { "1 \u6708", "2 \u6708", "3 \u6708", "4 \u6708", "5 \u6708", "6 \u6708", "7 \u6708", "8 \u6708", "9 \u6708", "10 \u6708", "11 \u6708", "12 \u6708", }; static String ja_ShortMonthNames[] = { "1 \u6708", "2 \u6708", "3 \u6708", "4 \u6708", "5 \u6708", "6 \u6708", "7 \u6708", "8 \u6708", "9 \u6708", "10 \u6708", "11 \u6708", "12 \u6708", }; static String ko_KR_ShortMonthNames[] = { "1\uC6D4", "2\uC6D4", "3\uC6D4", "4\uC6D4", "5\uC6D4", "6\uC6D4", "7\uC6D4", "8\uC6D4", "9\uC6D4", "10\uC6D4", "11\uC6D4", "12\uC6D4", }; static String ko_ShortMonthNames[] = { "1\uC6D4", "2\uC6D4", "3\uC6D4", "4\uC6D4", "5\uC6D4", "6\uC6D4", "7\uC6D4", "8\uC6D4", "9\uC6D4", "10\uC6D4", "11\uC6D4", "12\uC6D4", }; static String zh_Hant_TW_ShortMonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String zh_TW_ShortMonthNames[] = { "\u4E00\u6708", "\u4E8C\u6708", "\u4E09\u6708", "\u56DB\u6708", "\u4E94\u6708", "\u516D\u6708", "\u4E03\u6708", "\u516B\u6708", "\u4E5D\u6708", "\u5341\u6708", "\u5341\u4E00\u6708", "\u5341\u4E8C\u6708", }; static String en_GB_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; static String en_US_ShortMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; static { cannedMonthNames.put("en_CA", en_CA_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("fr_CA", fr_CA_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("zh_Hans_CN", zh_Hans_CN_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("zh_CN", zh_CN_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("zh", zh_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("en", en_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("fr_FR", fr_FR_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("fr", fr_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("de", de_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("de_DE", de_DE_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("it", it_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("it_IT", it_IT_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("ja_JP", ja_JP_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("ja", ja_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("ko_KR", ko_KR_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("ko", ko_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("zh_Hant_TW", zh_Hant_TW_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("zh_TW", zh_TW_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("en_GB", en_GB_MonthNames); cannedMonthNames.put("en_US", en_US_MonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("en_CA", en_CA_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("fr_CA", fr_CA_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("zh_Hans_CN", zh_Hans_CN_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("zh_CN", zh_CN_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("zh", zh_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("en", en_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("fr_FR", fr_FR_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("fr", fr_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("de", de_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("de_DE", de_DE_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("it", it_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("it_IT", it_IT_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("ja_JP", ja_JP_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("ja", ja_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("ko_KR", ko_KR_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("ko", ko_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("zh_Hant_TW", zh_Hant_TW_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("zh_TW", zh_TW_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("en_GB", en_GB_ShortMonthNames); cannedShortMonthNames.put("en_US", en_US_ShortMonthNames); } private static DateFormatSymbols getCannedDateFormatSymbols(ULocale uloc) { DateFormatSymbols dfs =new DateFormatSymbols(GregorianCalendar.class, uloc); String key = uloc.toString(); dfs.setMonths((String[]) cannedMonthNames.get(key)); dfs.setShortMonths((String[]) cannedShortMonthNames.get(key)); return dfs; } private static SimpleDateFormat getCannedSimpleDateFormat(String pattern, ULocale uloc) { DateFormatSymbols dfs = getCannedDateFormatSymbols(uloc); return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, dfs, uloc); } /* * The serialized form of a normally created DecimalFormatSymbols object * will have locale-specific data in it that might change from one version * of ICU4J to another. To guard against this, we store the following canned * data into the test objects we create. */ static HashMap cannedDecimalFormatSymbols = new HashMap(); static String en_CA_StringSymbols[] = { "$", "E", "\u221E", "CAD", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String fr_CA_StringSymbols[] = { "$", "E", "\u221E", "CAD", "\uFFFD", ",#\u00A0-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String zh_CN_StringSymbols[] = { "\uFFE5", "E", "\u221E", "CNY", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String zh_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String en_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String fr_FR_StringSymbols[] = { "\u20AC", "E", "\u221E", "EUR", "\uFFFD", ",#\u00A0-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String fr_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ",#\u00A0-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String de_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ",#.