/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2002-2012, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ package com.ibm.icu.dev.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter; import com.ibm.icu.lang.UProperty; import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript; import com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer; import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16; import com.ibm.icu.util.VersionInfo; /** * Provides a general interface for Unicode Properties, and * extracting sets based on those values. * @author Davis */ public class ICUPropertyFactory extends UnicodeProperty.Factory { static class ICUProperty extends UnicodeProperty { protected int propEnum = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected ICUProperty(String propName, int propEnum) { setName(propName); this.propEnum = propEnum; setType(internalGetPropertyType(propEnum)); if (propEnum == UProperty.DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CODE_POINT || propEnum == UProperty.BIDI_CLASS || propEnum == UProperty.GENERAL_CATEGORY) { setUniformUnassigned(false); } else { setUniformUnassigned(true); } } boolean shownException = false; public String _getValue(int codePoint) { switch (propEnum) { case UProperty.AGE: return getAge(codePoint); case UProperty.BIDI_MIRRORING_GLYPH: return UTF16.valueOf(UCharacter.getMirror(codePoint)); case UProperty.CASE_FOLDING: return UCharacter.foldCase(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint), true); case UProperty.ISO_COMMENT: return UCharacter.getISOComment(codePoint); case UProperty.LOWERCASE_MAPPING: return UCharacter.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint)); case UProperty.NAME: return UCharacter.getName(codePoint); case UProperty.SIMPLE_CASE_FOLDING: return UTF16.valueOf(UCharacter.foldCase(codePoint, true)); case UProperty.SIMPLE_LOWERCASE_MAPPING: return UTF16.valueOf(UCharacter.toLowerCase(codePoint)); case UProperty.SIMPLE_TITLECASE_MAPPING: return UTF16.valueOf(UCharacter.toTitleCase(codePoint)); case UProperty.SIMPLE_UPPERCASE_MAPPING: return UTF16.valueOf(UCharacter.toUpperCase(codePoint)); case UProperty.TITLECASE_MAPPING: return UCharacter.toTitleCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint), null); case UProperty.UNICODE_1_NAME: return UCharacter.getName1_0(codePoint); case UProperty.UPPERCASE_MAPPING: return UCharacter.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint)); // case NFC: return Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFC); // case NFD: return Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFD); // case NFKC: return Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFKC); // case NFKD: return Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFKD); case isNFC: return String.valueOf(Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFC).equals(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isNFD: return String.valueOf(Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFD).equals(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isNFKC: return String .valueOf(Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFKC).equals(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isNFKD: return String .valueOf(Normalizer.normalize(codePoint, Normalizer.NFKD).equals(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isLowercase: return String.valueOf(UCharacter.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint)).equals( UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isUppercase: return String.valueOf(UCharacter.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint)).equals( UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isTitlecase: return String.valueOf(UCharacter.toTitleCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint), null).equals( UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isCasefolded: return String.valueOf(UCharacter.foldCase(UTF16.valueOf(codePoint), true).equals( UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case isCased: return String.valueOf(UCharacter.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH, UTF16.valueOf(codePoint)).equals( UTF16.valueOf(codePoint))); case UProperty.SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS: return getStringScriptExtensions(codePoint); } if (propEnum < UProperty.INT_LIMIT) { int enumValue = -1; String value = null; try { enumValue = UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(codePoint, propEnum); if (enumValue >= 0) value = fixedGetPropertyValueName(propEnum, enumValue, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (!shownException) { System.out.println("Fail: " + getName() + ", " + Integer.toHexString(codePoint)); shownException = true; } } return value != null ? value : String.valueOf(enumValue); } else if (propEnum < UProperty.DOUBLE_LIMIT) { double num = UCharacter.getUnicodeNumericValue(codePoint); if (num == UCharacter.NO_NUMERIC_VALUE) return null; return Double.toString(num); // TODO: Fix HACK -- API deficient } return null; } private String getAge(int codePoint) { String temp = UCharacter.getAge(codePoint).toString(); if (temp.equals("")) return "unassigned"; if (temp.endsWith(".0.0")) return temp.substring(0, temp.length() - 4); return temp; } /** * @param valueAlias null if unused. * @param valueEnum -1 if unused * @param nameChoice * @return */ private String getFixedValueAlias(String valueAlias, int valueEnum, int nameChoice) { if (propEnum >= UProperty.STRING_START) { if (nameChoice > UProperty.NameChoice.LONG) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (nameChoice != UProperty.NameChoice.LONG) return null; return ""; } else if (propEnum >= UProperty.DOUBLE_START) { if (nameChoice > UProperty.NameChoice.LONG) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (nameChoice != UProperty.NameChoice.LONG) return null; return ""; } if (valueAlias != null && !valueAlias.equals("")) { valueEnum = fixedGetPropertyValueEnum(propEnum, valueAlias); } // because these are defined badly, there may be no normal (long) name. // if there is String result = fixedGetPropertyValueName(propEnum, valueEnum, nameChoice); if (result != null) return result; // HACK try other namechoice if (nameChoice == UProperty.NameChoice.LONG) { result = fixedGetPropertyValueName(propEnum, valueEnum, UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT); if (result != null) return result; if (isCombiningClassProperty()) return null; return ""; } return null; } public boolean isCombiningClassProperty() { return (propEnum == UProperty.CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS || propEnum == UProperty.LEAD_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS || propEnum == UProperty.TRAIL_CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS); } private static int fixedGetPropertyValueEnum(int propEnum, String valueAlias) { try { if (propEnum < BINARY_LIMIT) { propEnum = UProperty.ALPHABETIC; } return UCharacter.getPropertyValueEnum(propEnum, valueAlias); } catch (Exception e) { return Integer.parseInt(valueAlias); } } static Map fixSkeleton = new HashMap(); private static String fixedGetPropertyValueName(int propEnum, int valueEnum, int nameChoice) { String value = UCharacter.getPropertyValueName(propEnum, valueEnum, nameChoice); String newValue = (String) fixSkeleton.get(value); if (newValue == null) { newValue = value; if (propEnum == UProperty.JOINING_GROUP) { newValue = newValue == null ? null : newValue.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } newValue = regularize(newValue, true); fixSkeleton.put(value, newValue); } return newValue; } public List _getNameAliases(List result) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList(); // String alias = String_Extras.get(propEnum); // if (alias == null) String alias = Binary_Extras.get(propEnum); if (alias != null) { addUnique(alias, result); } else { addUnique(getFixedPropertyName(propEnum, UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT), result); addUnique(getFixedPropertyName(propEnum, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG), result); } return result; } public String getFixedPropertyName(int propName, int nameChoice) { try { return UCharacter.getPropertyName(propEnum, nameChoice); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } private static Map cccHack = new HashMap(); private static Set cccExtras = new HashSet(); static { for (int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i) { String alias = UCharacter.getPropertyValueName(UProperty.CANONICAL_COMBINING_CLASS, i, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG); String numStr = String.valueOf(i); if (alias != null) { cccHack.put(alias, numStr); } else { cccHack.put(numStr, numStr); cccExtras.add(numStr); } } } public List _getAvailableValues(List result) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList(); if (propEnum == UProperty.AGE) { addAllUnique(getAges(), result); return result; } if (propEnum < UProperty.INT_LIMIT) { if (Binary_Extras.isInRange(propEnum)) { propEnum = UProperty.BINARY_START; // HACK } int start = UCharacter.getIntPropertyMinValue(propEnum); int end = UCharacter.getIntPropertyMaxValue(propEnum); for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) { String alias = getFixedValueAlias(null, i, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG); String alias2 = getFixedValueAlias(null, i, UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT); if (alias == null) { alias = alias2; if (alias == null && isCombiningClassProperty()) { alias = String.valueOf(i); } } // System.out.println(propertyAlias + "\t" + i + ":\t" + alias); addUnique(alias, result); } } else if (propEnum >= UProperty.DOUBLE_START && propEnum < UProperty.DOUBLE_LIMIT) { UnicodeMap map = getUnicodeMap(); Collection values = map.values(); addAllUnique(values, result); } else { String alias = getFixedValueAlias(null, -1, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG); addUnique(alias, result); } return result; } static String[] AGES = null; private String[] getAges() { if (AGES == null) { Set ages = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x10FFFF; ++i) { ages.add(getAge(i)); } AGES = (String[]) ages.toArray(new String[ages.size()]); } return AGES; } public List _getValueAliases(String valueAlias, List result) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList(); if (propEnum == UProperty.AGE) { addUnique(valueAlias, result); return result; } if (isCombiningClassProperty()) { addUnique(cccHack.get(valueAlias), result); // add number } int type = getType(); if (type == UnicodeProperty.NUMERIC || type == EXTENDED_NUMERIC) { addUnique(valueAlias, result); if (valueAlias.endsWith(".0")) { addUnique(valueAlias.substring(0, valueAlias.length() - 2), result); } } else { for (int nameChoice = UProperty.NameChoice.SHORT;; ++nameChoice) { try { addUnique(getFixedValueAlias(valueAlias, -1, nameChoice), result); } catch (Exception e) { break; } } } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util.UnicodePropertySource#getPropertyType() */ private int internalGetPropertyType(int prop) { switch (prop) { case UProperty.AGE: case UProperty.BLOCK: case UProperty.SCRIPT: return UnicodeProperty.CATALOG; case UProperty.ISO_COMMENT: case UProperty.NAME: case UProperty.UNICODE_1_NAME: case UProperty.SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS: return UnicodeProperty.MISC; case UProperty.BIDI_MIRRORING_GLYPH: case UProperty.CASE_FOLDING: case UProperty.LOWERCASE_MAPPING: case UProperty.SIMPLE_CASE_FOLDING: case UProperty.SIMPLE_LOWERCASE_MAPPING: case UProperty.SIMPLE_TITLECASE_MAPPING: case UProperty.SIMPLE_UPPERCASE_MAPPING: case UProperty.TITLECASE_MAPPING: case UProperty.UPPERCASE_MAPPING: return UnicodeProperty.EXTENDED_STRING; } if (prop < UProperty.BINARY_START) return UnicodeProperty.UNKNOWN; if (prop < UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT) return UnicodeProperty.BINARY; if (prop < UProperty.INT_START) return UnicodeProperty.EXTENDED_BINARY; if (prop < UProperty.INT_LIMIT) return UnicodeProperty.ENUMERATED; if (prop < UProperty.DOUBLE_START) return UnicodeProperty.EXTENDED_ENUMERATED; if (prop < UProperty.DOUBLE_LIMIT) return UnicodeProperty.NUMERIC; if (prop < UProperty.STRING_START) return UnicodeProperty.EXTENDED_NUMERIC; if (prop < UProperty.STRING_LIMIT) return UnicodeProperty.STRING; return UnicodeProperty.EXTENDED_STRING; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util.UnicodeProperty#getVersion() */ public String _getVersion() { return VersionInfo.ICU_VERSION.toString(); } } /*{ matchIterator = new UnicodeSetIterator( new UnicodeSet("[^[:Cn:]-[:Default_Ignorable_Code_Point:]]")); }*/ /* * Other Missing Functions: Expands_On_NFC Expands_On_NFD Expands_On_NFKC Expands_On_NFKD Composition_Exclusion Decomposition_Mapping FC_NFKC_Closure ISO_Comment NFC_Quick_Check NFD_Quick_Check NFKC_Quick_Check NFKD_Quick_Check Special_Case_Condition Unicode_Radical_Stroke */ static final Names Binary_Extras = new Names(UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT, new String[] { "isNFC", "isNFD", "isNFKC", "isNFKD", "isLowercase", "isUppercase", "isTitlecase", "isCasefolded", "isCased", }); // static final Names String_Extras = new Names(UProperty.STRING_LIMIT, // new String[] { // "toNFC", "toNFD", "toNFKC", "toNKFD", // }); static final int isNFC = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT, isNFD = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+1, isNFKC = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+2, isNFKD = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+3, isLowercase = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+4, isUppercase = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+5, isTitlecase = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+6, isCasefolded = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+7, isCased = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+8, BINARY_LIMIT = UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT+9 // NFC = UProperty.STRING_LIMIT, // NFD = UProperty.STRING_LIMIT+1, // NFKC = UProperty.STRING_LIMIT+2, // NFKD = UProperty.STRING_LIMIT+3 ; protected ICUPropertyFactory() { Collection c = getInternalAvailablePropertyAliases(new ArrayList()); Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { add(getInternalProperty((String) it.next())); } } static BitSet BITSET = new BitSet(); public static synchronized String getStringScriptExtensions(int codePoint) { int result = UScript.getScriptExtensions(codePoint, BITSET); if (result >= 0) { return UScript.getName(result); } TreeMap sorted = new TreeMap(); for (int scriptCode = BITSET.nextSetBit(0); scriptCode >= 0; scriptCode = BITSET.nextSetBit(scriptCode+1)) { // sort by short form sorted.put(UScript.getShortName(scriptCode), UScript.getName(scriptCode)); } return CollectionUtilities.join(sorted.values(), " "); } private static ICUPropertyFactory singleton = null; public static synchronized ICUPropertyFactory make() { if (singleton != null) return singleton; singleton = new ICUPropertyFactory(); return singleton; } public List getInternalAvailablePropertyAliases(List result) { int[][] ranges = { {UProperty.BINARY_START, UProperty.BINARY_LIMIT}, {UProperty.INT_START, UProperty.INT_LIMIT}, {UProperty.DOUBLE_START, UProperty.DOUBLE_LIMIT}, {UProperty.STRING_START, UProperty.STRING_LIMIT}, {UProperty.OTHER_PROPERTY_START, UProperty.OTHER_PROPERTY_LIMIT}, }; for (int i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) { for (int j = ranges[i][0]; j < ranges[i][1]; ++j) { String alias = UCharacter.getPropertyName(j, UProperty.NameChoice.LONG); UnicodeProperty.addUnique(alias, result); if (!result.contains(alias)) result.add(alias); } } // result.addAll(String_Extras.getNames()); result.addAll(Binary_Extras.getNames()); return result; } public UnicodeProperty getInternalProperty(String propertyAlias) { int propEnum; main: { int possibleItem = Binary_Extras.get(propertyAlias); if (possibleItem >= 0) { propEnum = possibleItem; break main; } // possibleItem = String_Extras.get(propertyAlias); // if (possibleItem >= 0) { // propEnum = possibleItem; // break main; // } propEnum = UCharacter.getPropertyEnum(propertyAlias); } return new ICUProperty(propertyAlias, propEnum); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.ibm.icu.dev.test.util.UnicodePropertySource#getProperty(java.lang.String) */ // TODO file bug on getPropertyValueName for Canonical_Combining_Class public static class Names { private String[] names; private int base; public Names(int base, String[] names) { this.base = base; this.names = names; } public int get(String name) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(names[i])) return base + i; } return -1; } public String get(int number) { number -= base; if (number < 0 || names.length <= number) return null; return names[number]; } public boolean isInRange(int number) { number -= base; return (0 <= number && number < names.length); } public List getNames() { return Arrays.asList(names); } } }