package org.junit.rules; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; /** * A TestRule is an alteration in how a test method, or set of test methods, * is run and reported. A {@link TestRule} may add additional checks that cause * a test that would otherwise fail to pass, or it may perform necessary setup or * cleanup for tests, or it may observe test execution to report it elsewhere. * {@link TestRule}s can do everything that could be done previously with * methods annotated with {@link org.junit.Before}, * {@link org.junit.After}, {@link org.junit.BeforeClass}, or * {@link org.junit.AfterClass}, but they are more powerful, and more easily * shared * between projects and classes. * * The default JUnit test runners for suites and * individual test cases recognize {@link TestRule}s introduced in two different * ways. {@link org.junit.Rule} annotates method-level * {@link TestRule}s, and {@link org.junit.ClassRule} * annotates class-level {@link TestRule}s. See Javadoc for those annotations * for more information. * * Multiple {@link TestRule}s can be applied to a test or suite execution. The * {@link Statement} that executes the method or suite is passed to each annotated * {@link org.junit.Rule} in turn, and each may return a substitute or modified * {@link Statement}, which is passed to the next {@link org.junit.Rule}, if any. For * examples of how this can be useful, see these provided TestRules, * or write your own: * * */ public interface TestRule { /** * Modifies the method-running {@link Statement} to implement this * test-running rule. * * @param base The {@link Statement} to be modified * @param description A {@link Description} of the test implemented in {@code base} * @return a new statement, which may be the same as {@code base}, * a wrapper around {@code base}, or a completely new Statement. */ Statement apply(Statement base, Description description); }