-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String de_DE_StringSymbols[] = { "\u20AC", "E", "\u221E", "EUR", "\uFFFD", ",#.-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String it_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ",#.-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String it_IT_StringSymbols[] = { "\u20AC", "E", "\u221E", "EUR", "\uFFFD", ",#.-,*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String ja_JP_StringSymbols[] = { "\uFFE5", "E", "\u221E", "JPY", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String ja_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String ko_KR_StringSymbols[] = { "\uFFE6", "E", "\u221E", "KRW", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String ko_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A4", "E", "\u221E", "XXX", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String zh_Hans_CN_StringSymbols[] = { "\uFFE5", "E", "\u221E", "CNY", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String zh_Hant_TW_StringSymbols[] = { "NT$", "E", "\u221E", "TWD", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String zh_TW_StringSymbols[] = { "NT$", "E", "\u221E", "TWD", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String en_GB_StringSymbols[] = { "\u00A3", "E", "\u221E", "GBP", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static String en_US_StringSymbols[] = { "$", "E", "\u221E", "USD", "\uFFFD", ".#,-.*;%\u2030+@0" }; static { cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("en_CA", en_CA_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("fr_CA", fr_CA_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("zh_CN", zh_CN_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("zh", zh_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("en", en_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("fr_FR", fr_FR_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("fr", fr_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("de", de_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("de_DE", de_DE_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("it", it_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("it_IT", it_IT_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("ja_JP", ja_JP_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("ja", ja_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("ko_KR", ko_KR_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("ko", ko_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("zh_Hans_CN", zh_Hans_CN_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("zh_Hant_TW", zh_Hant_TW_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("zh_TW", zh_TW_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("en_GB", en_GB_StringSymbols); cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.put("en_US", en_US_StringSymbols); } private static char[] getCharSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols dfs) { char symbols[] = { dfs.getDecimalSeparator(), dfs.getDigit(), dfs.getGroupingSeparator(), dfs.getMinusSign(), dfs.getMonetaryDecimalSeparator(), dfs.getPadEscape(), dfs.getPatternSeparator(), dfs.getPercent(), dfs.getPerMill(), dfs.getPlusSign(), dfs.getSignificantDigit(), dfs.getZeroDigit() }; return symbols; } private static void setCharSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols dfs, char symbols[]) { dfs.setDecimalSeparator(symbols[0]); dfs.setDigit(symbols[1]); dfs.setGroupingSeparator(symbols[2]); dfs.setMinusSign(symbols[3]); dfs.setMonetaryDecimalSeparator(symbols[4]); dfs.setPadEscape(symbols[5]); dfs.setPatternSeparator(symbols[6]); dfs.setPercent(symbols[7]); dfs.setPerMill(symbols[8]); dfs.setPlusSign(symbols[9]); dfs.setSignificantDigit(symbols[10]); dfs.setZeroDigit(symbols[11]); } private static String[] getStringSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols dfs) { String symbols[] = { dfs.getCurrencySymbol(), dfs.getExponentSeparator(), dfs.getInfinity(), dfs.getInternationalCurrencySymbol(), dfs.getNaN() }; return symbols; } private static DecimalFormatSymbols getCannedDecimalFormatSymbols(ULocale uloc) { DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(uloc); setSymbols(dfs, (String[]) cannedDecimalFormatSymbols.get(uloc.toString())); return dfs; } private static DecimalFormat getCannedDecimalFormat(String pattern, ULocale uloc) { return new DecimalFormat(pattern, getCannedDecimalFormatSymbols(uloc)); } private static void setSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols dfs, String symbols[]) { dfs.setCurrencySymbol(symbols[0]); dfs.setExponentSeparator(symbols[1]); dfs.setInfinity(symbols[2]); dfs.setInternationalCurrencySymbol(symbols[3]); dfs.setNaN(symbols[4]); setCharSymbols(dfs, symbols[5].toCharArray()); } public static class RelativeDateFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { DateFormat formats[] = { DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.RELATIVE_LONG,new ULocale("en")), DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.RELATIVE_SHORT,new ULocale("ru")), }; return formats; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { DateFormat da = (DateFormat)a; DateFormat db = (DateFormat)b; Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); return da.format(d).equals(db.format(d)); } } public static class BasicDurationFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { DurationFormat formats[] = { DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en")) }; return formats; } //TODO: Revisit this after 3.8 public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { //DurationFormat da = (DurationFormat)a; //DurationFormat db = (DurationFormat)b; //Date d = new