// // ======================================================================== // Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 // and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. // // The Eclipse Public License is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html // // The Apache License v2.0 is available at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php // // You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. // ======================================================================== // package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket; import java.io.IOException; import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Buffer; import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Buffers; import org.eclipse.jetty.io.EndPoint; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Parser the WebSocket protocol. * */ public class WebSocketParserRFC6455 implements WebSocketParser { private static final Logger LOG = Log.getLogger(WebSocketParserRFC6455.class); public enum State { START(0), OPCODE(1), LENGTH_7(1), LENGTH_16(2), LENGTH_63(8), MASK(4), PAYLOAD(0), DATA(0), SKIP(1), SEEK_EOF(1); int _needs; State(int needs) { _needs=needs; } int getNeeds() { return _needs; } } private final WebSocketBuffers _buffers; private final EndPoint _endp; private final FrameHandler _handler; private final boolean _shouldBeMasked; private State _state; private Buffer _buffer; private byte _flags; private byte _opcode; private int _bytesNeeded; private long _length; private boolean _masked; private final byte[] _mask = new byte[4]; private int _m; private boolean _skip; private boolean _fragmentFrames=true; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param buffers The buffers to use for parsing. Only the {@link Buffers#getBuffer()} is used. * This should be a direct buffer if binary data is mostly used or an indirect buffer if utf-8 data * is mostly used. * @param endp the endpoint * @param handler the handler to notify when a parse event occurs * @param shouldBeMasked whether masking should be handled */ public WebSocketParserRFC6455(WebSocketBuffers buffers, EndPoint endp, FrameHandler handler, boolean shouldBeMasked) { _buffers=buffers; _endp=endp; _handler=handler; _shouldBeMasked=shouldBeMasked; _state=State.START; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @return True if fake fragments should be created for frames larger than the buffer. */ public boolean isFakeFragments() { return _fragmentFrames; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @param fakeFragments True if fake fragments should be created for frames larger than the buffer. */ public void setFakeFragments(boolean fakeFragments) { _fragmentFrames = fakeFragments; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public boolean isBufferEmpty() { return _buffer==null || _buffer.length()==0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public Buffer getBuffer() { return _buffer; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ /** Parse to next event. * Parse to the next {@link WebSocketParser.FrameHandler} event or until no more data is * available. Fill data from the {@link EndPoint} only as necessary. * @return An indication of progress or otherwise. -1 indicates EOF, 0 indicates * that no bytes were read and no messages parsed. A positive number indicates either * the bytes filled or the messages parsed. */ public int parseNext() { if (_buffer==null) _buffer=_buffers.getBuffer(); boolean progress=false; int filled=-1; // Loop until a datagram call back or can't fill anymore while(!progress && (!_endp.isInputShutdown()||_buffer.length()>0)) { int available=_buffer.length(); // Fill buffer if we need a byte or need length while (available<(_state==State.SKIP?1:_bytesNeeded)) { // compact to mark (set at start of data) _buffer.compact(); // if no space, then the data is too big for buffer if (_buffer.space() == 0) { // Can we send a fake frame? if (_fragmentFrames && _state==State.DATA) { Buffer data =_buffer.get(4*(available/4)); _buffer.compact(); if (_masked) { if (data.array()==null) data=_buffer.asMutableBuffer(); byte[] array = data.array(); final int end=data.putIndex(); for (int i=data.getIndex();i>\n",TypeUtil.toHexString(_flags),TypeUtil.toHexString(_opcode),data.length()); _bytesNeeded-=data.length(); progress=true; _handler.onFrame((byte)(_flags&(0xff^WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.FLAG_FIN)), _opcode, data); _opcode=WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.OP_CONTINUATION; } if (_buffer.space() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("FULL: "+_state+" "+_bytesNeeded+">"+_buffer.capacity()); } // catch IOExceptions (probably EOF) and try to parse what we have try { filled=_endp.isInputShutdown()?