Date(12345); //System.err.println("Warning: BasicDurationFormat test is being skipped for now."); return true; //return da.format(d).equals(db.format(d)); } } public static class NumberFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { ULocale uloc = ULocale.forLocale(Locale.US); NumberFormat formats[] = { /* * The code below was used to genereate the * serialized NumberFormat objects in ICU 3.6: * * NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US) * NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US) * NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(Locale.US) * NumberFormat.getScientificInstance(Locale.US) * * Because the locale data might now be different that it was in * ICU 3.6, the only way to guarantee that the object we generate * will match the ICU 3.6 objects is to generate DecimalFormat objects * that use the same patterns and DecimalFormatSymbols that * were used in ICU 3.6. */ getCannedDecimalFormat("#,##0.###", uloc), getCannedDecimalFormat("\u00A4#,##0.00;(\u00A4#,##0.00)", uloc), getCannedDecimalFormat("#,##0%", uloc), getCannedDecimalFormat("#E0", uloc) }; return formats; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { NumberFormat format_a = (NumberFormat) a; NumberFormat format_b = (NumberFormat) b; double number = 1234.56; return format_a.format(number).equals(format_b.format(number)); } } public static class DecimalFormatHandler extends NumberFormatHandler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { Locale locales[] = SerializableTest.getLocales(); DecimalFormat formats[] = new DecimalFormat[locales.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i += 1) { ULocale uloc = ULocale.forLocale(locales[i]); formats[i] = getCannedDecimalFormat("#,##0.###", uloc); } if (formats[0] != null) { // Ticket#6449 // Once formatToCharacterIterator is called, NumberFormat.Field // instances are created and stored in the private List field. // NumberForamt.Field is not a serializable, so serializing such // instances end up NotSerializableException. This problem was // reproduced since formatToCharacterIterator was introduced, // up to ICU 4.0. AttributedCharacterIterator aci = formats[0].formatToCharacterIterator(new Double(12.345D)); if (aci == null) {} // NOP - for resolving 'Unused local variable' warning. } return formats; } } public static class RuleBasedNumberFormatHandler extends NumberFormatHandler { // default rules, from root.txt String xx_SpelloutRules = "=#,##0.######=;\n"; String xx_OrdinalRules = "=#,##0=;\n"; String xx_DurationRules = "=#,##0=;\n"; String ja_spelloutRules = "%financial:\n" + "\u96f6; \u58f1; \u5f10; \u53c2; \u56db; \u4f0d; \u516d; \u4e03; \u516b; \u4e5d;\n" + "\u62fe[>>];\n" + "20: <<\u62fe[>>];\n" + "100: <<\u767e[>>];\n" + "1000: <<\u5343[>>];\n" + "10,000: <<\u4e07[>>];\n" + "100,000,000: <<\u5104[>>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: <<\u5146[>>];\n" + "10,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%traditional:\n" + "\u96f6; \u4e00; \u4e8c; \u4e09; \u56db; \u4e94; \u516d; \u4e03; \u516b; \u4e5d;\n" + "\u5341[>>];\n" + "20: <<\u5341[>>];\n" + "100: <<\u767e[>>];\n" + "1000: <<\u5343[>>];\n" + "10,000: <<\u4e07[>>];\n" + "100,000,000: <<\u5104[>>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: <<\u5146[>>];\n" + "10,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;"; String en_SpelloutRules = // This rule set shows the normal simple formatting rules for English "%simplified:\n" + // negative number rule. This rule is used to format negative // numbers. The result of formatting the number's absolute // value is placed where the >> is. "-x: minus >>;\n" + // faction rule. This rule is used for formatting numbers // with fractional parts. The result of formatting the // number's integral part is substituted for the <<, and // the result of formatting the number's fractional part // (one digit at a time, e.g., 0.123 is "zero point one two // three") replaces the >>. "x.x: << point >>;\n" + // the rules for the values from 0 to 19 are simply the // words for those numbers "zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;\n" + "ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen;\n" + "seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;\n" + // beginning at 20, we use the >> to mark the position where // the result of formatting the number's ones digit. Thus, // we only need a new rule at every multiple of 10. Text in // backets is omitted if the value being formatted is an // even multiple of 10. "20: twenty[->>];\n" + "30: thirty[->>];\n" + "40: forty[->>];\n" + "50: fifty[->>];\n" + "60: sixty[->>];\n" + "70: seventy[->>];\n" + "80: eighty[->>];\n" + "90: ninety[->>];\n" + // beginning at 100, we can use << to mark the position where // the result of formatting the multiple of 100 is to be // inserted. Notice also that the meaning of >> has shifted: // here, it refers to both the ones place and the tens place. // The meanings of the << and >> tokens depend on the base value // of the rule. A rule's divisor is (usually) the highest // power of 10 that is less than or equal to the rule's base // value. The value being formatted is divided by the rule's // divisor, and the integral quotient is used to get the text // for <<, while the remainder is used to produce the text // for >>. Again, text in brackets is omitted if the value // being formatted is an even multiple of the rule's divisor // (in this case, an even multiple of 100) "100: << hundred[ >>];\n" + // The rules for the higher numbers work the same way as the // rule for 100: Again, the << and >> tokens depend on the // rule's divisor, which for all these rules is also the rule's // base value. To group by thousand, we simply don't have any // rules between 1,000 and 1,000,000. "1000: << thousand[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: << trillion[ >>];\n" + // overflow rule. This rule specifies that values of a // quadrillion or more are shown in numerals rather than words. // The == token means to format (with new rules) the value // being formatted by this rule and place the result where // the == is. The #,##0 inside the == signs is a // DecimalFormat pattern. It specifies that the value should // be formatted with a DecimalFormat object, and that it // should be formatted with no decimal places, at least one // digit, and a thousands separator. "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + // %default is a more elaborate form of %simplified; It is basically // the same, except that it introduces "and" before the ones digit // when appropriate (basically, between the tens and ones digits) and // separates the thousands groups with commas in values over 100,000. "%default:\n" + // negative-number and fraction rules. These are the same // as those for %simplified, but have to be stated here too // because this is an entry point "-x: minus >>;\n" + "x.x: << point >>;\n" + // just use %simplified for values below 100 "=%simplified=;\n" + // for values from 100 to 9,999 use %%and to decide whether or // not to interpose the "and" "100: << hundred[ >%%and>];\n" + "1000: << thousand[ >%%and>];\n" + // for values of 100,000 and up, use %%commas to interpose the // commas in the right places (and also to interpose the "and") "100,000>>: << thousand[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000: << million[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000,000: << billion[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: << trillion[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + // if the value passed to this rule set is greater than 100, don't // add the "and"; if it's less than 100, add "and" before the last // digits "%%and:\n" + "and =%default=;\n" + "100: =%default=;\n" + // this rule set is used to place the commas "%%commas:\n" + // for values below 100, add "and" (the apostrophe at the // beginning is ignored, but causes the space that follows it // to be significant: this is necessary because the rules // calling %%commas don't put a space before it) "' and =%default=;\n" + // put a comma after the thousands (or whatever preceded the // hundreds) "100: , =%default=;\n" + // put a comma after the millions (or whatever precedes the // thousands) "1000: , <%default< thousand, >%default>;\n" + // and so on... "1,000,000: , =%default=;" + // %%lenient-parse isn't really a set of number formatting rules; // it's a set of collation rules. Lenient-parse mode uses a Collator // object to compare fragments of the text being parsed to the text // in the rules, allowing more leeway in the matching text. This set // of rules tells the formatter to ignore commas when parsing (it // already ignores spaces, which is why we refer to the space; it also // ignores hyphens, making "twenty one" and "twenty-one" parse // identically) "%%lenient-parse:\n" + // "& ' ' , ',' ;\n" + " &\u0000 << ' ' << ',' << '-'; \n"; String en_GB_SpelloutRules = "%simplified:\n" + "-x: minus >>;\n" + "x.x: << point >>;\n" + "zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;\n" + "ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen;\n" + " seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;\n" + "20: twenty[->>];\n" + "30: thirty[->>];\n" + "40: forty[->>];\n" + "50: fifty[->>];\n" + "60: sixty[->>];\n" + "70: seventy[->>];\n" + "80: eighty[->>];\n" + "90: ninety[->>];\n" + "100: << hundred[ >>];\n" + "1000: << thousand[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%default:\n" + "-x: minus >>;\n" + "x.x: << point >>;\n" + "=%simplified=;\n" + "100: << hundred[ >%%and>];\n" + "1000: << thousand[ >%%and>];\n" + "100,000>>: << thousand[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000: << million[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: << billion[>%%commas>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%%and:\n" + "and =%default=;\n" + "100: =%default=;\n" + "%%commas:\n" + "' and =%default=;\n" + "100: , =%default=;\n" + "1000: , <%default< thousand, >%default>;\n" + "1,000,000: , =%default=;" + "%%lenient-parse:\n" + "& ' ' , ',' ;\n"; String fr_SpelloutRules = // the main rule set "%main:\n" + "-x: moins >>;\n" + "x.x: << virgule >>;\n" + // words for numbers from 0 to 10 "z\u00e9ro; un; deux; trois; quatre; cinq; six; sept; huit; neuf;\n" + "dix; onze; douze; treize; quatorze; quinze; seize;\n" + " dix-sept; dix-huit; dix-neuf;\n" + // ords for the multiples of 10: %%alt-ones inserts "et" // when needed "20: vingt[->%%alt-ones>];\n" + "30: trente[->%%alt-ones>];\n" + "40: quarante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" + "50: cinquante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" + // rule for 60. The /20 causes this rule's multiplier to be // 20 rather than 10, allowinhg us to recurse for all values // from 60 to 79... "60/20: soixante[->%%alt-ones>];\n" + // ...except for 71, which must be special-cased "71: soixante et onze;\n" + // at 72, we have to repeat the rule for 60 to get us to 79 "72/20: soixante->%%alt-ones>;\n" + // at 80, we state a new rule with the phrase for 80. Since // it changes form when there's a ones digit, we need a second // rule at 81. This rule also includes "/20," allowing it to // be used correctly