-1:_endp.fill(_buffer); available=_buffer.length(); // System.err.printf(">> filled %d/%d%n",filled,available); if (filled<=0) break; } catch(IOException e) { LOG.debug(e); filled=-1; break; } } // Did we get enough? if (available<(_state==State.SKIP?1:_bytesNeeded)) break; // if we are here, then we have sufficient bytes to process the current state. // Parse the buffer byte by byte (unless it is STATE_DATA) byte b; while (_state!=State.DATA && available>=(_state==State.SKIP?1:_bytesNeeded)) { switch (_state) { case START: _skip=false; _state=_opcode==WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.OP_CLOSE?State.SEEK_EOF:State.OPCODE; _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); continue; case OPCODE: b=_buffer.get(); available--; _opcode=(byte)(b&0xf); _flags=(byte)(0xf&(b>>4)); if (WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.isControlFrame(_opcode)&&!WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.isLastFrame(_flags)) { LOG.warn("Fragmented Control from "+_endp); _handler.close(WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.CLOSE_PROTOCOL,"Fragmented control"); progress=true; _skip=true; } _state=State.LENGTH_7; _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); continue; case LENGTH_7: b=_buffer.get(); available--; _masked=(b&0x80)!=0; b=(byte)(0x7f&b); switch(b) { case 0x7f: _length=0; _state=State.LENGTH_63; break; case 0x7e: _length=0; _state=State.LENGTH_16; break; default: _length=(0x7f&b); _state=_masked?State.MASK:State.PAYLOAD; } _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); continue; case LENGTH_16: b=_buffer.get(); available--; _length = _length*0x100 + (0xff&b); if (--_bytesNeeded==0) { if (_length>_buffer.capacity() && !_fragmentFrames) { progress=true; _handler.close(WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.CLOSE_POLICY_VIOLATION,"frame size "+_length+">"+_buffer.capacity()); _skip=true; } _state=_masked?State.MASK:State.PAYLOAD; _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); } continue; case LENGTH_63: b=_buffer.get(); available--; _length = _length*0x100 + (0xff&b); if (--_bytesNeeded==0) { _bytesNeeded=(int)_length; if (_length>=_buffer.capacity() && !_fragmentFrames) { progress=true; _handler.close(WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.CLOSE_POLICY_VIOLATION,"frame size "+_length+">"+_buffer.capacity()); _skip=true; } _state=_masked?State.MASK:State.PAYLOAD; _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); } continue; case MASK: _buffer.get(_mask,0,4); _m=0; available-=4; _state=State.PAYLOAD; _bytesNeeded=_state.getNeeds(); break; case PAYLOAD: _bytesNeeded=(int)_length; _state=_skip?State.SKIP:State.DATA; break; case DATA: break; case SKIP: int skip=Math.min(available,_bytesNeeded); progress=true; _buffer.skip(skip); available-=skip; _bytesNeeded-=skip; if (_bytesNeeded==0) _state=State.START; break; case SEEK_EOF: progress=true; _buffer.skip(available); available=0; break; } } if (_state==State.DATA && available>=_bytesNeeded) { if ( _masked!=_shouldBeMasked) { _buffer.skip(_bytesNeeded); _state=State.START; progress=true; _handler.close(WebSocketConnectionRFC6455.CLOSE_PROTOCOL,"Not masked"); } else { Buffer data =_buffer.get(_bytesNeeded); if (_masked) { if (data.array()==null) data=_buffer.asMutableBuffer(); byte[] array = data.array(); final int end=data.putIndex(); for (int i=data.getIndex();i>\n",TypeUtil.toHexString(_flags),TypeUtil.toHexString(_opcode),data.length()); progress=true; _handler.onFrame(_flags, _opcode, data); _bytesNeeded=0; _state=State.START; } break; } } return progress?1:filled; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void fill(Buffer buffer) { if (buffer!=null && buffer.length()>0) { if (_buffer==null) _buffer=_buffers.getBuffer(); _buffer.put(buffer); buffer.clear(); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void returnBuffer() { if (_buffer!=null && _buffer.length()==0) { _buffers.returnBuffer(_buffer); _buffer=null; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s@%x state=%s buffer=%s", getClass().getSimpleName(), hashCode(), _state, _buffer); } }