for all values up to 99 "80: quatre-vingts; 81/20: quatre-vingt->>;\n" + // "cent" becomes plural when preceded by a multiplier, and // the multiplier is omitted from the singular form "100: cent[ >>];\n" + "200: << cents[ >>];\n" + "1000: mille[ >>];\n" + // values from 1,100 to 1,199 are rendered as "onze cents..." // instead of "mille cent..." The > after "1000" decreases // the rule's exponent, causing its multiplier to be 100 instead // of 1,000. This prevents us from getting "onze cents cent // vingt-deux" ("eleven hundred one hundred twenty-two"). "1100>: onze cents[ >>];\n" + // at 1,200, we go back to formating in thousands, so we // repeat the rule for 1,000 "1200: mille >>;\n" + // at 2,000, the multiplier is added "2000: << mille[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000: << milliard[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + // %%alt-ones is used to insert "et" when the ones digit is 1 "%%alt-ones:\n" + "; et-un; =%main=;\n" + "%%lenient-parse:\n" + "&\u0000 << ' ' << ',' << '-';\n"; String de_SpelloutRules = // 1 is "eins" when by itself, but turns into "ein" in most // combinations "%alt-ones:\n" + "-x: minus >>;\n" + "x.x: << komma >>;\n" + "null; eins; =%%main=;\n" + "%%main:\n" + // words for numbers from 0 to 12. Notice that the values // from 13 to 19 can derived algorithmically, unlike in most // other languages "null; ein; zwei; drei; vier; f\u00fcnf; sechs; sieben; acht; neun;\n" + "zehn; elf; zw\u00f6lf; >>zehn;\n" + // rules for the multiples of 10. Notice that the ones digit // goes on the front "20: [>>und]zwanzig;\n" + "30: [>>und]drei\u00dfig;\n" + "40: [>>und]vierzig;\n" + "50: [>>und]f\u00fcnfzig;\n" + "60: [>>und]sechzig;\n" + "70: [>>und]siebzig;\n" + "80: [>>und]achtzig;\n" + "90: [>>und]neunzig;\n" + "100: hundert[>%alt-ones>];\n" + "200: <%alt-ones>];\n" + "1000: tausend[>%alt-ones>];\n" + "2000: <%alt-ones>];\n" + "1,000,000: eine Million[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "2,000,000: << Millionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "1,000,000,000: eine Milliarde[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "2,000,000,000: << Milliarden[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000: eine Billion[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "2,000,000,000,000: << Billionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n" + "1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;" + "%%lenient-parse:\n" + "&\u0000 << ' ' << '-'\n" + "& ae , \u00e4 & ae , \u00c4\n" + "& oe , \u00f6 & oe , \u00d6\n" + "& ue , \u00fc & ue , \u00dc\n"; String it_SpelloutRules = // main rule set. Follows the patterns of the preceding rule sets, // except that the final vowel is omitted from words ending in // vowels when they are followed by another word; instead, we have // separate rule sets that are identical to this one, except that // all the words that don't begin with a vowel have a vowel tacked // onto them at the front. A word ending in a vowel calls a // substitution that will supply that vowel, unless that vowel is to // be elided. "%main:\n" + "-x: meno >>;\n" + "x.x: << virgola >>;\n" + "zero; uno; due; tre; quattro; cinque; sei; sette; otto; nove;\n" + "dieci; undici; dodici; tredici; quattordici; quindici; sedici;\n" + " diciasette; diciotto; diciannove;\n" + "20: venti; vent>%%with-i>;\n" + "30: trenta; trent>%%with-i>;\n" + "40: quaranta; quarant>%%with-a>;\n" + "50: cinquanta; cinquant>%%with-a>;\n" + "60: sessanta; sessant>%%with-a>;\n" + "70: settanta; settant>%%with-a>;\n" + "80: ottanta; ottant>%%with-a>;\n" + "90: novanta; novant>%%with-a>;\n" + "100: cento; cent[>%%with-o>];\n" + "200: <%%with-o>];\n" + "1000: mille; mill[>%%with-i>];\n" + "2000: <%%with-a>];\n" + "100,000>>: <>];\n" + "1,000,000: =#,##0= (incomplete data);\n" + "%%with-a:\n" + "azero; uno; adue; atre; aquattro; acinque; asei; asette; otto; anove;\n" + "adieci; undici; adodici; atredici; aquattordici; aquindici; asedici;\n" + " adiciasette; adiciotto; adiciannove;\n" + "20: aventi; avent>%%with-i>;\n" + "30: atrenta; atrent>%%with-i>;\n" + "40: aquaranta; aquarant>%%with-a>;\n" + "50: acinquanta; acinquant>%%with-a>;\n" + "60: asessanta; asessant>%%with-a>;\n" + "70: asettanta; asettant>%%with-a>;\n" + "80: ottanta; ottant>%%with-a>;\n" + "90: anovanta; anovant>%%with-a>;\n" + "100: acento; acent[>%%with-o>];\n" + "200: <%%with-a%%with-o>];\n" + "1000: amille; amill[>%%with-i>];\n" + "2000: <%%with-a%%with-a>];\n" + "100,000: =%main=;\n" + "%%with-i:\n" + "izero; uno; idue; itre; iquattro; icinque; isei; isette; otto; inove;\n" + "idieci; undici; idodici; itredici; iquattordici; iquindici; isedici;\n" + " idiciasette; idiciotto; idiciannove;\n" + "20: iventi; ivent>%%with-i>;\n" + "30: itrenta; itrent>%%with-i>;\n" + "40: iquaranta; iquarant>%%with-a>;\n" + "50: icinquanta; icinquant>%%with-a>;\n" + "60: isessanta; isessant>%%with-a>;\n" + "70: isettanta; isettant>%%with-a>;\n" + "80: ottanta; ottant>%%with-a>;\n" + "90: inovanta; inovant>%%with-a>;\n" + "100: icento; icent[>%%with-o>];\n" + "200: <%%with-i%%with-o>];\n" + "1000: imille; imill[>%%with-i>];\n" + "2000: <%%with-i%%with-a>];\n" + "100,000: =%main=;\n" + "%%with-o:\n" + "ozero; uno; odue; otre; oquattro; ocinque; osei; osette; otto; onove;\n" + "odieci; undici; ododici; otredici; oquattordici; oquindici; osedici;\n" + " odiciasette; odiciotto; odiciannove;\n" + "20: oventi; ovent>%%with-i>;\n" + "30: otrenta; otrent>%%with-i>;\n" + "40: oquaranta; oquarant>%%with-a>;\n" + "50: ocinquanta; ocinquant>%%with-a>;\n" + "60: osessanta; osessant>%%with-a>;\n" + "70: osettanta; osettant>%%with-a>;\n" + "80: ottanta; ottant>%%with-a>;\n" + "90: onovanta; onovant>%%with-a>;\n" + "100: ocento; ocent[>%%with-o>];\n" + "200: <%%with-o%%with-o>];\n" + "1000: omille; omill[>%%with-i>];\n" + "2000: <%%with-o%%with-a>];\n" + "100,000: =%main=;\n" ; String en_OrdinalRules = // this rule set formats the numeral and calls %%abbrev to // supply the abbreviation "%main:\n" + "=#,##0==%%abbrev=;\n" + // this rule set supplies the abbreviation "%%abbrev:\n" + // the abbreviations. Everything from 4 to 19 ends in "th" "th; st; nd; rd; th;\n" + // at 20, we begin repeating the cycle every 10 (13 is "13th", // but 23 and 33 are "23rd" and "33rd") We do this by // ignoring all bug the ones digit in selecting the abbreviation "20: >>;\n" + // at 100, we repeat the whole cycle by considering only the // tens and ones digits in picking an abbreviation "100: >>;\n"; String en_DurationRules = // main rule set for formatting with words "%with-words:\n" + // take care of singular and plural forms of "second" "0 seconds; 1 second; =0= seconds;\n" + // use %%min to format values greater than 60 seconds "60/60: <%%min<[, >>];\n" + // use %%hr to format values greater than 3,600 seconds // (the ">>>" below causes us to see the number of minutes // when when there are zero minutes) "3600/60: <%%hr<[, >>>];\n" + // this rule set takes care of the singular and plural forms // of "minute" "%%min:\n" + "0 minutes; 1 minute; =0= minutes;\n" + // this rule set takes care of the singular and plural forms // of "hour" "%%hr:\n" + "0 hours; 1 hour; =0= hours;\n" + // main rule set for formatting in numerals "%in-numerals:\n" + // values below 60 seconds are shown with "sec." "=0= sec.;\n" + // higher values are shown with colons: %%min-sec is used for // values below 3,600 seconds... "60: =%%min-sec=;\n" + // ...and %%hr-min-sec is used for values of 3,600 seconds // and above "3600: =%%hr-min-sec=;\n" + // this rule causes values of less than 10 minutes to show without // a leading zero "%%min-sec:\n" + "0: :=00=;\n" + "60/60: <0<>>;\n" + // this rule set is used for values of 3,600 or more. Minutes are always // shown, and always shown with two digits "%%hr-min-sec:\n" + "0: :=00=;\n" + "60/60: <00<>>;\n" + "3600/60: <#,##0<:>>>;\n" + // the lenient-parse rules allow several different characters to be used // as delimiters between hours, minutes, and seconds "%%lenient-parse:\n" + "& ':' = '.' = ' ' = '-';\n"; HashMap cannedData = new HashMap(); { cannedData.put("en_CA/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("en_CA/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("en_CA/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("fr_CA/SpelloutRules", fr_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("fr_CA/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("fr_CA/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("zh_CN/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("zh_CN/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("zh_CH/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("zh/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("zh/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("zh_DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("en/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("en/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("en/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("fr_FR/SpelloutRules", fr_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("fr_FR/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("fr_FR/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("fr/SpelloutRules", fr_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("fr/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("fr/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("de/SpelloutRules", de_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("de/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("de/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("de_DE/SpelloutRules", de_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("de_DE/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("de_DE/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("it/SpelloutRules", it_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("it/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("it/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("it_IT/SpelloutRules", it_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("it_IT/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("it_IT/DuratonRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("ko_KR/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("ko_KR/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("ko_KR/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("ko/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("ko/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("ko/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hans_CN/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hans_CN/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hans_CH/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hant_TW/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hant_TW/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("zh_Hant_TW/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("zh_TW/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("zh_TW/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("zh_TW/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("en_GB/SpelloutRules", en_GB_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("en_GB/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("en_GB/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("en_US/SpelloutRules", en_SpelloutRules); cannedData.put("en_US/OrdinalRules", en_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("en_US/DurationRules", en_DurationRules); cannedData.put("ja/SpelloutRules", ja_spelloutRules); cannedData.put("ja/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("ja/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); cannedData.put("ja_JP/SpelloutRules", ja_spelloutRules); cannedData.put("ja_JP/OrdinalRules", xx_OrdinalRules); cannedData.put("ja_JP/DurationRules", xx_DurationRules); } int types[] = {RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT, RuleBasedNumberFormat.ORDINAL, RuleBasedNumberFormat.DURATION}; String typeNames[] = {"SpelloutRules", "OrdinalRules", "DurationRules"}; public Object[] getTestObjects() { Locale locales[] = SerializableTest.getLocales(); RuleBasedNumberFormat formats[] = new RuleBasedNumberFormat[types.length * locales.length]; int i = 0; for (int t = 0; t < types.length; t += 1) { for (int l = 0; l < locales.length; l += 1) { String cannedRules = (String) cannedData.get(locales[l].toString() + "/" + typeNames[t]); if (cannedRules != null) { formats[i++] = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(cannedRules, locales[l]); } else { formats[i++] = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(locales[l], types[t]); } } } return formats; } } public static class DecimalFormatSymbolsHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { Locale locales[] = SerializableTest.getLocales(); DecimalFormatSymbols dfs[] = new DecimalFormatSymbols[locales.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i += 1) { ULocale uloc = ULocale.forLocale(locales[i]); dfs[i] = getCannedDecimalFormatSymbols(uloc); // System.out.println("\n " + uloc.toString() + " = \"" + // android.icu.impl.Utility.escape(String.valueOf(getCharSymbols(dfs[i]), 0, 12)) + "\""); } return dfs; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { DecimalFormatSymbols dfs_a = (DecimalFormatSymbols) a; DecimalFormatSymbols dfs_b = (DecimalFormatSymbols) b; String strings_a[] = getStringSymbols(dfs_a); String strings_b[] = getStringSymbols(dfs_b); char chars_a[] = getCharSymbols(dfs_a); char chars_b[] = getCharSymbols(dfs_b); return SerializableTest.compareStrings(strings_a, strings_b) && SerializableTest.compareChars(chars_a, chars_b); } } public static class CurrencyPluralInfoHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { CurrencyPluralInfo currencyPluralInfo[] = { new CurrencyPluralInfo(), new CurrencyPluralInfo(new ULocale("en_US")), CurrencyPluralInfo.getInstance(), CurrencyPluralInfo.getInstance(new Locale("en_US")), CurrencyPluralInfo.getInstance(new ULocale("en_US")) }; for(int i=0; i 0 && cdfs_b.getLeapMonth(1).length() > 0; } } public static class NumberFormatFieldHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { NumberFormat.Field fields[] = { NumberFormat.Field.CURRENCY, NumberFormat.Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SIGN, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SYMBOL, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER, NumberFormat.Field.PERCENT, NumberFormat.Field.PERMILLE, NumberFormat.Field.SIGN }; return fields; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { NumberFormat.Field field_a = (NumberFormat.Field) a; NumberFormat.Field field_b = (NumberFormat.Field) b; return field_a.toString().equals(field_b.toString()); } } public static class DateNumberFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { Locale locales[] = SerializableTest.getLocales(); DateNumberFormat[] dnfmts = new DateNumberFormat[locales.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { ULocale uloc = ULocale.forLocale(locales[i]); dnfmts[i] = new DateNumberFormat(uloc,'0',"latn"); } return dnfmts; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { return a.equals(b); } } public static class SelectFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { SelectFormat[] selfmts = {new SelectFormat("keyword{phrase} other{otherPhrase}")}; return selfmts; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { SelectFormat sfa = (SelectFormat) a; SelectFormat sfb = (SelectFormat) b; String argument = "keyword"; return sfa.format(argument) != sfb.format(argument); } } public static class PluralFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { Locale[] locales = { Locale.US }; // main test is in plural rules handler PluralFormat[] plfmts = new PluralFormat[locales.length]; for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { ULocale uloc = ULocale.forLocale(locales[i]); try { plfmts[i] = new PluralFormat(uloc, "one{1 foo} other{# foo}"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return plfmts; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { PluralFormat pfa = (PluralFormat)a; PluralFormat pfb = (PluralFormat)b; boolean isSame = true; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { String texta = pfa.format(i); String textb = pfb.format(i); if (!texta.equals(textb)) { isSame = false; break; } } return isSame; } } public static class PluralRulesHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { // canned rules as of 4.2 final String[] cannedRules = { "", // ja "one: n is 1", // da "one: n within 0..2 and n is not 2", // fr "one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11; zero: n is 0", // lv "one: n is 1; two: n is 2", // ga "few: n is 0 OR n is not 1 AND n mod 100 in 1..19; one: n is 1", // ro "few: n mod 10 in 2..9 and n mod 100 not in 11..19; one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 not in 11..19", // lt "few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14; many: n mod 10 is 0 or n mod 10 in 5..9 or n mod 100 in 11..14; one: n mod 10 is 1 and n mod 100 is not 11", // hr "few: n in 2..4; one: n is 1", // cs "few: n mod 10 in 2..4 and n mod 100 not in 12..14 and n mod 100 not in 22..24; one: n is 1", // pl "few: n mod 100 in 3..4; one: n mod 100 is 1; two: n mod 100 is 2", // sl }; public Object[] getTestObjects() { PluralRules[] plrulz = new PluralRules[cannedRules.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cannedRules.length; i++) { try { plrulz[i] = PluralRules.parseDescription(cannedRules[i]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return plrulz; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { return a.equals(b); } } public static class PluralRulesSerialProxyHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { // Tested through PluralRules, so just a stub here to keep CoverageTest happy final String[] cannedRules = {}; public Object[] getTestObjects() { return new PluralRules[cannedRules.length]; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { return a.equals(b); } } public static class TimeUnitFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { // TODO - more test coverage! public Object[] getTestObjects() { return new Object[] { new TimeUnitFormat().setLocale(ULocale.ENGLISH) }; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { TimeUnitFormat tufa = (TimeUnitFormat)a; TimeUnitFormat tufb = (TimeUnitFormat)b; TimeUnitAmount amount = new TimeUnitAmount(3, TimeUnit.HOUR); String resa = tufa.format(amount); String resb = tufb.format(amount); return resa.equals(resb); } } public static class TimeZoneNamesHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { return new Object[] { TimeZoneNames.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH), TimeZoneNames.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN) }; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { TimeZoneNames tzna = (TimeZoneNames)a; TimeZoneNames tznb = (TimeZoneNames)b; final String tzid = "America/Los_Angeles"; String eca = tzna.getExemplarLocationName(tzid); String ecb = tznb.getExemplarLocationName(tzid); if (!eca.equals(ecb)) { return false; } final String mzID = "America_Pacific"; final String region = "US"; String refza = tzna.getReferenceZoneID(mzID, region); String refzb = tznb.getReferenceZoneID(mzID, region); if (!refza.equals(refzb)) { return false; } return true; } } public static class TimeZoneGenericNamesHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { return new Object[] { TimeZoneGenericNames.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH), TimeZoneGenericNames.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN) }; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { TimeZoneGenericNames tzgna = (TimeZoneGenericNames)a; TimeZoneGenericNames tzgnb = (TimeZoneGenericNames)b; final String[] TZIDS = { "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "Etc/GMT" }; final long[] DATES = { 1277942400000L, // 2010-07-01 00:00:00 GMT 1293840000000L, // 2011-01-01 00:00:00 GMT }; for (String tzid : TZIDS) { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid); for (GenericNameType nt : GenericNameType.values()) { for (long date : DATES) { String nameA = tzgna.getDisplayName(tz, nt, date); String nameB = tzgnb.getDisplayName(tz, nt, date); if (!Utility.objectEquals(nameA, nameB)) { return false; } } } } return true; } } public static class TZDBTimeZoneNamesHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { public Object[] getTestObjects() { return new Object[] { TimeZoneNames.getTZDBInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH), TimeZoneNames.getTZDBInstance(ULocale.JAPAN) }; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { TZDBTimeZoneNames tzdbna = (TZDBTimeZoneNames)a; TZDBTimeZoneNames tzdbnb = (TZDBTimeZoneNames)b; final String[] TZIDS = { "America/Los_Angeles", "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires", "Asia/Shanghai", "Etc/GMT" }; final long[] DATES = { 1277942400000L, // 2010-07-01 00:00:00 GMT 1293840000000L, // 2011-01-01 00:00:00 GMT }; final NameType[] nTypes = { NameType.SHORT_STANDARD, NameType.SHORT_DAYLIGHT }; for (String tzid : TZIDS) { for (NameType nt : nTypes) { for (long date : DATES) { String nameA = tzdbna.getDisplayName(tzid, nt, date); String nameB = tzdbnb.getDisplayName(tzid, nt, date); if (!Utility.objectEquals(nameA, nameB)) { return false; } } } } return true; } } public static class TimeZoneFormatHandler implements SerializableTest.Handler { static final String CUSTOM_GMT_PATTERN = "Offset {0} from UTC"; public Object[] getTestObjects() { TimeZoneFormat tzfmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH).cloneAsThawed(); tzfmt.setGMTPattern(CUSTOM_GMT_PATTERN); return new Object[] {tzfmt}; } public boolean hasSameBehavior(Object a, Object b) { TimeZoneFormat tzfa = (TimeZoneFormat)a; TimeZoneFormat tzfb = (TimeZoneFormat)b; if (!tzfa.getGMTPattern().equals(tzfb.getGMTPattern())) { return false; } final int offset = -5 * 60 * 60 * 1000; String gmta = tzfa.formatOffsetLocalizedGMT(offset); String gmtb = tzfb.formatOffsetLocalizedGMT(offset); if (!gmta.equals(gmtb)) { return false; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles"); String genloca = tzfa.format(Style.GENERIC_LOCATION, tz, now); String genlocb = tzfb.format(Style.GENERIC_LOCATION, tz, now); if (!genloca.equals(genlocb)) { return false; } return true; } } public static void main(String[] args) { // nothing needed... } } //eof